path: root/src/COMMANDS.PAS
diff options
authorJason Self <j@jxself.org>2014-05-10 14:01:58 -0700
committerJason Self <j@jxself.org>2014-05-10 14:01:58 -0700
commit6049ee038df78ae252d99c62f8c31f51ddefea5e (patch)
tree51d46cad50eeb28b4f650f119d33b786b64ce094 /src/COMMANDS.PAS
parentUpgrading to GPLv3 (diff)
Modifying Beyond The Titanic to compile with the Free Pascal compiler and run on modern systems. Changes are licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 or any later version. Adding copy of the AGPL and build instructions.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/COMMANDS.PAS')
1 files changed, 715 insertions, 646 deletions
diff --git a/src/COMMANDS.PAS b/src/COMMANDS.PAS
index 42e4e88..c201684 100644
--- a/src/COMMANDS.PAS
+++ b/src/COMMANDS.PAS
@@ -1,646 +1,715 @@
-{/* }
-{Copyright (C) 1990, 2009 - Apogee Software, Ltd. }
-{ }
-{This file is part of Supernova. Supernova is free software; you can }
-{redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public }
-{License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 }
-{of the License, or (at your option) any later version. }
-{ }
-{This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, }
-{but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of }
-{ }
-{See the GNU General Public License for more details. }
-{ }
-{You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License }
-{along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software }
-{Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.}
-{ }
-{Original Source: 1990 Scott Miller }
-{Prepared for public release: 03/19/09 - Joe Siegler, Apogee Software, Ltd. }
-{*/ }
-{* by Scott Miller *}
-{* These are misc procedures and functions used with the main file: AdGame *}
-{* Copyright 1984 Pending *}
-procedure SA;
- begin FlagSA:='s' end;
-function En(c : char) : boolean;
- begin
- if(c in Ev)then En:=True else En:=False
- end;
-function Here(noun : integer): Boolean;
- begin
- if(noun in Inven)or(r[noun]=Prm)or(noun in p[Prm])then Here:=True
- else Here:=False
- end;
-overlay procedure Crazy;
- begin SA;
- if(random(2)=1)then RL(107+random(7))else RL(300+random(6));
- end;
-overlay procedure DEAD;
- var b,c:byte;
- FileName : file;
- begin SA; NoSound;
- gotoxy(1,25);for x:=1 to 7 do writeln;
- Textcolor(1);Textbackground(m9);
- gotoxy(1,18);
- write('*********************************************************',
- '***********************');writeln;
- gotoxy(1,19); for x:=1 to 3 do
- write('* ',
- ' *');writeln;
- gotoxy(1,22);
- write('*********************************************************',
- '***********************');writeln;
- TextColor(m0);gotoxy(32,20);writeln('YOU HAVE DIED!!!');
- Textcolor(m2);Textbackground(0);
- for c:=700 downto 20 do for b:=70 downto 1 do sound(b*c);nosound;
- close(Rooms1);close(rooms2);close(special1);close(special2);close(line1);
- gotoxy(1,23);DelLine;DelLine;writeln;write('Do you wish to play again? ');
- read(kbd,flag);
- if(upcase(flag)<>'N')then
- begin
- writeln('Restarting...');window(1,1,80,25);
- assign(rooms1,'BEYOND.com');execute(rooms1)end
- else
- begin
- textcolor(7);
- textbackground(0);
- window(1,1,80,25);
- clrscr;
- writeln(' Beyond the Titanic');
- writeln('A Scott Miller Production');
- writeln(' Have a nice day...');
- delay(2000);
- assign(FileName,'MENU.COM');
- {$I-}
- execute(FileName);
- {$I+}
- if IOResult <> 0 then HALT;
- end
- end;
-overlay procedure Home;
- var b,c:byte;
- begin SA;
- gotoxy(1,25);for x:=1 to 7 do writeln;
- Textcolor(25);Textbackground(m7);
- gotoxy(1,18);
- write('#########################################################',
- '#######################');writeln;
- gotoxy(1,19); for x:=1 to 3 do
- write('# ',
- ' #');writeln;
- gotoxy(1,22);
- write('#########################################################',
- '#######################');writeln;
- TextColor(31);gotoxy(25,20);writeln('Y O U H A V E W O N ! ! !');
- Textcolor(m2);Textbackground(0);
- gotoxy(1,23);DelLine;DelLine;writeln;
- for x:=150 downto 1 do begin sound(x*55);delay(8);nosound;delay(20)end;
- if(Sc>1000)then Sc:=1000;
- write('You finished with a score of ',Sc,', which makes you a ');
- if(Sc=1000)then
- begin writeln('Perfect Adventurer!!!');
- for y:=1 to 7 do
- for o:=0 to 20 do
- for x:= 99+(o*430)to 998+(o*430)do begin sound(25);sound(x)end
- end
- else writeln('Master Adventurer!');
- for c:=1 to 999 do for b:=1 to 61 do sound(b*c);nosound;
- writeln;nosound;
- writeln('Reboot your computer to regain control...')
- end;
-overlay procedure Say(o : integer; p : str14);
- begin
- writeln('The ',n[o,1],' is already ',p,'.'); SA
- end;
-overlay procedure Diagnose;
- begin
- RL(191);
- if((tic>42)and not(en('c')))or((tic>146)and not(en('n')))or(en('r'))then
- begin
- if(tic>42)and (not(en('c')))then RL(192)
- else if(tic>146)and not(en('n'))then RL(192);
- if(en('r'))then RL(51)
- end
- else RL(207)
- end;
-overlay procedure Monster(var NewRm : integer);
- begin
- if(NewRm=MnRm)and(MnRm=25)then begin Attack:=False;RL(384)end else
- if(NewRm<>35)or not(en('v'))then
- begin
- p[Prm]:=p[Prm]-[23];p[NewRm]:=p[NewRm]+[23];MnRm:=NewRm;Attack:=False;
- if not((NewRm=30)and(Verb in[27,28]))then
- case random(7) of
- 0:RS(71);1:RS(72);2:RL(359);3:RL(360);4:RL(361);5:RL(362);6:RL(363)
- end
- end
- else begin RL(383);Attack:=False end
- end;
-overlay procedure DescribeRm;
- var o : integer;
- procedure s(r : str14);
- begin TextColor(m8);writeln(r);TextColor(m2);loc:=r;end;
- begin SA;
-if((en('a'))and(here(29)))or not(Prm in [6..24])then begin
- case Prm of
-0:s('Ship''s Fore');1:s('Ship Mid-Deck');2:s('Rear of Ship');
-3:s('Life Boat');4:s('Ocean Surface');5:s('Huge Cavern');
-6:s('Cave of Pins');7:s('Ocean Bottom');8:s('Squeaky Cave');
-9:s('Stream Bend');10:s('Waterfall');13:s('Sloppy Cave');
-11:s('Hex Cave');12:s('Shallow Cleft');20:s('Zoo');
-14:s('Winding Tunnel');15:s('Chasm');17:s('Chasm Bottom');
-18:s('Tiny Opening');19:s('Etched Stairs');
-21:s('Edge of Saucer');22:s('Side of Saucer');
-23:s('Top of Saucer');24:s('Airlock');16:s('End of Rope');
-76:s('Locked Cabin');25:s('Central Entry');
-26:s('Lower Entry');27:s('Ship''s Systems');
-30:s('Time Chamber');28:s('Ship''s Lab');34:s('Bridge');
-29:s('Inside Tube');31:s('Life Support');58,69:s('Inside Shuttle');
-32:s('Supply Chamber');33:s('Sleep Chamber');
-35:s('Engine Room');36:s('Cargo Deck #1');37:s('Cargo Deck #2');
-38:s('Cargo Deck #3');39:s('Cargo Deck #4');40:s('Large Cage');
-41:s('Wooden Bridge');42:s('Broken End');43:s('South End');
-44..46:s('Deserted Road');47:s('Crater Edge');48:s('Crater Floor');
-49:s('Building Front');50:s('Lobby');51..54:s('Office Room');
-55:s('Basement');56:s('Ladder Room');57:s('Building Roof');
-59:case ShRm of 0:s('Above Mud Lake');
-1:s('Above Rubble');2:s('Above Desert');3:s('Above Pits');
-4:s('Above River');5:s('Above Stream');6:s('Above Town');
-7:s('Above Mountain');8:s('Above Crator');9:s('Above Hills');
-10:s('Above Canyon');11:s('Above Flatland');12:s('Above Dry Lake');
-13:s('Above Desert');14:s('Above Bridge')end;{of Above Rooms}
-63,64:s('Above Clouds');65..68:s('Outside City');70:s('Landing Bay');
-71:s('Power Plant');72..74:s('Dark Corridor');75:s('Food Supply')
- end; {of case}
- if Verbose then begin FlagSA:='r';
- case Prm of
- 2 :if(40 in p[2])then begin RR(2);RL(416)end;
- 4 :if(en('B'))then RR(4)else begin RR(4);
- writeln('There is a safety harness here.')end;
- 11:if(en('C'))then RS(15);
- 40:if(en('g'))then RS(17);
- 12:if not(en('G'))then begin RR(12);RL(146)end;
- 31:if not(en('I'))then begin RR(31);RL(156)end;
- 34:if(74 in p[34])then begin RR(34);RL(273)end;
- 35:if(77 in p[35])then begin RR(35);RL(381);RL(382)end else
- if(en('W'))then begin RR(35);RL(381)end;
- 42:if(13 in p[42])then begin RR(42);RL(214)end;
- 48:if(27 in p[48])then begin RR(48);RL(276)end;
- 59..69:begin SA;
- if(Prm=59)and not(ShRm in RmSh)then
- begin RmSh:=RmSh+[ShRm];RS(ShRm+46)end
- else if(Prm<>59)then RR(Prm);
- if KeyHole and here(63)then
- writeln('The shiny key is in the keyhole.')
- end
- else RR(Prm)
- end; {of case}
- if(FlagSA='r')and(Prm<>59)then RR(Prm)end;
- for o:= 0 to NMax do begin
- if(o in Mov)then
- if(r[o]=Prm)then
- if not((Prm in[59..69])and(KeyHole)and(o=63))then
- begin writeln('There is a ',n[o,1],' here.');
- if(here(ropecon))and(o=ropecon)and not(ropecon in inven)then
- writeln(' The rope is attatched to the ',n[o,1],'.');
- if(en('d'))and(o=70)and(here(70))then RL(147);
- if(o=SlotCon)and(here(o))then RL(388);
- if(o in CabiSet)and(here(o))then RL(389);
- if(o=PanelCon)and(here(o))then RL(390);
- if(o in KitSet)and(here(o))then RL(391);
- end
- end end
- else RL(54)
- end; {of DescribeRm}
-overlay procedure SAVE;
- begin SA; for x:=1 to 24 do writeln; nosound;
- window(1,3,80,25);
- gotoxy(1,4);
- if(Drive='A:')then
- writeln('Remove the GAME disk and insert your SAVE/RESTORE disk ',
- 'in drive A:')else
- writeln('Make sure your SAVE/RESTORE disk is in drive B:');
- writeln(' (Press any key to continue...)');read(kbd,flag);
- writeln;writeln;
- write('Save under what name? ');BufLen:=8;readln(input);
- while pos(' ',input)>0 do delete(input,pos(' ',input),1);
- while pos('.',input)>0 do delete(input,pos('.',input),1);
- if(input='')then input:='LastRoom';
- writeln;writeln;input:=Drive+input;
- writeln('If your SAVE/RESTORE disk is in drive ',Drive,
- ' then press any key to start.');
- read(kbd,flag);
- with DiskSave do
- begin
- aInven:=Inven;aKitSet:=KitSet;aCabiSet:=CabiSet;aPanelCon:=PanelCon;
- aSlotCon:=SlotCon;aCompCon:=CompCon;aRopeCon:=RopeCon;aTic:=Tic;
- aYearDial:=YearDial;aPrm:=Prm;aMnRm:=MnRm;aSc:=Sc;aShots:=Shots;
- aShRm:=ShRm;aRx:=Rx;aEv:=Ev;aCode:=Code;aLoc:=Loc;aKeyHole:=KeyHole;
- end;
- assign(GameSave,input+'.a');
- rewrite(GameSave);
- write(GameSave,DiskSave);
- close(GameSave);
- assign(Objects,input+'.b');
- rewrite(Objects);
- for x:=0 to RMax do write(Objects,p[x]);
- close(Objects);
- assign(WordList,input+'.c');
- rewrite(Wordlist);
- for x:= 0 to NMax do
- for y:= 1 to 5 do
- write(WordList,n[x,y]);
- for x:= 0 to VMax do
- for y:= 1 to 5 do
- write(WordList,v[x,y]);
- close(WordList);
- assign(Things,input+'.d');
- rewrite(Things);
- for x:= 0 to NMax do write(Things,r[x]);
- close(Things);
- writeln; delete(input,1,2);
- writeln('Your present game location is now',
- ' SAVED to disk under the name ''',input,'.''');
- if(Drive='A:')then begin writeln;
- writeln('Remove the SAVE/RESTORE disk and insert your GAME disk.')end;
- writeln(' (Press any key to continue...)');read(kbd,flag);
- writeln;writeln;
- if(Verb<>54)then writeln('You may now resume your game...');
- if(Line='')then Line:='look';Tic:=Tic-2;Back:=True;
- if(Prm in[59..68])then sound(20);
- window(1,2,80,25)
- end; {of Save}
-overlay procedure RESTORE;
- function Exist:Boolean;
- begin
- assign(GameSave,input+'.a');
- {$I-}
- Reset(GameSave);
- {$I+}
- Exist:=(IOresult=0)
- end;
- begin SA; for x:=1 to 24 do writeln; nosound;
- window(1,3,80,25);gotoxy(1,4);
- if(Drive='A:')then
- writeln('Remove the GAME disk and insert your SAVE/RESTORE disk ',
- 'in drive ',Drive)else
- writeln('Make sure your SAVE/RESTORE disk is in drive B:');
- writeln(' (Press any key to continue...)');read(kbd,flag);
- writeln;writeln;
- write('Which file name do you want to RESTORE? ');BufLen:=8;readln(input);
- while pos(' ',input)>0 do delete(input,pos(' ',input),1);
- while pos('.',input)>0 do delete(input,pos('.',input),1);
- if(input='')then input:='LastRoom';
- writeln;writeln;input:=Drive+input;
- writeln('If your SAVE/RESTORE disk is now in drive ',Drive,
- ' then press any key to start.');
- read(kbd,flag);
- if Exist then
- begin
- close(GameSave);
- assign(GameSave,input+'.a');
- reset(GameSave);
- read(GameSave,DiskSave);
- close(GameSave);
- with DiskSave do
- begin
- Inven:=aInven;KitSet:=aKitSet;CabiSet:=aCabiSet;PanelCon:=aPanelCon;
- SlotCon:=aSlotCon;CompCon:=aCompCon;RopeCon:=aRopeCon;Tic:=aTic;
- YearDial:=aYearDial;Prm:=aPrm;MnRm:=aMnRm;Sc:=aSc;Shots:=aShots;
- ShRm:=aShRm;Rx:=aRx;Ev:=aEv;Code:=aCode;Loc:=aLoc;KeyHole:=aKeyHole;
- end;
- assign(Objects,input+'.b');
- reset(Objects);
- for x:=0 to RMax do read(Objects,p[x]);
- close(Objects);
- assign(WordList,input+'.c');
- reset(Wordlist);
- for x:= 0 to NMax do
- for y:= 1 to 5 do
- read(WordList,n[x,y]);
- for x:= 0 to VMax do
- for y:= 1 to 5 do
- read(WordList,v[x,y]);
- close(WordList);
- assign(Things,input+'.d');
- reset(Things);
- for x:= 0 to NMax do read(Things,r[x]);
- close(Things);
- writeln; delete(input,1,2);
- writeln('Your previously SAVED game location is now',
- ' RESTORED from the file ''',input,'.''');
- if(Drive='A:')then begin writeln;
- writeln('Remove the SAVE/RESTORE disk and insert your GAME disk.')end;
- writeln(' (Press any key to continue...)');read(kbd,flag);
- end
- else
- begin writeln;TextColor(28);
- writeln(' That name does not exist on this',
- ' SAVE/RESTORE disk.',^g);
- TextColor(m2);writeln;
- if(Drive='A:')then
- writeln('Put your GAME disk back in the disk drive and press any key.')
- else writeln(' (Press any key to continue...)');
- read(kbd,flag);
- end;
- writeln;writeln;writeln('You may now resume you game...');
- if(Line='')then Line:='look';Tic:=Tic-2;Back:=True;
- if(Prm in[59..68])then sound(20);
- window(1,2,80,25)
- end; {of Restore}
-overlay procedure Vanish(o : integer);
- begin SA;
- inven:=inven-[o];
- r[o]:=Null;
- p[Prm]:=p[Prm]-[o];
- if(o=7)and not(en('I'))then Ev:=Ev+['I'];
- if(o=13)and(13 in p[42])then p[42]:=p[42]-[13];
- if(o=PanelCon)then PanelCon:=Null;
- if(o=SlotCon)then SlotCon:=Null;
- if(o in CabiSet)then CabiSet:=CabiSet-[o];
- if(o in kitset)then kitset:=kitset-[o];
- if(o=63)and KeyHole then KeyHole:=False;
- if(o=74)then Ev:=Ev-['p'];
- if(o=89)then Ev:=Ev-['i'];
- if(o=RopeCon)and(verb=36)then begin RopeCon:=Null;RL(402)end;
- if(o=RopeCon)and not(Verb in[9,14])then RopeCon:=Null
- end;
-overlay procedure Play( Start, Stop, Wait: integer);
- var x : integer;
- begin
- if(Start<=Stop)then
- for x:= Start to Stop do
- begin sound(x); delay(Wait); end
- else
- for x:= Start downto Stop do
- begin sound(x); delay(Wait); end;
- if(Prm in[59..68])then sound(20)else nosound
- end; {of Play}
-overlay procedure DropAll;
- var o : integer;
- begin
- for o:= 0 to NMax do
- if(o in inven)then
- begin
- r[o]:=Prm;
- inven:=inven-[o];writeln(n[o,1],': Dropped.');
- end;
- RL(106);
- end; {of DropAll}
-function FlasOff : Boolean;
- begin
- if not(En('a'))then FlasOff:=True
- else
- if(r[29]=Prm)or(29 in inven)then FlasOff:=False
- else FlasOff:=True;
- end;
-procedure MoveTo(NewRm : integer);
- var o : integer;
- begin
- if(57 in inven)and(ropecon<>Null)and not(ropecon in inven)
- and(ropecon in mov)and not(ropecon=70)then
- begin r[ropecon]:=Prm;RL(158);end
- else if(57 in inven)and(ropecon<>Null)and(not(ropecon in mov)or
- ((ropecon=70)and(en('d'))))then
- begin RL(55);inven:=inven-[57];r[57]:=Prm;end
- else if not(57 in inven)and((ropecon in inven)or
- (ropecon in[60,56,44]))then r[57]:=NewRm
- else if not(57 in inven)and(r[57]=Prm)and(r[ropecon]=NewRm)then
- begin r[57]:=NewRm;RopeOld:=Prm;end
- else if not(57 in inven)and(r[57]=Prm)and(NewRm=RopeOld)and
- (r[ropecon]=Prm)then
- begin r[57]:=RopeOld;RopeOld:=Null;end;
- if(ropecon=Null)or((NewRm<>RopeOld)and(Prm<>RopeOld))then RopeOld:=Null;
- if(MnRm<>Null)then Monster(NewRm);
- if(Prm in[63..68])and not(NewRm in[59,69])then RL(343);
- if(Prm in[59,63..68])then for o:=0 to NMax do if(r[o]=Prm)then r[o]:=NewRm;
- Prm:=NewRm;
- DescribeRm
- end; {of MoveTo}
-procedure Time;
- begin
- Tic:=Tic+1;
- case Tic of
- 3:RL(280);
- 4:RS(1);
- 17:if not(en('A'))then begin RS(3);DEAD end else RS(5);
- 19:RL(4);
- 20:RL(5);
- 21:RL(6);
- 23:RS(6);
- 24:if(en('B'))then begin RS(8);writeln;RL(16);moveto(5);Sc:=Sc+25;
- n[64,5]:='ship';v[26,2]:='pick' end
- else begin RS(7);DEAD;end;
- 43:if(not(en('c'))and not(en('n')))then RL(31);
- 73:if(not(en('c'))and not(en('n')))then RL(32);
- 93:if(not(en('c'))and not(en('n')))then begin RL(33); DEAD end;
- 99:if(Prm in[6..24])and(here(29))and not(flasoff)and(not(en('s')))then
- begin RL(41);Ev:=Ev+['s'] end;
- 147:if not(en('n'))then RL(31);
- 149:if(here(29))and not(flasoff)then RL(59);
- 153:if(Prm in[6..23])and(here(29))and not(flasoff)then
- begin RS(14);vanish(29) end;
- 170:if not(en('n'))then RL(32);
- 181:if not(en('n'))then begin RL(33); DEAD end;
- 549:RL(281);
- 586:RL(282);
- 598:RL(283);
- 607:begin RL(284);DEAD;end;
- end; {of case}
-case Prm of
- 1..3:if(tic>4)and(random(4)=1)then RL(405);
- 36..39:if(random(5)=2)then RL(219);
- 7 :if(random(8)=2)then RL(266);
- 8 :if(random(3)=2)then begin RL(265);play(6666,7000,0);end;
- 13..24:if(random(16)=2)then RL(246);
- 25..35:if(random(30)=2)then RL(267);
- 47,48:if(random(5)=2)and(inven <>[])then
- begin
- if(Prm=48)then begin writeln;RS(40)end
- else begin writeln;RS(44);moveto(48)end;
- o:=1;flag:='?';
- repeat o:=o+1;
- if(o in inven)then
- begin vanish(o);r[o]:=random(9)+41;flag:='g';end;
- until Flag = 'g';
- end;
-case Prm of
- 5,6,9,10:if(random(9)=2)then RL(268);
- 7..40:if(here(84))and(random(20)=2)then RL(269)
- else if(random(75)=2)then RS(36)
- else if(Prm in[5..22])and(random(33)=2)then
- begin RL(265);play(6500,6950,0)end;
- 41..49:if(random(27)=2)then RL(285);
- 59 :if(random(15)=1)then RL(406);
-if Attack and(MnRm=Prm)and(not Back)then
- begin case random(3) of 0:RS(80); 1:RS(81); 2:RS(82)end;DEAD end
-else if(MnRm=Prm)then Attack:=True
- end; {of Time}
-function Present : Boolean;
- begin
- if(noun<>Null)and(noun<>1)then
- if(here(noun))then
- if(noun2<>Null)then
- if(here(noun2))then Present:=true
- else begin
- writeln('You can''t see any ',n[noun2,1],' here.');Present:=false end
- else Present:=true
- else begin
- writeln('You can''t see any ',n[noun,1],' here.');Present:=false end
- else Present:=true
- end;
-overlay procedure Initialize;
- procedure Cn(S : Str80);
- begin
- gotoxy(40-(length(S)div 2),wherey);writeln(S);
- end;
- begin
- textcolor(15);
- writeln('Prepare to engage yourself in a most exciting adventure.');
- writeln('But first, two simple questions:');
- gotoxy(1,4);write('Are you using a COLOR screen (Y/N)? ');
- nosound; play(72,80,45);
- read(kbd,flag); play(2500,2490,6);
- m0:=20;m1:=14;m2:=11;m3:=4;m4:=15;m5:=28;m6:=1;m7:=4;m8:=10;m9:=10;
- if upcase(flag)='N' then
- begin
- writeln('No, I don''t have a color screen.');
- m0:=31;m1:=15;m2:=15;m3:=7;m4:=0;m5:=31;m6:=7;m7:=8;m8:=7;m9:=0;
- end else writeln('Yes, I do have a color screen.');writeln;
- write('How many disk drives do you have (1/2)? ');
- play(80,88,30);
- read(kbd,flag);play(2500,2490,6);
- Drive:='B:';
- if(upcase(flag)='O')or(flag='1')then
- begin Drive:='A:';writeln('I have ONE disk drive.')end else
- writeln('I have TWO disk drives.');
- delay(999);clrscr;textcolor(15);gotoxy(1,5);writeln;textcolor(7);
- cn('Beyond the Titanic');textcolor(6);cn('------------------');writeln;
- textcolor(7);
- cn('A Text & Sound Adventure Fantasy');writeln;writeln;
- cn('An Apogee Software Production');writeln;writeln;writeln;
- cn('Written and Programmed by Scott Miller');
- textcolor(11);
- gotoxy(32,24);textcolor(7);
- write('Press any key...');read(kbd,flag);clrscr;
- { *** SHAREWARE SCREEN *** }
- textcolor(15);
- writeln('Please note that Beyond the Titanic is a SHAREWARE game.');
- writeln;
- textcolor(7);
- writeln('This game has been placed in the public domain for your enjoyment.');
- writeln;
- writeln('If you like the game the author (Scott Miller) asks that you please');
- writeln('contribute $5 or $10 (your discretion) to him. This minimal payment');
- writeln('will help compensent the author for the year of work that went into');
- writeln('Beyond the Titanic. It will also encourage the author to make new and');
- writeln('better games, like Supernova and Kingdom of Kroz, both of which are');
- writeln('also shareware games recently released.');
- writeln;
- writeln('This fee also registers the payer for telephone support and clues.');
- writeln;writeln;
- writeln('Please make checks payable to Scott Miller.');
- writeln;
- textcolor(15);
- writeln(' Scott Miller (214) 240-0614');
- writeln(' 4206 Mayflower Dr.');
- writeln(' Garland, TX 75043');
- writeln;
- textcolor(7);
- writeln('Thanks, enjoy the game...');
- gotoxy(23,25);
- delay(12000);
- while keypressed do read(kbd,flag);
- write('Press any key to start the game...');
- read(kbd,flag);
- while keypressed do read(kbd,flag);
- clrscr;
- { ************************ }
- gotoxy(1,25);
- TextColor(m1);
-cn('APRIL 14, 1912 11:43 PM');
-cn('You never knew the black canvas of the night was so full'+
- ' of twinkling detail.');
-cn('Standing on deck of the White Star''s new super luxury liner, deep at sea,');
-cn('where the bright lights of San Francisco don''t fade the night, you');
-cn('can view thousands of stars you never realized existed.');
-cn('Looking out over the icy sea you can barely see small pieces of'+
- ' broken ice');
-cn('bobbing in the water. Rumor has it that icebergs the size of small');
-cn('mountains can be found in this region. You don''t feel');
-cn('too worried, though, the Titanic has been touted as');
-cn('"unsinkable," and every single passenger knows');
-cn('that White Star, the premier ship builder,');
-cn('knows their stuff...');
-for x:= 1 to 3 do writeln;
-Line :='';
-LastNoun :='';
-KitSet :=[2,29,57];
-CabiSet :=[89,63];
-CompCon :=Null;
-PanelCon :=8;
-RopeCon :=Null;
-SlotCon :=Null;
-RopeOld :=Null;
-RmSh :=[];
-Mov :=[2,7,8,13,27,29,32,34,40,52,51,57,63,70,74,77,89];
-Ev :=[];
-Inven :=[];
-Prm :=0;
-MnRm :=Null;
-Tic :=Prm;
-Sc :=0;
-Shots :=6;
-KeyHole :=false;
-Verbose :=true;
-Attack :=False;
-YearDial :=135;
-DayDial :=60;
- DescribeRm; writeln; randomize;
- gotoxy(1,1);TextBackGround(m6);
- for x:=1 to 80 do write(' ');writeln;TextColor(m4);
- gotoxy(4,1);writeln('Move');gotoxy(68,1);writeln('Score');TextColor(m2);
- TextBackGround(0); Window(1,2,80,25);
- end; {of Initialize}
-{***************************** END OF COMMANDS *****************************}
- \ No newline at end of file
+{/* }
+{Copyright (C) 2014 Jason Self <j@jxself.org> }
+{ }
+{This file is free software: you may copy, redistribute and/or modify it }
+{under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by }
+{the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your }
+{option) any later version. }
+{ }
+{This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT }
+{ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or }
+{FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License}
+{for more details. }
+{ }
+{You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License }
+{along with this program; if not, see https://gnu.org/licenses or write to: }
+{ Free Software Foundation, Inc. }
+{ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor }
+{ Boston, MA 02110-1301 }
+{ USA }
+{ }
+{This file incorporates work covered by the following copyright and }
+{permission notice: }
+{ }
+{Copyright (C) 1990, 2009 - Apogee Software, Ltd. }
+{ }
+{This file is part of Beyond The Titanic. Beyond The Titanic is free }
+{software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the }
+{GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; }
+{either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. }
+{ }
+{This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT}
+{ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or }
+{ }
+{See the GNU General Public License for more details. }
+{ }
+{You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License }
+{along with this program; if not, write to: }
+{ Free Software Foundation, Inc. }
+{ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor }
+{ Boston, MA 02110-1301 }
+{ USA }
+{ }
+{Original Source: 1990 Scott Miller }
+{Prepared for public release: 03/19/09 - Joe Siegler, Apogee Software, Ltd. }
+{*/ }
+{* by Scott Miller *}
+{* These are misc procedures and functions used with the main file: AdGame *}
+{* Copyright 1984 Pending *}
+procedure SA;
+ begin FlagSA:='s' end;
+function En(c : char) : boolean;
+ begin
+ if(c in Ev)then En:=True else En:=False
+ end;
+function Here(noun : integer): Boolean;
+ begin
+ if(noun in Inven)or(r[noun]=Prm)or(noun in p[Prm])then Here:=True
+ else Here:=False
+ end;
+procedure Crazy;
+ begin SA;
+ if(random(2)=1)then RL(107+random(7))else RL(300+random(6));
+ end;
+procedure DEAD;
+ var FileName : file;
+ var x,b,c:Integer;
+ begin SA; NoSound;
+ gotoxy(1,25);for x:=1 to 7 do writeln;
+ Textcolor(1);TextBackground(m9);
+ gotoxy(1,18);
+ write('*********************************************************',
+ '***********************');writeln;
+ gotoxy(1,19); for x:=1 to 3 do
+ write('* ',
+ ' *');writeln;
+ gotoxy(1,22);
+ write('*********************************************************',
+ '***********************');writeln;
+ TextColor(m0);gotoxy(32,20);writeln('YOU HAVE DIED!!!');
+ Textcolor(m2);Textbackground(0);
+ for c:=700 downto 20 do
+ for b:=70 downto 1 do sound(b*c);nosound;
+ close(Rooms1);close(rooms2);close(special1);close(special2);close(line1);
+ gotoxy(1,23);DelLine;DelLine;writeln;write('Do you wish to play again? ');
+ flag:=ReadKey;
+ if(upcase(flag)<>'N')then
+ begin
+ writeln('Restarting...');window(1,1,80,25);
+ assign(rooms1,'BEYOND.com');
+ { execute(rooms1); }
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ textcolor(7);
+ textbackground(0);
+ window(1,1,80,25);
+ clrscr;
+ writeln(' Beyond the Titanic');
+ writeln('A Scott Miller Production');
+ writeln(' Have a nice day...');
+ delay(2000);
+ assign(FileName,'MENU.COM');
+ {$I-}
+ {execute(FileName);}
+ {$I+}
+ if IOResult <> 0 then HALT;
+ end
+ end;
+procedure Home;
+ var b,c,x,y,o:Integer;
+ begin SA;
+ gotoxy(1,25);for x:=1 to 7 do writeln;
+ Textcolor(25);Textbackground(m7);
+ gotoxy(1,18);
+ write('#########################################################',
+ '#######################');writeln;
+ gotoxy(1,19); for x:=1 to 3 do
+ write('# ',
+ ' #');writeln;
+ gotoxy(1,22);
+ write('#########################################################',
+ '#######################');writeln;
+ TextColor(31);gotoxy(25,20);writeln('Y O U H A V E W O N ! ! !');
+ Textcolor(m2);Textbackground(0);
+ gotoxy(1,23);DelLine;DelLine;writeln;
+ for x:=150 downto 1 do begin sound(x*55);delay(8);nosound;delay(20)end;
+ if(Sc>1000)then Sc:=1000;
+ write('You finished with a score of ',Sc,', which makes you a ');
+ if(Sc=1000)then
+ begin writeln('Perfect Adventurer!!!');
+ for y:=1 to 7 do
+ for o:=0 to 20 do
+ for x:= 99+(o*430)to 998+(o*430)do begin sound(25);sound(x)end
+ end
+ else writeln('Master Adventurer!');
+ for c:=1 to 999 do for b:=1 to 61 do sound(b*c);nosound;
+ writeln;nosound;
+ writeln('Reboot your computer to regain control...')
+ end;
+procedure Say(o : integer; p : str14);
+ begin
+ writeln('The ',n[o,1],' is already ',p,'.'); SA
+ end;
+procedure Diagnose;
+ begin
+ RL(191);
+ if((tic>42)and not(en('c')))or((tic>146)and not(en('n')))or(en('r'))then
+ begin
+ if(tic>42)and (not(en('c')))then RL(192)
+ else if(tic>146)and not(en('n'))then RL(192);
+ if(en('r'))then RL(51)
+ end
+ else RL(207)
+ end;
+procedure Monster(var NewRm : integer);
+ begin
+ if(NewRm=MnRm)and(MnRm=25)then begin Attack:=False;RL(384)end else
+ if(NewRm<>35)or not(en('v'))then
+ begin
+ p[Prm]:=p[Prm]-[23];p[NewRm]:=p[NewRm]+[23];MnRm:=NewRm;Attack:=False;
+ if not((NewRm=30)and(Verb in[27,28]))then
+ case random(7) of
+ 0:RS(71);1:RS(72);2:RL(359);3:RL(360);4:RL(361);5:RL(362);6:RL(363)
+ end
+ end
+ else begin RL(383);Attack:=False end
+ end;
+procedure DescribeRm;
+ var o : integer;
+ procedure s(r : str14);
+ begin TextColor(m8);writeln(r);TextColor(m2);loc:=r;end;
+ begin SA;
+if((en('a'))and(here(29)))or not(Prm in [6..24])then begin
+ case Prm of
+0:s('Ship''s Fore');1:s('Ship Mid-Deck');2:s('Rear of Ship');
+3:s('Life Boat');4:s('Ocean Surface');5:s('Huge Cavern');
+6:s('Cave of Pins');7:s('Ocean Bottom');8:s('Squeaky Cave');
+9:s('Stream Bend');10:s('Waterfall');13:s('Sloppy Cave');
+11:s('Hex Cave');12:s('Shallow Cleft');20:s('Zoo');
+14:s('Winding Tunnel');15:s('Chasm');17:s('Chasm Bottom');
+18:s('Tiny Opening');19:s('Etched Stairs');
+21:s('Edge of Saucer');22:s('Side of Saucer');
+23:s('Top of Saucer');24:s('Airlock');16:s('End of Rope');
+76:s('Locked Cabin');25:s('Central Entry');
+26:s('Lower Entry');27:s('Ship''s Systems');
+30:s('Time Chamber');28:s('Ship''s Lab');34:s('Bridge');
+29:s('Inside Tube');31:s('Life Support');58,69:s('Inside Shuttle');
+32:s('Supply Chamber');33:s('Sleep Chamber');
+35:s('Engine Room');36:s('Cargo Deck #1');37:s('Cargo Deck #2');
+38:s('Cargo Deck #3');39:s('Cargo Deck #4');40:s('Large Cage');
+41:s('Wooden Bridge');42:s('Broken End');43:s('South End');
+44..46:s('Deserted Road');47:s('Crater Edge');48:s('Crater Floor');
+49:s('Building Front');50:s('Lobby');51..54:s('Office Room');
+55:s('Basement');56:s('Ladder Room');57:s('Building Roof');
+59:case ShRm of 0:s('Above Mud Lake');
+1:s('Above Rubble');2:s('Above Desert');3:s('Above Pits');
+4:s('Above River');5:s('Above Stream');6:s('Above Town');
+7:s('Above Mountain');8:s('Above Crator');9:s('Above Hills');
+10:s('Above Canyon');11:s('Above Flatland');12:s('Above Dry Lake');
+13:s('Above Desert');14:s('Above Bridge')end;{of Above Rooms}
+63,64:s('Above Clouds');65..68:s('Outside City');70:s('Landing Bay');
+71:s('Power Plant');72..74:s('Dark Corridor');75:s('Food Supply')
+ end; {of case}
+ if Verbose then begin FlagSA:='r';
+ case Prm of
+ 2 :if(40 in p[2])then begin RR(2);RL(416)end;
+ 4 :if(en('B'))then RR(4)else begin RR(4);
+ writeln('There is a safety harness here.')end;
+ 11:if(en('C'))then RS(15);
+ 40:if(en('g'))then RS(17);
+ 12:if not(en('G'))then begin RR(12);RL(146)end;
+ 31:if not(en('I'))then begin RR(31);RL(156)end;
+ 34:if(74 in p[34])then begin RR(34);RL(273)end;
+ 35:if(77 in p[35])then begin RR(35);RL(381);RL(382)end else
+ if(en('W'))then begin RR(35);RL(381)end;
+ 42:if(13 in p[42])then begin RR(42);RL(214)end;
+ 48:if(27 in p[48])then begin RR(48);RL(276)end;
+ 59..69:begin SA;
+ if(Prm=59)and not(ShRm in RmSh)then
+ begin RmSh:=RmSh+[ShRm];RS(ShRm+46)end
+ else if(Prm<>59)then RR(Prm);
+ if KeyHole and here(63)then
+ writeln('The shiny key is in the keyhole.')
+ end
+ else RR(Prm)
+ end; {of case}
+ if(FlagSA='r')and(Prm<>59)then RR(Prm)end;
+ for o:= 0 to NMax do begin
+ if(o in Mov)then
+ if(r[o]=Prm)then
+ if not((Prm in[59..69])and(KeyHole)and(o=63))then
+ begin writeln('There is a ',n[o,1],' here.');
+ if(here(ropecon))and(o=ropecon)and not(ropecon in inven)then
+ writeln(' The rope is attatched to the ',n[o,1],'.');
+ if(en('d'))and(o=70)and(here(70))then RL(147);
+ if(o=SlotCon)and(here(o))then RL(388);
+ if(o in CabiSet)and(here(o))then RL(389);
+ if(o=PanelCon)and(here(o))then RL(390);
+ if(o in KitSet)and(here(o))then RL(391);
+ end
+ end end
+ else RL(54)
+ end; {of DescribeRm}
+procedure SAVE;
+ begin SA; for x:=1 to 24 do writeln; nosound;
+ window(1,3,80,25);
+ gotoxy(1,4);
+ if(Drive='A:')then
+ writeln('Remove the GAME disk and insert your SAVE/RESTORE disk ',
+ 'in drive A:')else
+ writeln('Make sure your SAVE/RESTORE disk is in drive B:');
+ writeln(' (Press any key to continue...)');flag:=ReadKey;
+ writeln;writeln;
+ write('Save under what name? ');
+ {BufLen:=8;}
+ readln(input);
+ while pos(' ',input)>0 do delete(input,pos(' ',input),1);
+ while pos('.',input)>0 do delete(input,pos('.',input),1);
+ if(input='')then input:='LastRoom';
+ writeln;writeln;input:=Drive+input;
+ writeln('If your SAVE/RESTORE disk is in drive ',Drive,
+ ' then press any key to start.');
+ flag:=ReadKey;
+ with DiskSave do
+ begin
+ aInven:=Inven;aKitSet:=KitSet;aCabiSet:=CabiSet;aPanelCon:=PanelCon;
+ aSlotCon:=SlotCon;aCompCon:=CompCon;aRopeCon:=RopeCon;aTic:=Tic;
+ aYearDial:=YearDial;aPrm:=Prm;aMnRm:=MnRm;aSc:=Sc;aShots:=Shots;
+ aShRm:=ShRm;aRx:=Rx;aEv:=Ev;aCode:=Code;aLoc:=Loc;aKeyHole:=KeyHole;
+ end;
+ assign(GameSave,input+'.a');
+ rewrite(GameSave);
+ write(GameSave,DiskSave);
+ close(GameSave);
+ assign(Objects,input+'.b');
+ rewrite(Objects);
+ for x:=0 to RMax do write(Objects,p[x]);
+ close(Objects);
+ assign(WordList,input+'.c');
+ rewrite(Wordlist);
+ for x:= 0 to NMax do
+ for y:= 1 to 5 do
+ write(WordList,n[x,y]);
+ for x:= 0 to VMax do
+ for y:= 1 to 5 do
+ write(WordList,v[x,y]);
+ close(WordList);
+ assign(Things,input+'.d');
+ rewrite(Things);
+ for x:= 0 to NMax do write(Things,r[x]);
+ close(Things);
+ writeln; delete(input,1,2);
+ writeln('Your present game location is now',
+ ' SAVED to disk under the name ''',input,'.''');
+ if(Drive='A:')then begin writeln;
+ writeln('Remove the SAVE/RESTORE disk and insert your GAME disk.')end;
+ writeln(' (Press any key to continue...)');flag:=ReadKey;
+ writeln;writeln;
+ if(Verb<>54)then writeln('You may now resume your game...');
+ if(Line='')then Line:='look';Tic:=Tic-2;Back:=True;
+ if(Prm in[59..68])then sound(20);
+ window(1,2,80,25)
+ end; {of Save}
+procedure RESTORE;
+ function Exist:Boolean;
+ begin
+ assign(GameSave,input+'.a');
+ {$I-}
+ Reset(GameSave);
+ {$I+}
+ Exist:=(IOresult=0)
+ end;
+ begin SA; for x:=1 to 24 do writeln; nosound;
+ window(1,3,80,25);gotoxy(1,4);
+ if(Drive='A:')then
+ writeln('Remove the GAME disk and insert your SAVE/RESTORE disk ',
+ 'in drive ',Drive)else
+ writeln('Make sure your SAVE/RESTORE disk is in drive B:');
+ writeln(' (Press any key to continue...)');flag:=ReadKey;
+ writeln;writeln;
+ write('Which file name do you want to RESTORE? ');
+ {BufLen:=8;}
+ readln(input);
+ while pos(' ',input)>0 do delete(input,pos(' ',input),1);
+ while pos('.',input)>0 do delete(input,pos('.',input),1);
+ if(input='')then input:='LastRoom';
+ writeln;writeln;input:=Drive+input;
+ writeln('If your SAVE/RESTORE disk is now in drive ',Drive,
+ ' then press any key to start.');
+ flag:=ReadKey;
+ if Exist then
+ begin
+ close(GameSave);
+ assign(GameSave,input+'.a');
+ reset(GameSave);
+ read(GameSave,DiskSave);
+ close(GameSave);
+ with DiskSave do
+ begin
+ Inven:=aInven;KitSet:=aKitSet;CabiSet:=aCabiSet;PanelCon:=aPanelCon;
+ SlotCon:=aSlotCon;CompCon:=aCompCon;RopeCon:=aRopeCon;Tic:=aTic;
+ YearDial:=aYearDial;Prm:=aPrm;MnRm:=aMnRm;Sc:=aSc;Shots:=aShots;
+ ShRm:=aShRm;Rx:=aRx;Ev:=aEv;Code:=aCode;Loc:=aLoc;KeyHole:=aKeyHole;
+ end;
+ assign(Objects,input+'.b');
+ reset(Objects);
+ for x:=0 to RMax do read(Objects,p[x]);
+ close(Objects);
+ assign(WordList,input+'.c');
+ reset(Wordlist);
+ for x:= 0 to NMax do
+ for y:= 1 to 5 do
+ read(WordList,n[x,y]);
+ for x:= 0 to VMax do
+ for y:= 1 to 5 do
+ read(WordList,v[x,y]);
+ close(WordList);
+ assign(Things,input+'.d');
+ reset(Things);
+ for x:= 0 to NMax do read(Things,r[x]);
+ close(Things);
+ writeln; delete(input,1,2);
+ writeln('Your previously SAVED game location is now',
+ ' RESTORED from the file ''',input,'.''');
+ if(Drive='A:')then begin writeln;
+ writeln('Remove the SAVE/RESTORE disk and insert your GAME disk.')end;
+ writeln(' (Press any key to continue...)');flag:=ReadKey;
+ end
+ else
+ begin writeln;TextColor(28);
+ writeln(' That name does not exist on this',
+ ' SAVE/RESTORE disk.',^g);
+ TextColor(m2);writeln;
+ if(Drive='A:')then
+ writeln('Put your GAME disk back in the disk drive and press any key.')
+ else writeln(' (Press any key to continue...)');
+ flag:=ReadKey;
+ end;
+ writeln;writeln;writeln('You may now resume you game...');
+ if(Line='')then Line:='look';Tic:=Tic-2;Back:=True;
+ if(Prm in[59..68])then sound(20);
+ window(1,2,80,25)
+ end; {of Restore}
+procedure Vanish(o : integer);
+ begin SA;
+ inven:=inven-[o];
+ r[o]:=Null;
+ p[Prm]:=p[Prm]-[o];
+ if(o=7)and not(en('I'))then Ev:=Ev+['I'];
+ if(o=13)and(13 in p[42])then p[42]:=p[42]-[13];
+ if(o=PanelCon)then PanelCon:=Null;
+ if(o=SlotCon)then SlotCon:=Null;
+ if(o in CabiSet)then CabiSet:=CabiSet-[o];
+ if(o in kitset)then kitset:=kitset-[o];
+ if(o=63)and KeyHole then KeyHole:=False;
+ if(o=74)then Ev:=Ev-['p'];
+ if(o=89)then Ev:=Ev-['i'];
+ if(o=RopeCon)and(verb=36)then begin RopeCon:=Null;RL(402)end;
+ if(o=RopeCon)and not(Verb in[9,14])then RopeCon:=Null
+ end;
+procedure Play( Start, Stop, Wait: integer);
+ var x : integer;
+ begin
+ if(Start<=Stop)then
+ for x:= Start to Stop do
+ begin sound(x); delay(Wait); end
+ else
+ for x:= Start downto Stop do
+ begin sound(x); delay(Wait); end;
+ if(Prm in[59..68])then sound(20)else nosound
+ end; {of Play}
+procedure DropAll;
+ var o : integer;
+ begin
+ for o:= 0 to NMax do
+ if(o in inven)then
+ begin
+ r[o]:=Prm;
+ inven:=inven-[o];writeln(n[o,1],': Dropped.');
+ end;
+ RL(106);
+ end; {of DropAll}
+function FlasOff : Boolean;
+ begin
+ if not(En('a'))then FlasOff:=True
+ else
+ if(r[29]=Prm)or(29 in inven)then FlasOff:=False
+ else FlasOff:=True;
+ end;
+procedure MoveTo(NewRm : integer);
+ var o : integer;
+ begin
+ if(57 in inven)and(ropecon<>Null)and not(ropecon in inven)
+ and(ropecon in mov)and not(ropecon=70)then
+ begin r[ropecon]:=Prm;RL(158);end
+ else if(57 in inven)and(ropecon<>Null)and(not(ropecon in mov)or
+ ((ropecon=70)and(en('d'))))then
+ begin RL(55);inven:=inven-[57];r[57]:=Prm;end
+ else if not(57 in inven)and((ropecon in inven)or
+ (ropecon in[60,56,44]))then r[57]:=NewRm
+ else if not(57 in inven)and(r[57]=Prm)and(r[ropecon]=NewRm)then
+ begin r[57]:=NewRm;RopeOld:=Prm;end
+ else if not(57 in inven)and(r[57]=Prm)and(NewRm=RopeOld)and
+ (r[ropecon]=Prm)then
+ begin r[57]:=RopeOld;RopeOld:=Null;end;
+ if(ropecon=Null)or((NewRm<>RopeOld)and(Prm<>RopeOld))then RopeOld:=Null;
+ if(MnRm<>Null)then Monster(NewRm);
+ if(Prm in[63..68])and not(NewRm in[59,69])then RL(343);
+ if(Prm in[59,63..68])then for o:=0 to NMax do if(r[o]=Prm)then r[o]:=NewRm;
+ Prm:=NewRm;
+ DescribeRm
+ end; {of MoveTo}
+procedure Time;
+ begin
+ Tic:=Tic+1;
+ case Tic of
+ 3:RL(280);
+ 4:RS(1);
+ 17:if not(en('A'))then begin RS(3);DEAD end else RS(5);
+ 19:RL(4);
+ 20:RL(5);
+ 21:RL(6);
+ 23:RS(6);
+ 24:if(en('B'))then begin RS(8);writeln;RL(16);moveto(5);Sc:=Sc+25;
+ n[64,5]:='ship';v[26,2]:='pick' end
+ else begin RS(7);DEAD;end;
+ 43:if(not(en('c'))and not(en('n')))then RL(31);
+ 73:if(not(en('c'))and not(en('n')))then RL(32);
+ 93:if(not(en('c'))and not(en('n')))then begin RL(33); DEAD end;
+ 99:if(Prm in[6..24])and(here(29))and not(flasoff)and(not(en('s')))then
+ begin RL(41);Ev:=Ev+['s'] end;
+ 147:if not(en('n'))then RL(31);
+ 149:if(here(29))and not(flasoff)then RL(59);
+ 153:if(Prm in[6..23])and(here(29))and not(flasoff)then
+ begin RS(14);vanish(29) end;
+ 170:if not(en('n'))then RL(32);
+ 181:if not(en('n'))then begin RL(33); DEAD end;
+ 549:RL(281);
+ 586:RL(282);
+ 598:RL(283);
+ 607:begin RL(284);DEAD;end;
+ end; {of case}
+case Prm of
+ 1..3:if(tic>4)and(random(4)=1)then RL(405);
+ 36..39:if(random(5)=2)then RL(219);
+ 7 :if(random(8)=2)then RL(266);
+ 8 :if(random(3)=2)then begin RL(265);play(6666,7000,0);end;
+ 13..24:if(random(16)=2)then RL(246);
+ 25..35:if(random(30)=2)then RL(267);
+ 47,48:if(random(5)=2)and(inven <>[])then
+ begin
+ if(Prm=48)then begin writeln;RS(40)end
+ else begin writeln;RS(44);moveto(48)end;
+ o:=1;flag:='?';
+ repeat o:=o+1;
+ if(o in inven)then
+ begin vanish(o);r[o]:=random(9)+41;flag:='g';end;
+ until Flag = 'g';
+ end;
+case Prm of
+ 5,6,9,10:if(random(9)=2)then RL(268);
+ 7,8,11..40:if(here(84))and(random(20)=2)then RL(269)
+ else if(random(75)=2)then RS(36)
+ else if(Prm in[5..22])and(random(33)=2)then
+ begin RL(265);play(6500,6950,0)end;
+ 41..49:if(random(27)=2)then RL(285);
+ 59 :if(random(15)=1)then RL(406);
+if Attack and(MnRm=Prm)and(not Back)then
+ begin case random(3) of 0:RS(80); 1:RS(81); 2:RS(82)end;DEAD end
+else if(MnRm=Prm)then Attack:=True
+ end; {of Time}
+function Present : Boolean;
+ begin
+ if(noun<>Null)and(noun<>1)then
+ if(here(noun))then
+ if(noun2<>Null)then
+ if(here(noun2))then Present:=true
+ else begin
+ writeln('You can''t see any ',n[noun2,1],' here.');Present:=false end
+ else Present:=true
+ else begin
+ writeln('You can''t see any ',n[noun,1],' here.');Present:=false end
+ else Present:=true
+ end;
+procedure Initialize;
+ var S: string;
+ procedure Cn(S : Str80);
+ begin
+ gotoxy(40-(length(S)div 2),wherey);
+ writeln(S);
+ end;
+ begin
+ textcolor(15);
+ writeln('Prepare to engage yourself in a most exciting adventure.');
+ writeln('But first, two simple questions:');
+ gotoxy(1,4);write('Are you using a COLOR screen (Y/N)? ');
+ nosound; play(72,80,45);
+ flag:='Y'; play(2500,2490,6);
+ m0:=20;m1:=14;m2:=11;m3:=4;m4:=15;m5:=28;m6:=1;m7:=4;m8:=10;m9:=10;
+ if upcase(flag)='N' then
+ begin
+ writeln('No, I don''t have a color screen.');
+ m0:=31;m1:=15;m2:=15;m3:=7;m4:=0;m5:=31;m6:=7;m7:=8;m8:=7;m9:=0;
+ end else writeln('Yes, I do have a color screen.');writeln;
+ write('How many disk drives do you have (1/2)? ');
+ play(80,88,30);
+ flag:='2';play(2500,2490,6);
+ Drive:='B:';
+ if(upcase(flag)='O')or(flag='1')then
+ begin Drive:='A:';writeln('I have ONE disk drive.')end else
+ writeln('I have TWO disk drives.');
+ delay(999);clrscr;textcolor(15);gotoxy(1,5);writeln;textcolor(7);
+ cn('Beyond the Titanic');textcolor(6);cn('------------------');writeln;
+ textcolor(7);
+ cn('A Text & Sound Adventure Fantasy');writeln;writeln;
+ cn('An Apogee Software Production');writeln;writeln;writeln;
+ cn('Written and Programmed by Scott Miller');
+ textcolor(11);
+ gotoxy(32,24);textcolor(7);
+ write('Press any key...');{flag:=ReadKey;}clrscr;
+ { *** SHAREWARE SCREEN *** }
+ textcolor(15);
+ writeln('Please note that Beyond the Titanic is a SHAREWARE game.');
+ writeln;
+ textcolor(7);
+ writeln('This game has been placed in the public domain for your enjoyment.');
+ writeln;
+ writeln('If you like the game the author (Scott Miller) asks that you please');
+ writeln('contribute $5 or $10 (your discretion) to him. This minimal payment');
+ writeln('will help compensent the author for the year of work that went into');
+ writeln('Beyond the Titanic. It will also encourage the author to make new and');
+ writeln('better games, like Supernova and Kingdom of Kroz, both of which are');
+ writeln('also shareware games recently released.');
+ writeln;
+ writeln('This fee also registers the payer for telephone support and clues.');
+ writeln;writeln;
+ writeln('Please make checks payable to Scott Miller.');
+ writeln;
+ textcolor(15);
+ writeln(' Scott Miller (214) 240-0614');
+ writeln(' 4206 Mayflower Dr.');
+ writeln(' Garland, TX 75043');
+ writeln;
+ textcolor(7);
+ writeln('Thanks, enjoy the game...');
+ gotoxy(23,25);
+ {delay(12000);}
+ while keypressed do flag:=ReadKey;
+ write('Press any key to start the game...');
+ {flag:=ReadKey;}
+ while keypressed do flag:=ReadKey;
+ clrscr;
+ { ************************ }
+ window(1,2,80,25);
+ gotoxy(1,1);
+ TextColor(m1);
+cn('APRIL 14, 1912 11:43 PM');
+cn('You never knew the black canvas of the night was so full'+
+ ' of twinkling detail.');
+cn('Standing on deck of the White Star''s new super luxury liner, deep at sea,');
+cn('where the bright lights of San Francisco don''t fade the night, you');
+cn('can view thousands of stars you never realized existed.');
+cn('Looking out over the icy sea you can barely see small pieces of'+
+ ' broken ice');
+cn('bobbing in the water. Rumor has it that icebergs the size of small');
+cn('mountains can be found in this region. You don''t feel');
+cn('too worried, though, the Titanic has been touted as');
+cn('"unsinkable," and every single passenger knows');
+cn('that White Star, the premier ship builder,');
+cn('knows their stuff...');
+for x:= 1 to 3 do writeln;
+Line :='';
+LastNoun :='';
+KitSet :=[2,29,57];
+CabiSet :=[89,63];
+CompCon :=Null;
+PanelCon :=8;
+RopeCon :=Null;
+SlotCon :=Null;
+RopeOld :=Null;
+RmSh :=[];
+Mov :=[2,7,8,13,27,29,32,34,40,52,51,57,63,70,74,77,89];
+Ev :=[];
+Inven :=[];
+Prm :=0;
+MnRm :=Null;
+Tic :=Prm;
+Sc :=0;
+Shots :=6;
+KeyHole :=false;
+Verbose :=true;
+Attack :=False;
+YearDial :=135;
+DayDial :=60;
+{Writeln ('Current directory is : ',S);}
+ DescribeRm;
+ writeln;
+ randomize;
+ gotoxy(1,1);
+ TextBackGround(m6);
+ for x:=1 to 80 do write(' ');
+ writeln;
+ TextColor(m4);
+ gotoxy(4,1);
+ writeln('Move');
+ gotoxy(68,1);
+ writeln('Score');
+ TextColor(m2);
+ TextBackGround(0);
+ Window(1,2,80,25);
+ end; {of Initialize}
+{***************************** END OF COMMANDS *****************************}