diff options
1 files changed, 189 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ssp b/ssp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f852051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ssp
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# File: /home/bgstack15/ssp
+# Author: bgstack15
+# Startdate: 2019-05-20
+# Title: Self Service Portal
+# Purpose: Think "Software Center" where users can install software from a named repository without having to ask an admin
+# History:
+# Usage:
+# Reference:
+# custom tostring for list
+# Improve:
+# Documentation:
+# ssp commands.xlsx
+import argparse, sys, os, subprocess, re
+from bgs import debuglev, eprint
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+parser.add_argument("-d","--debug", nargs='?', default=0, type=int, choices=range(0,11), help="Set debug level.")
+#parser.add_argument("-v","--verbose",help="displays output", action="store_true",default=False)
+#parser.add_argument("-a","--apply", help="perform substitution", action="store_true",default=False)
+parser.add_argument("-y","--assumeyes", help="accept all questions with yes", action="store_true",default=False)
+parser.add_argument("-V","--version", action="version", version="%(prog)s " + sspversion)
+parser.add_argument("positionals", type=str, nargs='+',help='commands and package names')
+#parser.add_argument("infile", default="", help="file to use")
+#parser.add_argument("action", default="", help='[ add | remove | set | gone | empty ]')
+#parser.add_argument("variable", default="")
+#parser.add_argument("item", default="")
+args = parser.parse_args()
+# Configure variables after parameters
+if args.debug is None:
+ # -d was used but no value provided
+ debuglevel = 10
+elif args.debug:
+ debuglevel = args.debug
+# global variables
+package_manager = "yum"
+allowed_repos = [ "hosting" ]
+#allowed_repos_string = ",".join(map(str, allowed_repos))
+params = args.positionals
+assume = True if args.assumeyes else False
+#for repo in allowed_repos:
+# for item in params:
+# print("check if %s is in %s" % (item,repo))
+# WORKHERE: check for sudo
+# wrap around yum list [*], yum list installed [*], yum list available [*]
+def list_(action, pkg_mgr, args, repos):
+ command_array=["yum","-q","list"]
+ __return=[]
+ # add either installed or available
+ if action != "list":
+ command_array.append(action)
+ if action == "installed":
+ regex = re.compile(".*(@"+"|@".join(map(str,repos))+").*")
+ else:
+ # for list and available
+ regex = re.compile(".*("+"|".join(map(str,repos))+").*")
+ for item in args:
+ command_array.append(item)
+ if debuglev(5,debuglevel): eprint(command_array)
+ if pkg_mgr == "yum":
+ try:
+ __output = subprocess.check_output(command_array, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+ __output = ""
+ for line in __output.splitlines():
+ if regex.match(str(line)):
+ __return.append(line.decode('UTF-8','backslashreplace'))
+ elif pkg_mgr == "apt":
+ eprint("list_ for " + pkg_mgr + "not yet implemented.")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return __return
+# wrap around yum install [*],
+def install_(action, pkg_mgr, args, repos, assume):
+ command_array=["yum","--enablerepo="+",".join(map(str, repos)),action]
+ if assume:
+ command_array.insert(1,"-y")
+ for item in args:
+ command_array.append(item)
+ if debuglev(5,debuglevel): eprint(command_array)
+ if pkg_mgr == "yum":
+ __output = ""
+ try:
+ __completedprocess =
+ pass
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+ pass
+ print(__completedprocess.stdout)
+ #for line in __output.splitlines():
+ # if regex.match(str(line)):
+ # print(line.decode('UTF-8','backslashreplace'))
+ elif pkg_mgr == "apt":
+ eprint("list_ for " + pkg_mgr + "not yet implemented.")
+ sys.exit(1)
+# wrap around yum remove [*],
+def remove_(pkg_mgr, args, repos, assume):
+ command_array=["yum","remove"]
+ if assume:
+ command_array.insert(1,"-y")
+ for item in args:
+ command_array.append(item)
+ if debuglev(5,debuglevel): eprint(command_array)
+ if pkg_mgr == "yum":
+ __output = ""
+ try:
+ __completedprocess =
+ pass
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+ pass
+ print(__completedprocess.stdout)
+ #for line in __output.splitlines():
+ # if regex.match(str(line)):
+ # print(line.decode('UTF-8','backslashreplace'))
+ elif pkg_mgr == "apt":
+ eprint("list_ for " + pkg_mgr + "not yet implemented.")
+ sys.exit(1)
+# wrap around yum clean cache for approved repos
+def clean_(pkg_mgr, args, repos, assume):
+ command_array=["yum","--disablerepo=*","--enablerepo="+",".join(map(str, repos)),"clean","metadata"]
+ if debuglev(5,debuglevel): eprint(command_array)
+ if pkg_mgr == "yum":
+ __output = ""
+ try:
+ __output = subprocess.check_output(command_array, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+ pass
+ #print(__output)
+ for line in __output.splitlines():
+ print(line.decode('UTF-8','backslashreplace'))
+ elif pkg_mgr == "apt":
+ eprint("remove_ for " + pkg_mgr + "not yet implemented.")
+ sys.exit(1)
+# wrap around yum info [*]
+def info_(pkg_mgr, args, repos, assume):
+ command_array=["yum","--disablerepo=*","--enablerepo="+",".join(map(str, repos)),"info"]
+ for item in args:
+ command_array.append(item)
+ if debuglev(5,debuglevel): eprint(command_array)
+ if pkg_mgr == "yum":
+ __output = ""
+ try:
+ __output = subprocess.check_output(command_array, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+ pass
+ for line in __output.splitlines():
+ print(line.decode('UTF-8','backslashreplace'))
+ elif pkg_mgr == "apt":
+ eprint("info_ for " + pkg_mgr + "not yet implemented.")
+ sys.exit(1)
+if len(params) >= 1:
+ if params[0] == "list":
+ if len(params) >= 2 and ( params[1] == "installed" or params[1] == "available"):
+ params.pop(0)
+ action = params.pop(0)
+ for item in list_(action, package_manager, params, allowed_repos):
+ print(item)
+ else:
+ params.pop(0)
+ for item in list_("list", package_manager, params, allowed_repos):
+ print(item)
+ elif params[0] in ["install","update","upgrade"]:
+ action = params.pop(0)
+ install_(action, package_manager, params, allowed_repos, assume)
+ elif params[0] == "remove":
+ params.pop(0)
+ remove_(package_manager, params, allowed_repos, assume)
+ elif params[0] == "clean":
+ clean_(package_manager, params, allowed_repos, assume)
+ elif params[0] == "info":
+ params.pop(0)
+ info_(package_manager, params, allowed_repos, assume)