path: root/srb_lib.py
diff options
authorB. Stack <bgstack15@gmail.com>2024-03-09 19:38:11 -0500
committerB. Stack <bgstack15@gmail.com>2024-03-09 19:38:11 -0500
commit6ead0ee4d37cb64ab36cb1727d3edf90d11adf64 (patch)
tree3a27c1bd88c6b54b12a9d986cd5b7d48e6dad866 /srb_lib.py
initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'srb_lib.py')
1 files changed, 234 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/srb_lib.py b/srb_lib.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3a1deb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/srb_lib.py
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Startdate: 2024-03-08-6 15:28
+# File: srb_lib.py
+# Purpose: library for srb.exe savegame hacking
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
+# History:
+# Usage:
+# from srb.py
+# Reference:
+# blog posts 2024-03
+# <https://github.com/8051Enthusiast/delsum>
+# crc width=32 poly=0x4c11db7 init=0x0 xorout=0x235b4b9c refin=false refout=false out_endian=little
+# Incorrect functions: https://gist.github.com/djsweet/3477115595efab31905be7000bb013bc FAILED
+# Fuctions that worked: https://gist.github.com/Lauszus/6c787a3bc26fea6e842dfb8296ebd630 Author: Lauszus
+# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46109815/reversing-the-byte-order-of-a-string-containing-hexadecimal-characters
+# https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/930591-snoopy-vs-the-red-baron/faqs/46161
+# Documentation:
+# winetricks vd=1024x768
+# winetricks vd=off
+# Dependencies:
+# python3-crcmod
+import sys, struct
+srb_lib_version = "20240309a"
+# Table of byte positions of values in the savegame file, minus the first four bytes which are the checksum. Due to zero-indexing of python lists, but for ease of usage, we will always put a zero as the value of index 0. That is, profile 1 will use index 1 of the list.
+# money is 0x270 bytes after the "Z<dddddddd" start.
+PROFILE_START_POSITION = [0, 0x10, 0x142C, 0x2848]
+POS_MONEY = 0x270
+ "undefined", # 0x0
+ "undefined", # secondary weapon is a single machine gun?!
+ "undefined",
+ "undefined",
+ "undefined",
+ "Potato Gun", # 0x5
+ "Stinger",
+ "Woodstock Missile",
+ "Water Balloon Cannon",
+ "Snow Blower",
+ "Fire Boomerang", # 0xA
+ "Lightning Rod",
+ "Bottle Rockets",
+ "Roman Candles",
+ "10 Gauge Pumpkin",
+ "undefined", # 0xF
+def ferror(*args, **kwargs):
+ print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
+def debuglev(_numbertocheck, debuglevel):
+ # if _numbertocheck <= debuglevel then return truthy
+ _debuglev = False
+ try:
+ if int(_numbertocheck) <= int(debuglevel):
+ _debuglev = True
+ except Exception as e:
+ pass
+ return _debuglev
+def read_file(filename):
+ """ Return the stored checksum and contents of the file """
+ with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
+ # Read the entire file
+ file_contents = f.read()
+ checksum = file_contents[0:4]
+ file_contents_without_checksum = file_contents[4:]
+ return checksum, file_contents_without_checksum
+def write_file(filename, checksum, data):
+ """ Write the checksum and data to the file. We are assuming the checksum is already correct. """
+ print(f"debug: checksum(type={type(checksum).__name__})={checksum}")
+ if type(checksum) == int:
+ checksum = checksum
+ elif type(checksum) == str:
+ checksum = int(checksum)
+ elif type(checksum) == bytes:
+ checksum = int.from_bytes(checksum)
+ with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(struct.pack('>L',checksum))
+ #f.write(struct.pack('>I',int(checksum)))
+ f.write(data)
+######## start copy-paste 2
+# https://gist.github.com/Lauszus/6c787a3bc26fea6e842dfb8296ebd630
+def reflect_data(x, width):
+ # See: https://stackoverflow.com/a/20918545
+ if width == 8:
+ x = ((x & 0x55) << 1) | ((x & 0xAA) >> 1)
+ x = ((x & 0x33) << 2) | ((x & 0xCC) >> 2)
+ x = ((x & 0x0F) << 4) | ((x & 0xF0) >> 4)
+ elif width == 16:
+ x = ((x & 0x5555) << 1) | ((x & 0xAAAA) >> 1)
+ x = ((x & 0x3333) << 2) | ((x & 0xCCCC) >> 2)
+ x = ((x & 0x0F0F) << 4) | ((x & 0xF0F0) >> 4)
+ x = ((x & 0x00FF) << 8) | ((x & 0xFF00) >> 8)
+ elif width == 32:
+ x = ((x & 0x55555555) << 1) | ((x & 0xAAAAAAAA) >> 1)
+ x = ((x & 0x33333333) << 2) | ((x & 0xCCCCCCCC) >> 2)
+ x = ((x & 0x0F0F0F0F) << 4) | ((x & 0xF0F0F0F0) >> 4)
+ x = ((x & 0x00FF00FF) << 8) | ((x & 0xFF00FF00) >> 8)
+ x = ((x & 0x0000FFFF) << 16) | ((x & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Unsupported width')
+ return x
+def crc_poly(data, n, poly, crc=0, ref_in=False, ref_out=False, xor_out=0):
+ g = 1 << n | poly # Generator polynomial
+ # Loop over the data
+ for d in data:
+ # Reverse the input byte if the flag is true
+ if ref_in:
+ d = reflect_data(d, 8)
+ # XOR the top byte in the CRC with the input byte
+ crc ^= d << (n - 8)
+ # Loop over all the bits in the byte
+ for _ in range(8):
+ # Start by shifting the CRC, so we can check for the top bit
+ crc <<= 1
+ # XOR the CRC if the top bit is 1
+ if crc & (1 << n):
+ crc ^= g
+ # Reverse the output if the flag is true
+ if ref_out:
+ crc = reflect_data(crc, n)
+ # Return the CRC value
+ return crc ^ xor_out
+##### end copy-paste 2
+def _get_data_from_data_object(data_object):
+ """ Helper function to either open file, or pass bytes through. """
+ if type(data_object) == str:
+ _, data = read_file(data_object)
+ elif type(data_object) == bytes:
+ data = data_object
+ return data
+def _convert_dec_to_reverse_bytes(num_dec):
+ """ Helper function to turn a given decimal value into the little-endian values for insertion into the data. """
+ # Here is how to do this manually.
+ #num_str = str(hex(num_dec))[2:]
+ #num_str = ("0" if len(num_str) % 2 else "") + num_str
+ #num_bytes = bytearray.fromhex(num_str)
+ #num_bytes.reverse()
+ #return bytes(num_bytes)
+ # I learned how to do this the pythonic way.
+ return struct.pack('<i',num_dec)
+def get_money(data_object,profile_id):
+ """ Print in decimal the current money value of the profile_id. """
+ data = _get_data_from_data_object(data_object)
+ money_dec = data[PROFILE_START_POSITION[profile_id]+POS_MONEY] + (data[PROFILE_START_POSITION[profile_id]+POS_MONEY+1] * 0x100)
+ #money_dec = int(money_hex, base=16)
+ return money_dec
+def set_money(data_object,profile_id, money_dec):
+ """ Using data, set the money given in decimal for the given profile_id. """
+ data = _get_data_from_data_object(data_object)
+ #money_bytes = _convert_dec_to_reverse_bytes(money_dec)
+ #pos_money_low = PROFILE_START_POSITION[profile_id]+POS_MONEY
+ data_bytearray = bytearray(data)
+ struct.pack_into('<i',data_bytearray,PROFILE_START_POSITION[profile_id]+POS_MONEY,money_dec)
+ data = bytes(data_bytearray)
+ print(f"after setting money to {money_dec}, we checked and got {get_money(data,profile_id)}")
+ return data
+def get_weapon(data_object,profile_id):
+ data = _get_data_from_data_object(data_object)
+ return WEAPONS[weapon]
+def set_weapon(data_object,profile_id,weapon):
+ data = _get_data_from_data_object(data_object)
+ data_bytearray = bytearray(data)
+ weapon, weapon_name = get_weapon_info(weapon)
+ if weapon == -1:
+ ferror(f"Warning: cannot set weapon to {weapon}, because {weapon_name}")
+ return -1
+ # armed with weapon as the index number, let's change the savegame data
+ struct.pack_into('<i',data_bytearray,PROFILE_START_POSITION[profile_id]+POS_EQUIPPED_WEAPON,weapon)
+ data = bytes(data_bytearray)
+ print(f"after setting weapon to {WEAPONS[weapon]}, we checked and got {get_weapon(data,profile_id)}")
+ return data
+def get_weapon_info(weapon):
+ """ Returns index, and name of weapon, or -1 and "invalid" """
+ if type(weapon) == str:
+ try:
+ weapon_id = [index for index in range(len(WEAPONS)) if WEAPONS[index].lower() == weapon.lower()][0]
+ return weapon_id, WEAPONS[weapon_id]
+ except:
+ return -1, f"cannot find weapon {weapon}" # must be an incorrect name
+ elif type(weapon) == int:
+ if weapon not in range(0,16):
+ return -1, f"invalid index {weapon}; use 0-15" # must be <0 or >15
+ else:
+ return weapon, WEAPONS[weapon]
+ else:
+ return -1, f"invalid way to reference weapon: [{type(weapon)}]. Use index or name."
+def calculate_checksum(data):
+ """ Return the 4-byte checksum used by the game for the provided data. """
+ # aka # CRC-32/BZIP2
+ # The polynomial appears to be a standard one like used for Ethernet, but I am uncertain of the xor is standard or not.
+ # I learned all this only with <https://github.com/8051Enthusiast/delsum>
+ # crc width=32 poly=0x4c11db7 init=0x0 xorout=0x235b4b9c refin=false refout=false out_endian=little
+ csum = hex(crc_poly(data, 32, 0x4C11DB7, crc=0x0, ref_in=False, ref_out=False, xor_out=0x235b4b9c))
+ # comes in as ceb434d4, but needs to be d434b4ce, and bytearray is convenient way to swap it like that
+ # trim off the '0x' from the string
+ #print(f"Got csum={csum}")
+ csum = bytearray.fromhex(str(csum)[2:])
+ csum.reverse()
+ # and back to bytes because that is how we will want to use it.
+ return bytes(csum)
+def correct_file(filename, debuglevel = 0):
+ """ Given a savegame file, calculate the correct checksum and store that sum instead of whatever is there. """
+ cs, data = read_file(filename)
+ csum = calculate_checksum(data)
+ ran = False
+ if csum != cs:
+ if debuglev(5,debuglevel):
+ ferror(f"Stored checksum is {cs} and will update it to {csum}")
+ write_file(filename,csum,data)
+ ran = True
+ else:
+ if debuglev(2,debuglevel):
+ ferror(f"Stored checksum is still correct, {csum}. Skipping {filename}")
+ return ran