path: root/src/tkstackrpms
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authorB. Stack <bgstack15@gmail.com>2024-04-08 09:03:08 -0400
committerB. Stack <bgstack15@gmail.com>2024-04-08 09:03:08 -0400
commitacb35c1a5bcc94d3069d99de5041ae19ca600208 (patch)
tree0126333b3e5b5dccb82c249ac491b8b22527d9e5 /src/tkstackrpms
initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'src/tkstackrpms')
2 files changed, 470 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tkstackrpms/__init__.py b/src/tkstackrpms/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80f7da6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tkstackrpms/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+from .tkstackrpms import *
+__all__ = ["tkstackrpms"]
diff --git a/src/tkstackrpms/tkstackrpms.py b/src/tkstackrpms/tkstackrpms.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11c7455
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tkstackrpms/tkstackrpms.py
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# vim: set ts=3 sts=3 sw=3 et:
+# File: src/tkstackrpms/tkstackrpms.py
+# Location: https://bgstack15.ddns.net/cgit/tkstackrpms/
+# Author: bgstack15
+# Startdate: 2024-03-28-5 14:49
+# Title: Stackrpms extensions to Tcl/Tk - Python 3.x library
+# Purpose: My small additions to tkinter
+# Project: python3-tkstackrpms
+# History:
+# 2024-03-28 started as component of srb_lib
+# 2024-04-07 moved to its own project
+# Usage:
+# import tkstackrpms as stk
+# References:
+# logout-manager-tcl, lmlib.py
+# file:///usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h
+# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3221956/what-is-the-simplest-way-to-make-tooltips-in-tkinter/36221216#36221216
+# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63871376/tkinter-widget-cgetvariable/63871784#63871784
+# https://coderslegacy.com/python/create-a-status-bar-in-tkinter/
+# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38329996/enable-mouse-wheel-in-spinbox-tk-python
+# https://insolor.github.io/effbot-tkinterbook-archive/tkinter-events-and-bindings.htm
+# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27533244/how-to-make-a-flashing-text-box-in-tkinter/78277443#78277443
+# Improve:
+# Dependencies:
+# dep-devuan: python3-tkinter, python3-pil.imagetk
+# rec-devuan: python3-cairosvg
+import sys
+ from tkinter import *
+except ModuleNotFoundError:
+ print(f"Fatal! Library tkstackrpms needs tkinter and more, which are not packaged by pip. Try OS packages python3-tk, python3-pil.imagetk.",file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
+from tkinter import Spinbox as tkSpinbox, Checkbutton as tkCheckbutton, Entry as tkEntry, Radiobutton as tkRadiobutton
+from pathlib import Path
+import glob, re, os, configparser
+# has to happen after tkinter
+ from PIL import Image, ImageTk
+except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
+ print(f"Fatal! Library tkstackrpms needs pil.imagetk which is part of pillow. Try OS package python3-pil.imagetk or pip install pillow.",file=sys.stderr)
+ print(e,file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
+USE_SVG = False
+ from cairosvg import svg2png
+ USE_SVG = True
+ print(f"Warning: Library tkstackrpms uses cairosvg to work with SVG images. You can continue without svg support, or retry after getting OS package python3-cairosvg or pip install cairosvg.",file=sys.stderr)
+MAX_RECURSION = 10 # safety valve for any recursion
+class Tooltip:
+ """
+ It creates a tooltip for a given widget as the mouse goes on it.
+ see:
+ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3221956/
+ what-is-the-simplest-way-to-make-tooltips-
+ in-tkinter/36221216#36221216
+ http://www.daniweb.com/programming/software-development/
+ code/484591/a-tooltip-class-for-tkinter
+ - Originally written by vegaseat on 2014.09.09.
+ - Modified to include a delay time by Victor Zaccardo on 2016.03.25.
+ - Modified
+ - to correct extreme right and extreme bottom behavior,
+ - to stay inside the screen whenever the tooltip might go out on
+ the top but still the screen is higher than the tooltip,
+ - to use the more flexible mouse positioning,
+ - to add customizable background color, padding, waittime and
+ wraplength on creation
+ by Alberto Vassena on 2016.11.05. Improved by Stevoisiak (https://stackoverflow.com/users/3357935/stevoisiak) and crxguy52 (https://stackoverflow.com/users/6106104/crxguy52)
+ Tested on Ubuntu 16.04/16.10, running Python 3.5.2
+ """
+ def __init__(self, widget,
+ *,
+ bg='#FFFFEA',
+ pad=(5, 3, 5, 3),
+ text='widget info',
+ waittime=400,
+ wraplength=250):
+ self.waittime = waittime # in miliseconds, originally 500
+ self.wraplength = wraplength # in pixels, originally 180
+ self.widget = widget
+ self.text = text
+ self.widget.bind("<Enter>", self.onEnter)
+ self.widget.bind("<Leave>", self.onLeave)
+ self.widget.bind("<ButtonPress>", self.onLeave)
+ self.bg = bg
+ self.pad = pad
+ self.id = None
+ self.tw = None
+ def onEnter(self, event=None):
+ self.schedule()
+ def onLeave(self, event=None):
+ self.unschedule()
+ self.hide()
+ def schedule(self):
+ self.unschedule()
+ self.id = self.widget.after(self.waittime, self.show)
+ def unschedule(self):
+ id_ = self.id
+ self.id = None
+ if id_:
+ self.widget.after_cancel(id_)
+ def show(self):
+ def tip_pos_calculator(widget, label,
+ *,
+ tip_delta=(10, 5), pad=(5, 3, 5, 3)):
+ w = widget
+ s_width, s_height = w.winfo_screenwidth(), w.winfo_screenheight()
+ width, height = (pad[0] + label.winfo_reqwidth() + pad[2],
+ pad[1] + label.winfo_reqheight() + pad[3])
+ mouse_x, mouse_y = w.winfo_pointerxy()
+ x1, y1 = mouse_x + tip_delta[0], mouse_y + tip_delta[1]
+ x2, y2 = x1 + width, y1 + height
+ x_delta = x2 - s_width
+ if x_delta < 0:
+ x_delta = 0
+ y_delta = y2 - s_height
+ if y_delta < 0:
+ y_delta = 0
+ offscreen = (x_delta, y_delta) != (0, 0)
+ if offscreen:
+ if x_delta:
+ x1 = mouse_x - tip_delta[0] - width
+ if y_delta:
+ y1 = mouse_y - tip_delta[1] - height
+ offscreen_again = y1 < 0 # out on the top
+ if offscreen_again:
+ # No further checks will be done.
+ # TIP:
+ # A further mod might automagically augment the
+ # wraplength when the tooltip is too high to be
+ # kept inside the screen.
+ y1 = 0
+ return x1, y1
+ bg = self.bg
+ pad = self.pad
+ widget = self.widget
+ # creates a toplevel window
+ self.tw = Toplevel(widget)
+ # Leaves only the label and removes the app window
+ self.tw.wm_overrideredirect(True)
+ win = Frame(self.tw,
+ background=bg,
+ borderwidth=0)
+ label = Label(win,
+ text=self.text,
+ justify=LEFT,
+ background=bg,
+ relief=SOLID,
+ borderwidth=0,
+ wraplength=self.wraplength)
+ label.grid(padx=(pad[0], pad[2]),
+ pady=(pad[1], pad[3]),
+ sticky=NSEW)
+ win.grid()
+ x, y = tip_pos_calculator(widget, label)
+ self.tw.wm_geometry("+%d+%d" % (x, y))
+ def hide(self):
+ tw = self.tw
+ if tw:
+ tw.destroy()
+ self.tw = None
+def mynum(x, type = "all"):
+ # return the complicated numerical value for the weird size options
+ f = re.split("[^0-9]+",x)
+ try:
+ f0 = int(f[0])
+ except:
+ f0 = 0
+ try:
+ f1 = int(f[1])
+ except:
+ f1 = 0
+ if type == "all":
+ return f0 * 100 + f1 if len(f) >= 2 else 0
+ else:
+ return f0
+def image_from_svg(filename = "",size = "48"):
+ # open svg
+ if USE_SVG == 1:
+ svg2png(url=filename,write_to="/tmp/lm_temp_image.png",parent_width = size,parent_height = size)
+ photo = Image.open("/tmp/lm_temp_image.png")
+ else:
+ photo = Image.new("RGBA",[size,size])
+ return photo
+def sort_sizes(x):
+ # Original reference so#46228101
+ value = x.split("/")[5]
+ return mynum(value, "all")
+def find_best_size_match(size, thelist):
+ # return item from sorted thelist whose split("/")[5] is the first to meet or exceed the requested size
+ try:
+ default = thelist[-1]
+ except:
+ default = None
+ return next(( i for i in thelist if mynum(i.split("/")[5],"real") >= size ), default)
+def empty_photoimage(size=24):
+ photo = Image.new("RGBA",[size,size])
+ return ImageTk.PhotoImage(image=photo)
+def get_scaled_icon(icon_name, size = 24, icon_theme = "default", fallback_icon_name = "", category = "actions"):
+ iconfilename = None
+ # if name is a specific filename, just use it.
+ if Path(icon_name).is_file():
+ #print("This is a file:",icon_name)
+ iconfilename = icon_name
+ else:
+ if icon_theme == "default":
+ # this should not happen, because the Initialize_config should have checked gtk3 default value.
+ icon_theme = "hicolor"
+ # so now that icon_theme is defined, let us go find the icon that matches the requested name and size, in the actions category
+ #print("Using icon theme",icon_theme)
+ # category is the fd.o icon category. logout-manager-tcl hardcoded "action"
+ iconfilename = get_filename_of_icon(name=icon_name, theme=icon_theme, size=size, category=category, allow_svg = USE_SVG)
+ # So now we think we have derived the correct filename
+ try:
+ #print("Trying icon file",iconfilename)
+ # try an svg
+ if re.compile(r".*\.svg").match(iconfilename):
+ #print("Trying svg...")
+ photo = image_from_svg(filename=iconfilename, size=size)
+ else:
+ photo = Image.open(iconfilename)
+ except Exception as f:
+ print(f"Error with icon file: {f}.",file=sys.stderr)
+ return empty_photoimage()
+ photo.thumbnail(size=[size, size])
+ try:
+ photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(photo)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Error was ",e,file=sys.stderr)
+ # If I ever add HiDPI support, multiple size here by the factor. So, size * 1.25
+ return photo
+def get_filename_of_icon(name, theme = "hicolor", size = 48, category = "actions", allow_svg = False):
+ # poor man's attempt at walking through fd.o icon theme
+ filename = None
+ # example: Adwaita system-log-out
+ if theme == "default" or theme is None:
+ try:
+ theme = get_gtk3_default_icon_theme()
+ except:
+ theme = "hicolor"
+ # first, find all files underneath /usr/share/icons/$THEME/$SIZE
+ #print("Finding filename of icon, theme=",theme,"category=",category,"name=",name)
+ # to exclude the scalable/ contents, replace dir 5 asterisk with [0-9]*
+ results = []
+ base_dir = "/usr/share/icons/"
+ file_filters = ".*"
+ if not allow_svg:
+ file_filters = ".{png,PNG}"
+ # I have no idea if this is xdg icon theme compliant, but it is a valiant attempt.
+ # 1. try (requested) req-theme, req-category, req-name first
+ results = glob.glob(base_dir+theme+"/*/"+category+"/"+name+file_filters)
+ # 2. try req-theme, (generic) gen-category, req-name
+ if len(results) == 0:
+ # no results with that category, so try all categories
+ results = glob.glob(base_dir+theme+"/*/*/"+name+file_filters)
+ # 3. try "gnome", req-category, req-name
+ if len(results) == 0:
+ results = glob.glob(base_dir+"gnome"+"/*/"+category+"/"+name+file_filters)
+ # 4. try "gnome", gen-category, req-name
+ if len(results) == 0:
+ results = glob.glob(base_dir+"gnome"+"/*/*/"+name+file_filters)
+ # 5. try "hicolor", req-category, req-name
+ if len(results) == 0:
+ results = glob.glob(base_dir+"hicolor"+"/*/"+category+"/"+name+file_filters)
+ # 6. try "hicolor", gen-category, req-name
+ if len(results) == 0:
+ results = glob.glob(base_dir+"hicolor"+"/*/*/"+name+file_filters)
+ # the sort arranges it so a Numix/24 dir comes before a Numix/24@2x dir
+ results = sorted(results, key=sort_sizes)
+ #print(results)
+ # now find the first one that matches
+ filename = find_best_size_match(size,results)
+ return filename
+def get_gtk3_default_icon_theme():
+ # abstracted so it does not clutter get_scaled_icon
+ name = "hicolor"
+ gtk3_config_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),".config","gtk-3.0","settings.ini")
+ gtk3_config = configparser.ConfigParser()
+ gtk3_config.read(gtk3_config_path)
+ try:
+ if 'Settings' in gtk3_config:
+ name = gtk3_config['Settings']['gtk-icon-theme-name']
+ elif 'settings' in gtk3_config:
+ name = gtk3_config['settings']['gtk-icon-theme-name']
+ except:
+ # supposed failsafe: keep name = hicolor
+ pass
+ #print("Found gtk3 default theme:",name)
+ return name
+class StatusBar(Frame):
+ def __init__(self, master, var = None):
+ Frame.__init__(self, master, borderwidth = 1, background = "darkgray")
+ if var:
+ self.label = Label(self,textvariable=var)
+ else:
+ self.label = Label(self)
+ self.label.pack(side=LEFT)
+ #self.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X)
+ self.grid(row=100,column=0,columnspan=100)
+ def set(self, newText):
+ self.label.config(text=newText)
+ def clear(self):
+ self.label.config(text="")
+class Spinbox(tkSpinbox):
+ """
+ This enables mouse scrolling without having to add it to each instance.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ tkSpinbox.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.bind('<MouseWheel>', self.mouseWheel)
+ self.bind('<Button-4>', self.mouseWheel)
+ self.bind('<Button-5>', self.mouseWheel)
+ def mouseWheel(self, event):
+ if event.num == 5 or event.delta == -120:
+ self.invoke('buttondown')
+ elif event.num == 4 or event.delta == 120:
+ self.invoke('buttonup')
+class Checkbutton(tkCheckbutton):
+ """
+ Add a specific function to these key-up/button-up sequences, without having to add it to each instance individually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ func = None
+ if "func" in kwargs.keys():
+ func = kwargs.pop("func")
+ tkCheckbutton.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ if func:
+ self.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>",func)
+ self.bind("<KeyRelease-space>",func)
+ self.bind("<KeyRelease-Return>",func)
+class Entry(tkEntry):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ func = None
+ if "func" in kwargs.keys():
+ func = kwargs.pop("func")
+ tkEntry.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ if func:
+ self.bind("<Key-Return>",func)
+ self.bind("<Key-KP_Enter>",func)
+ # Do not need specific shift-tab stuff because FocusOut is possible!
+ #self.bind("<Key-Tab>",func)
+ #self.bind("<Shift-KeyPress-Tab>",func)
+ self.bind("<FocusOut>",func)
+class Radiobutton(tkRadiobutton):
+ """
+ Extends tkRadioButton:
+ * Store self.__var attribute that connects to the tk.IntVar() used
+ * Moves between all associated radio buttons with up/down keys!
+ """
+ @property
+ def var(self):
+ return self.__var
+ @property
+ def value(self) -> int:
+ return self.__var.get()
+ @value.setter
+ def value(self, value):
+ self.__var.set(int(value))
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.__var = tk.IntVar() if not "variable" in kwargs else kwargs["variable"]
+ tkRadiobutton.__init__(self, *args, **{**kwargs, "variable":self.__var})
+ self.bind("<Key-Down>",self.scroll_with_keys)
+ self.bind("<Key-Up>",self.scroll_with_keys)
+ self.bind("<Key-Home>",self.scroll_with_keys)
+ self.bind("<Key-End>",self.scroll_with_keys)
+ def add_item_if_var_matches(self, otherwidget, samevar, thelist):
+ j1 = None
+ try:
+ j1 = otherwidget.cget("variable")
+ except:
+ pass
+ if j1 == samevar:
+ #print(f"found {otherwidget} that uses var {j1}")
+ thelist.append(otherwidget)
+ return thelist
+ def list_all_child_items_that_use_var(self, thistoplevel, thisvar, thislist, depth):
+ # safety valve
+ if depth >= MAX_RECURSION:
+ raise Exception("You dug too deep with recursion in list_all_child_items")
+ for i in thistoplevel.winfo_children():
+ thislist = self.add_item_if_var_matches(i,thisvar,thislist)
+ thislist = self.list_all_child_items_that_use_var(i,thisvar,thislist,depth+1) # recurse
+ return thislist
+ def widget_key(self,a):
+ """ Used to sort radio options by 'value'. """
+ aval = None
+ try:
+ aval = a.cget("value")
+ except:
+ pass
+ return aval
+ def scroll_with_keys(self, arg1 = None, arg2 = None, arg3 = None):
+ """ This depends on you setting the object.var property to match the variable. """
+ # prepare all items that also use this variable
+ # nametowidget is a tk trick to get the top-level parent object of the current widget. That is, the app or top window.
+ items = self.list_all_child_items_that_use_var(self.nametowidget("."),self.cget("variable"),[],depth=0)
+ # sort them by value, in case they are not in order
+ items.sort(key=self.widget_key)
+ # we are using 1-indexing here.
+ items.insert(0, None)
+ #print(f"debug: now have items {items}")
+ # prepare the operation
+ direction = None
+ if arg1.keysym == "Up":
+ direction = +1
+ elif arg1.keysym == "Down":
+ direction = +0
+ #print(f"Must go direction {direction} in list {items}, using {self.__var.get()}")
+ # Because of the 1-indexing, by always adding one, we do scroll through the values the way you would expect.
+ if direction is not None:
+ self.__var.set((self.__var.get()+direction) % (len(items)-1) + 1)
+ elif arg1.keysym in ["Home"]:
+ self.__var.set(items[1].cget("value"))
+ elif arg1.keysym in ["End"]:
+ self.__var.set(items[-1].cget("value"))
+ # and now focus on the object whose value matches
+ for i in items:
+ i1 = None
+ try:
+ i1 = i.cget("value")
+ except:
+ pass
+ if i1 == self.__var.get():
+ i.focus()
+ break
+def flash_entry(this_entry, colorlist, ms = 1000):
+ """
+ Flash the offending entry box through the colorlist, one color every 'ms' milliseconds.
+ Example:
+ flash_entry(entry_that_was_invalid,["red","white"])
+ """
+ thiscolor = colorlist.pop(0)
+ this_entry.config(background = thiscolor)
+ if len(colorlist) > 0:
+ top = this_entry._nametowidget(this_entry.winfo_parent())
+ top.after(ms, lambda te=this_entry, c=colorlist, ms=ms: flash_entry(te,c,ms))