diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/web/templates/home.html')
-rw-r--r-- | src/web/templates/home.html | 153 |
1 files changed, 22 insertions, 131 deletions
diff --git a/src/web/templates/home.html b/src/web/templates/home.html index 6b136870..4389ae6f 100644 --- a/src/web/templates/home.html +++ b/src/web/templates/home.html @@ -1,131 +1,22 @@ -{% extends "layout.html" %} -{% block content %} -{% if feeds|count == 0 %} - <div class="col-md-4 col-md-offset-4"> - <h1>{{ _("You don't have any feeds.") }}</h1> - <h1><a href="{{ url_for("feed.form") }}">{{ _('Add some') }}</a>, {{ _('or') }} <a href="{{ url_for("user.management") }}">{{ _('upload an OPML file.') }}</a></h1> - </div> -{% else %} -<div class="container-fluid"> - <div class="row row-offcanvas row-offcanvas-left"> - <div class="col-md-2 sidebar sidebar-offcanvas pre-scrollable affix hidden-sm hidden-xs" id="sidebar" role="navigation" data-spy="affix" style="max-height: 100%;"> - <ul class="nav nav-sidebar" data-offset-top="0" data-offset-bottom="0"> - <li><a href="{{ gen_url(feed_id=0) }}"> - {% if not feed_id %}<b>{% endif %} - {{ _('All feeds') }} <span id="total-unread" class="badge pull-right">{{ articles.__len__() }}</span> - {% if not feed_id %}</b>{% endif %} - </a></li> - {% for fid, nbunread in unread|dictsort(by='value')|reverse %} - <li class="feed-menu"><a href="{{ gen_url(feed_id=fid) }}"> - {% if feed_id == fid %}<b>{% endif %} - {% if in_error.get(fid, 0) > 0 %} - <span style="background-color: {{ "red" if in_error[fid] > conf.DEFAULT_MAX_ERROR -1 else "orange" }} ;" class="badge pull-right" title="Some errors occured while trying to retrieve that feed.">{{ in_error[fid] }} {{ _("error") }}{% if in_error[fid] > 1 %}s{% endif %}</span> - {% endif %} - <span id="unread-{{ fid }}" class="badge pull-right">{{ nbunread }}</span> - {{ feeds[fid]|safe }} - {% if feed_id == fid %}</b>{% endif %} - </a></li> - <li class="feed-commands"><span> - <a href="/feed/{{ fid }}"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign" title="{{ _('Details') }}"></i></a> - <a href="{{ url_for("feed.form", feed_id=fid) }}"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit" title="{{ _('Edit this feed') }}"></i></a> - <a href="{{ url_for("feed.delete", feed_id=fid) }}"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove" title="{{ _('Delete this feed') }}" onclick="return confirm('{{ _('You are going to delete this feed.') }}');"></i></a> - <a href="{{ url_for("feed.update", feed_id=fid, action="read") }}"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-check" title="{{ _('Mark this feed as read') }}"></i></a> - <a href="{{ url_for("feed.update", feed_id=fid, action="unread") }}"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-unchecked" title="{{ _('Mark this feed as unread') }}"></i></a> - </span></li> - {% endfor %} - {% for fid, ftitle in feeds|dictsort(case_sensitive=False, by='value') if not fid in unread %} - <li class="feed-menu"><a href="{{ gen_url(feed_id=fid) }}"> - {% if in_error.get(fid, 0) > 0 %} - <span style="background-color: {{ "red" if in_error[fid] > conf.DEFAULT_MAX_ERROR - 1 else "orange" }} ;" class="badge pull-right" title="Some errors occured while trying to retrieve that feed.">{{ in_error[fid] }} {{ _("error") }}{% if in_error[fid] > 1 %}s{% endif %}</span> - {% endif %} - {% if feed_id == fid %}<b>{% endif %} - {{ ftitle|safe }} - {% if feed_id == fid %}</b>{% endif %} - </a></li> - <li class="feed-commands"><span> - <a href="{{ url_for("feed.feed", feed_id=fid) }}"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign" title="{{ _('Details') }}"></i></a> - <a href="{{ url_for("feed.form", feed_id=fid) }}"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit" title="{{ _('Edit this feed') }}"></i></a> - <a href="{{ url_for("feed.delete", feed_id=fid) }}"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove" title="{{ _('Delete this feed') }}" onclick="return confirm('{{ _('You are going to delete this feed.') }}');"></i></a> - <a href="{{ url_for("feed.update", feed_id=fid, action="read") }}"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-check" title="{{ _('Mark this feed as read') }}"></i></a> - <a href="{{ url_for("feed.update", feed_id=fid, action="unread") }}"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-unchecked" title="{{ _('Mark this feed as unread') }}"></i></a> - </span></li> - {% endfor %} - </ul> - </div><!-- row --> - - {% with messages = get_flashed_messages(with_categories=true) %} - {% if messages %} - <div class="col-md-offset-2 col-md-10 main"> - {% block messages %} - {{ super() }} - {% endblock %} - </div> - {% endif %} - {% endwith %} - <div class="col-md-offset-2 col-md-10 main"> - <div id="filters" data-filter="{{ filter_ }}"> - <ul id="myTab" class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist"> - <li id="tab-all"><a href="{{ gen_url(filter_='all') }}">{{ _('All') }}</a></li> - <li id="tab-read"><a href="{{ gen_url(filter_='read') }}">{{ _('Read') }}</a></li> - <li id="tab-unread"><a href="{{ gen_url(filter_='unread') }}">{{ _('Unread') }}</a></li> - <li id="tab-nbdisplay" class="pull-right"> - <div id="nbdisplay"> - <a href="{{ gen_url(limit=10) }}" class="label {% if limit == 10 %}label-primary{% else %}label-info{% endif %}">{{ _(10) }}</a> - <a href="{{ gen_url(limit=100) }}" class="label {% if limit == 100 %}label-primary{% else %}label-info{% endif %}">{{ _(100) }}</a> - <a href="{{ gen_url(limit=1000) }}" class="label {% if limit == 1000 %}label-primary{% else %}label-info{% endif %}">{{ _(1000) }}</a> - <a href="{{ gen_url(limit='all') }}" class="label {% if limit == 'all' %}label-primary{% else %}label-info{% endif %}">{{ _('All') }}</a> - </div> - </li> - </div> - {% if articles | count != 0%} - <div class="table-responsive"> - <table class="table table-striped strict-table"> - <thead> - <tr> - <th></th> - <th><a href="{{ gen_url(sort_='-feed' if sort_ == 'feed' else 'feed') }}">{{ _('Feed') }}</a></th> - <th><a href="{{ gen_url(sort_='-article' if sort_ == 'article' else 'article') }}">{{ _('Article') }}</a></th> - <th><a href="{{ gen_url(sort_='-date' if sort_ == 'date' else 'date') }}">{{ _('Date') }}</a></th> - </tr> - </thead> - <tbody> - {% for article in articles %} - <tr data-article="{{ article.id }}" data-feed="{{ article.feed_id }}"> - <td> - <a><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove delete" title="{{ _('Delete this article') }}"></i></a> - {% if article.like %} - <a><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-star like" title="{{ _('One of your favorites') }}"></i></a> - {% else %} - <a><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-star-empty like" title="{{ _('Click if you like this article') }}"></i></a> - {% endif %} - {% if article.readed %} - <a><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-unchecked readed" title="{{ _('Mark this article as unread') }}"></i></a> - {% else %} - <a><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-check readed" title="{{ _('Mark this article as read') }}"></i></a> - {% if filter_ == 'all' %}</b>{% endif %} - {% endif %} - </td> - <td> - <a class="open-article" href="{{ url_for("article.redirect_to_article", article_id=article.id)}}" target="_blank" title="{{article.link}}" alt="{{article.link}}"> - {% if article.source.icon_url %} - <img src="{{ url_for('icon.icon', url=article.source.icon_url) }}" width="16px" /> - {% else %} - <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ban-circle" title='{{_("No icon found for this feed")}}' alt='{{_("No icon found for this feed")}}'></span> - {% endif %} - <span class="hidden-xs">{{ article.source.title|safe }}</span></a></td> - <td {%if filter_ == 'all' and article.readed == False %}style='font-weight:bold'{% endif %}> - <a href="{{ url_for("article.article", article_id=article.id) }}">{{ article.title|safe }}</a> - </td> - <td class="date">{{ article.date|datetime }}</a></td> - </tr> - {% endfor %} - </tbody> - </table> - </div> - {% endif %} - </div><!-- row --> - </div><!-- main --> -</div><!-- container-fluid --> -<style>.not-at-home {display: none};</style> -{% endif %} -{% endblock %} +<!DOCTYPE html> +<html lang="en"> + <head> + {% block head %} + <meta charset="utf-8"> + <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> + <meta name="description" content="JARR is a web-based news aggregator." /> + <meta name="author" content="" /> + <title>JARR{% if head_titles %} - {{ ' - '.join(head_titles) }}{% endif %}</title> + <link rel="shortcut icon" href="{{ url_for("static", filename="img/favicon.png") }}" /> + <!-- Bootstrap core CSS --> + <link href="{{ url_for("static", filename="css/bootstrap.min.css") }}" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" /> + <!-- Add custom CSS here --> + <link href="{{ url_for("static", filename="css/customized-bootstrap.css") }}" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" /> + <link href="{{ url_for("static", filename="css/one-page-app.css") }}" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" /> + {% endblock %} + </head> + <body> + <section id="jarrapp" /> + </body> + <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ url_for('static', filename = 'js/bundle.min.js') }}"></script> +</html> |