path: root/docs/index.rst
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-.. pyAggr3g470r documentation master file, created by
- sphinx-quickstart on Sat Sep 15 08:55:50 2012.
- You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
- contain the root `toctree` directive.
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 2
-pyAggr3g470r_ is a news aggregator with a web interface
-based on CherryPy_. Articles are stored in a MongoDB_ base.
-* `Ohloh page <http://www.ohloh.net/p/pyAggr3g470r>`_ of pyAggr3g470r;
-* `Freecode page <http://freecode.com/projects/pyaggr3g470r>`_ of pyAggr3g470r.
-* articles are stored in a MongoDB_ database (local or remote);
-* HTTP proxy support;
-* fast full-text indexing and searching thanks the Whoosh_ library;
-* e-mail notification;
-* export articles to HTML, EPUB, PDF or raw text;
-* favorite articles;
-* language detection;
-* sharing with Diaspora, Google Buzz, Pinboard, Identi.ca, Digg, reddit, Scoopeo, Blogmarks and Twitter;
-* generation of QR codes with URLs of articles.
-Software required
-* Python_ >= 3.1;
-* MongoDB_ and PyMongo_ >= 1.9;
-* Whoosh_ (article searching);
-* feedparser_ >= 5.1.2 (for **feedgetter.py**, the RSS feed parser);
-* CherryPy_ >= 3.2.4 and Mako_ (for **pyAggr3g470r.py**, the Web interface);
-* BeautifulSoup_ bs4 >= 4.1.2 (automatically find a feed in a HTML page).
-Python 3.3 is recommended (better performances with large collections).
-Optional module
-These modules are not required but enables more features:
-* guess_language_ and PyEnchant_ for the language detection;
-* lxml and Genshi for the generation of EPUB;
-* Pillow (friendly fork of Python Imaging Library) for the generation of QR codes.
-Script of installation
-.. code-block:: bash
- # Installation of Python
- wget http://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.3.1/Python-3.3.1.tar.bz2
- tar -xvjf Python-3.3.1.tar.bz2
- rm Python-3.3.1.tar.bz2
- cd Python-3.3.1/
- ./configure
- make
- sudo make install
- cd ..
- sudo rm -Rf Python-3.3.1/
- # Installation of Distribute and PIP
- wget https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/d/distribute/distribute-0.6.36.tar.gz
- tar -xzvf distribute-0.6.36.tar.gz
- rm distribute-0.6.36.tar.gz
- cd distribute-0.6.36/
- sudo python3.3 setup.py install
- cd ..
- sudo rm -Rf distribute-0.6.36/
- wget https://github.com/pypa/pip/archive/develop.tar.gz -O pip-develop.tar.gz
- tar -xzvf pip-develop.tar.gz
- rm pip-develop.tar.gz
- cd pip-develop/
- sudo python3.3 setup.py install
- cd ..
- sudo rm -Rf pip-develop/
- # Core requirements for pyAggr3g470r
- sudo pip-3.3 install whoosh
- sudo pip-3.3 install feedparser
- sudo pip-3.3 install beautifulsoup4
- sudo pip-3.3 install mako
- sudo pip-3.3 install pymongo
- # CherryPy, Minimalist Python Web Framework:
- wget https://bitbucket.org/cherrypy/cherrypy/get/3.2.4.tar.gz
- tar -xzvf 3.2.4.tar.gz
- rm 3.2.4.tar.gz
- cd cherrypy-cherrypy-cd8acbc5f2b3/
- sudo python3.3 setup.py install
- cd ..
- sudo rm -Rf cherrypy-cherrypy-cd8acbc5f2b3/
- # Language detection:
- hg clone https://bitbucket.org/spirit/guess_language/
- cd guess_language/
- sudo python3.3 setup.py install
- cd ..
- sudo rm -Rf guess_language/
- # PyEnchant, for the language detection
- sudo pip-3.3 install pyenchant
- # Pillow, for the generation of QR Code
- sudo pip-3.3 install pillow
- # Finally, download pyAggr3g470r
- hg clone https://bitbucket.org/cedricbonhomme/pyaggr3g470r
- cd pyaggr3g470r/source/
- cp cfg/pyAggr3g470r.cfg-sample cfg/pyAggr3g470r.cfg
- exit 0
-List of feeds
-Rename the file **./cfg/pyAggr3g470r.cfg-sample** to **./cfg/pyAggr3g470r.cfg**.
-By default you don't have to edit this file (only in order to configure mail notification).
-Then, indicate the feeds to retrieve in the file **./var/feed.lst**. One feed per line. For example :
-.. code-block:: cfg
- http://blog.cedricbonhomme.org/feed/
- http://linuxfr.org/backend/news-homepage/rss20.rss
- http://rss.slashdot.org/Slashdot/slashdot
- http://theinvisiblethings.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
- http://torvalds-family.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
- http://www.python.org/channews.rdf
- http://www.kde.org/dotkdeorg.rdf
- http://feeds.feedburner.com/internetactu/bcmJ
- http://www.april.org/fr/rss.xml
- http://www.framablog.org/index.php/feed/atom
- http://formats-ouverts.org/rss.php
- http://lwn.net/headlines/newrss
- http://kernelnewbies.org/RecentChanges?action=rss_rc&ddiffs=1&unique=1
-Create a new user
-The default username is *admin* with the password *admin*. You can change the username and password
-via the management page. Passwords are hashed and stored in the file **./var/password**.
-Mail notification
-If you wish to stay tuned from new articles of a feed by email, you have to edit the the **mail**
-section of the configuration file:
-* set the value of *enabled* to 1;
-* set the *mail_to* value, your e-mail address (address of the recipient of the news);
-* set the *smtp* value, the address of the SMTP server, and;
-* set the *username* and *password* values for the authentication to the SMTP server.
-.. code-block:: ini
- [MongoDB]
- address =
- port = 27017
- dbname = bob_pyaggr3g470r
- user = bob
- password =
- [feedparser]
- http_proxy =
- user_agent = pyAggr3g470r (https://bitbucket.org/cedricbonhomme/pyaggr3g470r)
- feed_list = ./var/feed.lst
- [mail]
- enabled = 0
- mail_from = pyAggr3g470r@no-reply.com
- mail_to = address_of_the_recipient@example.com
- smtp = smtp.example.com
- username = your_mail_address@example.com
- password = your_password
- [misc]
- diaspora_pod = joindiaspora.com
-Then just click on "Stay tuned" for the desired feed(s) at the main page of pyAggr3g470r in your browser.
-HTTP proxy
-You can specify the address of a proxy in the configuration file (in the *feedparser* section).
-For example ``, if you are using Privoxy/Tor. If you are not using a proxy just
-leave the value of `http_proxy` to blank.
-To launch pyAggr3g470r:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ cd ~/pyaggr3g470r/source/
- $ pyAggr3g470r start
-If you want to backup your database:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ su
- $ /etc/init.d/mongodb stop
- $ cp /var/lib/mongodb/pyaggr3g470r.* ~
-Alternatively you can use **mongodump**:
- $ mongodump --db pyaggr3g470r
-And **mongorestore** to restore the database:
- $ mongorestore --db pyaggr3g470r dump/pyaggr3g470r/
-**mongorestore** only performs inserts into the existing database.
-* some `screen shots <https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/106973022319954455496/albums/5449733578800221153>`_ of **pyAggr3g470r**;
-* an old `video <http://youtu.be/Eyxpqn9Rpnw>`_ of pyAggr3g470r;
-* an example of `HTML auto-generated archive <http://log.cedricbonhomme.org/>`_.
-If you wish and if you like pyAggr3g470r, you can donate via bitcoin.
-My bitcoin address: 1GVmhR9fbBeEh7rP1qNq76jWArDdDQ3otZ
-Thank you!
-pyAggr3g470r_ is under GPLv3_ license.
-`My home page <http://cedricbonhomme.org/>`_.
-.. _Python: http://python.org/
-.. _pyAggr3g470r: https://bitbucket.org/cedricbonhomme/pyaggr3g470r/
-.. _feedparser: http://feedparser.org/
-.. _MongoDB: http://www.mongodb.org/
-.. _Whoosh: https://bitbucket.org/mchaput/whoosh
-.. _PyMongo: https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-python-driver
-.. _CherryPy: http://cherrypy.org/
-.. _Mako: http://www.makotemplates.org/
-.. _BeautifulSoup: http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/
-.. _guess_language: https://bitbucket.org/spirit/guess_language/
-.. _PyEnchant: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyenchant
-.. _GPLv3: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt