path: root/src/web/views/home.py
diff options
authorCédric Bonhomme <cedric@cedricbonhomme.org>2020-02-26 11:27:31 +0100
committerCédric Bonhomme <cedric@cedricbonhomme.org>2020-02-26 11:27:31 +0100
commit62b3afeeedfe054345f86093e2d243e956c1e3c9 (patch)
treebbd58f5c8c07f5d87b1c1cca73fa1d5af6178f48 /src/web/views/home.py
parentUpdated Python dependencies. (diff)
The project is now using Poetry.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/web/views/home.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 172 deletions
diff --git a/src/web/views/home.py b/src/web/views/home.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 34ecb9fa..00000000
--- a/src/web/views/home.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-import pytz
-import logging
-from datetime import datetime
-from flask import current_app, render_template, \
- request, flash, url_for, redirect
-from flask_login import login_required, current_user
-from flask_babel import gettext, get_locale
-from babel.dates import format_datetime, format_timedelta
-import conf
-from lib.utils import redirect_url
-from lib import misc_utils
-from web.lib.view_utils import etag_match
-from web.views.common import jsonify
-from web.controllers import FeedController, \
- ArticleController, CategoryController
-localize = pytz.utc.localize
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def home():
- return render_template('home.html', cdn=conf.CDN_ADDRESS)
-def get_menu():
- now, locale = datetime.now(), get_locale()
- categories_order = [0]
- categories = {0: {'name': 'No category', 'id': 0}}
- for cat in CategoryController(current_user.id).read().order_by('name'):
- categories_order.append(cat.id)
- categories[cat.id] = cat
- unread = ArticleController(current_user.id).count_by_feed(readed=False)
- for cat_id in categories:
- categories[cat_id]['unread'] = 0
- categories[cat_id]['feeds'] = []
- feeds = {feed.id: feed for feed in FeedController(current_user.id).read()}
- for feed_id, feed in feeds.items():
- feed['created_rel'] = format_timedelta(feed.created_date - now,
- add_direction=True, locale=locale)
- feed['last_rel'] = format_timedelta(feed.last_retrieved - now,
- add_direction=True, locale=locale)
- feed['created_date'] = format_datetime(localize(feed.created_date),
- locale=locale)
- feed['last_retrieved'] = format_datetime(localize(feed.last_retrieved),
- locale=locale)
- feed['category_id'] = feed.category_id or 0
- feed['unread'] = unread.get(feed.id, 0)
- if not feed.filters:
- feed['filters'] = []
- if feed.icon_url:
- feed['icon_url'] = url_for('icon.icon', url=feed.icon_url)
- categories[feed['category_id']]['unread'] += feed['unread']
- categories[feed['category_id']]['feeds'].append(feed_id)
- return {'feeds': feeds, 'categories': categories,
- 'categories_order': categories_order,
- 'crawling_method': conf.CRAWLING_METHOD,
- 'max_error': conf.DEFAULT_MAX_ERROR,
- 'error_threshold': conf.ERROR_THRESHOLD,
- 'is_admin': current_user.is_admin,
- 'all_unread_count': sum(unread.values())}
-def _get_filters(in_dict):
- filters = {}
- query = in_dict.get('query')
- if query:
- search_title = in_dict.get('search_title') == 'true'
- search_content = in_dict.get('search_content') == 'true'
- if search_title:
- filters['title__ilike'] = "%%%s%%" % query
- if search_content:
- filters['content__ilike'] = "%%%s%%" % query
- if len(filters) == 0:
- filters['title__ilike'] = "%%%s%%" % query
- if len(filters) > 1:
- filters = {"__or__": filters}
- if in_dict.get('filter') == 'unread':
- filters['readed'] = False
- elif in_dict.get('filter') == 'liked':
- filters['like'] = True
- filter_type = in_dict.get('filter_type')
- if filter_type in {'feed_id', 'category_id'} and in_dict.get('filter_id'):
- filters[filter_type] = int(in_dict['filter_id']) or None
- return filters
-def _articles_to_json(articles, fd_hash=None):
- now, locale = datetime.now(), get_locale()
- fd_hash = {feed.id: {'title': feed.title,
- 'icon_url': url_for('icon.icon', url=feed.icon_url)
- if feed.icon_url else None}
- for feed in FeedController(current_user.id).read()}
- return {'articles': [{'title': art.title, 'liked': art.like,
- 'read': art.readed, 'article_id': art.id, 'selected': False,
- 'feed_id': art.feed_id, 'category_id': art.category_id or 0,
- 'feed_title': fd_hash[art.feed_id]['title'] if fd_hash else None,
- 'icon_url': fd_hash[art.feed_id]['icon_url'] if fd_hash else None,
- 'date': format_datetime(localize(art.date), locale=locale),
- 'rel_date': format_timedelta(art.date - now,
- threshold=1.1, add_direction=True,
- locale=locale)}
- for art in articles.limit(1000)]}
-def get_middle_panel():
- filters = _get_filters(request.args)
- art_contr = ArticleController(current_user.id)
- articles = art_contr.read_light(**filters)
- return _articles_to_json(articles)
-def get_article(article_id, parse=False):
- locale = get_locale()
- contr = ArticleController(current_user.id)
- article = contr.get(id=article_id)
- if not article.readed:
- article['readed'] = True
- contr.update({'id': article_id}, {'readed': True})
- article['category_id'] = article.category_id or 0
- feed = FeedController(current_user.id).get(id=article.feed_id)
- article['icon_url'] = url_for('icon.icon', url=feed.icon_url) \
- if feed.icon_url else None
- article['date'] = format_datetime(localize(article.date), locale=locale)
- return article
-@current_app.route('/mark_all_as_read', methods=['PUT'])
-def mark_all_as_read():
- filters = _get_filters(request.json)
- acontr = ArticleController(current_user.id)
- processed_articles = _articles_to_json(acontr.read_light(**filters))
- acontr.update(filters, {'readed': True})
- return processed_articles
-@current_app.route('/fetch', methods=['GET'])
-@current_app.route('/fetch/<int:feed_id>', methods=['GET'])
-def fetch(feed_id=None):
- """
- Triggers the download of news.
- News are downloaded in a separated process.
- """
- if conf.CRAWLING_METHOD == "default" \
- and (not conf.ON_HEROKU or current_user.is_admin):
- misc_utils.fetch(current_user.id, feed_id)
- flash(gettext("Downloading articles..."), "info")
- else:
- flash(gettext("The manual retrieving of news is only available " +
- "for administrator, on the Heroku platform."), "info")
- return redirect(redirect_url())