README for myautomount
Myautomount is a solution for desktop users who want to have easy access to removable media, without dbus. Dependencies include autofs, sudo, python3, and gtk3. This package provides a system tray icon that displays the available removable media that can be mounted with autofs.
Myautomount is my response to the Go tool by Project Trident, trident-automount. I translated the Go tool almost line-for-line into shell, and then modified it slightly.
Design and architecture
A shell script, myautomountd, wraps around udevadm monitor
to watch for block devices that are added and removed. Upon finding a new block device, the daemon will generate pseudo-xdg desktop files in a particular directory which defaults to /run/user/${UID}/media
. At startup, the daemon will insert the current user into the autofs rule so that the files on mounted filesystems will be owned by this user, if applicable.
The tray icon uses a python implementation of inotify to watch that directory, and generate menus for the left- and right-click actions. The icon supports using the XApp library for StatusIcon instead of just the deprecated Gtk.StatusIcon, but it is a setting in the python script itself and not yet in the Makefile.
Testing and building myautomount
Build dependencies include txt2man, and my txtman-wrapper from bgscripts-core.
Use environment variable MYA_PREFIX
for testing.
export MYA_PREFIX=~/dev/myautomount/src
sudo DEBUG=1 MYA_PREFIX=~/dev/myautomount/src sh -x usr/libexec/myautomount/
- Add notifications, perhaps with xnotify?
- Implement the feature to hide sdb and sdc, etc., because one does not normally place filesystems on the raw drive.
- add links to obs and copr packages