path: root/src-qt5/desktop-utils/lumina-pdf/Renderer-mupdf.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src-qt5/desktop-utils/lumina-pdf/Renderer-mupdf.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 697 deletions
diff --git a/src-qt5/desktop-utils/lumina-pdf/Renderer-mupdf.cpp b/src-qt5/desktop-utils/lumina-pdf/Renderer-mupdf.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5acf71c7..00000000
--- a/src-qt5/desktop-utils/lumina-pdf/Renderer-mupdf.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,697 +0,0 @@
-#include "Renderer.h"
-#include "TextData.h"
-#include <QDateTime>
-#include <QFuture>
-#include <QMutex>
-#include <QtConcurrent>
-#include <mupdf/fitz.h>
-#include <mupdf/pdf.h>
-QMutex hashMutex;
-class Annot;
-inline QRectF convertRect(fz_rect bbox, double sf = 1.0) {
- return QRectF(sf * bbox.x0, sf * bbox.y0, sf * (bbox.x1 - bbox.x0),
- sf * (bbox.y1 - bbox.y0));
-class Link {
- Link(fz_context *_ctx, fz_link *_fzLink, char *_uri, int _page,
- QRectF _loc = QRectF())
- : fzLink(_fzLink), ctx(_ctx) {
- QString uri = QString::fromLocal8Bit(_uri);
- data = new TextData(_loc, _page, uri);
- }
- ~Link() {
- fz_drop_link(ctx, fzLink);
- delete data;
- }
- TextData *getData() { return data; }
- TextData *data;
- fz_link *fzLink;
- fz_context *ctx;
-class Data {
- Data(int _pagenum, fz_context *_ctx, fz_display_list *_list, fz_rect _bbox,
- fz_matrix _ctm, double _sf, fz_link *_link, QList<Annot *> &_annot,
- QList<Widget *> &_widgets)
- : pagenumber(_pagenum), ctx(_ctx), list(_list), bbox(_bbox), ctm(_ctm),
- sf(_sf), annotList(_annot), widgetList(_widgets) {
- while (_link) {
- QRectF rect = convertRect(_link->rect, sf);
- Link *link = new Link(_ctx, _link, _link->uri, _pagenum, rect);
- linkList.append(link);
- _link = _link->next;
- }
- }
- ~Data() {
- fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, pix);
- fz_drop_display_list(ctx, list);
- qDeleteAll(linkList);
- linkList.clear();
- qDeleteAll(annotList);
- annotList.clear();
- qDeleteAll(widgetList);
- widgetList.clear();
- }
- int getPage() { return pagenumber; }
- QList<Link *> getLinkList() { return linkList; }
- Annot *getAnnotList(int i) { return annotList[i]; }
- Widget *getWidgetList(int i) { return widgetList[i]; }
- int getAnnotSize() { return annotList.size(); }
- int getWidgetSize() { return widgetList.size(); }
- fz_context *getContext() { return ctx; }
- fz_display_list *getDisplayList() { return list; }
- QRectF getScaledRect() { return convertRect(bbox, sf); }
- QRectF getScaledRect(fz_rect &rect) { return convertRect(rect, sf); }
- fz_rect getBoundingBox() { return bbox; }
- fz_matrix getMatrix() { return ctm; }
- QImage getImage() { return img; }
- void setImage(QImage _img) { img = _img; }
- void setRenderThread(QFuture<void> thread) { renderThread = thread; }
- void setPixmap(fz_pixmap *_pix) { pix = _pix; }
- int pagenumber;
- fz_context *ctx;
- fz_display_list *list;
- fz_rect bbox;
- fz_matrix ctm;
- QList<Link *> linkList;
- double sf;
- QList<Annot *> annotList;
- QList<Widget *> widgetList;
- fz_pixmap *pix;
- QImage img;
- QFuture<void> renderThread;
-fz_document *DOC;
-fz_context *CTX;
-QHash<int, Data *> dataHash;
-QMutex mutex[FZ_LOCK_MAX];
-fz_locks_context locks;
-class Annot : public Annotation {
- Annot(fz_context *_ctx, pdf_annot *_fzAnnot, int _type, int _i,
- float _opacity, QRectF _loc = QRectF())
- : Annotation(_type, _opacity, _loc), ctx(_ctx), fzAnnot(_fzAnnot),
- pageNum(_i) {}
- virtual ~Annot() { fz_drop_annot(ctx, (fz_annot *)fzAnnot); }
- virtual QImage renderImage() {
- fz_rect bbox;
- fz_irect rbox;
- pdf_bound_annot(ctx, fzAnnot, &bbox);
- fz_pixmap *pixmap = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(
- ctx, fz_device_rgb(ctx), fz_round_rect(&rbox, &bbox), NULL, 0);
- fz_clear_pixmap_with_value(ctx, pixmap, 0xff);
- fz_device *dev = fz_new_draw_device(ctx, &fz_identity, pixmap);
- fz_run_display_list(ctx, dataHash[pageNum]->getDisplayList(), dev,
- &fz_identity, &bbox, NULL);
- QImage image(pixmap->samples, pixmap->w, pixmap->h, pixmap->stride,
- QImage::Format_RGB888);
- return image;
- }
- fz_context *ctx;
- pdf_annot *fzAnnot;
- int pageNum;
-inline QString getTextInfo(QString str) {
- char infoBuff[1000];
- int size = DOC->lookup_metadata(
- CTX, DOC, ("info:" + str).toLocal8Bit().data(), infoBuff, 1000);
- if (size != -1) {
- return QString::fromLatin1(infoBuff);
- }
- return "";
-void lock_mutex(void *user, int lock) {
- QMutex *mutex = (QMutex *)user;
- mutex[lock].lock();
-void unlock_mutex(void *user, int lock) {
- QMutex *mutex = (QMutex *)user;
- mutex[lock].unlock();
-Renderer::Renderer() {
- locks.user = mutex;
- locks.lock = lock_mutex;
- locks.unlock = unlock_mutex;
- DOC = 0;
- // qDebug() << "Creating Context";
- CTX = fz_new_context(NULL, &locks, FZ_STORE_UNLIMITED);
- needpass = false;
- degrees = 0;
-Renderer::~Renderer() {
- // pdf_clean_page_contents
- // qDebug() << "Dropping Context";
- clearHash();
- fz_drop_document(CTX, DOC);
- fz_drop_context(CTX);
-bool Renderer::loadMultiThread() { return false; }
-void Renderer::handleLink(QWidget *obj, QString link) {
- //qDebug() << "handle link";
- float xp = 0.0, yp = 0.0;
- int pagenum = 0;
- QByteArray linkData = link.toLocal8Bit();
- char *uri = linkData.data();
- if (!link.isEmpty()) {
- if (fz_is_external_link(CTX, uri)) {
- if (QMessageBox::Yes ==
- QMessageBox::question(
- obj, tr("Open External Link?"),
- QString(tr("Do you want to open %1 in the default browser"))
- .arg(link),
- QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::No)) {
- QProcess::startDetached("firefox \"" + link + "\"");
- }
- } else {
- pagenum = fz_resolve_link(CTX, DOC, uri, &xp, &yp);
- if (pagenum != -1)
- emit goToPosition(pagenum + 1, xp, yp);
- }
- }
-// Traverse the outline tree through Preorder traversal
-void Renderer::traverseOutline(void *link, int level) {
- //qDebug() << "traverse outline";
- fz_outline *olink = (fz_outline *)link;
- Bookmark *bm = new Bookmark(olink->title, olink->uri, olink->page, level);
- bookmarks.push_back(bm);
- if (olink->down)
- traverseOutline(olink->down, level + 1);
- if (olink->next)
- traverseOutline(olink->next, level);
-bool Renderer::loadDocument(QString path, QString password) {
- // first time through
- //qDebug() << "Load Document:" << path;
- if (path != docpath) {
- if (DOC != 0) {
- //qDebug() << "New document";
- fz_drop_document(CTX, DOC);
- needpass = false;
- docpath = path;
- if (bookmarks.size() > 0) {
- qDeleteAll(bookmarks);
- bookmarks.clear();
- }
- } else if (DOC == 0) {
- fz_register_document_handlers(CTX);
- //qDebug() << "Document handlers registered";
- }
- // fz_page_presentation
- docpath = path;
- DOC = fz_open_document(CTX, path.toLocal8Bit().data());
- // qDebug() << "File opened" << DOC;
- if (DOC == 0) {
- qDebug() << "Could not open file:" << path;
- return false;
- }
- needpass = (fz_needs_password(CTX, DOC) != 0);
- if (needpass && password.isEmpty()) {
- return false;
- } else if (needpass) {
- needpass = !fz_authenticate_password(CTX, DOC, password.toLocal8Bit());
- if (needpass) {
- return false;
- } // incorrect password
- }
- // qDebug() << "Password Check cleared";
- pnum = fz_count_pages(CTX, DOC);
- //qDebug() << "Page count: " << pnum;
- doctitle.clear();
- // qDebug() << "Opening File:" << path;
- jobj.insert("subject", getTextInfo("Subject"));
- jobj.insert("author", getTextInfo("Author"));
- jobj.insert("creator", getTextInfo("Creator"));
- jobj.insert("producer", getTextInfo("Producer"));
- jobj.insert("keywords", getTextInfo("Keywords"));
- jobj.insert("dt_created",
- QDateTime::fromString(getTextInfo("CreationDate").left(16),
- "'D:'yyyyMMddHHmmss")
- .toString());
- jobj.insert("dt_modified",
- QDateTime::fromString(getTextInfo("ModDate").left(16),
- "'D:'yyyyMMddHHmmss")
- .toString());
- if (!jobj["title"].toString().isEmpty())
- doctitle = jobj["title"].toString();
- else
- doctitle = path.section("/", -1);
- // Possibly check Page orientation
- fz_outline *outline = fz_load_outline(CTX, DOC);
- if (outline)
- traverseOutline(outline, 0);
- // else
- // qDebug() << "No Bookmarks";
- fz_drop_outline(CTX, outline);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-void renderer(Data *data, Renderer *obj) {
- int pagenum = data->getPage();
- //qDebug() << "Rendering:" << pagenum;
- fz_context *ctx = data->getContext();
- fz_rect bbox = data->getBoundingBox();
- fz_matrix ctm = data->getMatrix();
- fz_device *dev;
- fz_irect rbox;
- ctx = fz_clone_context(ctx);
- fz_pixmap *pixmap = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(
- ctx, fz_device_rgb(ctx), fz_round_rect(&rbox, &bbox), NULL, 0);
- fz_clear_pixmap_with_value(ctx, pixmap, 0xff);
- dev = fz_new_draw_device(ctx, &fz_identity, pixmap);
- fz_run_display_list(ctx, data->getDisplayList(), dev, &ctm, &bbox, NULL);
- data->setImage(QImage(pixmap->samples, pixmap->w, pixmap->h, pixmap->stride,
- QImage::Format_RGB888));
- data->setPixmap(pixmap);
- hashMutex.lock();
- dataHash.insert(pagenum, data);
- hashMutex.unlock();
- fz_close_device(ctx, dev);
- fz_drop_device(ctx, dev);
- fz_drop_context(ctx);
- //qDebug() << "Finished rendering:" << pagenum;
- emit obj->PageLoaded(pagenum);
-void Renderer::renderPage(int pagenum, QSize DPI, int degrees) {
- //qDebug() << "- Rendering Page:" << pagenum << degrees;
- Data *data;
- fz_matrix matrix;
- fz_rect bbox;
- fz_display_list *list;
- double pageDPI = 96.0;
- double sf = DPI.width() / pageDPI;
- fz_scale(&matrix, sf, sf);
- fz_pre_rotate(&matrix, degrees);
- //mupdf indexes pages starting at 0, not 1
- pdf_page *PAGE = pdf_load_page(CTX, (pdf_document *)DOC, pagenum-1);
- pdf_bound_page(CTX, PAGE, &bbox);
- emit OrigSize(QSizeF(bbox.x1 - bbox.x0, bbox.y1 - bbox.y0));
- fz_transform_rect(&bbox, &matrix);
- list = fz_new_display_list(CTX, &bbox);
- fz_device *dev = fz_new_list_device(CTX, list);
- pdf_run_page_contents(CTX, PAGE, dev, &fz_identity, NULL);
- fz_link *link = pdf_load_links(CTX, PAGE);
- pdf_annot *_annot = pdf_first_annot(CTX, PAGE);
- QList<Annot *> annotList;
- QList<Widget *> widgetList;
- // qDebug() << "Starting annotations for:" << pagenum;
- while (_annot) {
- // if(pdf_annot_is_dirty(CTX, _annot))
- // qDebug() << "DIRTY ANNOT";
- int type = pdf_annot_type(CTX, _annot);
- /**TYPES
- 0 = TEXT
- 1 = LINK
- 3 = LINE
- 4 = SQUARE
- ...
- 24 = 3D
- -1 = UNKNOWN
- **/
- // qDebug() << "Page Number:" << pagenum+1 << type <<
- // pdf_string_from_annot_type(CTX, (enum pdf_annot_type)type);
- fz_rect anotBox;
- pdf_bound_annot(CTX, _annot, &anotBox);
- QRectF rect = convertRect(anotBox, sf);
- float opacity = pdf_annot_opacity(CTX, _annot);
- /**TYPES
- 0 = LEFT
- 1 = CENTER
- 2 = RIGHT
- **/
- int quadding = pdf_annot_quadding(CTX, _annot);
- Annot *annot = new Annot(CTX, _annot, type, pagenum, opacity, rect);
- int flags = pdf_annot_flags(CTX, _annot);
- /**FLAGS
- 1 << 0 = INVISIBLE
- 1 << 1 = HIDDEN
- 1 << 2 = PRINT
- 1 << 3 = NO_ZOOM
- 1 << 4 = NO_ROTATE
- 1 << 5 = NO_VIEW
- 1 << 6 = READ_ONLY
- 1 << 7 = LOCKED
- 1 << 8 = TOGGLE_NO_VIEW
- **/
- annot->setPrint((flags & PDF_ANNOT_IS_PRINT) == PDF_ANNOT_IS_PRINT);
- char *contents = NULL, *author = NULL;
- if (type != 19 and type != 20) {
- fz_try(CTX) {
- contents = pdf_copy_annot_contents(CTX, _annot);
- if (contents)
- annot->setContents(QString::fromLocal8Bit(contents));
- }
- fz_catch(CTX) {}
- fz_try(CTX) {
- author = pdf_copy_annot_author(CTX, _annot);
- if (author)
- annot->setAuthor(QString::fromLocal8Bit(author));
- }
- fz_catch(CTX) {}
- }
- // pdf_annot_modification_date(CTX, _annot);
- if (pdf_annot_has_ink_list(CTX, _annot)) {
- int inkCount = pdf_annot_ink_list_count(CTX, _annot);
- QVector<QVector<QPointF>> inkList;
- for (int i = 0; i < inkCount; i++) {
- int strokeCount = pdf_annot_ink_list_stroke_count(CTX, _annot, i);
- QVector<QPointF> inkPoints;
- for (int k = 0; k < strokeCount; k++) {
- fz_point strokeVertex =
- pdf_annot_ink_list_stroke_vertex(CTX, _annot, i, k);
- QPointF vertexPoint(strokeVertex.x, strokeVertex.y);
- inkPoints.append(sf * vertexPoint);
- }
- inkList.append(inkPoints);
- annot->setInkList(inkList);
- }
- fz_rect annotRect;
- pdf_annot_rect(CTX, _annot, &annotRect);
- // qDebug() << "ANNOT RECT:" << convertRect(annotRect, sf);
- // qDebug() << "INK LIST:" << inkList;
- }
- float color[4] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
- int n;
- fz_try(CTX) {
- pdf_annot_color(CTX, _annot, &n, color);
- QColor inkColor = QColor(color[0] * 255, color[1] * 255, color[2] * 255,
- color[3] * 255);
- annot->setColor(inkColor);
- // qDebug() << "COLOR:" << inkColor;
- }
- fz_catch(CTX) {
- // qDebug() << "NO COLOR";
- annot->setColor(QColor());
- }
- if (pdf_annot_has_interior_color(CTX, _annot)) {
- fz_try(CTX) {
- color[0] = 0;
- color[1] = 0;
- color[2] = 0;
- color[3] = 1;
- pdf_annot_interior_color(CTX, _annot, &n, color);
- QColor internalColor = QColor(color[0] * 255, color[1] * 255,
- color[2] * 255, color[3] * 255);
- // qDebug() << "INTERNAL COLOR:" << internalColor;
- annot->setInternalColor(internalColor);
- }
- fz_catch(CTX) {
- // qDebug() << "NO INTERNAL COLOR";
- annot->setInternalColor(QColor());
- }
- }
- // qDebug() << "BORDER:" << pdf_annot_border(CTX, _annot);
- if (pdf_annot_has_quad_points(CTX, _annot)) {
- // qDebug() << "HAS QUAD POINTS" << "Page Number:" << pagenum << type;
- int pointCount = pdf_annot_quad_point_count(CTX, _annot);
- QList<QPolygonF> quadList;
- for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; i++) {
- float qp[8];
- pdf_annot_quad_point(CTX, _annot, i, qp);
- QPolygonF quad =
- QPolygonF(QVector<QPointF>()
- << QPointF(qp[0], qp[1]) << QPointF(qp[2], qp[3])
- << QPointF(qp[4], qp[5]) << QPointF(qp[6], qp[7]));
- quadList.append(quad);
- }
- annot->setQuadList(quadList);
- }
- if (pdf_annot_has_line_ending_styles(CTX, _annot)) {
- // qDebug() << "HAS LINE ENDING STYLES" << "Page Number:" << pagenum <<
- // type;
- pdf_line_ending start, end;
- 0 = NONE
- 1 = SQUARE
- 2 = CIRCLE
- ...
- 9 = SLASH
- **/
- pdf_annot_line_ending_styles(CTX, _annot, &start, &end);
- // qDebug() << "START:" << start << "END:" << end;
- }
- if (pdf_annot_has_vertices(CTX, _annot)) {
- // qDebug() << "HAS VERTICIES" << "Page Number:" << pagenum << type;
- int vertexCount = pdf_annot_vertex_count(CTX, _annot);
- QList<QPointF> vertexList;
- for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
- fz_point v = pdf_annot_vertex(CTX, _annot, i);
- vertexList.append(sf * QPointF(v.x, v.y));
- }
- // qDebug() << vertexList;
- }
- if (pdf_annot_has_line(CTX, _annot)) {
- fz_point a, b;
- pdf_annot_line(CTX, _annot, &a, &b);
- QPointF pa(a.x, a.y);
- QPointF pb(b.x, b.y);
- // qDebug() << pa << pb;
- }
- if (pdf_annot_has_icon_name(CTX, _annot)) {
- QString iconName =
- QString::fromLocal8Bit(pdf_annot_icon_name(CTX, _annot));
- // qDebug() << iconName;
- }
- if (!pdf_annot_has_ink_list(CTX, _annot)) {
- pdf_run_annot(CTX, _annot, dev, &fz_identity, NULL);
- }
- annotList.append(annot);
- _annot = pdf_next_annot(CTX, _annot);
- }
- pdf_widget *widget = pdf_first_widget(CTX, (pdf_document *)DOC, PAGE);
- while (widget) {
- int type = pdf_widget_type(CTX, widget);
- /**
- 3 = TEXT
- **/
- fz_rect wrect;
- pdf_bound_widget(CTX, widget, &wrect);
- QRectF WRECT = convertRect(wrect, sf);
- char *currText = pdf_text_widget_text(CTX, (pdf_document *)DOC, widget);
- int maxLen = pdf_text_widget_max_len(CTX, (pdf_document *)DOC, widget);
- int contentType =
- pdf_text_widget_content_type(CTX, (pdf_document *)DOC, widget);
- /**
- 1 = NUMBER
- 3 = DATE
- 4 = TIME
- **/
- Widget *WIDGET = new Widget(type, WRECT, QString::fromLocal8Bit(currText),
- maxLen, contentType);
- if (type == 4 or type == 5) {
- QStringList optionList, exportList;
- bool multi = pdf_choice_widget_is_multiselect(CTX, (pdf_document *)DOC, widget);
- if (int listS = pdf_choice_widget_options(CTX, (pdf_document *)DOC,
- widget, 0, NULL)) {
- char *opts[listS];
- pdf_choice_widget_options(CTX, (pdf_document *)DOC, widget, 0, opts);
- for (int i = 0; i < listS; i++) {
- optionList.append(QString::fromLocal8Bit(opts[i]));
- }
- WIDGET->setOptions(optionList);
- }
- if (int exportS = pdf_choice_widget_options(CTX, (pdf_document *)DOC,
- widget, 1, NULL)) {
- char *opts[exportS];
- pdf_choice_widget_options(CTX, (pdf_document *)DOC, widget, 1, opts);
- for (int i = 0; i < exportS; i++) {
- exportList.append(QString::fromLocal8Bit(opts[i]));
- }
- WIDGET->setExports(exportList);
- }
- }
- widgetList.push_back(WIDGET);
- widget = pdf_next_widget(CTX, widget);
- }
- fz_close_device(CTX, dev);
- fz_drop_device(CTX, dev);
- // fz_drop_page(CTX, PAGE);
- data = new Data(pagenum, CTX, list, bbox, matrix, sf, link, annotList,
- widgetList);
- data->setRenderThread(QtConcurrent::run(&renderer, data, this));
-QList<TextData *> Renderer::searchDocument(QString text, bool matchCase) {
- //qDebug() << "Search Document";
- fz_rect rectBuffer[1000];
- QList<TextData *> results;
- for (int i = 0; i < pnum; i++) {
- int count =
- fz_search_display_list(CTX, dataHash[i]->getDisplayList(),
- text.toLocal8Bit().data(), rectBuffer, 1000);
- // qDebug() << "Page " << i+1 << ": Count, " << count;
- for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
- TextData *t =
- new TextData(dataHash[i]->getScaledRect(rectBuffer[j]), i + 1, text);
- // MuPDF search does not match case, so retrieve the exact text at the
- // location found and determine whether or not it matches the case of the
- // search text if the user selected to match case
- if (matchCase) {
- fz_stext_page *sPage = fz_new_stext_page_from_display_list(
- CTX, dataHash[i]->getDisplayList(), NULL);
- QString currentStr =
- QString(fz_copy_selection(CTX, sPage, *fz_rect_min(&rectBuffer[j]),
- *fz_rect_max(&rectBuffer[j]), false));
- if (currentStr.contains(text, Qt::CaseSensitive)) {
- results.append(t);
- }
- } else {
- results.append(t);
- }
- }
- }
- return results;
-QImage Renderer::imageHash(int pagenum) {
- if(!dataHash.contains(pagenum)){ return QImage(); }
- return dataHash[pagenum]->getImage();
-QSize Renderer::imageSize(int pagenum){
- if(!dataHash.contains(pagenum)){ return QSize(); }
- return dataHash[pagenum]->getImage().size();
-int Renderer::hashSize() { return dataHash.size(); }
-void Renderer::clearHash(int pagenum) {
- //qDeleteAll(dataHash);
- if(pagenum<0){ dataHash.clear(); }
- else if(dataHash.contains(pagenum)){ dataHash.remove(pagenum); }
-TextData *Renderer::linkList(int pagenum, int entry) {
- if(!dataHash.contains(pagenum)){ return 0; }
- return dataHash[pagenum]->getLinkList()[entry]->getData();
-int Renderer::linkSize(int pagenum) {
- if(!dataHash.contains(pagenum)){ return 0; }
- return dataHash[pagenum]->getLinkList().size();
-Annotation *Renderer::annotList(int pagenum, int entry) {
- if(!dataHash.contains(pagenum)){ return 0; }
- return static_cast<Annotation *>(dataHash[pagenum]->getAnnotList(entry));
-int Renderer::annotSize(int pagenum) {
- if(!dataHash.contains(pagenum)){ return 0; }
- return dataHash[pagenum]->getAnnotSize();
-Widget *Renderer::widgetList(int pagenum, int entry) {
- if(!dataHash.contains(pagenum)){ return 0; }
- return dataHash[pagenum]->getWidgetList(entry);
-int Renderer::widgetSize(int pagenum) {
- if(!dataHash.contains(pagenum)){ return 0; }
- return dataHash[pagenum]->getWidgetSize();
-bool Renderer::isDoneLoading(int page){ return dataHash.contains(page); }
-bool Renderer::supportsExtraFeatures() { return true; }