path: root/src-qt5/core-utils/lumina-xconfig
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Diffstat (limited to 'src-qt5/core-utils/lumina-xconfig')
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/src-qt5/core-utils/lumina-xconfig/MainUI.cpp b/src-qt5/core-utils/lumina-xconfig/MainUI.cpp
index 030b96be..1a3662fe 100644
--- a/src-qt5/core-utils/lumina-xconfig/MainUI.cpp
+++ b/src-qt5/core-utils/lumina-xconfig/MainUI.cpp
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ ScreenInfo MainUI::currentScreenInfo(){
void MainUI::AddScreenToWidget(ScreenInfo screen){
- qDebug() << "Add Screen To Widget:" << screen.ID << screen.geom;
+ //qDebug() << "Add Screen To Widget:" << screen.ID << screen.geom;
QLabel *lab = new QLabel(this);
QMdiSubWindow *it = ui->mdiArea->addSubWindow(lab, Qt::Tool | Qt::CustomizeWindowHint | Qt::WindowTitleHint);
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ void MainUI::AddScreenToWidget(ScreenInfo screen){
QRect scaled( screen.geom.topLeft()*scaleFactor, screen.geom.size()*scaleFactor);
- qDebug() << " - Scaled:" << scaled;
+ //qDebug() << " - Scaled:" << scaled;
it->setGeometry(scaled); //scale it down for the display
@@ -117,9 +117,9 @@ void MainUI::SyncBackend(){
//Find the window associated with this screen
for(int s=0; s<windows.length(); s++){
- qDebug() << "Adjust geom of window:" << SCREENS[i].geom;
+ //qDebug() << "Adjust geom of window:" << SCREENS[i].geom;
SCREENS[i].geom.moveTopLeft( windows[s]->geometry().topLeft()/scaleFactor );
- qDebug() << " - New Geom:" << SCREENS[i].geom;
+ //qDebug() << " - New Geom:" << SCREENS[i].geom;
if(SCREENS[i].applyChange<1){ SCREENS[i].applyChange = (windows[s]->widget()->isEnabled() ? 0 : 1); } //disabled window is one that will be removed
@@ -244,14 +244,23 @@ void MainUI::tileScreensY(bool activeonly){
QRegion tmp(cur->pos().x(), newy, cur->width(), cur->height());
QRegion diff = tmp.subtracted(total);
- overlap = (diff.boundingRect()!=tmp.boundingRect());
+ overlap = (diff.boundingRect()!=tmp.boundingRect() || diff.rects().length()>1);
//qDebug() << "Check Y Overlap:" << newy << overlap << tmp.boundingRect() << diff.boundingRect();
+ QVector<QRect> rects = diff.rects();
QRect bound = diff.boundingRect();
- if(bound.isNull()){ newy+=cur->height(); }
- else if(newy!=bound.top()){ newy = bound.top(); }
- else if(newy!=bound.bottom()){ newy = bound.bottom() + 1; }
- else{ newy++; } //make sure it always changes - no infinite loops!!
+ //qDebug() << " - got Y overlap:" << bound << rects;
+ if( bound.isNull() || rects.isEmpty() ){ newy+=cur->height(); }
+ else{
+ int orig = newy;
+ newy = bound.top();
+ for(int i=0; i<rects.length(); i++){
+ //qDebug() << " - Check Rect:" << newy << rects[i] << cur->height();
+ if(rects[i].height()==cur->height()){ continue; } //skip this one - just the same height
+ if(rects[i].top()>newy || newy==bound.bottom()){ newy=rects[i].top(); }
+ }
+ if(orig==newy){ newy = bound.bottom()+1; } //make sure it always changes - no infinite loops!!
+ }
if(!activeonly || cur==active){ cur->move(cur->pos().x(), newy); }
@@ -292,16 +301,23 @@ void MainUI::tileScreensX(bool activeonly){
QRegion tmp(newx, cur->pos().y(), cur->width(), cur->height());
QRegion diff = tmp.subtracted(total);
- overlap = (diff.boundingRect()!=tmp.boundingRect());
- //qDebug() << "Check X Overlap:" << newx << overlap << tmp.boundingRect() << diff.boundingRect();
+ overlap = (diff.boundingRect()!=tmp.boundingRect() || diff.rects().length()>1);
+ //qDebug() << "Check X Overlap:" << newx << overlap << total.rects() << tmp.boundingRect() << diff.boundingRect();
+ QVector<QRect> rects = diff.rects();
QRect bound = diff.boundingRect();
- if(bound.isNull()){ newx+=cur->width(); }
- else if(newx!=bound.left()){ newx = bound.left(); }
- else if(newx!=bound.right()){ newx = bound.right() + 1; }
- else{ newx++; }//make sure it always changes - no infinite loops!!
- }else{
- qDebug() << "Found Area:" << tmp << diff << newx;
+ //qDebug() << " - got X overlap:" << bound << rects;
+ if( bound.isNull() || rects.isEmpty() ){ newx+=cur->width(); }
+ else{
+ int orig = newx;
+ newx = bound.left();
+ for(int i=0; i<rects.length(); i++){
+ //qDebug() << " - Check Rect:" << newx << rects[i] << cur->width();
+ if(rects[i].width()==cur->width()){ continue; } //skip this one - just the same width
+ if(rects[i].left()>newx || newx==bound.right()){ newx=rects[i].left(); }
+ }
+ if(orig==newx){ newx = bound.right()+1; } //make sure it always changes - no infinite loops!!
+ }
if(!activeonly || cur==active){ cur->move(newx, cur->pos().y()); }