path: root/libLumina/LuminaXDG.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'libLumina/LuminaXDG.cpp')
1 files changed, 161 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libLumina/LuminaXDG.cpp b/libLumina/LuminaXDG.cpp
index e7678d1f..802722d4 100644
--- a/libLumina/LuminaXDG.cpp
+++ b/libLumina/LuminaXDG.cpp
@@ -387,6 +387,167 @@ QStringList LXDG::findFilesForMime(QString mime){
return out;
+QStringList LXDG::listFileMimeDefaults(){
+ //This will spit out a itemized list of all the mimetypes and relevant info
+ // Output format: <mimetype>::::<extension>::::<default>::::<localized comment>
+ QStringList mimes = LXDG::loadMimeFileGlobs2();
+ //Remove all the application files from the list (only a single app defines/uses this type in general)
+ /*QStringList apps = mimes.filter(":application/");
+ //qDebug() << "List Mime Defaults";
+ for(int i=0; i<apps.length(); i++){ mimes.removeAll(apps[i]); }*/
+ //Now start filling the output list
+ QStringList out;
+ for(int i=0; i<mimes.length(); i++){
+ QString mimetype = mimes[i].section(":",1,1);
+ QStringList tmp = mimes.filter(mimetype);
+ //Collect all the different extensions with this mimetype
+ QStringList extlist;
+ for(int j=0; j<tmp.length(); j++){
+ mimes.removeAll(tmp[j]);
+ extlist << tmp[j].section(":",2,2);
+ }
+ extlist.removeDuplicates(); //just in case
+ //Now look for a current default for this mimetype
+ QString dapp = LXDG::findDefaultAppForMime(mimetype); //default app;
+ //Create the output entry
+ //qDebug() << "Mime entry:" << i << mimetype << dapp;
+ out << mimetype+"::::"+extlist.join(", ")+"::::"+dapp+"::::"+LXDG::findMimeComment(mimetype);
+ i--; //go back one (continue until the list is empty)
+ }
+ return out;
+QString LXDG::findMimeComment(QString mime){
+ QString comment;
+ QStringList dirs = LXDG::systemMimeDirs();
+ QString lang = QString(getenv("LANG")).section(".",0,0);
+ QString shortlang = lang.section("_",0,0);
+ for(int i=0; i<dirs.length(); i++){
+ if(QFile::exists(dirs[i]+"/"+mime+".xml")){
+ QStringList info = LUtils::readFile(dirs[i]+"/"+mime+".xml");
+ QStringList filter = info.filter("<comment xml:lang=\""+lang+"\">");
+ //First look for a full language match, then short language, then general comment
+ if(filter.isEmpty()){ filter = info.filter("<comment xml:lang=\""+shortlang+"\">"); }
+ if(filter.isEmpty()){ filter = info.filter("<comment>"); }
+ if(!filter.isEmpty()){
+ comment = filter.first().section(">",1,1).section("</",0,0);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return comment;
+QString LXDG::findDefaultAppForMime(QString mime){
+ //First get the priority-ordered list of default file locations
+ QStringList dirs;
+ dirs << QString(getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"))+"/lumina-mimeapps.list" \
+ << QString(getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"))+"/mimeapps.list";
+ QStringList tmp = QString(getenv("XDG_CONFIG_DIRS")).split(":");
+ for(int i=0; i<tmp.length(); i++){ dirs << tmp[i]+"/lumina-mimeapps.list"; }
+ for(int i=0; i<tmp.length(); i++){ dirs << tmp[i]+"/mimeapps.list"; }
+ dirs << QString(getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME"))+"/applications/lumina-mimeapps.list" \
+ << QString(getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME"))+"/applications/mimeapps.list";
+ tmp = QString(getenv("XDG_DATA_DIRS")).split(":");
+ for(int i=0; i<tmp.length(); i++){ dirs << tmp[i]+"/applications/lumina-mimeapps.list"; }
+ for(int i=0; i<tmp.length(); i++){ dirs << tmp[i]+"/applications/mimeapps.list"; }
+ //Now go through all the files in order of priority until a default is found
+ QString cdefault;
+ QStringList white; //lists to keep track of during the search (black unused at the moment)
+ for(int i=0; i<dirs.length() && cdefault.isEmpty(); i++){
+ if(!QFile::exists(dirs[i])){ continue; }
+ QStringList info = LUtils::readFile(dirs[i]);
+ if(info.isEmpty()){ continue; }
+ QString workdir = dirs[i].section("/",0,-1); //just the directory
+ int def = info.indexOf("[Default Applications]"); //find this line to start on
+ if(def>=0){
+ for(int d=def+1; d<info.length(); d++){
+ if(info[d].startsWith("[")){ break; } //starting a new section now - finished with defaults
+ if(info[d].contains(mime+"=")){
+ white << info[d].section("=",1,50).split(";");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Now check for any white-listed files in this work dir
+ // find the full path to the file (should run even if nothing in this file)
+ for(int w=0; w<white.length(); w++){
+ //First check for absolute paths to *.desktop file
+ if( white[w].startsWith("/") ){
+ if( QFile::exists(white[w]) ){ cdefault=white[w]; break; }
+ else{ white.removeAt(w); w--; } //invalid file path - remove it from the list
+ }
+ //Now check for relative paths to file (in current priority-ordered work dir)
+ else if( QFile::exists(workdir+"/"+white[w]) ){ cdefault=workdir+"/"+white[w]; break; }
+ }
+ //Skip using this because it is simply an alternate/unsupported standard that conflicts with
+ the current mimetype database standards. It is better/faster to parse 1 or 2 database glob files
+ rather than have to iterate through hundreds of *.desktop files *every* time you need to
+ find an application
+ if(addI<0 && remI<0){
+ //Simple Format: <mimetype>=<*.desktop file>;<*.desktop file>;.....
+ // (usually only one desktop file listed)
+ info = info.filter(mimetype+"=");
+ //Load the listed default(s)
+ for(int w=0; w<info.length(); w++){
+ white << info[w].section("=",1,50).split(";");
+ }
+ }else{
+ //Non-desktop specific mimetypes file: has a *very* convoluted/inefficient algorithm (required by spec)
+ if(addI<0){ addI = info.length(); } //no add section
+ if(remI<0){ remI = info.length(); } // no remove section:
+ //Whitelist items
+ for(int a=addI+1; a!=remI && a<info.length(); a++){
+ if(info[a].contains(mimetype+"=")){
+ QStringList tmp = info[a].section("=",1,50).split(";");
+ for(int t=0; t<tmp.length(); t++){
+ if(!black.contains(tmp[t])){ white << tmp[t]; } //make sure this item is not on the black list
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //Blacklist items
+ for(int a=remI+1; a!=addI && a<info.length(); a++){
+ if(info[a].contains(mimetype+"=")){ black << info[a].section("=",1,50).split(";"); break;}
+ }
+ //STEPS 3/4 not written yet
+ } //End of non-DE mimetypes file */
+ } //End loop over files
+ return cdefault;
+void LXDG::setDefaultAppForMime(QString mime, QString app){
+ QString filepath = QString(getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"))+"/lumina-mimeapps.list";
+ QStringList cinfo = LUtils::readFile(filepath);
+ //If this is a new file, make sure to add the header appropriately
+ if(cinfo.isEmpty()){ cinfo << "#Automatically generated with lumina-config" << "# DO NOT CHANGE MANUALLY" << "[Default Applications]"; }
+ //Check for any current entry for this mime type
+ QStringList tmp = cinfo.filter(mime+"=");
+ int index = -1;
+ if(!tmp.isEmpty()){ index = cinfo.indexOf(tmp.first()); }
+ //Now add the new default entry (if necessary)
+ if(app.isEmpty()){
+ if(index>=0){ cinfo.removeAt(index); } //Remove entry
+ }else{
+ if(index<0){
+ cinfo << mime+"="+app+";"; //new entry
+ }else{
+ cinfo[index] = mime+"="+app+";"; //overwrite existing entry
+ }
+ }
+ LUtils::writeFile(filepath, cinfo, true);
+ return;
QStringList LXDG::loadMimeFileGlobs2(){
//output format: <weight>:<mime type>:<file extension (*.something)>
if(mimeglobs.isEmpty() || (mimechecktime < (QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch()-30000)) ){