path: root/src-qt5/core/lumina-desktop-unified/src-screensaver/animations/ImageSlideshow.h
diff options
authorZackaryWelch <welch.zackary@gmail.com>2017-08-04 17:00:14 -0400
committerZackaryWelch <welch.zackary@gmail.com>2017-08-04 17:00:14 -0400
commitee494111f41ed0c5ab7b43d30f76bdb44cadfa5e (patch)
treeee54b9d089448ff593628caa342e11fb2282976c /src-qt5/core/lumina-desktop-unified/src-screensaver/animations/ImageSlideshow.h
parentMerge branch 'master' of http://github.com/trueos/lumina (diff)
Added an experimental VideoSlideshow screensaver plus fixes
Diffstat (limited to 'src-qt5/core/lumina-desktop-unified/src-screensaver/animations/ImageSlideshow.h')
1 files changed, 140 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src-qt5/core/lumina-desktop-unified/src-screensaver/animations/ImageSlideshow.h b/src-qt5/core/lumina-desktop-unified/src-screensaver/animations/ImageSlideshow.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4abc3ae7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src-qt5/core/lumina-desktop-unified/src-screensaver/animations/ImageSlideshow.h
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+// Lumina-DE source code
+// Copyright (c) 2015, Ken Moore
+// Available under the 3-clause BSD license
+// See the LICENSE file for full details
+#include "global-includes.h"
+#include "BaseAnimGroup.h"
+class ImageSlideshow: public QParallelAnimationGroup{
+ QLabel *image;
+ QPropertyAnimation *bounce, *fading;
+ QPixmap pixmap;
+ QStringList imageFiles;
+ QString imagePath;
+ QSize screenSize;
+ bool animate;
+ void setupAnimation() {
+ //Choose between starting from top or bottom at random
+ if(qrand() % 2) {
+ bounce->setKeyValueAt(0, QPoint(0,screenSize.height()-image->height()));
+ bounce->setKeyValueAt(0.25, QPoint((screenSize.width()-image->width())/2,0));
+ bounce->setKeyValueAt(0.5, QPoint(screenSize.width()-image->width(),screenSize.height()-image->height()));
+ bounce->setKeyValueAt(0.75, QPoint((screenSize.width()-image->width())/2,0));
+ bounce->setKeyValueAt(1, QPoint(0,screenSize.height()-image->height()));
+ }else{
+ bounce->setKeyValueAt(0, QPoint(0,0));
+ bounce->setKeyValueAt(0.25, QPoint((screenSize.width()-image->width())/2,screenSize.height()-image->height()));
+ bounce->setKeyValueAt(0.5, QPoint(screenSize.width()-image->width(),0));
+ bounce->setKeyValueAt(0.75, QPoint((screenSize.width()-image->width())/2,screenSize.height()-image->height()));
+ bounce->setKeyValueAt(1, QPoint(0,0));
+ }
+ }
+ void chooseImage() {
+ QString randomFile = imagePath+imageFiles[qrand() % imageFiles.size()];
+ //Choose a new file if the chosen one is not an image
+ while(QImageReader::imageFormat(randomFile).isEmpty())
+ randomFile = imagePath+imageFiles[qrand() % imageFiles.size()];
+ pixmap.load(imagePath+imageFiles[qrand() % imageFiles.size()]);
+ //If the image is larger than the screen, then shrink the image down to 3/4 it's size (so there's still some bounce)
+ //Scale the pixmap to keep the aspect ratio instead of resizing the label itself
+ if(pixmap.width() > screenSize.width() or pixmap.height() > screenSize.height())
+ pixmap = pixmap.scaled(screenSize*(3.0/4.0), Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
+ //Set pixmap to the image label
+ image->setPixmap(pixmap);
+ image->resize(pixmap.size());
+ }
+private slots:
+ void LoopChanged(){
+ //Load a new random image. Resize the label based on the image's size
+ chooseImage();
+ setupAnimation();
+ }
+ void stopped(){ qDebug() << "Image Stopped"; image->hide();}
+ ImageSlideshow(QWidget *parent, QString path, bool animate) : QParallelAnimationGroup(parent){
+ imagePath = path;
+ image = new QLabel(parent);
+ screenSize = parent->size();
+ this->animate = animate;
+ //Generate the list of files in the directory
+ imageFiles = QDir(imagePath).entryList(QDir::Files);
+ if(imageFiles.empty())
+ qDebug() << "Current image file path has no files.";
+ //Change some default settings for the image. If scaledContents is false, the image will be cut off if resized
+ image->setScaledContents(true);
+ image->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter);
+ //Load a random initial image
+ chooseImage();
+ //Create the animation that moves the image across the screen
+ bounce = new QPropertyAnimation(image, "pos", parent);
+ //Add the animation that fades the image in and out
+ QGraphicsOpacityEffect *eff = new QGraphicsOpacityEffect(parent);
+ image->setGraphicsEffect(eff);
+ fading = new QPropertyAnimation(eff,"opacity");
+ fading->setKeyValueAt(0, 0);
+ fading->setKeyValueAt(0.20, 1);
+ fading->setKeyValueAt(0.80, 1);
+ fading->setKeyValueAt(1, 0);
+ this->addAnimation(fading);
+ setupAnimation();
+ image->show();
+ //Only add the animation if set in the configuration file
+ if(animate)
+ this->addAnimation(bounce);
+ else
+ //If no animation, center the image in the middle of the screen
+ image->move(QPoint((parent->width()-image->width())/2,(parent->height()-image->height())/2));
+ //Loop through 30 times for a total for 4 minutes
+ this->setLoopCount(30);
+ bounce->setDuration(8000);
+ fading->setDuration(8000);
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(currentLoopChanged(int)), this, SLOT(LoopChanged()) );
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(stopped()) );
+ }
+ ~ImageSlideshow(){}
+class ImageAnimation: public BaseAnimGroup{
+ ImageAnimation(QWidget *parent, QSettings *set) : BaseAnimGroup(parent, set){}
+ ~ImageAnimation(){
+ this->stop();
+ }
+ void LoadAnimations(){
+ canvas->setStyleSheet("background: black;");
+ //Load the path of the images from the configuration file (default /usr/local/backgrounds/)
+ QString imagePath = settings->value("imageSlideshow/path","/usr/local/backgrounds/").toString();
+ //Load whether to animate the image (default true)
+ bool animate = settings->value("imageSlideshow/animate", true).toBool();
+ ImageSlideshow *tmp = new ImageSlideshow(canvas, imagePath, animate);
+ this->addAnimation(tmp);
+ }