path: root/lumina-fm/BackgroundWorker.cpp
diff options
authorKen Moore <moorekou@gmail.com>2015-08-25 15:43:53 -0400
committerKen Moore <moorekou@gmail.com>2015-08-25 15:43:53 -0400
commit88507c36076b100e26a8e2c85533d667675f9daa (patch)
tree53fc42d5b8b83924e19aa5d6618dae446ba698a4 /lumina-fm/BackgroundWorker.cpp
parentDisable the "size" output of a directory in lumina-fm: this needs some better... (diff)
Commit a major overhaul of lumina-fm: PLEASE TEST!!
1) Seemlessly embed the ZFS rollback options into the main dir browser (simple time slider at the top). 2) Take all the main widgets and put them into separate classes/files (widgets/*) 3) Add support for both tabs and columns for multiple directory viewing 4) Remove the "icon" view mode, and replace it with an icon sizing option (larger/smaller) 5) Add the ability for the multimedia player and slideshow viewer to be running within separate tabs while still browsing the system (new files will be added to the queue instead of replacing it) 6) Ensure that only selected files are added to the player/slideshow on demand. 7) Add the ability to zoom in/out on a slideshow image. KNOWN ISSUES: 1) The new file/dir functionality has not been replaced/re-implemented yet. 2) The drag and drop functionality has been removed until a new implementation is put in. PLEASE TEST: ZFS snapshot use, multimedia file player, browsing and other UI changes
Diffstat (limited to 'lumina-fm/BackgroundWorker.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 131 deletions
diff --git a/lumina-fm/BackgroundWorker.cpp b/lumina-fm/BackgroundWorker.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f8e036ac..00000000
--- a/lumina-fm/BackgroundWorker.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-#include "BackgroundWorker.h"
-#include <LuminaXDG.h>
-#include <QMediaServiceSupportedFormatsInterface>
-#include <QImageReader>
-#include <QDir>
-#include <QFileInfo>
-BackgroundWorker::BackgroundWorker() : QObject(){
-void BackgroundWorker::startDirChecks(QString path){
- QDir dir(path);
- //Make sure to remove any symlinks or redundency in the path
- if(dir.canonicalPath()!=path){ path = dir.canonicalPath(); dir.cd(path); }
- qDebug() << "Starting Dir Checks:" << path;
- //First check for image files
- if(imgFilter.isEmpty()){
- //Initial Run - load supported image extensions
- QList<QByteArray> fmt = QImageReader::supportedImageFormats();
- for(int i=0; i<fmt.length(); i++){ imgFilter << "*."+QString(fmt[i]).toLower(); }
- qDebug() << "Supported Image Formats:" << imgFilter;
- }
- QStringList pics = dir.entryList(imgFilter, QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot, QDir::Name | QDir::IgnoreCase);
- if(!pics.isEmpty() && !imgFilter.isEmpty()){ emit ImagesAvailable(pics); }
- //Now check for multimedia files
- if(multiFilter.isEmpty()){
- //Initial Run - load supported multimedia extensions
- // (Auto-detection of supported types broken in Qt5 - just use everythings for now)
- multiFilter = LXDG::findAVFileExtensions();
- multiFilter.removeDuplicates();
- qDebug() << "Supported Multimedia Formats:" << multiFilter;
- }
- QStringList files = dir.entryList(multiFilter, QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot, QDir::Name | QDir::IgnoreCase);
- if(!files.isEmpty() && !multiFilter.isEmpty()){ emit MultimediaAvailable(files); }
- qDebug() << " - done with audio/multimedia checks";
- //Now check for ZFS snapshots of the directory
- if(!QFileInfo(path).isWritable() ){ return; } //skip ZFS checks if can't restore to this dir
- //cdir = path;
- QStringList snapDirs;
- QString baseSnapDir;
- bool found = false;
- qDebug() << " - start searching for base snapshot directory";
- if(cdir == path && QFile::exists(csnapdir) ){
- //no need to re-search for it - just found it recently
- qDebug() << " -- Use previous dir:" << cdir << csnapdir;
- baseSnapDir= csnapdir; found=true;
- }else{
- while(dir.canonicalPath()!="/" && !found){
- qDebug() << " -- Checking for snapshot dir:" << dir.canonicalPath();
- if(dir.exists(".zfs/snapshot")){
- baseSnapDir = dir.canonicalPath()+"/.zfs/snapshot";
- found = true;
- }else{ dir.cdUp(); }
- }
- }
- qDebug() << " - done with base snapshot directory";
- cdir = path; csnapdir = baseSnapDir;
- //Now find the snapshots that contain this directory and save them
- if(found){
- qDebug() << " - start fetching snapshots";
- QString reldir = path;
- reldir.remove(baseSnapDir.section("/.zfs/snapshot",0,0)); //convert to a relative path
- dir.cd(baseSnapDir);
- snapDirs = dir.entryList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot, QDir::Time);
- //Check that the current directory exists in each snapshot
- for(int i=0; i<snapDirs.length(); i++){
- if( !dir.exists(snapDirs[i]+"/"+reldir) ){
- snapDirs.removeAt(i);
- i--;
- }else{
- snapDirs[i] = QFileInfo(dir, snapDirs[i]+"/"+reldir).created().toString("yyyyMMddhhmmsszzz")+"::::"+snapDirs[i];
- }
- }
- qDebug() << " - done fetching snapshots";
- snapDirs.sort();
- //Sort the snapshots by time (newest last) and format them
- for(int i=0; i<snapDirs.length(); i++){
- snapDirs[i] = dir.absolutePath()+"/"+snapDirs[i].section("::::",1,50)+"/"+reldir;
- }
- if(!snapDirs.isEmpty()){ emit SnapshotsAvailable(baseSnapDir, snapDirs); }
- qDebug() << "Found snapshots";
- }
-void BackgroundWorker::createStatusBarMsg(QFileInfoList fileList, QString path, QString messageFolders, QString messageFiles){
- //collect some statistics of dir and display them in statusbar
- //Get the total size of the items
- double totalSizes = 0;
- int numberFolders = 0;
- int numberFiles = 0;
- for(int i=0; i<fileList.length(); i++){
- if(!fileList[i].isDir()){
- numberFiles++;
- totalSizes += fileList[i].size(); //in Bytes
- }
- else { numberFolders++; }
- }
- //Convert the size into display units
- static QStringList units = QStringList() << tr("B") << tr("KB") << tr("MB") << tr("GB") << tr("TB");
- int cunit = 0;
- while(cunit < units.length() && totalSizes > 1024){
- cunit++;
- totalSizes = totalSizes/1024;
- }
- //Assemble the message
- QString msgStatusBar = QString(tr("%1: %2 / %3: %4")).arg(messageFolders).arg(numberFolders).arg(messageFiles).arg(numberFiles);
- if(totalSizes > 0){
- totalSizes = qRound(totalSizes*100)/100.0; //round to 2 decimel places
- msgStatusBar += " "+QString(tr("Total size: %1 %2")).arg(QString::number(totalSizes), units[cunit]);
- }
- //If a path given, get the total capacity of it (percantage)
- if (!path.isEmpty()) { //path could be empty when fileList is based on user's selection
- QString capacity = LOS::FileSystemCapacity(path) ;
- if (msgStatusBar.isEmpty()) msgStatusBar += QString(tr("Capacity: %1")).arg(capacity);
- else msgStatusBar += " "+QString(tr("Capacity: %1")).arg(capacity);
- }
- //Emit the signal to show this on the UI
- if (!msgStatusBar.isEmpty()){
- emit Si_DisplayStatusBar(msgStatusBar);
- }