path: root/libLumina/LuminaUtils.cpp
diff options
authorKen Moore <ken@pcbsd.org>2015-01-21 15:58:36 -0500
committerKen Moore <ken@pcbsd.org>2015-01-21 15:58:36 -0500
commit949283fcf799e1ab850d52f8cb739c27477c2ac9 (patch)
tree19116c6d20686a1f477391d0e1561fa5156c6619 /libLumina/LuminaUtils.cpp
parentAdd a completely new background method for a distributor to set per-system de... (diff)
Finish committing the last of the new distribution defaults framework. Also adjust the port plist, and add options to reset the system settings to default to lumina-config.
Diffstat (limited to 'libLumina/LuminaUtils.cpp')
1 files changed, 120 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libLumina/LuminaUtils.cpp b/libLumina/LuminaUtils.cpp
index c0d260dd..b82ee599 100644
--- a/libLumina/LuminaUtils.cpp
+++ b/libLumina/LuminaUtils.cpp
@@ -12,12 +12,18 @@
#include <QObject>
#include <QTextCodec>
#include <QDebug>
+#include <QDesktopWidget>
#include <LuminaOS.h>
+#include <LuminaThemes.h>
// LUtils Functions
+QString LUtils::LuminaDesktopVersion(){
+ return "0.8.1";
int LUtils::runCmd(QString cmd, QStringList args){
QProcess *proc = new QProcess;
@@ -137,3 +143,117 @@ void LUtils::LoadTranslation(QApplication *app, QString appname){
//Load current encoding for this locale
QTextCodec::setCodecForLocale( QTextCodec::codecForName(langEnc.toUtf8()) );
+void LUtils::LoadSystemDefaults(bool skipOS){
+ //Will create the Lumina configuration files based on the current system template (if any)
+ QStringList sysDefaults;
+ if(!skipOS){ sysDefaults = LUtils::readFile(LOS::AppPrefix()+"etc/luminaDesktop.conf"); }
+ if(sysDefaults.isEmpty() && !skipOS){ sysDefaults = LUtils::readFile(LOS::AppPrefix()+"etc/luminaDesktop.conf.dist"); }
+ if(sysDefaults.isEmpty() && !skipOS) { sysDefaults = LUtils::readFile(LOS::SysPrefix()+"etc/luminaDesktop.conf"); }
+ if(sysDefaults.isEmpty() && !skipOS){ sysDefaults = LUtils::readFile(LOS::SysPrefix()+"etc/luminaDesktop.conf.dist"); }
+ if(sysDefaults.isEmpty()){ sysDefaults = LUtils::readFile(LOS::LuminaShare()+"luminaDesktop.conf"); }
+ //Find the number of the left-most desktop screen
+ QString screen = "0";
+ QDesktopWidget *desk =QApplication::desktop();
+ for(int i=0; i<desk->screenCount(); i++){
+ if(desk->screenGeometry(i).x()==0){ screen = QString::number(i); break; }
+ }
+ //Now setup the default "desktopsettings.conf" and "sessionsettings.conf" files
+ QStringList deskset, sesset;
+ //First start with any session settings
+ QStringList tmp = sysDefaults.filter("session.");
+ sesset << "[General]"; //everything is in this section
+ sesset << "DesktopVersion="+LUtils::LuminaDesktopVersion();
+ for(int i=0; i<tmp.length(); i++){
+ if(tmp[i].startsWith("#") || !tmp[i].contains("=") ){ continue; }
+ QString var = tmp[i].section("=",0,0).toLower().simplified();
+ QString val = tmp[i].section("=",1,1).section("#",0,0).toLower().simplified();
+ QString istrue = (val=="true") ? "true": "false";
+ //Now parse the variable and put the value in the proper file
+ if(var=="session.enablenumlock"){ sesset << "EnableNumlock="+ istrue; }
+ else if(var=="session.playloginaudio"){ sesset << "PlayStartupAudio="+istrue; }
+ else if(var=="session.playlogoutaudio"){ sesset << "PlayLogoutAudio="+istrue; }
+ }
+ //Now do any desktop settings (only works for the primary desktop at the moment)
+ tmp = sysDefaults.filter("desktop.");
+ if(!tmp.isEmpty()){deskset << "[desktop-"+screen+"]"; }
+ for(int i=0; i<tmp.length(); i++){
+ if(tmp[i].startsWith("#") || !tmp[i].contains("=") ){ continue; }
+ QString var = tmp[i].section("=",0,0).toLower().simplified();
+ QString val = tmp[i].section("=",1,1).section("#",0,0).toLower().simplified();
+ //Now parse the variable and put the value in the proper file
+ if(var=="desktop.visiblepanels"){ deskset << "panels="+val; }
+ else if(var=="desktop.backgroundfiles"){ deskset << "background\\filelist="+val; }
+ else if(var=="desktop.backgroundrotateminutes"){ deskset << "background\\minutesToChange="+val; }
+ else if(var=="desktop.plugins"){ deskset << "pluginlist="+val; }
+ }
+ if(!tmp.isEmpty()){ deskset << ""; } //space between sections
+ //Now do any panel1 settings (only works for the primary desktop at the moment)
+ tmp = sysDefaults.filter("panel1.");
+ if(!tmp.isEmpty()){deskset << "[panel"+screen+".0]"; }
+ for(int i=0; i<tmp.length(); i++){
+ if(tmp[i].startsWith("#") || !tmp[i].contains("=") ){ continue; }
+ QString var = tmp[i].section("=",0,0).toLower().simplified();
+ QString val = tmp[i].section("=",1,1).section("#",0,0).toLower().simplified();
+ QString istrue = (val=="true") ? "true": "false";
+ //Now parse the variable and put the value in the proper file
+ if(var=="panel1.pixelsize"){ deskset << "height="+val; }
+ else if(var=="panel1.autohide"){ deskset << "hidepanel="+istrue; }
+ else if(var=="panel1.location"){ deskset << "location="+val; }
+ else if(var=="panel1.plugins"){ deskset << "pluginlist="+val; }
+ }
+ if(!tmp.isEmpty()){ deskset << ""; } //space between sections
+ //Now do any panel2 settings (only works for the primary desktop at the moment)
+ tmp = sysDefaults.filter("panel2.");
+ if(!tmp.isEmpty()){deskset << "[panel"+screen+".1]"; }
+ for(int i=0; i<tmp.length(); i++){
+ if(tmp[i].startsWith("#") || !tmp[i].contains("=") ){ continue; }
+ QString var = tmp[i].section("=",0,0).toLower().simplified();
+ QString val = tmp[i].section("=",1,1).section("#",0,0).toLower().simplified();
+ QString istrue = (val=="true") ? "true": "false";
+ //Now parse the variable and put the value in the proper file
+ if(var=="panel2.pixelsize"){ deskset << "height="+val; }
+ else if(var=="panel2.autohide"){ deskset << "hidepanel="+istrue; }
+ else if(var=="panel2.location"){ deskset << "location="+val; }
+ else if(var=="panel2.plugins"){ deskset << "pluginlist="+val; }
+ }
+ if(!tmp.isEmpty()){ deskset << ""; } //space between sections
+ //Now do any menu settings
+ tmp = sysDefaults.filter("menu.");
+ if(!tmp.isEmpty()){deskset << "[menu]"; }
+ for(int i=0; i<tmp.length(); i++){
+ if(tmp[i].startsWith("#") || !tmp[i].contains("=") ){ continue; }
+ QString var = tmp[i].section("=",0,0).toLower().simplified();
+ QString val = tmp[i].section("=",1,1).section("#",0,0).toLower().simplified();
+ //Now parse the variable and put the value in the proper file
+ if(var=="menu.plugins"){ deskset << "itemlist="+val; }
+ }
+ if(!tmp.isEmpty()){ deskset << ""; } //space between sections
+ //Now do any theme settings
+ QStringList themesettings = LTHEME::currentSettings();
+ //List: [theme path, colorspath, iconsname, font, fontsize]
+ tmp = sysDefaults.filter("theme.");
+ bool setTheme = !tmp.isEmpty();
+ for(int i=0; i<tmp.length(); i++){
+ if(tmp[i].startsWith("#") || !tmp[i].contains("=") ){ continue; }
+ QString var = tmp[i].section("=",0,0).toLower().simplified();
+ QString val = tmp[i].section("=",1,1).section("#",0,0).toLower().simplified();
+ //Now parse the variable and put the value in the proper file
+ if(var=="theme.themefile"){ themesettings[0] = val; }
+ else if(var=="theme.colorfile"){ themesettings[1] = val; }
+ else if(var=="theme.iconset"){ themesettings[2] = val; }
+ else if(var=="theme.font"){ themesettings[3] = val; }
+ else if(var=="theme.fontsize"){ themesettings[4] = val; }
+ }
+ //Ensure that the settings directory exists
+ QString setdir = QDir::homePath()+"/.lumina/LuminaDE";
+ if(!QFile::exists(setdir)){
+ QDir dir;
+ dir.mkpath(setdir);
+ }
+ //Now save the settings files
+ if(setTheme){ LTHEME::setCurrentSettings( themesettings[0], themesettings[1], themesettings[2], themesettings[3], themesettings[4]); }
+ LUtils::writeFile(setdir+"/sessionsettings.conf", sesset, true);
+ LUtils::writeFile(setdir+"/desktopsettings.conf", deskset, true);
+} \ No newline at end of file