path: root/libLumina/LuminaThemes.cpp
diff options
authorKen Moore <moorekou@gmail.com>2015-09-10 12:39:35 -0400
committerKen Moore <moorekou@gmail.com>2015-09-10 12:39:35 -0400
commit3365faa51cbd133e960d4ea6d3c6c930390c4b95 (patch)
tree4b807631ae4a45dc29e13e3deb64551fcc55d737 /libLumina/LuminaThemes.cpp
parentAdd a new panel plugin: systemstart (diff)
Add come fixes to libLumina to work with the new systemstart plugin, and adjust the theme files accordingly.
Diffstat (limited to 'libLumina/LuminaThemes.cpp')
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/libLumina/LuminaThemes.cpp b/libLumina/LuminaThemes.cpp
index 17ddc60d..b64ace0f 100644
--- a/libLumina/LuminaThemes.cpp
+++ b/libLumina/LuminaThemes.cpp
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
#include <QFont>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QObject>
+#include <QPainter>
+#include <QPen>
#include <unistd.h>
@@ -310,21 +312,91 @@ QString LTHEME::readCustomEnvSetting(QString var){
return "";
+// =========================
+// LuminaThemeStyle
+// =========================
+LuminaThemeStyle::LuminaThemeStyle() : QProxyStyle(){
+ this->update();
+//Function to update the style (for use by the theme engine)
+void LuminaThemeStyle::update(){
+ darkfont = true; //make this dynamic later
+//Subclassed functions
+void LuminaThemeStyle::drawItemText(QPainter *painter, const QRect &rect, int alignment, const QPalette &palette, bool enabled, const QString &text, QPalette::ColorRole textRole) const{
+ /*QFont cfont = painter->font();
+ cfont.setHintingPreference(QFont::PreferFullHinting);
+ QFont outfont = cfont;
+ outfont.setStretch(101);
+ outfont.setLetterSpacing(QFont::PercentageSpacing, 99);
+ //Paint the background outline
+ if(darkfont){ painter->setPen(QPen(Qt::white)); }
+ else{ painter->setPen(QPen(Qt::black)); }
+ painter->setFont(outfont);
+ //QRect outline = QRect(rect.left()+2, rect.top()+2, rect.right()+2, rect.bottom()+2);
+ painter->drawText(rect, text);
+ //Paint the text itself (Make this respect the "enabled" flag later)
+ painter->setFont(cfont);
+ if(darkfont){ painter->setPen(QPen(Qt::black)); }
+ else{ painter->setPen(QPen(Qt::white)); }
+ painter->drawText(rect, text);*/
+ QFont font = painter->font();
+ QFont cfont = font; //save for later
+ if(font.pixelSize()>0){ font.setPixelSize( font.pixelSize()-4); }
+ else{ font.setPointSize(font.pointSize()-1); }
+ painter->setFont(font);
+ //Create the path
+ QPainterPath path;
+ //path.setFillRule(Qt::WindingFill);
+ path.addText(rect.left(), rect.center().y()+(painter->fontMetrics().xHeight()/2), painter->font(), text);
+ //Now set the border/fill colors
+ QPen pen;
+ pen.setWidth(2);
+ if(darkfont){
+ pen.setColor(Qt::white);
+ painter->fillPath(path,Qt::black);
+ }else{
+ pen.setColor(Qt::black);
+ painter->fillPath(path,Qt::white);
+ }
+ painter->setPen(pen);
+ painter->drawPath(path);
+ painter->setFont(cfont); //reset back to original font
LuminaThemeEngine::LuminaThemeEngine(QApplication *app){
application=app; //save this pointer for later
+ //style = new LuminaThemeStyle();
+ //Set the application-wide style
+ //application->setStyle( style );
lastcheck = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); //
- //Make sure to prefer font antialiasing on the application
- QFont tmp = application->font();
- tmp.setStyleStrategy(QFont::PreferAntialias);
- application->setFont(tmp);
// Now load the theme stylesheet
QStringList current = LTHEME::currentSettings();
theme = current[0]; colors=current[1]; icons=current[2]; font=current[3]; fontsize=current[4];
cursors = LTHEME::currentCursor();
application->setStyleSheet( LTHEME::assembleStyleSheet(theme, colors, font, fontsize) );
+ //Make sure to prefer font antialiasing on the application
+ /*QFont tmp = application->font();
+ tmp.setStyleStrategy(QFont::PreferOutline);
+ tmp.setFamily(font);
+ tmp.setHintingPreference(QFont::PreferFullHinting);
+ if(fontsize.endsWith("pt")){ tmp.setPointSize(fontsize.section("pt",0,0).toInt()); }
+ else if(fontsize.endsWith("px")){ tmp.setPixelSize(fontsize.section("px",0,0).toInt()); }
+ application->setFont(tmp);*/
QIcon::setThemeName(icons); //make sure this sets set within this environment
syncTimer = new QTimer(this);
@@ -333,6 +405,7 @@ LuminaThemeEngine::LuminaThemeEngine(QApplication *app){
LTHEME::setCursorTheme("default"); //X11 fallback (always installed?)
cursors = "default";
//setenv("XCURSOR_THEME", cursors.toLocal8Bit(),1);
watcher = new QFileSystemWatcher(this);
watcher->addPath( QDir::homePath()+"/.lumina/envsettings.conf" );
@@ -361,7 +434,17 @@ void LuminaThemeEngine::reloadFiles(){
emit updateIcons();
//save the settings for comparison later
- theme = current[0]; colors=current[1]; icons=current[2]; font=current[3]; fontsize=current[4];
+ theme = current[0]; colors=current[1]; icons=current[2];
+ if(font!=current[3] || fontsize!=current[4]){
+ font=current[3]; fontsize=current[4];
+ QFont tmp = application->font();
+ tmp.setStyleStrategy(QFont::PreferOutline);
+ tmp.setFamily(font);
+ if(fontsize.endsWith("pt")){ tmp.setPointSize(fontsize.section("pt",0,0).toInt()); }
+ else if(fontsize.endsWith("px")){ tmp.setPixelSize(fontsize.section("px",0,0).toInt()); }
+ application->setFont(tmp);
+ }
//Check the Cursor file/settings
if(lastcheck < QFileInfo(QDir::homePath()+"/.icons/default/index.theme").lastModified()){
@@ -394,3 +477,4 @@ void LuminaThemeEngine::reloadFiles(){
watcher->removePaths( QStringList() << theme << colors << QDir::homePath()+"/.icons/default/index.theme" << QDir::homePath()+"/.lumina/envsettings.conf");
watcher->addPaths( QStringList() << theme << colors << QDir::homePath()+"/.icons/default/index.theme" << QDir::homePath()+"/.lumina/envsettings.conf");