BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterupdate the utilites for current paths, rearrange whole package for 0.0.4-1B. Stack3 months
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2024-08-19update the utilites for current paths, rearrange whole package for 0.0.4-1HEADmasterB. Stack
2017-10-15fix date in rpm changelogB Stack
2017-10-15update specB Stack
2017-10-15Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/bgstack15/ddtoolsB Stack
2017-10-15add --flush to updatezoneB Stack
2017-10-15add --flush to updatezoneB Stack
2017-10-14add bash autocompletion for updatezoneB Stack
2017-10-14arrange directory structure to current standardsB Stack
2017-05-29fixed minor temp stuff in dhcpd-controlB Stack
2017-05-29updated spec for 0.0-2B Stack