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Installing Windows 7 on Alienware M17x-R4

I used to use a Windows-based process to copy the Windows 7 installer to a new hard disk which would then be installed in a new system, and then I would install the OS to that very drive from itself. It worked great. This was before 2015, the Year of Linux on the Desktop.

Now that I use all GNU/Linux, but I needed to install Windows 7, I had a hard time getting this prepared. Here is how I did it.

AskUbuntu indicated to use WoeUSB, so i used the provided instructions.

Deploying WoeUSB to a usb caused the win 7 installer to not be able to choose a disk at all (a failure of the windows installer, not WoeUSB), so I used WoeUSB to copy my win7x64 pro install iso to the SSD that I then placed in the system.

time sudo bash ./woeusb-5.2.4.bash --target-filesystem NTFS --device /mnt/public/Support/SetupsBig/Windows/en_windows_7_professional_x64_dvd_x15-65805.iso /dev/sdZ

Why I did it

The graphics card in a (Dell) Alienware M17x-R4 graphics card is an Nvidia 660M. I was unable to get the debian-packaged drivers and the drivers to work on modern kernel ( I concluded it was useful for retro gaming, if you call the Windows 7 era retro gaming.

I could have probably used an older release of Devuan GNU+Linux, but I use exclusively Devuan unstable, and I don't want to start using an older release now.



Auxiliary but not needed in the path I took

