Knowledge Base

Preserving for the future: Shell scripts, AoC, and more

dnf summarize

I've been working on my Rocky Linux 9 vm kickstart installation process, and due to what is already available in my local Linux mirror server, I used some AlmaLinux sources. So not only did I have to make the symlinks for ln -s epel-9-x86_64 epel-9.2-x86_64 and ln -s 9 9.2 for my copr and epel mirrors, but I also see how many packages come from each source repo.

yum list installed | awk '{a[$NF]++} END{for(i in a){j=i;gsub(/@/,"",j);if(j!="Packages"){print j": "a[i]}}}' | sort

I don't have a cutesy shell function in my profile yet. It took me a while to remember that gsub outputs the number of substitutions. It modifies the third input value directly instead of outputting the changed string.

anaconda: 398
appstream: 297
AppStream: 6
base: 13
copr-bgstack15-stackrpms: 5
epel: 5
examplerpm: 1
