Knowledge Base

Preserving for the future: Shell scripts, AoC, and more

Why I blog

I read a thread on Ycombinator News about Why I blog, and since I've been out of technical topcis lately, here's my reasons for blogging, in no particular order.

  • I want a creative outlet. I need to practice writing so I keep that ability. I write documentation at work (aren't we all supposed to?).
  • Remembering neat tricks I wrote, or found. I do use this sometimes to remember how I did something.
  • Use my technical expertise. Even just using a wordpress instance took skills. Apparently not everybody has those. This blog is powered with Nikola static site generator on nginx on CentOS 7. All that had to be set up, and configured (because I'm old-school; no cattle here).
  • Have a technical presence on the World Wide Web for when people want to validate my existence.
  • Have a "pet project" that doesn't take up space in the living room.
  • Engage with my fansfriends! Drop me a comment, email, or irc (darn it, what replaced freenode? That was such a catchy name., what a weak name compared to freenode) to let me know you read this. I need topic ideas!
