Knowledge Base

Preserving for the future: Shell scripts, AoC, and more

Monthly todos

Every month, I have a series of tasks I want to perform. I like to be organized (have you noticed the cadence of posts to this site?).

My monthly task items include, in no particular order:

  1. Backing up bookmarks with my own cruddy bookmark exporter, mbbmlib. The mbbmlib library is broken at the moment, at least for actually storing icons of the sites. Mozilla changed the schema for the favicon_ids and I need to reverse-engineer it or find the official schema. Drat those guys.
  2. Check backups. I have a number of backup processes, only partially described under tags backup and backups. I should check them more often, but if I don't, I do it at least monthly.
  3. OS updates. You'll see updates on my blog on occasion if I ran into an interesting problem after monthly updates.
  4. Backup entire browser profile. I guess I generate lots of backups. Maybe I should actually test a restore someday.
  5. Make a new tab in my budget spreadsheet. I use LibreOffice Calc, btw.
