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A new project I found: Metube

Metube is a web frontent for yt-dlp that makes it convenient to download youtube videos.

I set it up for myself recently, for when I don't have a terminal handy. I use a reverse-proxy so it can be on https for when I use the bookmarklet.


I actually tested only a few alternatives, which are indicated in the above list.


Upstream provides sample bookmarklets you can save as a browser bookmark. When visiting a video page, you can select this bookmarklet and it will send it to the app.

<a href='javascript:(function(){xhr=new XMLHttpRequest();"POST","");xhr.send(JSON.stringify({"url":document.location.href,"quality":"best"}));xhr.onload=function(){if(xhr.status==200){alert("Sent to metube!")}else{alert("Send to metube failed. Check the javascript console for clues.")}}})();'>Save to Jellyfin</a>
