Knowledge Base

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Radicale thoughts

In a wild and random activity that might help me leave Google someday, I decided to reinvestigate radicale. I had never set it up before; just read a lot about it. Now it was time to stand it up on a pre-production server.

Compiling radicale3 for CentOS 7

Radicale3 can be compiled for centos 7 just fine! You need to compile some of the python3 dependencies for it, which you can adapt with minimal changes from the fedora rpm sources.

Use for git clone sources. radicale needs custom python36 packages for:

  • python36-passlib
  • python36-vobject >= 0.9.6

And radicale.spec run 's/policycoreutils-python-utils/policycoreutils-python/g'

python36-passlib needs:

  • python3-nose
  • needs python36-bcrypt installed; it's already available but not in the dep list?

python3-nose needs, and then built just fine with no changes

  • python3-coverage

python3-coverage built just fine, no changes.

python36-vobject needs:

  • to be adjusted to use python36-dateutil package name

radicale application needs python36-dateutil>=2.7.3, which therefore needs to be built.

python-dateutil needs:

  • to be adjusted to use python36 buildreq names, and customized to disable building docs. Fairly simple spec modifications.

Radicale can then be installed from the rpms that you built:

$ sudo yum install ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/radicale3-*.rpm ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/python36-radicale3-3.1.7-30.el7.noarch.rpm
  python36-radicale3.noarch 0:3.1.7-30.el7   radicale3.noarch 0:3.1.7-30.el7   radicale3-httpd.noarch 0:3.1.7-30.el7  
  radicale3-selinux.noarch 0:3.1.7-30.el7

Running radicale

I have not tested any authentication on my radicale server yet. I went out and exported my entire google contacts into the .vcf format (labeled "vCard for iOS Contacts"). I used the web interface of radicale to sign in with a blank or any password (no auth yet, remember?). I then tried to upload my 80KB .vcf file. It fails, and the server logs indicate that FN cannot be blank. FN is first name, and I had to manually poke around my .vcf file to find where I had a blank first name.

$ awk 'BEGIN{c=0} /FN:/{a=a+1} /END:VCARD/{b=b+1;if(b>(a+c)){c=c+1;print NR}} END{print a,b}' < contacts.vcf 
390 392

So these were the line numbers where END:VCARD occurred without a preceding FN: field. So I had two contacts (which I discovered after I had found and finally fixed the first one). I would actually consider this a bug in radicale, but after investigating the github issues for the app repo, it's related to that Radicale conforms to spec and the spec says a Vcard must have a FN field. So at least now I've fixed those two contacts!

I then set up RadicaleInfCloud which provides a web interface to the calendars and contact book. It looks really slick, but I haven't tested all my use cases yet.

Next steps

Investigate these use cases

  1. Can I import an invitation, say from my email, e.g., click the .ics invitation to an event, and add it to my calendar?
  2. Can I export an invitation, probably in .ics format, to send to others so they can add my event to their calendar?

If I go to production with this solution: 1. build copr repo with these customized packages! 2. install radicale with (ldap) authentication 3. install radicale_infcloud with auth
