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Dpkg recipe for NotepadNext

I saw an article on Hacker News about NotepadNext, a project that is a QT-based, cross-platform reimplementation of my beloved Notepad++. I couldn't find any dpkg implementations of NotepadNext, so I decided to take that mantle up for myself. Upstream wasn't interested in housing the debian directory because they want to use Flatpak or AppImage or some other short-term trendy package format.

Here is my debian/ for you.

The only noteworthy parts are in d/rules:

# Omit -Werror=format-security with -format here, because of LuaExtension.cpp weirdness, 2022-04-14
export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all,-format

    dh $@ --buildsystem=qmake --sourcedirectory=src/NotepadNext

    mkdir build || :
    cd build ; pwd ; qmake6 ../src/; make

    rm -rf build/ || :

Thanks to the AUR PKGBUILD for the guidance on the build steps!
