Knowledge Base

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Add ssh key to freeipa user

It is easy to set the ssh key for a FreeIPA user.

ipa user-mod ${USER} --sshpubkey="$( cat ~/.ssh/ )"

It's also easy to set two ssh keys for a user.

ipa user-mod ${USER} --sshpubkey="$( cat ~/.ssh/ )" --sshpubkey="$( cat ~/.ssh/ )"

Each of these commands above will set the only key(s) in the domain. It will remove any that are already there. To add a public key in addition to leaving the old ones in place, use a one-liner.

eval ipa user-mod ${USER} $( ipa user-show ${USER} --all | awk '/SSH public key:/{$1="";$2="";$3="";print}' | sed -r -e 's/ *, */\n/g;' -e 's/^\s*//g;' | while read line ; do printf '%s ' "--sshpubkey='${line}'" ; done ; ) --sshpubkey="'$( cat ~/.ssh/ )'"

One could also choose to parse the output of sss_ssh_authorizedkeys but I wrote this one first!
