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Jellyfin notifications using webhooks

I replaced my Plex instance with the free and open source alternative Jellyfin ( I previously wrote about my alerting project for Plex, and now I have my solution for Jellyfin alerting.

Jellyfin, too, has the ability to send alerts including to email. You use a plugin. I enabled the crobibero repo and then installed the Webhook plugin in the web ui. After restarting the application from the command line, I was able to navigate to Admin Dashboard -> Advanced -> Plugins.

I set up an smtp webhook. I think the webhook url can just be empty, but I filled in something on my site just in case. My web logs don't indicate it hits that url at all. I chose my desired notification types and users. I use this as a template for the message:

<pre>Username: {{Username}}
Action: {{NotificationType}}
Timestamp: {{UtcTimestamp}}
Title:: {{Name}}
{{#if_exist SeriesName}}
Series: {{SeriesName}}
Season: {{SeasonNumber00}}
Episode: {{EpisodeNumber00}}
DeviceName: {{DeviceName}}
ClientName: {{ClientName}}
PlaybackPosition: {{PlaybackPosition}}

I used these attributes too:

Sender address: [my email]
Receiver address: [my email]
SMTP server address:
SMTP port: 465
Use credentials: True
Username: []
Password: []
Use SSL: True
Is Html Body: True
Subject template: Jellyfin activity for {{Username}}

Because I used gmail, I had to go into my account's security settings and enable old/insecure application access, but that wasn't directly related to the Jellyfin config. The Jellyfin logs were useful to troubleshoot that failure to log in.
