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Sane gtk3 fixes are ready for Fedora

All of my accumulated little fixes for gtk3 from Devuan are now also available in a COPR for Fedora!

  • gtk3-nocsd
  • gtk3-nooverlayscrollbar
  • gtk3-automnemonics

All the packages are native to Devuan but not Fedora, so this gtk3-stackrpms collection is designed to make it easy to install all of these on Fedora.

gtk3-stackrpms upstreams

Because gtk3-stackrpms is a collection, there are multiple upstreams.


This package is the main PCMan release that helps suppress client-side decorations. Devuan GNU+Linux already packages gtk3-nocsd natively.

Fedora rpm spec:

Raw code:


This package's contents come from fsmithred of the Devuan community. It sets a few environment variables to force the scrollbars to be always visible. Devuan GNU+Linux already packages gtk3-nooverlayscrollbar natively. The package is really just one file in /etc/X11/Xsession.d that sets a few key environment variables to 0.

Fedora rpm spec: No upstream! My spec is original. Raw code: From the Devuan links above


This package re-enables the gtk3 engine's ability to interpret a theme's settings.ini gtk-auto-mnemonics = 0which forces the underscores always on, to make it clear what ALT keystroke is required to select a button or menu entry. This is a module provided by Gord Squash: sgm and packaged in Devuan natively.

Fedora rpm spec: No upstream! My spec is original. Raw code: sgm


The Arch Linux community has tons of gtk3 tweaks and patches.


Basic gtk3 and build dependencies
