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Configuring znc

I spent some time configuring an irc bouncer so I can see messages from the times even when my client is not logged in. Based on the recommendation from a friend, I set up znc. Thankfully, in CentOS 8, znc 1.8.2 (current as of the time of this writing) is available!

sudo dnf install znc

To do the initial make config action, I ran it as my own user.

znc -c

And I followed the prompts. You set up an account on znc, which is the username you will use from your client when connecting to your "irc server" being run by znc. You can set up a network as well, which is where znc acts as the irc client to a server. Once you have that going, you can stop the server. I always just kill it, as my own user of course.

killall znc

Be sure to open up whatever port on your firewall you picked to run the little web server:

sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=1472/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

I was connecting one of my networks to a custom ngircd+Atheme server, where Atheme doesn't have a standard setup for nicks.

/msg *nickserv SetCommand IDENTIFY PRIVMSG NickServ :IDENTIFY {password}

Is what I needed to type in my client. As well as visit the web portal, and ensure that "nickserv" mod was enabled for the network in question. And then to take advantage of the distro-provided znc service, I had to migrate my ~/.znc to the proper location.

killall znc
sudo mv ~/.znc /var/lib/znc/.znc
sudo chown -R znc.znc /var/lib/znc
sudo restorecon -R /var/lib/znc
sudo systemctl enable znc
sudo systemctl start znc

# References
