Knowledge Base

Preserving for the future: Shell scripts, AoC, and more

Always show Gtk3 scrollbars

The Gtk3 people think that making scrollbars disappear until your mouse moves near where the scrollbar will appear. For people who always want to see the scrollbar, you can set an environment variable. This is what I have done:

# File: /etc/profile.d/

So all users get this value. It is good to be the admin!


Apparently the screwy behavior for the scrollbar where it doesn't really follow the mouse correctly is set in the theme.

# Example file: /usr/share/themes/Ambiant-MATE/gtk-3.0/settings.ini
gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = true

I have not implemented this last one yet, but it's worth preserving here. I might get stuck using more gtk3 in the future.



  1. GTK3: Changing the overlay/momentium scroll bar - Development Discussion - Ubuntu MATE Community
