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Low-budget staycation activity: Buying water glasses at thrift store

In a departure from my typical blog post contents, here is a random thought. (Yes, I'm running thin on blog topics.) One year, my friends and I had a staycation over Christmas. None of us were going out of town, and we were a tight group and decided to binge-watch the entire Harry Potter movie series. One of our random activities on our low-budget staycation was to visit the thrift store at the beginning of the whole week, and buy a drinking glass that represented our personalities. I bought a plain, straight-flairing plain glass cup. One friend bought a plastic mason jar insulated drinking cup with andle. One friend got a tall, pink "Bubba Gump" flute, another a blue contoured Coke glass, and the last a "Puss in Boots" print tumbler. For the low, low price of $1.50 we had commemorative cups for our epic staycation, in addition to all the other stuff we bought at the thrift store. I will recycle this idea someday. I can't do it too often or it loses its significance.
