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logrotate ignores files with g+w permission

Another logrotate post! If you have a logrotate definition, with permission g+w, logrotate will ignore it. You can see that if you run logrotate with -v flag.

-rw-------. 1 root root 349 Nov  2 15:02 nginx

If you want the nginx group to still be able to manage their own logrotate definition, use ACLs, which are already enabled by default on xfs and ext4

# setfacl -m 'group:nginx:rw-' nginx
# getfacl nginx
# file: nginx
# owner: root
# group: root
group:nginx:rw-                 #effective:---

# ls -l nginx
-rw-------+ 1 root root 349 Nov  2 15:02 nginx
