Knowledge Base

Preserving for the future: Shell scripts, AoC, and more



Meme about github and
ms I do not use social media, unless github, gitlab, or count. But, here is my hashtag for the week: #movingtogitlab. With the disheartening news about a week ago of a malevolent force taking over the community darling, I have decided to move my projects to gitlab. Plus, I was awakened to the fact that github's value-added bits are closed source. Well, what an interesting situation! And I was just getting a few stars on some of my repositories too. Check out the traffic of the gitlab github importer: I will be sharing over the next few posts some tools I used to facilitate this process. I had some help with the gist one, and I used a simple tool for the git repos. Someday I may even run my own instance of gitlab.
