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Palemoon 64-bit for Linux and Google Talk Plugin

  1. Install Palemoon using the from
  2. Visit gmail and initiate a call, which will cause it to prompt you to download the google talk plugin. Install it.
  3. Load the libraries in the directory Pale Moon looks in:
    pushd /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins 1>/dev/null 2>&1

    sudo ln -s ../../../../opt/google/talkplugin/ sudo ln -s ../../../../opt/google/talkplugin/ popd 1>/dev/null 2>&1

You don't even need to close and re-open the browser!

You will still get the warning "Hangouts phone calls will temporarily stop working in Firefox." When making an outgoing call, you can dismiss the warning. However, I was unable dismiss the warning when receiving a call, which means I was not able to receive calls. I don't know how to fix that part. Also, on occasion, it simply wouldn't make an outgoing call. Just cancel and try again, and then it will work.


Weblinks browser/906341#906341

Original research

rpmrebuild google-talkplugin_current_x86_64.rpm
