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Ansible tasks for auditd and logrotate

Auditd does not play nicely with logrotate on CentOS7. Here is my solution, in ansible format:

# the intention with auditd is to minimize the disk usage of the logs

# modify auditd.conf which notifies the handler
- name: auditd does not keep logs
    path: "{{ auditd_conf }}"
    regexp: "{{ item.r }}"
    backrefs: yes
    line: "{{ item.l }}"
    create: no
    state: present
  notify: auditd handler
  - { r: '^max_log_file_action.*$', l: 'max_log_file_action      =  ignore' }
  - { r: '^max_log_file.*$', l: 'max_log_file             =  0' }

# tarball and cleanup any existing audit.log.1 files
- name: list all old auditd logs which need to be compressed and cleaned up
  shell: warn=no find /var/log/audit -regex {{ auditd_log_cleanup_regex }}
  register: cleanup_list
  ignore_errors: yes

- name: touch archive file
    path: "{{ auditd_log_dir }}/old-audit.log.tgz"
    state: touch
    owner: root
    group: root
    mode: 0600

- name: archive and cleanup existing audit.log.1 files
    dest: "{{ auditd_log_dir }}/old-audit.log.tgz"
    #path: "{{ auditd_log_dir }}/audit.log.*"
    path: "{{ cleanup_list.stdout_lines }}"
    format: gz
    owner: root
    group: root
    remove: yes
  ignore_errors: yes
  #check_mode: yes

- name: apply logrotate script for audit
    src: etc/logrotate.d/audit
    dest: "{{ auditd_logrotate_conf }}"
    owner: root
    group: root
    mode: 0644
    backup: yes

- name: run logrotate
  shell: warn=no /sbin/logrotate -f "{{ auditd_logrotate_conf }}"
  register: run_logrotate

- debug:
    msg: "{{run_logrotate}}"
vars or defaults
auditd_conf: /etc/audit/auditd.conf
auditd_log_dir: /var/log/audit
auditd_log_cleanup_regex: '.*audit\.log\.[0-9]+'
auditd_service: auditd
auditd_logrotate_conf: /etc/logrotate.d/audit
