Knowledge Base

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Mount an lvm logical volume from a qcow2 file

Mounting qcow2 files to host filesystem

Converting to raw and mounting

kpartx does not work very well with qcow2 files. You can convert the qcow2 file to a raw file:

qemu-img convert "${oldfile}" "${newfile}"

You can now find the partitions and map them:

kpartx -av "${newfile}"
mount /dev/loop2p2 /mnt/foo

Modifying a virtual machine to use the new image file

You can modify a virtual machine definition to use this new file:

virsh dumpxml ${domain} > domain.xml
vi domain.xml # Lines “source file=/path/file.raw” and “driver name=qemu type=raw"
virsh create domain.xml

Mounting lvm logical volumes from the image file

Update lvm with the currently attached disks.

pvscan; lvscan; lvdisplay

Now you can mount /dev/mapper/cl_centos7--02a_root to a mount point.



  1. Converting qcow2 file to raw to make it work with kpartx
  2. An alternate way to mount a qcow2 file

Man pages

  1. virsh
