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Find which package provides a file - Yum and Apt

Last updated 2019-06-26

Yum-based distros

On Fedora-like systems, the default package manager is yum (or dnf for Fedora 22+). The main way you use it is to install packages and auto-resolve the dependencies.

yum install irfan

Similarly, apt-get on the Debian family of GNU/Linux installs packages with this command.

apt-get install irfan

Now, let's say you are looking for which package installs a particular file. The command for yum is:

yum provides */filename

If you want to use rpm, that is available too.

rpm -qf /etc/sudoers

Apt-based distros

On apt-based distros (Debian, Devuan, Ubuntu, etc.), you need to install the package apt-file before you can do similar lookup commands.

apt-get install apt-file

Now you can search with:

apt-file search */filename

You can use the lower-level package manager:

dpkg-query -S /usr/share/filename
