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Preserving for the future: Shell scripts, AoC, and more

Details for installing Windows 98 in Dosbox-X

Just in case the upstream page disappears, here's my duplicated notes for installing Windows 98 SE in Dosbox-X.

Make a dosbox-x config file, which the docs just label win98.conf.

# File: win98.conf

title=Windows 98

vesa modelist width limit=0
vesa modelist height limit=0

hard drive data rate limit=0
floppy drive data rate limit=0



[fdc, primary]

[ide, primary]

[ide, secondary]
cd-rom insertion delay=4000



Start up dosbox-x and make a hard drive image:

dosbox-x -conf win98.conf

REM 16GB disk, plenty of room for Windows 98
IMGMAKE hdd.img -t hd -size 16384

Now, my value-add is that if you want to move this img file around later, you can compress it into a tarball which thankfully avoids the sparse zeroes!

tar -zcf hdd.img.tgz hdd.img

My 16GB hdd.img with installed Windows 98 compressed down to 256MB, which is way faster for wireless network to transmit, for example!

I used installation method 2: copy install disc contents to the hard drive.

IMGMOUNT C hdd.img
IMGMOUNT D Win98.iso

And then lather, rinse, reboot, as is the pattern for Windows 98. (Ah, the bad old days!)

After the first shutdown/reboot, modify the [autoexec] section of the conf file to include a few steps:

IMGMOUNT C hdd.img

And then you can always run:

dosbox-x -conf win98.conf

And just be sure to finish the Windows 98 installation! Dosbox-X handles changing the screen resolution in the emulated OS just fine, so set it to what you want!

The source page has installation steps for all sorts of popular frameworks but I didn't need any of them so didn't save the instructions.

I haven't needed networking yet (the thought mostly terrifies me), so I haven't saved those steps down either.

Math Blaster 3 in Windows 98 in Dosbox-X

Continuing from last time, I successfully installed Windows 98 SE in Dosbox-X following the very useful official guide. Then I got Math Blaster 3rd Grade running!

While this game installed and started in Wine, it would malfunction usually on screen changes between scenes or menu entries.

So, once I had the working Windows 98 environment, I found my iso and attached it with IMGMOUNT and booted. Then it was easy to install the game, and everything worked!

According to the instructions, you mount a CD drive from an ISO file by running equivalent commands, or adding them to this section of the conf file:

IMGMOUNT C hdd.img
IMGMOUNT F "/mnt/public/CDROMs/Games/Math Blaster/Math_Blaster_3.iso"

My mistake of having a space in the directory name does provide a good example of how to quote a filesystem path with spaces for dosbox-x.


Here's my launch script that adds the icon to the window manager titlebar:

cd "$( dirname "$( readlink -f "${0}" )" )"
dosbox-x -conf win98.conf &
# and set icon
test -f win98.png && which xwininfo 1>/dev/null 2>&1 && which xseticon 1>/dev/null 2>&1 && {
   sleep 1 # give it time to appear
   # search based on window class "dosbox-x"
   tid="$( xwininfo -root -children -all | awk '/"dosbox-x")/{print $1}' )"
   xseticon -id "${tid}" win98.png
# and then reconnect to dosbox-x child process so this script ends when dosbox-x ends
fg %1


It's this Math Blaster 3rd grade:

Which is not to be confused with the older (and still good, but I am uncertain if I have it) Math Blaster Episode I: In Search of Spot from the prior iteration.

I built Dosbox-X for Devuan


Dosbox-X dpkg is now available for Devuan Unstable.


The Dosbox-X community doesn't have a solid plan for building a dpkg of Dosbox-X. It's not a huge deal; they offer all sorts of packages! And thankfully, I even found the link to the COPR (Fedora RPM) package. Alas, I have abandoned Fedora GNU/Linux despite my love of SELinux (no joke). Systemd just is unncessary to proper computer operations. Anyway, I translated the nice and simple rpm spec into a dpkg build recipe!

The full story

I got the itch to work in Windows 98 again (yes, I said 98). Wine doesn't cut it, sometimes. So, I pulled out my old Windows 98 VM from last year. I had forgotten I never got the sound working. Also, the display refresh rate was just terrible. Sure, applications install in it, but forget about displaying video.

So, I investigated other options than qemu+spice. I read and followed the thorough demo of installing Windows 98 SE in vanilla Dosbox, but had no success. I very much enjoyed repeating this process 20+ years later. It even crashes and reboots more often than I remember! The setup never finished in vanilla Dosbox, so I had to move on.

So then I tried Dosbox-X! First of all, I wanted to build this application in a dpkg because I am not interested in Flatpak or other methods. I suppose I would have tolerated trying an AppImage but they didn't have one that I found. Anything that can be built in an rpm can be built in a dpkg (assuming of course the dependencies are available). Thankfully, there were no exotic dependencies, and writing a debian recipe was straightforward! The hardest part was some rather obtuse syntax of how to run the auto_configure statement, which is just a dpkg thing.

Stay tuned for more on this narrative about Windows 98 SE.

My small agenda project

I wrote a small program for myself to send me an email of the daily agenda. It uses python library caldav to get the events. It was for this project I had to write the previous post's solution.

It writes a small html output, and then I have a few scripts I use to turn it into an email to myself.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# File:
# Startdate: 2023-05-17 15:47:40
# Purpose: script on server3 that generates email message content
import sys, datetime, os
import agenda
url = ""
username = "bgstack15"
password = "plaintextpw"
thisdate =
   thisdate = os.environ.get("AGENDA_DATE",
print(f"Using date {thisdate}",file=sys.stderr)

The above python script gets called by a shell script:

# startdate: 2023-05-17-4 15:58
# Purpose: job for emailing daily agenda, for adding to cron
results="$( /home/agenda/ )"
test -z "${AGENDA_DATE}" && AGENDA_DATE="$( date "+%F" )"
subject="Daily agenda for ${AGENDA_DATE}"
if test -z "${results}" ;
   results="nothing on the agenda today"
   subject="nothing on agenda"
echo "${results}" | mailx -s "$( printf '%s\n%s' "${subject}" "Content-Type: text/html" )" ""

And then I threw this into cron:

# File: /etc/cron.d/85_agenda_email_cron
58  6  *  *  *  agenda   sh /home/agenda/ 1>>/var/server3/shares/public/Support/Systems/server3/var/log/agenda_log 2>&1

Sample html output (let's see if this works in my markdown file used in my SSG):


All day: Pay water bill


8:00am: Work


11:30am: Lunch
2:00pm: Call Nick
5:00pm: remind Joe about AoE2

fixing user calendar access in radicale


I have written before about my calendar solution. This time, I have improved my radicale installation for myself. I spent a long time investigating why a small caldav client script I was writing (post coming in a few days) couldn't get to my account.

I had to run the server on debuglevel "DEBUG" and carefully examine all the rights setup. I use the rights file method. I have previously described how I added my domain auth to my radicale instance.

At first, after a ton of work, I thought that the rights evaluations are not properly evaluating string {0} which should be a python re method for referring to the first replaced named expression in a regular expression, such as block:

user: (.+)@IPA.EXAMPLE.COM
collection: {0}/[^/]+
permissions: rw

I am not entirely convinced it's operating as expected. I wanted user bgstack15@IPA.EXAMPLE.COM to access collections under namespace bgstack15 but it was not working. I tried adding a named variable in the interpolation list in the radicale source code to handle a username_without_domain but that didn't seem to work.

So eventually I just ended up adding a single line right after the variable user gets populated from the http Authorization header, in radicale/app/

user = user.split("@")[0]

Which due to user-friendly language design, safely handles when no at symbol is present also. So this just chomps off the @IPA.EXAMPLE.COM, and then I keep going.

I didn't fork the repo, or build a new rpm (since I'm now on AlmaLinux 8 and can just use the distro radicale3 package instead of the one I had to build for CentOS 7). I just modified the deployed file on my production system like a neanderthal. So any future updates will cause problems. Oh, so this is "technical debt." I guess I'm technically poorer now.

Second thought, unexecuted

And after I'd written my internal documentation about this whole process, I realized I should have just symlinked the collections like so:

cd /var/lib/radicale/collections/collection-root/
ln -s bgstack15 bgstack15@IPA.EXAMPLE.COM

Or just moved it. Absolutely all auth goes through the frontend reverse proxy because radicale listens only on loopback, so the usernames would always have the domain name appended. Ah, well. Perhaps in an alternate universe(timeline? parallelly-developed planet [Warning: TV Tropes links!]?) I solved it that way.

Why I blog

I read a thread on Ycombinator News about Why I blog, and since I've been out of technical topcis lately, here's my reasons for blogging, in no particular order.

  • I want a creative outlet. I need to practice writing so I keep that ability. I write documentation at work (aren't we all supposed to?).
  • Remembering neat tricks I wrote, or found. I do use this sometimes to remember how I did something.
  • Use my technical expertise. Even just using a wordpress instance took skills. Apparently not everybody has those. This blog is powered with Nikola static site generator on nginx on CentOS 7. All that had to be set up, and configured (because I'm old-school; no cattle here).
  • Have a technical presence on the World Wide Web for when people want to validate my existence.
  • Have a "pet project" that doesn't take up space in the living room.
  • Engage with my fansfriends! Drop me a comment, email, or irc (darn it, what replaced freenode? That was such a catchy name., what a weak name compared to freenode) to let me know you read this. I need topic ideas!

OS Updates May 2023, and the Aftermath

This month's OS updates were brutal! One small good thing: CentOS 7 was very mild: no kernel updates.

Things got rocky (no pun intended; I don't use Rocky Linux; I went with AlmaLinux for my CentOS 8 replacement) when I was validating my main file server. It operates way too many services, including my main wireguard "server." (In Wireguard, everything is merely a peer. I just make this one a peer to everything else because I like star topology.)

Well, I first realized that my wireguard routing (firewalld masquerading) was not working. Come to find out, Firewalld was malfunctioning. I spent a lot of time troubleshooting a weird error:

firewalld[903]: ERROR: 'python-nftables' failed: internal:0:0-0: Error: Could not process rule: No such file or directory

I troubleshot nftables, and python. There doesn't appear to be a binary named python-nftables. Some Ubuntu chap found a similar problem which he solved by manually adding the nft tables and chains somehow missing (that I assume firewalld should be adding on its own). I then wasted way too much time trying to parse the supposedly bad json blob from the logs with jq, and looping through to get my easy nft commands for chain and table. Unfortunately I didn't figure that out and ended up just running those commands manually. They didn't help.

So now I was holding multiple broken pieces of firewalld, wireguard, oh, and radicale (my calendar solution). Radicale was throwing errors about a read-only filesystem.

So, after trying to revert firewalld to just use trusty old iptables, which went sideways even faster than nftables, and searching those errors, I discovered that dmesg was throwing a fascinating and scary message:

missing module BTF, cannot register kfuncs

Which reliably shows up when restarting firewalld in its broken state. It was at this point I guess that this AlmaLinux 8 system had received a kernel update, and sure enough, it had. It was running 6.3.1 and the previous boot was 6.2.9. So I decide to just reboot. I visit the console (because I've never bothered to set up a cool network kvm device) and ensure I interrupt grub because who can be bothered to learn the new, current way to configure grub to pick a specific menu entry? I booted into the previous kernel entry, and then firewalld worked, and its masquerade (ip routing) function worked. So wireguard was back to functioning.

So by the way, this flapping of my nfs server affected my jellyfin instance which then coughed up some old entries from its database for some reason and spat out .nfo files for long-gone files once nfs got reestablished. Whatever. That's the least of my worries.

So now, I turned my attention to radicale. It was spewing a silly error:

radicale[939]: [939/Thread-3] [ERROR] An exception occurred during PROPFIND request on '/bgstack15/': [Errno 30] Read-only file system: '/var/lib/radicale/collections/.Radicale.lock'

I'm an old hat, classically trained (as I like to say), so I dropped SELinux into permissive mode, which didn't help. I then ran the radicale server on the command line, which did remove that error. It still operated incredibly slowly, so I eventually gave up on that. I saw in the radicale.service file an entry, ReadWritePaths= which led me to read about that in the systemd man pages. My collections are stored in there, but under a symlink. So I ran:

systemctl edit radicale.service

And then systemctl daemon-reload and restarted the app. And now, it didn't throw that error but it still ran incredibly slowly on my calendar(s). Well, come to find out, it wanted to reindex all 9,000 entries in my calendar, which takes a while. But once it had finished that, it was able to then serve them fast enough for my calendar front-end webapp.

And to think I say I enjoy this stuff!

I tried building an AppImage, Part 1

I recently read a discussion about AppImage, and of course Ubuntu had its recent news that Flatpak is not installed by default in the latest silly-named Ubuntu version (23.04, I assume). I also recently had to use my first AppImage, for OpenShot. There was a bug in the Devuan unstable package of this app, where the user cannot drag the right edge of a video clip to shorten its duration. So I tried the AppImage, and the bug was fixed there!

I decided to investigate building an AppImage. It tends to be focused on desktop applications. The only (relatively simple) one I package that I could think of quickly is FreeFileSync, so I tried adapting my Open Build Service package to include an appimage.

Open Build Service uses an OpenSUSE 42.3 distribution environment, for which I know very little about the available packages. Unfortunately, FreeFileSync aggressively follows its upstream dependencies' version releases, and of course anything not bleeding edge does not have the right package versions. OpenSuSE 42.3 didn't even have some of the older versions of the (wxGTK-related) packages necessary, so my AppImage build process left me frustrated.

I will try again, and instead of packaging from source, I'll try to adapt the existing dpkg I do maintain.