path: root/data/zenity.1
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'data/zenity.1')
1 files changed, 418 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/zenity.1 b/data/zenity.1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..06a1aba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/zenity.1
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+.TH ZENITY 1 "December 2011"
+zenity \- display GTK+ dialogs
+.B zenity
+.RI [ options ]
+\fBzenity\fP is a program that will display GTK+ dialogs, and return
+(either in the return code, or on standard output) the users
+input. This allows you to present information, and ask for information
+from the user, from all manner of shell scripts.
+For example, \fBzenity \-\-question\fP will return either 0, 1 or 5,
+depending on whether the user pressed \fIOK\fP, \fICancel\fP or timeout
+has been reached. \fBzenity --entry\fP will output on standard output
+what the user typed into the text entry field.
+Comprehensive documentation is available in the GNOME Help Browser.
+This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long
+options starting with two dashes (`-').
+Dialog options
+.B \-\-calendar
+Display calendar dialog
+.B \-\-entry
+Display text entry dialog
+.B \-\-error
+Display error dialog
+.B \-\-file\-selection
+Display file selection dialog
+.B \-\-info
+Display info dialog
+.B \-\-list
+Display list dialog
+.B \-\-notification
+Display notification
+.B \-\-progress
+Display progress indication dialog
+.B \-\-question
+Display question dialog
+.B \-\-text-info
+Display text information dialog
+.B \-\-warning
+Display warning dialog
+.B \-\-scale
+Display scale dialog
+.B \-\-color-selection
+Display color selection dialog
+.B \-\-password
+Display password dialog
+.B \-\-forms
+Display forms dialog
+General options
+.B \-\-title=TITLE
+Set the dialog title
+.B \-\-window-icon=ICONPATH
+Set the window icon with the path to an image. Alternatively, one of the four stock icons can be used: 'error', 'info', 'question' or 'warning'
+.B \-\-width=WIDTH
+Set the dialog width
+.B \-\-height=HEIGHT
+Set the dialog height
+.B \-\-timeout=TIMEOUT
+Set the dialog timeout in seconds
+Calendar options
+.B \-\-text=STRING
+Set the dialog text
+.B \-\-day=INT
+Set the calendar day
+.B \-\-month=INT
+Set the calendar month
+.B \-\-year=INT
+Set the calendar year
+.B \-\-date-format=PATTERN
+Set the format for the returned date. The default depends on the user locale or be set with the strftime style. For example %A %d/%m/%y
+Text entry options
+.B \-\-text=STRING
+Set the dialog text
+.B \-\-entry-text=STRING
+Set the entry text
+.B \-\-hide-text
+Hide the entry text
+Error options
+.B \-\-text=STRING
+Set the dialog text
+.B \-\-no\-wrap
+Do not enable text wrapping
+.B \-\-no\-markup
+Do not enable pango markup
+File selection options
+.B \-\-filename=FILENAME
+Set the file or directory to be selected by default
+.B \-\-multiple
+Allow selection of multiple filenames in file selection dialog
+.B \-\-directory
+Activate directory-only selection
+.B \-\-save
+Activate save mode
+.B \-\-separator=SEPARATOR
+Specify separator character when returning multiple filenames
+.B \-\-confirm\-overwrite
+Confirm file selection if filename already exists
+.B \-\-file\-filter=NAME | PATTERN1 PATTERN2
+Sets a filename filter
+Info options
+.B \-\-text=STRING
+Set the dialog text
+.B \-\-no\-wrap
+Do not enable text wrapping
+.B \-\-no\-markup
+Do not enable pango markup
+List options
+.B \-\-text=STRING
+Set the dialog text
+.B \-\-column=STRING
+Set the column header
+.B \-\-checklist
+Use check boxes for first column
+.B \-\-radiolist
+Use radio buttons for first column
+.B \-\-separator=STRING
+Set output separator character
+.B \-\-multiple
+Allow multiple rows to be selected
+.B \-\-editable
+Allow changes to text
+.B \-\-print-column=NUMBER
+Specify what column to print to standard output. The default is to return
+the first column. 'ALL' may be used to print all columns.
+.B \-\-hide\-column=NUMBER
+Hide a specific column
+.B \-\-hide\-header
+Hides the column headers
+Notification options
+.B \-\-text=STRING
+Set the notification text
+.B \-\-listen
+Listen for commands on stdin. Commands include 'message', 'tooltip', 'icon', and 'visible' separated by a colon. For example, 'message: Hello world', 'visible: false', or 'icon: /path/to/icon'. The icon command also accepts the four stock icon: 'error', 'info', 'question', and 'warning'
+Progress options
+.B \-\-text=STRING
+Set the dialog text
+.B \-\-percentage=INT
+Set initial percentage
+.B \-\-auto\-close
+Close dialog when 100% has been reached
+.B \-\-auto\-kill
+Kill parent process if cancel button is pressed
+.B \-\-pulsate
+Pulsate progress bar
+.B \-\-no\-cancel
+Hides the cancel button
+Question options
+.B \-\-text=STRING
+Set the dialog text
+.B \-\-no\-wrap
+Do not enable text wrapping
+.B \-\-no\-markup
+Do not enable pango markup
+.B \-\-ok\-label
+Set the text of the OK button
+.B \-\-cancel\-label
+Set the text of the cancel button
+Text options
+.B \-\-filename=FILENAME
+Open file
+.B \-\-editable
+Allow changes to text
+.B \-\-checkbox=TEXT
+Enable a checkbox for use like a 'I read and accept the terms.'
+.B \-\-ok\-label
+Set the text of the OK button
+.B \-\-cancel\-label
+Set the text of the cancel button
+Warning options
+.B \-\-text=STRING
+Set the dialog text
+.B \-\-no\-wrap
+Do not enable text wrapping
+.B \-\-no\-markup
+Do not enable pango markup
+Scale options
+.B \-\-text=STRING
+Set the dialog text
+.B \-\-value=VALUE
+Set initial value
+.B \-\-min\-value=VALUE
+Set minimum value
+.B \-\-max\-value=VALUE
+Set maximum value
+.B \-\-step=VALUE
+Set step size
+.B \-\-print\-partial
+Print partial values
+.B \-\-hide\-value
+Hide value
+Color selection options
+.B \-\-color=VALUE
+Set the initial color
+.B \-\-show\-palette
+Show the palette
+Password dialog options
+.B \-\-username
+Display the username field
+Forms dialog options
+.B \-\-add\-entry=FIELDNAME
+Add a new Entry in forms dialog
+.B \-\-add\-password=FIELDNAME
+Add a new Password Entry in forms dialog
+.B \-\-add\-calendar=FIELDNAME
+Add a new Calendar in forms dialog
+.B \-\-text=STRING
+Set the dialog text
+.B \-\-separator=STRING
+Set output separator character
+.B \-\-forms\-date-format=PATTERN
+Set the format for the returned date. The default depends on the user locale or be set with the strftime style. For example %A %d/%m/%y
+Miscellaneous options
+.B \-?, \-\-help
+Show summary of options.
+.B \-\-about
+Display an about dialog.
+.B \-\-version
+Show version of program.
+Also the standard GTK+ options are accepted. For more information about the GTK+ options, execute following command.
+zenity \-\-help\-gtk
+Normally, zenity detects the terminal window from which it was launched and
+keeps itself above that window. This behavior can be disabled by unsetting the
+WINDOWID environment variable.
+Display a file selector with the title \fISelect a file to
+remove\fP. The file selected is returned on standard output.
+zenity \-\-title="Select a file to remove" \-\-file-selection
+Display a text entry dialog with the title \fISelect Host\fP and the
+text \fISelect the host you would like to flood-ping\fP. The entered
+text is returned on standard output.
+zenity \-\-title "Select Host" \-\-entry \-\-text "Select the host you would like to flood-ping"
+Display a dialog, asking \fIMicrosoft Windows has been found! Would
+you like to remove it?\fP. The return code will be 0 (true in shell)
+if \fIOK\fP is selected, and 1 (false) if \fICancel\fP is selected.
+zenity \-\-question \-\-title "Alert" \-\-text "Microsoft Windows has been found! Would you like to remove it?"
+Show the search results in a list dialog with the title \fISearch Results\fP
+and the text \fIFinding all header files...\fP.
+find . \-name '*.h' | zenity \-\-list \-\-title "Search Results" \-\-text "Finding all header files.." \-\-column "Files"
+Show a notification in the message tray
+zenity \-\-notification \-\-window-icon=update.png \-\-text "System update necessary!"
+Display a weekly shopping list in a check list dialog with \fIApples\fP and \fIOranges\fP pre selected
+zenity \-\-list \-\-checklist \-\-column "Buy" \-\-column "Item" TRUE Apples TRUE Oranges FALSE Pears FALSE Toothpaste
+Display a progress dialog while searching for all the postscript files in your home directory
+find $HOME \-name '*.ps' | zenity \-\-progress \-\-pulsate
+\fBZenity\fP was written by Glynn Foster <>.
+This manual page was written by Ross Burton <>.