path: root/src/
diff options
authorMike Newman <>2003-05-27 22:00:43 +0000
committerMike Newman <>2003-05-27 22:00:43 +0000
commitbeaff4a661f5d1329e1afd4b5e3f980ee703035a (patch)
tree279dafb12fd003598135e8fddd7a43032ecde25f /src/
parentEnable the gdialog compatibility wrapper script. (diff)
Enable the gdialog wrapper script.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 221 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..1b6f63c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+# gdialog -> zenity conversion wrapper
+# by Mike Newman <>
+# This is all, of course, horrible - but it should translate
+# most commond gdialog types to zenity equivalents. It will mostly drop
+# the pointless and unused (even by gdialog!) size arguments
+# but hopefully will translate all the others.
+# For testing purposes, I've used a couple of the nautilus scripts
+# available at - what is sometimes
+# unclear is what is a gdialog/zenity translation problem, and what is
+# a problem with the original script
+my $command = "zenity "; # the command line we build up to execute
+my $element = ""; # current bit of command line
+my $argn = 0; # counter for walking args
+my $args = $#ARGV + 1; # total number of command line arguments
+my $separator = 0; # set if --separate-output is in use
+# this just loads the current arg into $element
+sub get_arg () {
+ $element = $ARGV[$argn];
+# walk the command line
+ARG: while ($argn < $args) {
+ get_arg;
+# Section 1 : Args which gdialog expects BEFORE box options
+# --clear, --backtitle have no obvious effect - ignored
+ if ($element eq "--title") {
+ # --title argument is almost analogous in gdialog and
+ # zenity - so pass it almost entirely as is
+ $argn++;
+ get_arg;
+ $command .= "--title=\"$element\" ";
+ # keep processing args
+ $argn++;
+ next ARG;
+ }
+ if ($element eq "--separate-output") {
+ # set the flag to pring list output line by line
+ $separator = 1;
+ # keep processing args
+ $argn++;
+ next ARG;
+ }
+# Section 2 : Box Options and subsequent args
+ if ($element eq "--msgbox" || $element eq "--infobox") {
+ # This bit is common to almost all of the dialogs
+ # the arg following the dialog type in gdialog is usually
+ # equivalent to zenity's --text arg.
+ $argn++;
+ get_arg;
+ $command .= "--info --text=\"$element\" ";
+ # this also happens a lot - gdialog accepted size args
+ # for dialog compatability - which it pretty much ignored
+ # and we will do the same
+ $argn+=2;
+ last ARG;
+ }
+ if ($element eq "--yesno") {
+ # this will silently ignore the gdialog option to set
+ # the default button in question dialogs - which is
+ # highly hig-norant anyway!
+ $argn++;
+ get_arg;
+ $command .= "--question --text=\"$element\" ";
+ last ARG;
+ }
+ if ($element eq "--inputbox") {
+ $argn++;
+ get_arg;
+ $command .= "--entry --text=\"$element\" ";
+ # ignore size elements and maybe there is some
+ # default text to initialize the entry with?
+ $argn+=3;
+ get_arg;
+ $command .= "--entry-text=\"$element\" ";
+ last ARG;
+ }
+ if ($element eq "--textbox") {
+ $command .= "--text-info ";
+ # the arg immediately following the dialog type in
+ # gdialog is the filename, so pass this to zenity
+ $argn++;
+ get_arg;
+ $command .= "--filename=\"$element\" ";
+ # width and height matter for this one, so get them
+ # and apply the same multipliers as used in gdialog
+ $argn++;
+ get_arg;
+ $element = $element * 7;
+ $command .= "--height=\"$element\" ";
+ $argn++;
+ get_arg;
+ $element = $element * 8;
+ $command .= "--width=\"$element\" ";
+ last ARG;
+ }
+ if ($element eq "--checklist" || $element eq "--radiolist") {
+ $list=$element;
+ $argn++;
+ get_arg;
+ # Conveniently, zenity and gdialog use the same names
+ # for list types, so pass this to zenity intact along with
+ # an untitled column for the check or radio buttons
+ # and the 'text' arg as a second column header
+ $command .= "--list $list --column='' --column $element ";
+ # should output be line by line?
+ if ($separator) {
+ $command .= " --separator='\n' ";
+ }
+ # Skip to the first 'item' arg of the list content
+ # bypassing height, width and list-height
+ # from here args run [tag] [item] [status] ...
+ $argn += 5;
+ # Loop over the remainder of the commandline
+ # discarding the 'status' and 'tag' args of each item
+ # and using the 'item' for display in our second column
+ # also pass a fake NULL argument since zenity can't set
+ # the status of a row like gdialog can
+ while ($argn < $args) {
+ get_arg;
+ $command .= "NULL $element ";
+ $argn += 3;
+ }
+ last ARG;
+ }
+ if ($element eq "--menu") {
+ $list=$element;
+ $argn++;
+ get_arg;
+ # a gdialog --menu is just a one column zenity --list
+ # Use the 'text' arg as a second column header
+ # FIXME: or should it be the dialog text, or both?
+ $command .= "--list --column $element ";
+ # Skip to the first 'item' arg of the list content
+ # bypassing height, width and list-height
+ # from here args run [tag] [item] ...
+ $argn += 5;
+ # Loop over the remainder of the commandline
+ # discarding the 'tag' args of each item
+ # and using the 'item' for display in our second column
+ while ($argn < $args) {
+ get_arg;
+ $command .= "$element ";
+ $argn += 2;
+ }
+ last ARG;
+ }
+ if ($element eq "--gauge") {
+ $argn++;
+ get_arg;
+ $command .= "--progress --text=\"$element\" ";
+ # discard the size args as usually, and see if
+ # a percentage value was supplied to initialize the
+ # dialog
+ $argn += 3;
+ get_arg;
+ if ($element) {
+ $command .= "--percentage=$element ";
+ }
+ last ARG;
+ }
+ $argn++;
+# execute the constructed zenity command line
+$command .= " 2>&1";