

Shell script that uses and aids ansible Use vcenter_matrix to generate yaml and csv lists of all the virtual guests in a set of vcenter hosts.

This script prompts for the username and password to the vcenters. Then it iterates through the list of vcenters in vcenters.txt and fetches the guest name and uuid of just the Linux guests.


cd /etc/ansible/shell/vcenter_matrix
vi vcenters.txt # add in your vcenter hostnames


This script generates a csv and a yaml file containing vcenter name, vm name, and bios uuid. Examples:

# vcenter_matrix.csv

# vcenter_matrix.yml
- { vcenter: "vcnorth", hostname: "prod1", uuid: "42208510-d3d6-348a-9cb2-8f8ef832a731" }
- { vcenter: "vcnorth", hostname: "prod2", uuid: "42101708-7564-645a-5c75-cb54d81a28fd" }
- { vcenter: "vcnorth", hostname: "prod3", uuid: "4210f2ab-7154-1bd3-be43-89cb59237bc2" }

Using the output

The output files are designed to be useful to determine what vcenter is running any given host. A vmware_guest_facts or any other vmware ansible module needs the vcenter ("hostname") specified, so you have to know it ahead of time. You can take advantage of this generated list with a task:

# Note: you need the tr upper lower command.
 - name: Learn uuid of vm
   shell: warn=no dmidecode 2>/dev/null | awk '/UUID:/{print $2}' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'
   register: this_uuid
   changed_when: false
   become: yes

- name: Learn which vcenter is running this host
   shell: warn=no grep -E ',{{ ansible_nodename }},' /etc/ansible/configuration/vcenter_matrix/vcenter_matrix.csv | awk -F',' '{print $1}'
   register: this_vc_hostname
   delegate_to: localhost
   changed_when: false
   failed_when: this_vc_hostname.stdout_lines | length != 1

 - name: vmware guest facts
     hostname: "{{ this_vc_hostname.stdout }}"
     username: "{{ vc_username }}"
     password: "{{ vc_password }}"
     datacenter: "nodatacenterprovided"
     validate_certs: no
     uuid: "{{ this_uuid.stdout }}"
   delegate_to: localhost
   register: facts


  1. File descript 10 https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/107800/using-while-loop-to-ssh-to-multiple-servers
  2. Web problem with vcenter api is because of escaped characters in variables https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/32477