path: root/newmoon/debian/changelog
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1 files changed, 310 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/newmoon/debian/changelog b/newmoon/debian/changelog
index 186727b..875e2e4 100644
--- a/newmoon/debian/changelog
+++ b/newmoon/debian/changelog
@@ -1,39 +1,309 @@
+newmoon (33.0.0-1+stackrpms) obs; urgency=medium
+ * remove obsolete ffmpeg.git-effadce6c756247ea8bae32dc13bb3e6f464f0eb.patch
+ * remove obsolete fix-armhf-FTBFS.patch
+ * Upstream updates
+ * Implemented a restricted version of the asynchronous clipboard API
+ (navigator.clipboard). This API is restricted to writing only for
+ obvious security considerations. It supports both plaintext and the
+ standard DataTransfer methods. We did not implement the reinvented
+ wheel concept of ClipboardItem objects.
+ * Implemented support for SHA-2 (SHA-256/SHA-512/etc.) signatures for
+ OCSP stapled responses.
+ * Implemented an option (Found in Preferences -> Content -> Media tab
+ (new this version)) to restrict DOM full-screen mode to the existing
+ browser window.
+ * Implemented several options in a new preferences tab (Preference ->
+ Privacy -> Tracking) to allow users to more easily control several
+ privacy-impacting features, namely poisoning of canvas data (to prevent
+ fingerprinting), and enabling of Performance observers (a developer
+ feature) that some websites rely on for their operation.
+ * Implemented PromiseRejectionEvent. Although this is rarely actually
+ used, some common JS libraries (you know who you are!) use it as a
+ feature level canary and start loading (broken!) Promise shims if it is
+ not found, causing compatibility issues and broken websites due to the
+ shims.
+ * Fixes:
+ * Aligned microtasks and Promises scheduling with the current spec and
+ expected behavior.
+ * We now no longer send click events to top levels of the document
+ hierarchy when using non-primary buttons (use auxclick, instead, to
+ capture these events).
+ * Greatly improved the performance of box shadows.
+ * Greatly improved the performance of file/data uploads over HTTP/2
+ (most of the secure websites out there).
+ * Fixed several issues related to focus and content selection.
+ * Fixed issues with the use of focus-within caused by unexpected
+ processing of DOM events.
+ * Fixed an issue with CSP not behaving as-expected when using
+ importScripts(), and fixed a number of additional CSP-related issues.
+ * Fixed a web compatibility issue with CORS preflights not sending the
+ original request's referrer policy or referrer header.
+ * Fixed a spec compliance issue with StructuredClone.
+ * Fixed a crash due to clamping code introduced for SetInterval and
+ SetTimeout timers.
+ * Fixed crashes when dynamic imports are canceled (e.g. by navigation).
+ * Other changes:
+ * Changed <input type=file> to now have its .files property be writable
+ following a spec change and recommendation.
+ * We are now requiring and building against the C++17 language standard.
+ * Updated the in-tree ffvpx lib to 6.0.
+ * Added a preference to allow users to completely disable reporting of
+ CSP errors to webmasters. Using this is strongly discouraged as it will
+ provide essential troubleshooting information to webmasters setting up
+ CSP, and does not pose a privacy issue, but for those who really want
+ it, it can now be fully disabled. The preference is
+ security.csp.reporting.enabled.
+ * Updated the IntersectionObserver interface to now also accept
+ documents for the observer root instead of only HTML elements.
+ * Cleaned up various bits of code surrounding GMP, memory allocation,
+ system libraries, vestigial Android code, freetype2 and developer tools.
+ * Improved efficiency of handling D3D textures.
+ * Added initial and experimental Mac PowerPC and Big Endian support.
+ * Changed the behavior of hung scripts. We now automatically terminate
+ them instead of presenting the user with a dialog box (which may or may
+ not show in a reasonable time if the browser is too busy trying to
+ process the hung script). If you prefer the old behavior, uncheck the
+ box "Automatically stop non-responsive scripts" in Preferences ->
+ Content -> General
+ * Security issues addressed: CVE-2024-0746, CVE-2024-0741,
+ CVE-2024-0743 DiD, CVE-2024-0750 DiD, and CVE-2024-0753.
+ * UXP Mozilla security patch summary: 3 fixed, 2 DiD, 12 not applicable.
+ -- B. Stack <> Thu, 08 Feb 2024 22:46:46 -0500
+newmoon (32.5.2-1+stackrpms) obs; urgency=medium
+ * Bugfix and security update:
+ - Removed the standard Twitter/X user-agent override because they decided
+ to block us on it.
+ - Added preferences for the user to control whether or not the tab page
+ title should be included in the window title or not. In Private Browsing
+ mode, the default is now to not show the title in the window. This was
+ done to avoid potential leakage to system logs (e.g. GNOME shell logs or
+ Windows event logs) of websites visited through the recorded window
+ title. The new preferences are privacy.exposeContentTitleInWindow and
+ privacy.exposeContentTitleInWindow.pbm for normal mode and Private
+ Browsing mode, respectively.
+ - Fixed several crashes in DOM and relating to dynamic JavaScript
+ module imports.
+ - Removed a restriction on Fetch preflight redirects, following a spec
+ update.
+ - Improved the handling of web workers if they get aborted mid-action.
+ - Security issues addressed: CVE-2023-6863, CVE-2023-6858 and several
+ others that do not have a CVE number.
+ -- B. Stack <> Fri, 26 Jan 2024 19:50:47 -0500
+newmoon (32.1.0-1+stackrpms) obs; urgency=low
+ * Shadow DOM and CustomElements, collectively making up WebComponents,
+ have been enabled by default which should bring much broader web
+ compatibility to the browser for many a site that uses web 2.0+
+ frameworks. See implementation notes.
+ * Tab titles in the browser now fade if they are too long instead of
+ using ellipses, to provide a little more readable space to page titles.
+ Note that this may require some updates to tab extensions or themes.
+ * A number of site-specific overrides have been updated or removed
+ because they are no longer necessary or current with the platform
+ developments in terms of web compatibility. We could use your help
+ evaluating the ones that are still there; see the issue on our repo.
+ * Updated our promises and async function implementation to the current
+ spec.
+ * Implemented Promise.any()
+ * Fixed several crashes related to regular expression code.
+ * Improved regular expression object handling so it can be properly
+ garbage collected.
+ * Fixed some VP8 video playback.
+ * Fixed an issue where the caret (text cursor) would sometimes not be
+ properly visible.
+ * Updated the embedded emoji font.
+ * Implemented the :is() and :where() CSS pseudo-classes.
+ * Implemented complex selectors for the :not() CSS pseudo-class.
+ * Implemented the inset CSS shorthand property.
+ * Implemented the env() environment variable CSS function. See
+ implementation notes.
+ * Implemented handling for RGB encoded video playback (instead of just
+ YUV).
+ * Implemented handling for full-range videos (0-255 luminance levels)
+ giving better video playback quality.
+ * Removed the WebP image decoder pref. See implementation notes.
+ * Enabled the Web text-to-speech API by default (only supported on some
+ operating systems).
+ * Updated NSPR to 4.35 and NSS to 3.79.4
+ * Cleaned up unused "tracking protection" plumbing. See implementation
+ notes.
+ * Cleaned up URI Classifier plumbing (Google SafeBrowsing leftover).
+ * Fixed several intermittent and difficult-to-trace crashes.
+ * Improved content type security of jar: channels. DiD
+ * Improved JavaScript JIT code generation safety. DiD
+ * Fixed potential crash scenarios in the graphics subsystem. DiD
+ * Improved filename safety when saving files to prevent potential
+ environment leaks.
+ * Security issues addressed: CVE-2023-25751, CVE-2023-28163 and several
+ others that do not have a CVE.
+ * UXP Mozilla security patch summary: 1 fixed, 4 DiD, 14 not applicable.
+ -- B. Stack <> Thu, 23 Mar 2023 13:53:33 -0400
+newmoon (32.0.1-1+stackrpms) obs; urgency=low
+ * Upstream updates
+ * Fixed a crash in the new regular expression code.
+ * Added {Extended_Pictographic} unicode property escape to regular
+ expressions.
+ * Fixed a regression in regular expressions for literal parsing of
+ invalid ranges.
+ * Updated NSS to pick up fixes.
+ * Security issues addressed: CVE-2023-25733 DiD, CVE-2023-25739 DiD and
+ CVE-2023-0767.
+ * UXP Mozilla security patch summary: 1 fixed, 2 DiD, 14 not applicable.
+ -- B. Stack <> Tue, 21 Feb 2023 20:34:55 -0500
+newmoon (32.0.0-1+stackrpms) obs; urgency=low
+ * New milestone release:
+ - Implemented Regular Expression named capture groups.
+ - Implemented Regular Expression unicode property escapes.
+ - Re-implemented Regular Expression lookaround/lookbehind (without
+ crashing this time ;) ).
+ - Implemented progressive decoding for JPEG-XL.
+ - Implemented animation for JPEG-XL.
+ - Renamed CSS offset-* properties to inset-* to align with the latest spec
+ and the web.
+ - Fixed CSS inheritance and padding issues in some cases.
+ - Aligned parsing of incorrectly duplicated HSTS headers with expected
+ behavior (discard all but the first one).
+ - Implemented a method to avoid memory exhaustion in case of (very) large
+ resolution animated images.
+ - Updated the JPEG-XL and Highway libraries to a recent, stable version.
+ - Cleaned up some unused CSS prefixing code.
+ - Improved the ability to link on *nix operating systems with other linkers
+ than gcc's default.
+ - Stability improvements (potential crash fixes).
+ - Security issues addressed: CVE-2023-23598, CVE-2023-23599 and several
+ others that do not have a CVE number.
+ - UXP Mozilla security patch summary: 4 fixed, 2 DiD, 19 not applicable.
+ -- B. Stack <> Thu, 16 Feb 2023 19:40:20 -0500
+newmoon (31.4.0-1) obs; urgency=medium
+ * Upstream updates
+ * Added support for the JPEG-XL image format.
+ * Implemented regular expressions lookaround/lookbehind.
+ * Aligned CORS header parsing with the updated spec. See implementation
+ notes.
+ * We no longer fire keypress events for non-printable keys. See
+ implementation notes.
+ * Added support for MacOS 13 "Ventura" in the platform, primarily
+ benefitting White Star.
+ * Fixed potentially problematic thread locking code on *nix platforms.
+ * Fixed some small issues in the display and operation of the Web
+ Developer tools.
+ * Removed unused but performance-impacting panning and tab animation
+ measuring code. (telemetry leftovers)
+ * Improved code for SunOS builds.
+ * Updated Internationalization data for time zones.
+ * Fixed a buffer overflow for Mac builds.
+ * Security issues addressed: CVE-2022-45411 and potential issues
+ without a CVE number.
+ * UXP Mozilla security patch summary: 2 fixed, 1 DiD, 1 deferred, 25
+ not applicable.
+ -- B. Stack <> Tue, 22 Nov 2022 10:03:10 -0500
+newmoon (31.3.1-1) obs; urgency=medium
+ * Upstream updates
+ * Added detection suport for the newly-released MacOS 13 (Ventura).
+ * Fixed a potential heap Use-After-Free risk in Expat. (CVE-2022-40674)
+ DiD
+ * Fixed potentially undefined behavior in our thread locking code. DiD
+ * Fixed a potentially exploitable crash in the refresh driver.
+ * Fixed potentially undefined behavior when base-64 decoding. DiD
+ * Implemented a texture size cap for WebGL to prevent potential issues
+ with some graphics drivers. DiD
+ * Updated site-specific overrides to address issues with ZoHo.
+ * UXP Mozilla security patch summary: 1 fixed, 2 DiD, 6 not applicable.
+ -- B. Stack <> Tue, 01 Nov 2022 14:09:10 -0400
+newmoon (31.3.0-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+ * Upstream updates
+ * Implemented .at(index) JavaScript method on built-in indexables
+ (Array, String, TypedArray).
+ * Implemented the use of EventSource in workers.
+ * Enabled the sending of the Origin: header by default on same-origin
+ requests.
+ * Changed how Pale Moon is built. We are now using Visual Studio 2022
+ on Windows, and have made build system changes to reduce build times
+ and pressure on the linker on all platforms.
+ * Changed how Pale Moon handles standalone wave audio files (.wav). See
+ implementation notes.
+ * Improved string normalization.
+ * Updated the handling of CSS "supports" to now accept unparenthesized
+ strings (spec update).
+ * Updated the handling of flex containers in web pages for web
+ compatibility.
+ * Fixed various issues when building for Mac OS X.
+ * Fixed various C++ standard conformance issues in the source code.
+ * Fixed several issues building on SunOS and Linux with various
+ configurations and gcc versions.
+ * Fixed an issue with regular expressions' dotAll syntax and usage. See
+ implementation notes.
+ * Switched custom hash map to std::unordered_map where prudent.
+ * Cleaned up and updated IPC thread locking code.
+ * Removed spacing for accessibility focus rings in form controls to
+ align styling of them with expected metrics.
+ * Removed the unnecessary control module for building with non-standard
+ configurations of the platform.
+ * Removed the -moz prefix from min-content and max-content CSS keywords
+ where it was still in use.
+ * Security fixes: CVE-2022-40956 and CVE-2022-40958.
+ * UXP Mozilla security patch summary: 2 fixed, 11 not applicable.
+ -- B. Stack <> Tue, 01 Nov 2022 14:09:09 -0400
newmoon (31.2.0-1) obs; urgency=medium
* Changes/fixes:
* Implemented CSS white-space: break-spaces for web compatibility.
* Implemented Intl.RelativeTimeFormat for web compatibility.
- * Implemented "Origin header CSRF mitigation". This is still disabled
+ * Implemented "Origin header CSRF mitigation". This is still disabled
by default to investigate potential issues with CloudFlare-backed sites.
* Implemented support for async generator methods in JavaScript.
- * Added preliminary support for building on Apple Silicon like M1/M2
+ * Added preliminary support for building on Apple Silicon like M1/M2
* Added support for building with Visual Studio 2022.
* Improved the handling of CSS "sticky" elements in tables.
* Improved stack size limits on all platforms. See implementation notes.
- * Updated function.toString handling to align with the updated
+ * Updated function.toString handling to align with the updated
JavaScript spec. This should improve web compatibility.
- * Updated Unicode support to Unicode v11, and updated the ICU library
+ * Updated Unicode support to Unicode v11, and updated the ICU library
accordingly. Building without ICU is no longer supported.
- * Updated many in-tree third-party libraries to pick up various
+ * Updated many in-tree third-party libraries to pick up various
performance and stability improvements.
- * Updated site-specific user-agent overrides to work around issues with
+ * Updated site-specific user-agent overrides to work around issues with
Google fonts, Citi bank (again!) and MeWe.
- * Removed some leftover (and unused) telemetry code in the platform and
+ * Removed some leftover (and unused) telemetry code in the platform and
* Fixed an issue with VP9 video playback on Windows on some systems.
- * Fixed an issue with the add-ons manager not properly handling empty
+ * Fixed an issue with the add-ons manager not properly handling empty
update URLs.
- * Fixed a major performance regression on *nix based systems due to
+ * Fixed a major performance regression on *nix based systems due to
incorrect thread handling.
* Fixed volume handling when building with the sndio audio back-end.
- * Pale Moon no longer applies content security policies to documents
- that are explicitly loaded as data documents or to images. See
+ * Pale Moon no longer applies content security policies to documents
+ that are explicitly loaded as data documents or to images. See
implementation notes.
- * Cleaned up some unnecessary code from the source tree for unused
- build back-ends, Firefox marketplace "apps", and the rather ridiculous
+ * Cleaned up some unnecessary code from the source tree for unused
+ build back-ends, Firefox marketplace "apps", and the rather ridiculous
moz://a protocol handler.
- * Updated NSS to 3.52.8 to pick up several defense-in-depth security
+ * Updated NSS to 3.52.8 to pick up several defense-in-depth security
* UXP Mozilla security patch summary: 3 DiD, 12 not applicable.
@@ -42,18 +312,18 @@ newmoon (31.2.0-1) obs; urgency=medium
newmoon (31.1.1-1) obs; urgency=medium
* Changes/fixes:
- * Updated the list of blocked external protocol handlers to combat
+ * Updated the list of blocked external protocol handlers to combat
abuse of OS-supplied services on Windows.
- * Fixed a potential issue with revoked site certificates when
+ * Fixed a potential issue with revoked site certificates when
connecting through a proxy.
* Updated NSS to 3.52.7 to pick up some security fixes.
- * Updated site-specific user agent overrides to work around bad
+ * Updated site-specific user agent overrides to work around bad
sniffing practices of dropbox and vimeo.
- * Security issues addressed: CVE-2022-34478, CVE-2022-34476,
- CVE-2022-34480 DiD, CVE-2022-34472, CVE-2022-34475 DiD, CVE-2022-34473
- DiD, CVE-2022-34481 and a memory safety issue that doesn't have a CVE
+ * Security issues addressed: CVE-2022-34478, CVE-2022-34476,
+ CVE-2022-34480 DiD, CVE-2022-34472, CVE-2022-34475 DiD, CVE-2022-34473
+ DiD, CVE-2022-34481 and a memory safety issue that doesn't have a CVE
- * UXP Mozilla security patch summary: 4 fixed, 4 DiD, 2 rejected, 11
+ * UXP Mozilla security patch summary: 4 fixed, 4 DiD, 2 rejected, 11
not applicable.
-- B. Stack <> Mon, 11 Jul 2022 11:34:11 -0400
@@ -61,41 +331,41 @@ newmoon (31.1.1-1) obs; urgency=medium
newmoon (31.1.0-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* Changes/fixes:
- * Added Mojeek as an additional search engine in the browser. See
+ * Added Mojeek as an additional search engine in the browser. See
implementation notes.
- * Implemented "nullish coalescing operator" (thanks, FranklinDM!) for
+ * Implemented "nullish coalescing operator" (thanks, FranklinDM!) for
web compatibility.
* Fixed various crash scenarios in XPCOM.
- * Fixed an important stability and performance issue related to
+ * Fixed an important stability and performance issue related to
hardware acceleration.
- * Fixed a long-standing issue where overly-long address bar tooltips
- wouldn't break into multiple lines but instead cut off on the right
+ * Fixed a long-standing issue where overly-long address bar tooltips
+ wouldn't break into multiple lines but instead cut off on the right
- * Fixed a long-standing issue where dynamic datalist updates for
+ * Fixed a long-standing issue where dynamic datalist updates for
<select> and similar elements wouldn't properly update the option list.
* Disabled broken links to MDN articles in developer tools.
- * Updated media support to include support for libavcodec 59/FFmpeg 5.0
+ * Updated media support to include support for libavcodec 59/FFmpeg 5.0
for MP4 playback on Linux (thanks, Travis!)
- * Enabled the date picker for <input type=date>. See implementation
+ * Enabled the date picker for <input type=date>. See implementation
* Re-enabled the use of FIPS mode for NSS. See implementation notes.
- * Improved memory handling and memory safety in the JavaScript engine,
+ * Improved memory handling and memory safety in the JavaScript engine,
further reducing current and future crash scenarios.
* Improved memory handling in the graphics subsystem of Goanna.
* Updated FFvpx to v4.2.7
- * Slightly reduced strictness of media checking for improved
- compatibility with questionable "gif" video encoders used on major
+ * Slightly reduced strictness of media checking for improved
+ compatibility with questionable "gif" video encoders used on major
- * Cleaned up the way file pickers (file open/save/save as dialogs) are
+ * Cleaned up the way file pickers (file open/save/save as dialogs) are
handled on Windows.
- * Restored the gMultiProcessBrowser property of the browser for Firefox
+ * Restored the gMultiProcessBrowser property of the browser for Firefox
extension compatibility. See implementation notes.
- * Improved the way data is transferred to and from canvases to prevent
+ * Improved the way data is transferred to and from canvases to prevent
memory safety issues.
* Updated NSS to 3.52.6 to address security issues.
- * Reduced blocking severity for some extensions that were marked hard
+ * Reduced blocking severity for some extensions that were marked hard
blockers for GRE (but aren't for UXP).
- * Security issues addressed: CVE-2022-31739, CVE-2022-31741, and other
+ * Security issues addressed: CVE-2022-31739, CVE-2022-31741, and other
security issues that do not have a CVE number.
* UXP Mozilla security patch summary: 2 fixed, 1 DiD, 26 not applicable.
@@ -162,13 +432,13 @@ newmoon (29.4.4-1+devuan) obs; urgency=medium
* Fixed an issue in JavaScript serialization. DiD
* Fixed a potential out-of-bounds issue in IndexedDB. DiD
* Fixed a potential issue in widget data handling code. DiD
- * Fixed potentially exploitable crashes in handling truncated/corrupt
+ * Fixed potentially exploitable crashes in handling truncated/corrupt
media files or streams.
* Fixed an issue in the DOM FileReader code.
* Updated NSS to 3.52.3 to address a security issue.
- * Fixed the following security issues: CVE-2022-22736, CVE-2022-22741,
+ * Fixed the following security issues: CVE-2022-22736, CVE-2022-22741,
CVE-2021-4140, CVE-2022-22746, CVE-2022-22744 and CVE-2022-22747.
- * Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 8 fixed, 4 DiD,
+ * Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 8 fixed, 4 DiD,
17 not applicable.
-- B. Stack <> Thu, 20 Jan 2022 14:02:40 -0500