Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Support ex-aequo ranksjoffrey-bion2020-11-26
* Distinguish wonder fully built and card already playedjoffrey-bion2020-11-26
* Fix resource transactions calculationsjoffrey-bion2020-11-25
* Upgrade dependenciesjoffrey-bion2020-11-25
* Add .idea to gitignore for jetbrains devjoffrey-bion2020-11-15
* Disable warning for Kotlin MPP Alphajoffrey-bion2020-10-31
* Upgrade Ktlint to 0.39.0joffrey-bion2020-10-31
* Remove unnecessary Livedoc (Kotlin MPP makes it redundant)joffrey-bion2020-10-31
* Remove unnecessary Jackstomp dependencyjoffrey-bion2020-10-31
* Enable Gradle build cachejoffrey-bion2020-10-31
* Upgrade Kotlin to 1.4.10joffrey-bion2020-10-31
* Upgrade Gradle wrapper to 6.7joffrey-bion2020-10-31
* Bump actions/setup-java from v1.4.2 to v1.4.3dependabot[bot]2020-10-01
* Add comment to explain fixJoffrey Bion2020-09-18
* Fix double military resolution in last ageJoffrey Bion2020-09-18
* Upgrade to Krossbow 0.41.0Joffrey Bion2020-09-14
* Simplify local run docker command (with DockerHub)Joffrey Bion2020-09-10
* Upgrade GitHub action/cache to v2.1.1Joffrey Bion2020-09-10
* Upgrade setup-java Github Action to 1.4.2Joffrey Bion2020-09-10
* Enable Dependabot for github actionsJoffrey Bion2020-09-10
* Add CI stage to push to DockerHubJoffrey Bion2020-09-10
* Format github CI's yaml fileJoffrey Bion2020-09-10
* Add instructions for running a local serverJoffrey Bion2020-09-10
* Format with trailing commaJoffrey Bion2020-09-08
* Use port 80 in docker imageJoffrey Bion2020-09-05
* Use specific token for GitHub container registryJoffrey Bion2020-09-02
* Migrate docker push to Github Container RegistryJoffrey Bion2020-09-02
* Replace deprecated "target" with "js"Joffrey Bion2020-08-31
* Upgrade Gradle wrapper to 6.6.1Joffrey Bion2020-08-31
* Upgrade to Kotlin 1.4 and corresponding library versionsJoffrey Bion2020-08-31
* Upgrade ktlint and re-enable import order checkJoffrey Bion2020-08-20
* Fix style & sort importsJoffrey Bion2020-08-20
* Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.3.3Joffrey Bion2020-08-16
* Fix configuration for Bazar and Vineyard cardsJoffrey Bion2020-08-12
* Fix military points bugJoffrey Bion2020-08-12
* Cleanup wonder card styleJoffrey Bion2020-08-12
* Display only victory military points on the board next to victory tokensJoffrey Bion2020-08-12
* Change font to Acme for token countsJoffrey Bion2020-08-12
* Add military tokens to the boardJoffrey Bion2020-08-12
* Upgrade Gradle wrapper to 6.5.1Joffrey Bion2020-08-09
* Refactor player listJoffrey Bion2020-08-09
* Add className attribute to bpCardsJoffrey Bion2020-08-09
* Fix discarded card play at end of ageJoffrey Bion2020-08-09
* Add screenshots to READMEJoffrey Bion2020-08-09
* Add screenshots in doc folderJoffrey Bion2020-07-31
* Rename sidebar -> setup panelJoffrey Bion2020-07-01
* Extract papyrus background styleJoffrey Bion2020-07-01
* Add setup sidebar to choose wonder sidesJoffrey Bion2020-07-01
* Use font from CDN instead of relying on "fantasy"Joffrey Bion2020-07-01
* Better synchronization on lobby joinJoffrey Bion2020-07-01