diff options
7 files changed, 482 insertions, 444 deletions
diff --git a/sw-ui/src/main/kotlin/com/palantir/blueprintjs/BpButtons.kt b/sw-ui/src/main/kotlin/com/palantir/blueprintjs/BpButtons.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8b6ce30a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw-ui/src/main/kotlin/com/palantir/blueprintjs/BpButtons.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+package com.palantir.blueprintjs
+import org.w3c.dom.HTMLElement
+import react.PureComponent
+import react.RState
+import react.ReactElement
+ * Interface for a clickable action, such as a button or menu item.
+ * These props can be spready directly to a `<Button>` or `<MenuItem>` element.
+ */
+external interface IActionProps : IIntentProps, IProps {
+ /** Whether this action is non-interactive. */
+ var disabled: Boolean?
+ /** Name of a Blueprint UI icon (or an icon element) to render before the text. */
+ var icon: IconName?
+ /** Click event handler. */
+ var onClick: ((event: MouseEvent) -> Unit)?
+ /** Action text. Can be any single React renderable. */
+ var text: String?
+external interface IButtonProps : IActionProps {
+ // artificially added to allow title on button (should probably be on more general props)
+ var title: String?
+ /**
+ * If set to `true`, the button will display in an active state.
+ * This is equivalent to setting `className={Classes.ACTIVE}`.
+ * @default false
+ */
+ var active: Boolean?
+ /**
+ * Text alignment within button. By default, icons and text will be centered
+ * within the button. Passing `"left"` or `"right"` will align the button
+ * text to that side and push `icon` and `rightIcon` to either edge. Passing
+ * `"center"` will center the text and icons together.
+ * @default Alignment.CENTER
+ */
+ var alignText: Alignment?
+ /** A ref handler that receives the native HTML element backing this component. */
+ var elementRef: ((ref: HTMLElement?) -> Any)?
+ /** Whether this button should expand to fill its container. */
+ var fill: Boolean?
+ /** Whether this button should use large styles. */
+ var large: Boolean?
+ /**
+ * If set to `true`, the button will display a centered loading spinner instead of its contents.
+ * The width of the button is not affected by the value of this prop.
+ * @default false
+ */
+ var loading: Boolean?
+ /** Whether this button should use minimal styles. */
+ var minimal: Boolean?
+ /** Whether this button should use outlined styles. */
+ var outlined: Boolean?
+ /** Name of a Blueprint UI icon (or an icon element) to render after the text. */
+ var rightIcon: IconName?
+ /** Whether this button should use small styles. */
+ var small: Boolean?
+ /**
+ * HTML `type` attribute of button. Accepted values are `"button"`, `"submit"`, and `"reset"`.
+ * Note that this prop has no effect on `AnchorButton`; it only affects `Button`.
+ * @default "button"
+ */
+ var type: String? // "submit" | "reset" | "button";
+external interface IButtonState : RState {
+ var isActive: Boolean
+abstract external class AbstractButton : PureComponent<IButtonProps, IButtonState>
+external class Button : AbstractButton {
+ override fun render(): ReactElement
+external class AnchorButton : AbstractButton {
+ override fun render(): ReactElement
+external interface IButtonGroupProps : IProps {
+ /**
+ * Text alignment within button. By default, icons and text will be centered
+ * within the button. Passing `"left"` or `"right"` will align the button
+ * text to that side and push `icon` and `rightIcon` to either edge. Passing
+ * `"center"` will center the text and icons together.
+ */
+ var alignText: Alignment?
+ /**
+ * Whether the button group should take up the full width of its container.
+ * @default false
+ */
+ var fill: Boolean?
+ /**
+ * Whether the child buttons should appear with minimal styling.
+ * @default false
+ */
+ var minimal: Boolean?
+ /**
+ * Whether the child buttons should appear with large styling.
+ * @default false
+ */
+ var large: Boolean?
+ /**
+ * Whether the button group should appear with vertical styling.
+ * @default false
+ */
+ var vertical: Boolean?
+external class ButtonGroup : PureComponent<IButtonGroupProps, RState> {
+ override fun render(): ReactElement?
diff --git a/sw-ui/src/main/kotlin/com/palantir/blueprintjs/BpIcon.kt b/sw-ui/src/main/kotlin/com/palantir/blueprintjs/BpIcon.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ab277617
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw-ui/src/main/kotlin/com/palantir/blueprintjs/BpIcon.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+package com.palantir.blueprintjs
+import react.PureComponent
+import react.RState
+import react.ReactElement
+external interface IIconProps : IIntentProps, IProps {
+ /**
+ * Color of icon. This is used as the `fill` attribute on the `<svg>` image
+ * so it will override any CSS `color` property, including that set by
+ * `intent`. If this prop is omitted, icon color is inherited from
+ * surrounding text.
+ */
+ var color: String?
+ /**
+ * String for the `title` attribute on the rendered element, which will appear
+ * on hover as a native browser tooltip.
+ */
+ var htmlTitle: String?
+ /**
+ * Name of a Blueprint UI icon, or an icon element, to render. This prop is
+ * required because it determines the content of the component, but it can
+ * be explicitly set to falsy values to render nothing.
+ *
+ * - If `null` or `undefined` or `false`, this component will render
+ * nothing.
+ * - If given an `IconName` (a string literal union of all icon names), that
+ * icon will be rendered as an `<svg>` with `<path>` tags. Unknown strings
+ * will render a blank icon to occupy space.
+ * - If given a `JSX.Element`, that element will be rendered and _all other
+ * props on this component are ignored._ This type is supported to
+ * simplify icon support in other Blueprint components. As a consumer, you
+ * should avoid using `<Icon icon={<Element />}` directly; simply render
+ * `<Element />` instead.
+ */
+ var icon: IconName
+ /**
+ * Size of the icon, in pixels. Blueprint contains 16px and 20px SVG icon
+ * images, and chooses the appropriate resolution based on this prop.
+ * @default Icon.SIZE_STANDARD = 16
+ */
+ var iconSize: Int?
+ /** CSS style properties. */
+ // var style: CSSProperties? // TODO
+ /**
+ * HTML tag to use for the rendered element.
+ * @default "span"
+ */
+ var tagName: String? // keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements
+ /**
+ * Description string. This string does not appear in normal browsers, but
+ * it increases accessibility. For instance, screen readers will use it for
+ * aural feedback. By default, this is set to the icon's name. Pass an
+ * explicit falsy value to disable.
+ */
+ var title: String?
+external class Icon : PureComponent<IIconProps, RState> {
+ override fun render(): ReactElement?
+ companion object {
+ val SIZE_STANDARD: Int = definedExternally
+ val SIZE_LARGE: Int = definedExternally
+ }
diff --git a/sw-ui/src/main/kotlin/com/palantir/blueprintjs/BpInputs.kt b/sw-ui/src/main/kotlin/com/palantir/blueprintjs/BpInputs.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4eaadb78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw-ui/src/main/kotlin/com/palantir/blueprintjs/BpInputs.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+package com.palantir.blueprintjs
+import org.w3c.dom.HTMLInputElement
+import react.PureComponent
+import react.RState
+import react.ReactElement
+external interface IInputGroupProps : IControlledProps, IIntentProps, IProps {
+ /**
+ * Whether the input is non-interactive.
+ * Note that `rightElement` must be disabled separately; this prop will not affect it.
+ * @default false
+ */
+ var disabled: Boolean?
+ /**
+ * Whether the component should take up the full width of its container.
+ */
+ var fill: Boolean?
+ /** Ref handler that receives HTML `<input>` element backing this component. */
+ var inputRef: ((ref: HTMLInputElement?) -> Any)?
+ /**
+ * Name of a Blueprint UI icon (or an icon element) to render on the left side of the input group,
+ * before the user's cursor.
+ */
+ var leftIcon: IconName?
+ /** Whether this input should use large styles. */
+ var large: Boolean?
+ /** Whether this input should use small styles. */
+ var small: Boolean?
+ /** Placeholder text in the absence of any value. */
+ var placeholder: String?
+ /**
+ * Element to render on right side of input.
+ * For best results, use a minimal button, tag, or small spinner.
+ */
+ var rightElement: ReactElement?
+ /** Whether the input (and any buttons) should appear with rounded caps. */
+ var round: Boolean?
+ /**
+ * HTML `input` type attribute.
+ * @default "text"
+ */
+ var type: String?
+external interface IInputGroupState : RState {
+ var rightElementWidth: Int
+external class InputGroup : PureComponent<IInputGroupProps, IInputGroupState> {
+ override fun render(): ReactElement
diff --git a/sw-ui/src/main/kotlin/com/palantir/blueprintjs/BpNonIdealState.kt b/sw-ui/src/main/kotlin/com/palantir/blueprintjs/BpNonIdealState.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f6ca7aec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw-ui/src/main/kotlin/com/palantir/blueprintjs/BpNonIdealState.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+package com.palantir.blueprintjs
+import react.PureComponent
+import react.RState
+import react.ReactElement
+external interface INonIdealStateProps : IProps {
+ /** An action to resolve the non-ideal state which appears after `description`. */
+ var action: ReactElement?
+ /**
+ * Advanced usage: React `children` will appear last (after `action`).
+ * Avoid passing raw strings as they will not receive margins and disrupt the layout flow.
+ */
+ var children: ReactElement?
+ /**
+ * A longer description of the non-ideal state.
+ * A string or number value will be wrapped in a `<div>` to preserve margins.
+ */
+ var description: ReactElement?
+ /** The name of a Blueprint icon or a JSX Element (such as `<Spinner/>`) to render above the title. */
+ var icon: IconName?
+ /** The title of the non-ideal state. */
+ var title: ReactElement?
+external class NonIdealState : PureComponent<INonIdealStateProps, RState> {
+ override fun render(): ReactElement?
diff --git a/sw-ui/src/main/kotlin/com/palantir/blueprintjs/BpOverlay.kt b/sw-ui/src/main/kotlin/com/palantir/blueprintjs/BpOverlay.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..254b5bb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw-ui/src/main/kotlin/com/palantir/blueprintjs/BpOverlay.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+package com.palantir.blueprintjs
+import org.w3c.dom.HTMLElement
+import react.PureComponent
+import react.RProps
+import react.RState
+import react.ReactElement
+external interface IOverlayableProps : IOverlayLifecycleProps {
+ /**
+ * Whether the overlay should acquire application focus when it first opens.
+ * @default true
+ */
+ var autoFocus: Boolean?
+ /**
+ * Whether pressing the `esc` key should invoke `onClose`.
+ * @default true
+ */
+ var canEscapeKeyClose: Boolean?
+ /**
+ * Whether the overlay should prevent focus from leaving itself. That is, if the user attempts
+ * to focus an element outside the overlay and this prop is enabled, then the overlay will
+ * immediately bring focus back to itself. If you are nesting overlay components, either disable
+ * this prop on the "outermost" overlays or mark the nested ones `usePortal={false}`.
+ * @default true
+ */
+ var enforceFocus: Boolean?
+ /**
+ * If `true` and `usePortal={true}`, the `Portal` containing the children is created and attached
+ * to the DOM when the overlay is opened for the first time; otherwise this happens when the
+ * component mounts. Lazy mounting provides noticeable performance improvements if you have lots
+ * of overlays at once, such as on each row of a table.
+ * @default true
+ */
+ var lazy: Boolean?
+ /**
+ * Indicates how long (in milliseconds) the overlay's enter/leave transition takes.
+ * This is used by React `CSSTransition` to know when a transition completes and must match
+ * the duration of the animation in CSS. Only set this prop if you override Blueprint's default
+ * transitions with new transitions of a different length.
+ * @default 300
+ */
+ var transitionDuration: Int?
+ /**
+ * Whether the overlay should be wrapped in a `Portal`, which renders its contents in a new
+ * element attached to `portalContainer` prop.
+ *
+ * This prop essentially determines which element is covered by the backdrop: if `false`,
+ * then only its parent is covered; otherwise, the entire page is covered (because the parent
+ * of the `Portal` is the `<body>` itself).
+ *
+ * Set this prop to `false` on nested overlays (such as `Dialog` or `Popover`) to ensure that they
+ * are rendered above their parents.
+ * @default true
+ */
+ var usePortal: Boolean?
+ /**
+ * Space-delimited string of class names applied to the `Portal` element if
+ * `usePortal={true}`.
+ */
+ var portalClassName: String?
+ /**
+ * The container element into which the overlay renders its contents, when `usePortal` is `true`.
+ * This prop is ignored if `usePortal` is `false`.
+ * @default document.body
+ */
+ var portalContainer: HTMLElement?
+ /**
+ * A callback that is invoked when user interaction causes the overlay to close, such as
+ * clicking on the overlay or pressing the `esc` key (if enabled).
+ *
+ * Receives the event from the user's interaction, if there was an event (generally either a
+ * mouse or key event). Note that, since this component is controlled by the `isOpen` prop, it
+ * will not actually close itself until that prop becomes `false`.
+ */
+ var onClose: ((Event) -> Unit)?
+external interface IOverlayLifecycleProps {
+ /**
+ * Lifecycle method invoked just before the CSS _close_ transition begins on
+ * a child. Receives the DOM element of the child being closed.
+ */
+ var onClosing: ((node: HTMLElement) -> Unit)?
+ /**
+ * Lifecycle method invoked just after the CSS _close_ transition ends but
+ * before the child has been removed from the DOM. Receives the DOM element
+ * of the child being closed.
+ */
+ var onClosed: ((node: HTMLElement) -> Unit)?
+ /**
+ * Lifecycle method invoked just after mounting the child in the DOM but
+ * just before the CSS _open_ transition begins. Receives the DOM element of
+ * the child being opened.
+ */
+ var onOpening: ((node: HTMLElement) -> Unit)?
+ /**
+ * Lifecycle method invoked just after the CSS _open_ transition ends.
+ * Receives the DOM element of the child being opened.
+ */
+ var onOpened: ((node: HTMLElement) -> Unit)?
+external interface IBackdropProps {
+ /** CSS class names to apply to backdrop element. */
+ var backdropClassName: String?
+ /** HTML props for the backdrop element. */
+ var backdropProps: RProps? // React.HTMLProps<HTMLDivElement>?
+ /**
+ * Whether clicking outside the overlay element (either on backdrop when present or on document)
+ * should invoke `onClose`.
+ * @default true
+ */
+ var canOutsideClickClose: Boolean?
+ /**
+ * Whether a container-spanning backdrop element should be rendered behind the contents.
+ * @default true
+ */
+ var hasBackdrop: Boolean?
+external interface IOverlayProps : IOverlayableProps, IBackdropProps, IProps {
+ /**
+ * Toggles the visibility of the overlay and its children.
+ * This prop is required because the component is controlled.
+ */
+ var isOpen: Boolean
+ /**
+ * Name of the transition for internal `CSSTransition`.
+ * Providing your own name here will require defining new CSS transition properties.
+ * @default Classes.OVERLAY
+ */
+ var transitionName: String?
+external interface IOverlayState : RState {
+ var hasEverOpened: Boolean?
+external class Overlay : PureComponent<IOverlayProps, IOverlayState> {
+ override fun render(): ReactElement
diff --git a/sw-ui/src/main/kotlin/com/palantir/blueprintjs/BpTag.kt b/sw-ui/src/main/kotlin/com/palantir/blueprintjs/BpTag.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7a2a04f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw-ui/src/main/kotlin/com/palantir/blueprintjs/BpTag.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+package com.palantir.blueprintjs
+import react.PureComponent
+import react.RState
+import react.ReactElement
+external interface ITagProps : IProps, IIntentProps {
+ /**
+ * Whether the tag should appear in an active state.
+ * @default false
+ */
+ var active: Boolean?
+ /**
+ * Whether the tag should take up the full width of its container.
+ * @default false
+ */
+ var fill: Boolean?
+ /** Name of a Blueprint UI icon (or an icon element) to render before the children. */
+ var icon: IconName?
+ /**
+ * Whether the tag should visually respond to user interactions. If set
+ * to `true`, hovering over the tag will change its color and mouse cursor.
+ *
+ * Recommended when `onClick` is also defined.
+ *
+ * @default false
+ */
+ var interactive: Boolean?
+ /**
+ * Whether this tag should use large styles.
+ * @default false
+ */
+ var large: Boolean?
+ /**
+ * Whether this tag should use minimal styles.
+ * @default false
+ */
+ var minimal: Boolean?
+ /**
+ * Whether tag content should be allowed to occupy multiple lines.
+ * If false, a single line of text will be truncated with an ellipsis if
+ * it overflows. Note that icons will be vertically centered relative to
+ * multiline text.
+ * @default false
+ */
+ var multiline: Boolean?
+ /**
+ * Callback invoked when the tag is clicked.
+ * Recommended when `interactive` is `true`.
+ */
+ var onClick: ((e: MouseEvent) -> Unit)?
+ /**
+ * Click handler for remove button.
+ * The remove button will only be rendered if this prop is defined.
+ */
+ var onRemove: ((e: MouseEvent, tagProps: ITagProps) -> Unit)?
+ /** Name of a Blueprint UI icon (or an icon element) to render after the children. */
+ var rightIcon: IconName?
+ /**
+ * Whether this tag should have rounded ends.
+ * @default false
+ */
+ var round: Boolean?
+external class Tag : PureComponent<ITagProps, RState> {
+ override fun render(): ReactElement
diff --git a/sw-ui/src/main/kotlin/com/palantir/blueprintjs/blueprintjs.kt b/sw-ui/src/main/kotlin/com/palantir/blueprintjs/blueprintjs.kt
index 55a2ccc4..60fd4abf 100644
--- a/sw-ui/src/main/kotlin/com/palantir/blueprintjs/blueprintjs.kt
+++ b/sw-ui/src/main/kotlin/com/palantir/blueprintjs/blueprintjs.kt
@@ -1,14 +1,8 @@
package com.palantir.blueprintjs
-import org.w3c.dom.HTMLElement
-import org.w3c.dom.HTMLInputElement
-import react.PureComponent
import react.RProps
-import react.RState
-import react.ReactElement
* The four basic intents.
@@ -53,20 +47,6 @@ external interface IIntentProps {
/** Visual intent color to apply to element. */
var intent: Intent?
- * Interface for a clickable action, such as a button or menu item.
- * These props can be spready directly to a `<Button>` or `<MenuItem>` element.
- */
-external interface IActionProps : IIntentProps, IProps {
- /** Whether this action is non-interactive. */
- var disabled: Boolean?
- /** Name of a Blueprint UI icon (or an icon element) to render before the text. */
- var icon: IconName?
- /** Click event handler. */
- var onClick: ((event: MouseEvent) -> Unit)?
- /** Action text. Can be any single React renderable. */
- var text: String?
/** Interface for a link, with support for customizing target window. */
external interface ILinkProps {
/** Link URL. */
@@ -96,432 +76,8 @@ external interface IOptionProps : IProps {
var value: Any? // String | Number
-external interface IIconProps : IIntentProps, IProps {
- /**
- * Color of icon. This is used as the `fill` attribute on the `<svg>` image
- * so it will override any CSS `color` property, including that set by
- * `intent`. If this prop is omitted, icon color is inherited from
- * surrounding text.
- */
- var color: String?
- /**
- * String for the `title` attribute on the rendered element, which will appear
- * on hover as a native browser tooltip.
- */
- var htmlTitle: String?
- /**
- * Name of a Blueprint UI icon, or an icon element, to render. This prop is
- * required because it determines the content of the component, but it can
- * be explicitly set to falsy values to render nothing.
- *
- * - If `null` or `undefined` or `false`, this component will render
- * nothing.
- * - If given an `IconName` (a string literal union of all icon names), that
- * icon will be rendered as an `<svg>` with `<path>` tags. Unknown strings
- * will render a blank icon to occupy space.
- * - If given a `JSX.Element`, that element will be rendered and _all other
- * props on this component are ignored._ This type is supported to
- * simplify icon support in other Blueprint components. As a consumer, you
- * should avoid using `<Icon icon={<Element />}` directly; simply render
- * `<Element />` instead.
- */
- var icon: IconName
- /**
- * Size of the icon, in pixels. Blueprint contains 16px and 20px SVG icon
- * images, and chooses the appropriate resolution based on this prop.
- * @default Icon.SIZE_STANDARD = 16
- */
- var iconSize: Int?
- /** CSS style properties. */
- // var style: CSSProperties? // TODO
- /**
- * HTML tag to use for the rendered element.
- * @default "span"
- */
- var tagName: String? // keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements
- /**
- * Description string. This string does not appear in normal browsers, but
- * it increases accessibility. For instance, screen readers will use it for
- * aural feedback. By default, this is set to the icon's name. Pass an
- * explicit falsy value to disable.
- */
- var title: String?
-external class Icon : PureComponent<IIconProps, RState> {
- override fun render(): ReactElement?
- companion object {
- val SIZE_STANDARD: Int = definedExternally
- val SIZE_LARGE: Int = definedExternally
- }
-external interface IButtonProps : IActionProps {
- // artificially added to allow title on button (should probably be on more general props)
- var title: String?
- /**
- * If set to `true`, the button will display in an active state.
- * This is equivalent to setting `className={Classes.ACTIVE}`.
- * @default false
- */
- var active: Boolean?
- /**
- * Text alignment within button. By default, icons and text will be centered
- * within the button. Passing `"left"` or `"right"` will align the button
- * text to that side and push `icon` and `rightIcon` to either edge. Passing
- * `"center"` will center the text and icons together.
- * @default Alignment.CENTER
- */
- var alignText: Alignment?
- /** A ref handler that receives the native HTML element backing this component. */
- var elementRef: ((ref: HTMLElement?) -> Any)?
- /** Whether this button should expand to fill its container. */
- var fill: Boolean?
- /** Whether this button should use large styles. */
- var large: Boolean?
- /**
- * If set to `true`, the button will display a centered loading spinner instead of its contents.
- * The width of the button is not affected by the value of this prop.
- * @default false
- */
- var loading: Boolean?
- /** Whether this button should use minimal styles. */
- var minimal: Boolean?
- /** Whether this button should use outlined styles. */
- var outlined: Boolean?
- /** Name of a Blueprint UI icon (or an icon element) to render after the text. */
- var rightIcon: IconName?
- /** Whether this button should use small styles. */
- var small: Boolean?
- /**
- * HTML `type` attribute of button. Accepted values are `"button"`, `"submit"`, and `"reset"`.
- * Note that this prop has no effect on `AnchorButton`; it only affects `Button`.
- * @default "button"
- */
- var type: String? // "submit" | "reset" | "button";
-external interface IButtonState : RState {
- var isActive: Boolean
-abstract external class AbstractButton : PureComponent<IButtonProps, IButtonState>
-external class Button : AbstractButton {
- override fun render(): ReactElement
-external class AnchorButton : AbstractButton {
- override fun render(): ReactElement
-external interface IButtonGroupProps : IProps {
- /**
- * Text alignment within button. By default, icons and text will be centered
- * within the button. Passing `"left"` or `"right"` will align the button
- * text to that side and push `icon` and `rightIcon` to either edge. Passing
- * `"center"` will center the text and icons together.
- */
- var alignText: Alignment?
- /**
- * Whether the button group should take up the full width of its container.
- * @default false
- */
- var fill: Boolean?
- /**
- * Whether the child buttons should appear with minimal styling.
- * @default false
- */
- var minimal: Boolean?
- /**
- * Whether the child buttons should appear with large styling.
- * @default false
- */
- var large: Boolean?
- /**
- * Whether the button group should appear with vertical styling.
- * @default false
- */
- var vertical: Boolean?
-external class ButtonGroup : PureComponent<IButtonGroupProps, RState> {
- override fun render(): ReactElement?
-external interface IInputGroupProps : IControlledProps, IIntentProps, IProps {
- /**
- * Whether the input is non-interactive.
- * Note that `rightElement` must be disabled separately; this prop will not affect it.
- * @default false
- */
- var disabled: Boolean?
- /**
- * Whether the component should take up the full width of its container.
- */
- var fill: Boolean?
- /** Ref handler that receives HTML `<input>` element backing this component. */
- var inputRef: ((ref: HTMLInputElement?) -> Any)?
- /**
- * Name of a Blueprint UI icon (or an icon element) to render on the left side of the input group,
- * before the user's cursor.
- */
- var leftIcon: IconName?
- /** Whether this input should use large styles. */
- var large: Boolean?
- /** Whether this input should use small styles. */
- var small: Boolean?
- /** Placeholder text in the absence of any value. */
- var placeholder: String?
- /**
- * Element to render on right side of input.
- * For best results, use a minimal button, tag, or small spinner.
- */
- var rightElement: ReactElement?
- /** Whether the input (and any buttons) should appear with rounded caps. */
- var round: Boolean?
- /**
- * HTML `input` type attribute.
- * @default "text"
- */
- var type: String?
-external interface IInputGroupState : RState {
- var rightElementWidth: Int
-external class InputGroup : PureComponent<IInputGroupProps, IInputGroupState> {
- override fun render(): ReactElement
-external interface ITagProps : IProps, IIntentProps {
- /**
- * Whether the tag should appear in an active state.
- * @default false
- */
- var active: Boolean?
- /**
- * Whether the tag should take up the full width of its container.
- * @default false
- */
- var fill: Boolean?
- /** Name of a Blueprint UI icon (or an icon element) to render before the children. */
- var icon: IconName?
- /**
- * Whether the tag should visually respond to user interactions. If set
- * to `true`, hovering over the tag will change its color and mouse cursor.
- *
- * Recommended when `onClick` is also defined.
- *
- * @default false
- */
- var interactive: Boolean?
- /**
- * Whether this tag should use large styles.
- * @default false
- */
- var large: Boolean?
- /**
- * Whether this tag should use minimal styles.
- * @default false
- */
- var minimal: Boolean?
- /**
- * Whether tag content should be allowed to occupy multiple lines.
- * If false, a single line of text will be truncated with an ellipsis if
- * it overflows. Note that icons will be vertically centered relative to
- * multiline text.
- * @default false
- */
- var multiline: Boolean?
- /**
- * Callback invoked when the tag is clicked.
- * Recommended when `interactive` is `true`.
- */
- var onClick: ((e: MouseEvent) -> Unit)?
- /**
- * Click handler for remove button.
- * The remove button will only be rendered if this prop is defined.
- */
- var onRemove: ((e: MouseEvent, tagProps: ITagProps) -> Unit)?
- /** Name of a Blueprint UI icon (or an icon element) to render after the children. */
- var rightIcon: IconName?
- /**
- * Whether this tag should have rounded ends.
- * @default false
- */
- var round: Boolean?
-external class Tag : PureComponent<ITagProps, RState> {
- override fun render(): ReactElement
-external interface INonIdealStateProps : IProps {
- /** An action to resolve the non-ideal state which appears after `description`. */
- var action: ReactElement?
- /**
- * Advanced usage: React `children` will appear last (after `action`).
- * Avoid passing raw strings as they will not receive margins and disrupt the layout flow.
- */
- var children: ReactElement?
- /**
- * A longer description of the non-ideal state.
- * A string or number value will be wrapped in a `<div>` to preserve margins.
- */
- var description: ReactElement?
- /** The name of a Blueprint icon or a JSX Element (such as `<Spinner/>`) to render above the title. */
- var icon: IconName?
- /** The title of the non-ideal state. */
- var title: ReactElement?
-external class NonIdealState : PureComponent<INonIdealStateProps, RState> {
- override fun render(): ReactElement?
external class Classes {
companion object {
val HTML_TABLE: String = definedExternally
-external interface IOverlayableProps : IOverlayLifecycleProps {
- /**
- * Whether the overlay should acquire application focus when it first opens.
- * @default true
- */
- var autoFocus: Boolean?
- /**
- * Whether pressing the `esc` key should invoke `onClose`.
- * @default true
- */
- var canEscapeKeyClose: Boolean?
- /**
- * Whether the overlay should prevent focus from leaving itself. That is, if the user attempts
- * to focus an element outside the overlay and this prop is enabled, then the overlay will
- * immediately bring focus back to itself. If you are nesting overlay components, either disable
- * this prop on the "outermost" overlays or mark the nested ones `usePortal={false}`.
- * @default true
- */
- var enforceFocus: Boolean?
- /**
- * If `true` and `usePortal={true}`, the `Portal` containing the children is created and attached
- * to the DOM when the overlay is opened for the first time; otherwise this happens when the
- * component mounts. Lazy mounting provides noticeable performance improvements if you have lots
- * of overlays at once, such as on each row of a table.
- * @default true
- */
- var lazy: Boolean?
- /**
- * Indicates how long (in milliseconds) the overlay's enter/leave transition takes.
- * This is used by React `CSSTransition` to know when a transition completes and must match
- * the duration of the animation in CSS. Only set this prop if you override Blueprint's default
- * transitions with new transitions of a different length.
- * @default 300
- */
- var transitionDuration: Int?
- /**
- * Whether the overlay should be wrapped in a `Portal`, which renders its contents in a new
- * element attached to `portalContainer` prop.
- *
- * This prop essentially determines which element is covered by the backdrop: if `false`,
- * then only its parent is covered; otherwise, the entire page is covered (because the parent
- * of the `Portal` is the `<body>` itself).
- *
- * Set this prop to `false` on nested overlays (such as `Dialog` or `Popover`) to ensure that they
- * are rendered above their parents.
- * @default true
- */
- var usePortal: Boolean?
- /**
- * Space-delimited string of class names applied to the `Portal` element if
- * `usePortal={true}`.
- */
- var portalClassName: String?
- /**
- * The container element into which the overlay renders its contents, when `usePortal` is `true`.
- * This prop is ignored if `usePortal` is `false`.
- * @default document.body
- */
- var portalContainer: HTMLElement?
- /**
- * A callback that is invoked when user interaction causes the overlay to close, such as
- * clicking on the overlay or pressing the `esc` key (if enabled).
- *
- * Receives the event from the user's interaction, if there was an event (generally either a
- * mouse or key event). Note that, since this component is controlled by the `isOpen` prop, it
- * will not actually close itself until that prop becomes `false`.
- */
- var onClose: ((Event) -> Unit)?
-external interface IOverlayLifecycleProps {
- /**
- * Lifecycle method invoked just before the CSS _close_ transition begins on
- * a child. Receives the DOM element of the child being closed.
- */
- var onClosing: ((node: HTMLElement) -> Unit)?
- /**
- * Lifecycle method invoked just after the CSS _close_ transition ends but
- * before the child has been removed from the DOM. Receives the DOM element
- * of the child being closed.
- */
- var onClosed: ((node: HTMLElement) -> Unit)?
- /**
- * Lifecycle method invoked just after mounting the child in the DOM but
- * just before the CSS _open_ transition begins. Receives the DOM element of
- * the child being opened.
- */
- var onOpening: ((node: HTMLElement) -> Unit)?
- /**
- * Lifecycle method invoked just after the CSS _open_ transition ends.
- * Receives the DOM element of the child being opened.
- */
- var onOpened: ((node: HTMLElement) -> Unit)?
-external interface IBackdropProps {
- /** CSS class names to apply to backdrop element. */
- var backdropClassName: String?
- /** HTML props for the backdrop element. */
- var backdropProps: RProps? // React.HTMLProps<HTMLDivElement>?
- /**
- * Whether clicking outside the overlay element (either on backdrop when present or on document)
- * should invoke `onClose`.
- * @default true
- */
- var canOutsideClickClose: Boolean?
- /**
- * Whether a container-spanning backdrop element should be rendered behind the contents.
- * @default true
- */
- var hasBackdrop: Boolean?
-external interface IOverlayProps : IOverlayableProps, IBackdropProps, IProps {
- /**
- * Toggles the visibility of the overlay and its children.
- * This prop is required because the component is controlled.
- */
- var isOpen: Boolean
- /**
- * Name of the transition for internal `CSSTransition`.
- * Providing your own name here will require defining new CSS transition properties.
- * @default Classes.OVERLAY
- */
- var transitionName: String?
-external interface IOverlayState : RState {
- var hasEverOpened: Boolean?
-external class Overlay : PureComponent<IOverlayProps, IOverlayState> {
- override fun render(): ReactElement