path: root/FreeFileSync/Source/fs/gdrive.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'FreeFileSync/Source/fs/gdrive.cpp')
1 files changed, 3163 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/FreeFileSync/Source/fs/gdrive.cpp b/FreeFileSync/Source/fs/gdrive.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f8044a57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FreeFileSync/Source/fs/gdrive.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,3163 @@
+// *****************************************************************************
+// * This file is part of the FreeFileSync project. It is distributed under *
+// * GNU General Public License: *
+// * Copyright (C) Zenju (zenju AT freefilesync DOT org) - All Rights Reserved *
+// *****************************************************************************
+#include "gdrive.h"
+#include <variant>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include <zen/base64.h>
+#include <zen/basic_math.h>
+#include <zen/file_traverser.h>
+#include <zen/shell_execute.h>
+#include <zen/http.h>
+#include <zen/zlib_wrap.h>
+#include <zen/crc.h>
+#include <zen/json.h>
+#include <zen/time.h>
+#include <zen/file_access.h>
+#include <zen/guid.h>
+#include <zen/socket.h>
+#include <zen/file_io.h>
+#include "abstract_impl.h"
+#include "libcurl/curl_wrap.h" //DON'T include <curl/curl.h> directly!
+#include "init_curl_libssh2.h"
+#include "../base/resolve_path.h"
+using namespace zen;
+using namespace fff;
+using AFS = AbstractFileSystem;
+namespace fff
+bool operator<(const GdrivePath& lhs, const GdrivePath& rhs)
+ const int rv = compareAsciiNoCase(lhs.userEmail, rhs.userEmail);
+ if (rv != 0)
+ return rv < 0;
+ //mirror GoogleFileState file path matching
+ return compareNativePath(lhs.itemPath.value, rhs.itemPath.value) < 0;
+Global<PathAccessLocker<GdrivePath>> globalGdrivePathAccessLocker(std::make_unique<PathAccessLocker<GdrivePath>>());
+template <> std::shared_ptr<PathAccessLocker<GdrivePath>> PathAccessLocker<GdrivePath>::getGlobalInstance() { return globalGdrivePathAccessLocker.get(); }
+using PathAccessLock = PathAccessLocker<GdrivePath>::Lock; //throw SysError
+//Google Drive REST API Overview:
+//Google Drive REST API Reference:
+//Google Drive credentials
+ const char* GOOGLE_DRIVE_CLIENT_ID = ""; // => replace with live credentials
+ const char* GOOGLE_DRIVE_CLIENT_SECRET = ""; //
+const Zchar* GOOGLE_REST_API_SERVER = Zstr("");
+const std::chrono::seconds HTTP_SESSION_ACCESS_TIME_OUT(15);
+const std::chrono::seconds HTTP_SESSION_MAX_IDLE_TIME (20);
+const std::chrono::seconds HTTP_SESSION_CLEANUP_INTERVAL(4);
+const std::chrono::seconds GOOGLE_DRIVE_SYNC_INTERVAL (5);
+const int GDRIVE_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE = 512 * 1024; //unit: [byte]
+const Zchar googleDrivePrefix[] = Zstr("gdrive:");
+const char googleFolderMimeType[] = "application/";
+const char DB_FORMAT_DESCR[] = "FreeFileSync: Google Drive Database";
+const int DB_FORMAT_VER = 1;
+struct HttpSessionId
+ /*explicit*/ HttpSessionId(const Zstring& serverName) :
+ server(serverName) {}
+ Zstring server;
+bool operator<(const HttpSessionId& lhs, const HttpSessionId& rhs)
+ //exactly the type of case insensitive comparison we need for server names!
+ return compareAsciiNoCase(lhs.server, rhs.server) < 0; //
+//expects "clean" input data, see condenseToGoogleFolderPathPhrase()
+Zstring concatenateGoogleFolderPathPhrase(const GdrivePath& gdrivePath) //noexcept
+ Zstring pathPhrase = Zstring(googleDrivePrefix) + FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR + gdrivePath.userEmail;
+ if (!gdrivePath.itemPath.value.empty())
+ pathPhrase += FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR + gdrivePath.itemPath.value;
+ return pathPhrase;
+//e.g.: gdrive:/
+std::wstring getGoogleDisplayPath(const GdrivePath& gdrivePath)
+ return utfTo<std::wstring>(concatenateGoogleFolderPathPhrase(gdrivePath)); //noexcept
+std::wstring formatGoogleErrorRaw(const std::string& serverResponse)
+ /* e.g.: { "error": { "errors": [{ "domain": "global",
+ "reason": "invalidSharingRequest",
+ "message": "Bad Request. User message: \"ACL change not allowed.\"" }],
+ "code": 400,
+ "message": "Bad Request" }}
+ or: { "error": "invalid_client",
+ "error_description": "Unauthorized" }
+ or merely: { "error": "invalid_token" } */
+ try
+ {
+ const JsonValue jresponse = parseJson(serverResponse); //throw JsonParsingError
+ if (const JsonValue* error = getChildFromJsonObject(jresponse, "error"))
+ {
+ if (error->type == JsonValue::Type::string)
+ return utfTo<std::wstring>(error->primVal);
+ //the inner message is generally more descriptive!
+ else if (const JsonValue* errors = getChildFromJsonObject(*error, "errors"))
+ if (errors->type == JsonValue::Type::array && !errors->arrayVal.empty())
+ if (const JsonValue* message = getChildFromJsonObject(*errors->arrayVal[0], "message"))
+ if (message->type == JsonValue::Type::string)
+ return utfTo<std::wstring>(message->primVal);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (JsonParsingError&) {} //not JSON?
+ assert(false);
+ return utfTo<std::wstring>(serverResponse);
+std::wstring tryFormatHttpErrorCode(int ec) //
+ if (ec == 300) return L"Multiple Choices.";
+ if (ec == 301) return L"Moved Permanently.";
+ if (ec == 302) return L"Moved temporarily.";
+ if (ec == 303) return L"See Other";
+ if (ec == 304) return L"Not Modified.";
+ if (ec == 305) return L"Use Proxy.";
+ if (ec == 306) return L"Switch Proxy.";
+ if (ec == 307) return L"Temporary Redirect.";
+ if (ec == 308) return L"Permanent Redirect.";
+ if (ec == 400) return L"Bad Request.";
+ if (ec == 401) return L"Unauthorized.";
+ if (ec == 402) return L"Payment Required.";
+ if (ec == 403) return L"Forbidden.";
+ if (ec == 404) return L"Not Found.";
+ if (ec == 405) return L"Method Not Allowed.";
+ if (ec == 406) return L"Not Acceptable.";
+ if (ec == 407) return L"Proxy Authentication Required.";
+ if (ec == 408) return L"Request Timeout.";
+ if (ec == 409) return L"Conflict.";
+ if (ec == 410) return L"Gone.";
+ if (ec == 411) return L"Length Required.";
+ if (ec == 412) return L"Precondition Failed.";
+ if (ec == 413) return L"Payload Too Large.";
+ if (ec == 414) return L"URI Too Long.";
+ if (ec == 415) return L"Unsupported Media Type.";
+ if (ec == 416) return L"Range Not Satisfiable.";
+ if (ec == 417) return L"Expectation Failed.";
+ if (ec == 418) return L"I\'m a teapot.";
+ if (ec == 421) return L"Misdirected Request.";
+ if (ec == 422) return L"Unprocessable Entity.";
+ if (ec == 423) return L"Locked.";
+ if (ec == 424) return L"Failed Dependency.";
+ if (ec == 426) return L"Upgrade Required.";
+ if (ec == 428) return L"Precondition Required.";
+ if (ec == 429) return L"Too Many Requests.";
+ if (ec == 431) return L"Request Header Fields Too Large.";
+ if (ec == 451) return L"Unavailable For Legal Reasons.";
+ if (ec == 500) return L"Internal Server Error.";
+ if (ec == 501) return L"Not Implemented.";
+ if (ec == 502) return L"Bad Gateway.";
+ if (ec == 503) return L"Service Unavailable.";
+ if (ec == 504) return L"Gateway Timeout.";
+ if (ec == 505) return L"HTTP Version Not Supported.";
+ if (ec == 506) return L"Variant Also Negotiates.";
+ if (ec == 507) return L"Insufficient Storage.";
+ if (ec == 508) return L"Loop Detected.";
+ if (ec == 510) return L"Not Extended.";
+ if (ec == 511) return L"Network Authentication Required.";
+ return L"";
+Global<UniSessionCounter> httpSessionCount(createUniSessionCounter());
+class HttpSession
+ HttpSession(const HttpSessionId& sessionId, const Zstring& caCertFilePath) : //throw FileError
+ sessionId_(sessionId),
+ caCertFilePath_(utfTo<std::string>(caCertFilePath))
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ libsshCurlUnifiedInitCookie_ = getLibsshCurlUnifiedInitCookie(httpSessionCount); //throw SysError
+ }
+ catch (const SysError& e) { throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Unable to connect to %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(sessionId_.server)), e.toString()); }
+ lastSuccessfulUseTime_ = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+ }
+ ~HttpSession()
+ {
+ if (easyHandle_)
+ ::curl_easy_cleanup(easyHandle_);
+ }
+ struct Option
+ {
+ template <class T>
+ Option(CURLoption o, T val) : option(o), value(static_cast<uint64_t>(val)) { static_assert(sizeof(val) <= sizeof(value)); }
+ template <class T>
+ Option(CURLoption o, T* val) : option(o), value(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(val)) { static_assert(sizeof(val) <= sizeof(value)); }
+ CURLoption option = CURLOPT_LASTENTRY;
+ uint64_t value = 0;
+ };
+ struct HttpResult
+ {
+ int statusCode = 0;
+ //std::string contentType;
+ };
+ HttpResult perform(const std::string& serverRelPath,
+ const std::vector<std::string>& extraHeaders, const std::vector<Option>& extraOptions, //throw FileError
+ const std::function<void (const void* buffer, size_t bytesToWrite)>& writeResponse /*throw X*/, //optional
+ const std::function<size_t( void* buffer, size_t bytesToRead )>& readRequest /*throw X*/) //
+ {
+ if (!easyHandle_)
+ {
+ easyHandle_ = ::curl_easy_init();
+ if (!easyHandle_)
+ throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Unable to connect to %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(sessionId_.server)),
+ formatSystemError(L"curl_easy_init", formatCurlErrorRaw(CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY), std::wstring()));
+ }
+ else
+ ::curl_easy_reset(easyHandle_);
+ std::vector<Option> options;
+ curlErrorBuf_[0] = '\0';
+ options.emplace_back(CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER, curlErrorBuf_);
+ options.emplace_back(CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "FreeFileSync"); //default value; may be overwritten by caller
+ //lifetime: keep alive until after curl_easy_setopt() below
+ std::string curlPath = "https://" + utfTo<std::string>(sessionId_.server) + serverRelPath;
+ options.emplace_back(CURLOPT_URL, curlPath.c_str());
+ options.emplace_back(CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1L); //thread-safety:
+ options.emplace_back(CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, std::chrono::seconds(HTTP_SESSION_ACCESS_TIME_OUT).count());
+ //CURLOPT_TIMEOUT: "Since this puts a hard limit for how long time a request is allowed to take, it has limited use in dynamic use cases with varying transfer times."
+ options.emplace_back(CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME, std::chrono::seconds(HTTP_SESSION_ACCESS_TIME_OUT).count());
+ options.emplace_back(CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT, 1L); //[bytes], can't use "0" which means "inactive", so use some low number
+ //libcurl forwards this char-string to OpenSSL as is, which (thank god) accepts UTF8
+ options.emplace_back(CURLOPT_CAINFO, caCertFilePath_.c_str()); //hopefully latest version from
+ //CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER and CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST are already active by default
+ //---------------------------------------------------
+ std::exception_ptr userCallbackException;
+ auto onBytesReceived = [&](const void* buffer, size_t len)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ writeResponse(buffer, len); //throw X
+ return len;
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ userCallbackException = std::current_exception();
+ return len + 1; //signal error condition => CURLE_WRITE_ERROR
+ }
+ };
+ using ReadCbType = decltype(onBytesReceived);
+ using ReadCbWrapperType = size_t (*)(const void* buffer, size_t size, size_t nitems, void* callbackData); //needed for cdecl function pointer cast
+ ReadCbWrapperType onBytesReceivedWrapper = [](const void* buffer, size_t size, size_t nitems, void* callbackData)
+ {
+ auto cb = static_cast<ReadCbType*>(callbackData); //free this poor little C-API from its shackles and redirect to a proper lambda
+ return (*cb)(buffer, size * nitems);
+ };
+ //---------------------------------------------------
+ auto getBytesToSend = [&](void* buffer, size_t len) -> size_t
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ //libcurl calls back until 0 bytes are returned (Posix read() semantics), or,
+ //if CURLOPT_INFILESIZE_LARGE was set, after exactly this amount of bytes
+ const size_t bytesRead = readRequest(buffer, len);//throw X; return "bytesToRead" bytes unless end of stream!
+ return bytesRead;
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ userCallbackException = std::current_exception();
+ return CURL_READFUNC_ABORT; //signal error condition => CURLE_ABORTED_BY_CALLBACK
+ }
+ };
+ using WriteCbType = decltype(getBytesToSend);
+ using WriteCbWrapperType = size_t (*)(void* buffer, size_t size, size_t nitems, void* callbackData);
+ WriteCbWrapperType getBytesToSendWrapper = [](void* buffer, size_t size, size_t nitems, void* callbackData)
+ {
+ auto cb = static_cast<WriteCbType*>(callbackData); //free this poor little C-API from its shackles and redirect to a proper lambda
+ return (*cb)(buffer, size * nitems);
+ };
+ //---------------------------------------------------
+ if (writeResponse)
+ {
+ options.emplace_back(CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &onBytesReceived);
+ options.emplace_back(CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, onBytesReceivedWrapper);
+ }
+ if (readRequest)
+ {
+ if (std::all_of(extraOptions.begin(), extraOptions.end(), [](const Option& o) { return o.option != CURLOPT_POST; }))
+ options.emplace_back(CURLOPT_UPLOAD, 1L); //issues HTTP PUT
+ options.emplace_back(CURLOPT_READDATA, &getBytesToSend);
+ options.emplace_back(CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, getBytesToSendWrapper);
+ }
+ if (std::any_of(extraOptions.begin(), extraOptions.end(), [](const Option& o) { return o.option == CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION || o.option == CURLOPT_READFUNCTION; }))
+ throw std::logic_error("Contract violation! " + std::string(__FILE__) + ":" + numberTo<std::string>(__LINE__)); //Option already used here!
+ if (readRequest && std::any_of(extraOptions.begin(), extraOptions.end(), [](const Option& o) { return o.option == CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS; }))
+ throw std::logic_error("Contract violation! " + std::string(__FILE__) + ":" + numberTo<std::string>(__LINE__)); //Contradicting options: CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS
+ //---------------------------------------------------
+ struct curl_slist* headers = nullptr; //"libcurl will not copy the entire list so you must keep it!"
+ ZEN_ON_SCOPE_EXIT(::curl_slist_free_all(headers));
+ for (const std::string& headerLine : extraHeaders)
+ headers = ::curl_slist_append(headers, headerLine.c_str());
+ if (headers)
+ options.emplace_back(CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers);
+ //---------------------------------------------------
+ append(options, extraOptions);
+ for (const Option& opt : options)
+ {
+ const CURLcode rc = ::curl_easy_setopt(easyHandle_, opt.option, opt.value);
+ if (rc != CURLE_OK)
+ throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Unable to connect to %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(sessionId_.server)),
+ formatSystemError(L"curl_easy_setopt " + numberTo<std::wstring>(opt.option),
+ formatCurlErrorRaw(rc), utfTo<std::wstring>(::curl_easy_strerror(rc))));
+ }
+ //=======================================================================================================
+ const CURLcode rcPerf = ::curl_easy_perform(easyHandle_);
+ //WTF: curl_easy_perform() considers FTP response codes 4XX, 5XX as failure, but for HTTP response codes 4XX are considered success!! CONSISTENCY, people!!!
+ //=> at least libcurl is aware: CURLOPT_FAILONERROR: "request failure on HTTP response >= 400"; default: "0, do not fail on error"
+ //=> Curiously Google also screws up in their REST API design and returns HTTP 4XX status for domain-level errors!
+ //=> let caller handle HTTP status to work around this mess!
+ if (userCallbackException)
+ std::rethrow_exception(userCallbackException); //throw X
+ //=======================================================================================================
+ try
+ {
+ long httpStatusCode = 0; //optional
+ {
+ const CURLcode rc = ::curl_easy_getinfo(easyHandle_, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &httpStatusCode);
+ if (rc != CURLE_OK)
+ throw SysError(formatSystemError(L"curl_easy_getinfo: CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE", formatCurlErrorRaw(rc), utfTo<std::wstring>(::curl_easy_strerror(rc))));
+ }
+ //char* contentType = nullptr; //optional; owned by libcurl
+ //{
+ // const CURLcode rc = ::curl_easy_getinfo(easyHandle_, CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE, &contentType);
+ // if (rc != CURLE_OK)
+ // throw SysError(formatSystemError(L"curl_easy_getinfo: CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE", formatCurlErrorRaw(rc), utfTo<std::wstring>(::curl_easy_strerror(rc))));
+ //}
+ if (rcPerf != CURLE_OK)
+ throw SysError(formatLastCurlError(L"curl_easy_perform", rcPerf, httpStatusCode));
+ lastSuccessfulUseTime_ = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+ return { static_cast<int>(httpStatusCode) /*, contentType ? contentType : ""*/ };
+ }
+ catch (const SysError& e) { throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Unable to access %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(sessionId_.server)), e.toString()); }
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool isHealthy() const
+ {
+ return numeric::dist(std::chrono::steady_clock::now(), lastSuccessfulUseTime_) <= HTTP_SESSION_MAX_IDLE_TIME;
+ }
+ const HttpSessionId& getSessionId() const { return sessionId_; }
+ HttpSession (const HttpSession&) = delete;
+ HttpSession& operator=(const HttpSession&) = delete;
+ std::wstring formatLastCurlError(const std::wstring& functionName, CURLcode ec, int httpStatusCode) const
+ {
+ std::wstring errorMsg;
+ if (curlErrorBuf_[0] != 0)
+ errorMsg = trimCpy(utfTo<std::wstring>(curlErrorBuf_));
+ const std::wstring descr = tryFormatHttpErrorCode(httpStatusCode);
+ if (!descr.empty())
+ errorMsg += (errorMsg.empty() ? L"" : L"\n") + numberTo<std::wstring>(httpStatusCode) + L": " + descr;
+#if 0
+ //utfTo<std::wstring>(::curl_easy_strerror(ec)) is uninteresting
+ long nativeErrorCode = 0;
+ if (::curl_easy_getinfo(easyHandle_, CURLINFO_OS_ERRNO, &nativeErrorCode) == CURLE_OK)
+ if (nativeErrorCode != 0)
+ errorMsg += (errorMsg.empty() ? L"" : L"\n") + std::wstring(L"Native error code: ") + numberTo<std::wstring>(nativeErrorCode);
+ return formatSystemError(functionName, formatCurlErrorRaw(ec), errorMsg);
+ }
+ const HttpSessionId sessionId_;
+ const std::string caCertFilePath_;
+ CURL* easyHandle_ = nullptr;
+ char curlErrorBuf_[CURL_ERROR_SIZE] = {};
+ std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point lastSuccessfulUseTime_;
+ std::shared_ptr<UniCounterCookie> libsshCurlUnifiedInitCookie_;
+class HttpSessionManager //reuse (healthy) HTTP sessions globally
+ HttpSessionManager(const Zstring& caCertFilePath) : caCertFilePath_(caCertFilePath),
+ sessionCleaner_([this]
+ {
+ setCurrentThreadName("Session Cleaner[HTTP]");
+ runGlobalSessionCleanUp(); //throw ThreadInterruption
+ }) {}
+ ~HttpSessionManager()
+ {
+ sessionCleaner_.interrupt();
+ sessionCleaner_.join();
+ }
+ using IdleHttpSessions = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<HttpSession>>;
+ void access(const HttpSessionId& login, const std::function<void(HttpSession& session)>& useHttpSession /*throw X*/) //throw FileError, X
+ {
+ Protected<HttpSessionManager::IdleHttpSessions>& sessionStore = getSessionStore(login);
+ std::unique_ptr<HttpSession> httpSession;
+ sessionStore.access([&](HttpSessionManager::IdleHttpSessions& sessions)
+ {
+ //assume "isHealthy()" to avoid hitting server connection limits: (clean up of !isHealthy() after use, idle sessions via worker thread)
+ if (!sessions.empty())
+ {
+ httpSession = std::move(sessions.back ());
+ /**/ sessions.pop_back();
+ }
+ });
+ //create new HTTP session outside the lock: 1. don't block other threads 2. non-atomic regarding "sessionStore"! => one session too many is not a problem!
+ if (!httpSession)
+ httpSession = std::make_unique<HttpSession>(login, caCertFilePath_); //throw FileError
+ if (httpSession->isHealthy()) //thread that created the "!isHealthy()" session is responsible for clean up (avoid hitting server connection limits!)
+ sessionStore.access([&](HttpSessionManager::IdleHttpSessions& sessions) { sessions.push_back(std::move(httpSession)); }); );
+ useHttpSession(*httpSession); //throw X
+ }
+ HttpSessionManager (const HttpSessionManager&) = delete;
+ HttpSessionManager& operator=(const HttpSessionManager&) = delete;
+ Protected<IdleHttpSessions>& getSessionStore(const HttpSessionId& login)
+ {
+ //single global session store per login; life-time bound to globalInstance => never remove a sessionStore!!!
+ Protected<IdleHttpSessions>* store = nullptr;
+ globalSessionStore_.access([&](GlobalHttpSessions& sessionsById)
+ {
+ store = &sessionsById[login]; //get or create
+ });
+ static_assert(std::is_same_v<GlobalHttpSessions, std::map<HttpSessionId, Protected<IdleHttpSessions>>>, "require std::map so that the pointers we return remain stable");
+ return *store;
+ }
+ //run a dedicated clean-up thread => it's unclear when the server let's a connection time out, so we do it preemptively
+ //context of worker thread:
+ void runGlobalSessionCleanUp() //throw ThreadInterruption
+ {
+ std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point lastCleanupTime;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ const auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+ if (now < lastCleanupTime + HTTP_SESSION_CLEANUP_INTERVAL)
+ interruptibleSleep(lastCleanupTime + HTTP_SESSION_CLEANUP_INTERVAL - now); //throw ThreadInterruption
+ lastCleanupTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+ std::vector<Protected<IdleHttpSessions>*> sessionStores; //pointers remain stable, thanks to std::map<>
+ globalSessionStore_.access([&](GlobalHttpSessions& sessionsById)
+ {
+ for (auto& [sessionId, idleSession] : sessionsById)
+ sessionStores.push_back(&idleSession);
+ });
+ for (Protected<IdleHttpSessions>* sessionStore : sessionStores)
+ for (bool done = false; !done;)
+ sessionStore->access([&](IdleHttpSessions& sessions)
+ {
+ for (std::unique_ptr<HttpSession>& sshSession : sessions)
+ if (!sshSession->isHealthy()) //!isHealthy() sessions are destroyed after use => in this context this means they have been idle for too long
+ {
+ sshSession.swap(sessions.back());
+ /**/ sessions.pop_back(); //run ~HttpSession *inside* the lock! => avoid hitting server limits!
+ std::this_thread::yield();
+ return; //don't hold lock for too long: delete only one session at a time, then yield...
+ }
+ done = true;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ using GlobalHttpSessions = std::map<HttpSessionId, Protected<IdleHttpSessions>>;
+ Protected<GlobalHttpSessions> globalSessionStore_;
+ const Zstring caCertFilePath_;
+ InterruptibleThread sessionCleaner_;
+UniInitializer startupInitHttp(*httpSessionCount.get()); //static ordering: place *before* HttpSessionManager instance!
+Global<HttpSessionManager> httpSessionManager;
+//try to get a grip on this crazy REST API: - parameters are passed via query string, header, or body, using GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, ... it's a dice roll
+HttpSession::HttpResult googleHttpsRequest(const std::string& serverRelPath, //throw FileError
+ const std::vector<std::string>& extraHeaders,
+ const std::vector<HttpSession::Option>& extraOptions,
+ const std::function<void (const void* buffer, size_t bytesToWrite)>& writeResponse /*throw X*/, //optional
+ const std::function<size_t( void* buffer, size_t bytesToRead )>& readRequest /*throw X*/) //optional; returning 0 signals EOF
+ const std::shared_ptr<HttpSessionManager> mgr = httpSessionManager.get();
+ if (!mgr)
+ throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Unable to connect to %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(GOOGLE_REST_API_SERVER)), L"Function call not allowed during process init/shutdown.");
+ HttpSession::HttpResult httpResult;
+ mgr->access(HttpSessionId(GOOGLE_REST_API_SERVER), [&](HttpSession& session) //throw FileError
+ {
+ std::vector<HttpSession::Option> options =
+ {
+ //
+ //"In order to receive a gzip-encoded response you must do two things: Set an Accept-Encoding header, and modify your user agent to contain the string gzip."
+ { CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "FreeFileSync (gzip)" },
+ };
+ append(options, extraOptions);
+ httpResult = session.perform(serverRelPath, extraHeaders, options, writeResponse, readRequest); //throw FileError
+ });
+ return httpResult;
+struct GoogleUserInfo
+ std::wstring displayName;
+ Zstring email;
+GoogleUserInfo getUserInfo(const std::string& accessToken) //throw FileError
+ //
+ const std::string queryParams = xWwwFormUrlEncode(
+ {
+ { "fields", "user/displayName,user/emailAddress" },
+ });
+ std::string response;
+ googleHttpsRequest("/drive/v3/about?" + queryParams, { "Authorization: Bearer " + accessToken }, {} /*extraOptions*/, //throw FileError
+ [&](const void* buffer, size_t bytesToWrite) { response.append(static_cast<const char*>(buffer), bytesToWrite); }, nullptr /*readRequest*/);
+ JsonValue jresponse;
+ try { jresponse = parseJson(response); }
+ catch (JsonParsingError&) {}
+ if (const JsonValue* user = getChildFromJsonObject(jresponse, "user"))
+ {
+ const std::optional<std::string> displayName = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(*user, "displayName");
+ const std::optional<std::string> email = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(*user, "emailAddress");
+ if (displayName && email)
+ return { utfTo<std::wstring>(*displayName), utfTo<Zstring>(*email) };
+ }
+ throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Failed to get information about server %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(Zstr("Google Drive"))), formatGoogleErrorRaw(response));
+const char* htmlMessageTemplate = R""(<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <head>
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>TITLE_PLACEHOLDER</title>
+ <style type="text/css">
+ * {
+ font-family: "Helvetica Neue", "Segoe UI", Segoe, Helvetica, Arial, "Lucida Grande", sans-serif;
+ text-align: center;
+ background-color: #eee; }
+ h1 {
+ font-size: 45px;
+ font-weight: 300;
+ margin: 80px 0 20px 0; }
+ .descr {
+ font-size: 21px;
+ font-weight: 200; }
+ </style>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <h1><img src="" style="vertical-align:middle; height: 50px;" alt=""> TITLE_PLACEHOLDER</h1>
+ <div class="descr">MESSAGE_PLACEHOLDER</div>
+ </body>
+struct GoogleAuthCode
+ std::string code;
+ std::string redirectUrl;
+ std::string codeChallenge;
+struct GoogleAccessToken
+ std::string value;
+ time_t validUntil; //remaining lifetime of the access token
+struct GoogleAccessInfo
+ GoogleAccessToken accessToken;
+ std::string refreshToken;
+ GoogleUserInfo userInfo;
+GoogleAccessInfo googleDriveExchangeAuthCode(const GoogleAuthCode& authCode) //throw FileError
+ //
+ const std::string postBuf = xWwwFormUrlEncode(
+ {
+ { "code", authCode.code },
+ { "client_id", GOOGLE_DRIVE_CLIENT_ID },
+ { "client_secret", GOOGLE_DRIVE_CLIENT_SECRET },
+ { "redirect_uri", authCode.redirectUrl },
+ { "grant_type", "authorization_code" },
+ { "code_verifier", authCode.codeChallenge },
+ });
+ std::string response;
+ googleHttpsRequest("/oauth2/v4/token", {} /*extraHeaders*/, { { CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, postBuf.c_str() } }, //throw FileError
+ [&](const void* buffer, size_t bytesToWrite) { response.append(static_cast<const char*>(buffer), bytesToWrite); }, nullptr /*readRequest*/);
+ JsonValue jresponse;
+ try { jresponse = parseJson(response); }
+ catch (JsonParsingError&) {}
+ const std::optional<std::string> accessToken = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(jresponse, "access_token");
+ const std::optional<std::string> refreshToken = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(jresponse, "refresh_token");
+ const std::optional<std::string> expiresIn = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(jresponse, "expires_in"); //e.g. 3600 seconds
+ if (!accessToken || !refreshToken || !expiresIn)
+ throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Unable to connect to %x."), L"%x", L"Google Drive"), formatGoogleErrorRaw(response));
+ const GoogleUserInfo userInfo = getUserInfo(*accessToken); //throw FileError
+ return { { *accessToken, std::time(nullptr) + stringTo<time_t>(*expiresIn) }, *refreshToken, userInfo };
+GoogleAccessInfo authorizeAccessToGoogleDrive(const Zstring& googleLoginHint, const std::function<void()>& updateGui /*throw X*/) //throw FileError, X
+ try //spin up a web server to wait for the HTTP GET after Google authentication
+ {
+ ::addrinfo hints = {};
+ hints.ai_family = AF_INET; //make sure our server is reached by IPv4, not IPv6 [::1]
+ hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; //we *do* care about this one!
+ hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE; //the returned socket addresses will be suitable for bind(2)ing a socket that will accept(2) connections.
+ hints.ai_flags |= AI_ADDRCONFIG; //no such issue on Linux:
+ ::addrinfo* servinfo = nullptr;
+ ZEN_ON_SCOPE_EXIT(if (servinfo) ::freeaddrinfo(servinfo));
+ //ServiceName == "0" => open the next best free port
+ const int rcGai = ::getaddrinfo(nullptr, //_In_opt_ PCSTR pNodeName,
+ "0", //_In_opt_ PCSTR pServiceName,
+ &hints, //_In_opt_ const ADDRINFOA* pHints,
+ &servinfo); //_Outptr_ PADDRINFOA* ppResult
+ if (rcGai != 0)
+ throw SysError(formatSystemError(L"getaddrinfo", replaceCpy(_("Error Code %x"), L"%x", numberTo<std::wstring>(rcGai)), utfTo<std::wstring>(::gai_strerror(rcGai))));
+ if (!servinfo)
+ throw SysError(L"getaddrinfo: empty server info");
+ auto getBoundSocket = [&](const auto& /*::addrinfo*/ ai)
+ {
+ SocketType testSocket = ::socket(ai.ai_family, ai.ai_socktype, ai.ai_protocol);
+ if (testSocket == invalidSocket)
+ ZEN_ON_SCOPE_FAIL(closeSocket(testSocket));
+ if (::bind(testSocket, ai.ai_addr, static_cast<int>(ai.ai_addrlen)) != 0)
+ return testSocket;
+ };
+ SocketType socket = invalidSocket;
+ std::optional<SysError> firstError;
+ for (const auto* /*::addrinfo*/ si = servinfo; si; si = si->ai_next)
+ try
+ {
+ socket = getBoundSocket(*si); //throw SysError; pass ownership
+ break;
+ }
+ catch (const SysError& e) { if (!firstError) firstError = e; }
+ if (socket == invalidSocket)
+ throw* firstError; //list was not empty, so there must have been an error!
+ ZEN_ON_SCOPE_EXIT(closeSocket(socket));
+ sockaddr_storage addr = {}; //"sufficiently large to store address information for IPv4 or IPv6" => sockaddr_in and sockaddr_in6
+ socklen_t addrLen = sizeof(addr);
+ if (::getsockname(socket, reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&addr), &addrLen) != 0)
+ THROW_LAST_SYS_ERROR_WSA(L"getsockname");
+ if (addr.ss_family != AF_INET &&
+ addr.ss_family != AF_INET6)
+ throw SysError(L"getsockname: unknown protocol family (" + numberTo<std::wstring>(addr.ss_family) + L")");
+const int port = ntohs(reinterpret_cast<const sockaddr_in&>(addr).sin_port);
+//the socket is not bound to a specific local IP => inet_ntoa(reinterpret_cast<const sockaddr_in&>(addr).sin_addr) == ""
+const std::string redirectUrl = "" + numberTo<std::string>(port);
+if (::listen(socket, SOMAXCONN) != 0)
+ //"A code_verifier is a high-entropy cryptographic random string using the unreserved characters:"
+ //[A-Z] / [a-z] / [0-9] / "-" / "." / "_" / "~", with a minimum length of 43 characters and a maximum length of 128 characters.
+ std::string codeChallenge = stringEncodeBase64(generateGUID() + generateGUID());
+ replace(codeChallenge, '+', '-'); //
+ replace(codeChallenge, '/', '.'); //code_verifier is almost a perfect fit for base64!
+ replace(codeChallenge, '=', '_'); //
+ assert(codeChallenge.size() == 44);
+ //authenticate Google Drive via browser:
+ const std::string oauthUrl = "" + xWwwFormUrlEncode(
+ { "client_id", GOOGLE_DRIVE_CLIENT_ID },
+ { "redirect_uri", redirectUrl },
+ { "response_type", "code" },
+ { "scope", "" },
+ { "code_challenge", codeChallenge },
+ { "code_challenge_method", "plain" },
+ { "login_hint", utfTo<std::string>(googleLoginHint) },
+openWithDefaultApplication(utfTo<Zstring>(oauthUrl)); //throw FileError
+//[!] no need to map to SysError
+//process incoming HTTP requests
+for (;;)
+for (;;) //::accept() blocks forever if no client connects (e.g. user just closes the browser window!) => wait for incoming traffic with a time-out via ::select()
+ {
+ if (updateGui) updateGui(); //throw X
+ fd_set rfd = {};
+ FD_ZERO(&rfd);
+ FD_SET(socket, &rfd);
+ fd_set* readfds = &rfd;
+ struct ::timeval tv = {};
+ tv.tv_usec = static_cast<long>(100 /*ms*/) * 1000;
+ //WSAPoll broken, even ::poll() on OS X?
+ //perf: no significant difference compared to ::WSAPoll()
+ const int rc = ::select(socket + 1, readfds, nullptr /*writefds*/, nullptr /*errorfds*/, &tv);
+ if (rc < 0)
+ if (rc != 0)
+ break;
+ //else: time-out!
+ }
+ //potential race! if the connection is gone right after ::select() and before ::accept(), latter will hang
+ const SocketType clientSocket = ::accept(socket, //SOCKET s,
+ nullptr, //sockaddr *addr,
+ nullptr); //int *addrlen
+ if (clientSocket == invalidSocket)
+ //receive first line of HTTP request
+ std::string reqLine;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ const size_t blockSize = 64 * 1024;
+ reqLine.resize(reqLine.size() + blockSize);
+ const size_t bytesReceived = tryReadSocket(clientSocket, &*(reqLine.end() - blockSize), blockSize); //throw SysError
+ reqLine.resize(reqLine.size() - blockSize + bytesReceived); //caveat: unsigned arithmetics
+ if (contains(reqLine, "\r\n"))
+ {
+ reqLine = beforeFirst(reqLine, "\r\n", IF_MISSING_RETURN_NONE);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (bytesReceived == 0 || reqLine.size() >= 100000 /*bogus line length*/)
+ break;
+ }
+ //get OAuth2.0 authorization result from Google, either:
+ std::string code;
+ std::string error;
+ //parse header; e.g.: GET HTTP/1.1
+ const std::vector<std::string> statusItems = split(reqLine, ' ', SplitType::ALLOW_EMPTY); //Method SP Request-URI SP HTTP-Version CRLF
+ if (statusItems.size() == 3 && statusItems[0] == "GET" && startsWith(statusItems[2], "HTTP/"))
+ {
+ for (const auto& [name, value] : xWwwFormUrlDecode(afterFirst(statusItems[1], "?", IF_MISSING_RETURN_NONE)))
+ if (name == "code")
+ code = value;
+ else if (name == "error")
+ error = value; //e.g. "access_denied" => no more detailed error info available :(
+ } //"add explicit braces to avoid dangling else [-Wdangling-else]"
+ std::optional<std::variant<GoogleAccessInfo, FileError>> authResult;
+ //send HTTP response;
+ std::string httpResponse;
+ if (code.empty() && error.empty()) //parsing error or unrelated HTTP request
+ httpResponse = "HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request" "\r\n" "\r\n" "400 Bad Request\n" + reqLine;
+ else
+ {
+ std::string htmlMsg = htmlMessageTemplate;
+ try
+ {
+ if (!error.empty())
+ throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Unable to connect to %x."), L"%x", L"Google Drive"),
+ replaceCpy(_("Error Code %x"), L"%x", + L"\"" + utfTo<std::wstring>(error) + L"\""));
+ //do as many login-related tasks as possible while we have the browser as an error output device!
+ //see AFS::connectNetworkFolder() => errors will be lost after time out in dir_exist_async.h!
+ authResult = googleDriveExchangeAuthCode({ code, redirectUrl, codeChallenge }); //throw FileError
+ replace(htmlMsg, "TITLE_PLACEHOLDER", utfTo<std::string>(_("Authentication completed.")));
+ replace(htmlMsg, "MESSAGE_PLACEHOLDER", utfTo<std::string>(_("You may close this page now and continue with FreeFileSync.")));
+ }
+ catch (const FileError& e)
+ {
+ authResult = e;
+ replace(htmlMsg, "TITLE_PLACEHOLDER", utfTo<std::string>(_("Authentication failed.")));
+ replace(htmlMsg, "MESSAGE_PLACEHOLDER", utfTo<std::string>(e.toString()));
+ }
+ httpResponse = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK" "\r\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/html" "\r\n"
+ "Content-Length: " + numberTo<std::string>(strLength(htmlMsg)) + "\r\n"
+ "\r\n" + htmlMsg;
+ }
+ for (size_t bytesToSend = httpResponse.size(); bytesToSend > 0;)
+ bytesToSend -= tryWriteSocket(clientSocket, &*(httpResponse.end() - bytesToSend), bytesToSend); //throw SysError
+ shutdownSocketSend(clientSocket); //throw SysError
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (authResult)
+ {
+ if (const FileError* e = std::get_if<FileError>(&*authResult))
+ throw *e;
+ return std::get<GoogleAccessInfo>(*authResult);
+ }
+catch (const SysError& e)
+ throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Unable to connect to %x."), L"%x", L"Google Drive"), e.toString());
+GoogleAccessToken refreshAccessToGoogleDrive(const std::string& refreshToken, const Zstring& googleUserEmail) //throw FileError
+ //
+ const std::string postBuf = xWwwFormUrlEncode(
+ {
+ { "refresh_token", refreshToken },
+ { "client_id", GOOGLE_DRIVE_CLIENT_ID },
+ { "client_secret", GOOGLE_DRIVE_CLIENT_SECRET },
+ { "grant_type", "refresh_token" },
+ });
+ std::string response;
+ googleHttpsRequest("/oauth2/v4/token", {} /*extraHeaders*/, { { CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, postBuf.c_str() } }, //throw FileError
+ [&](const void* buffer, size_t bytesToWrite) { response.append(static_cast<const char*>(buffer), bytesToWrite); }, nullptr /*readRequest*/);
+ JsonValue jresponse;
+ try { jresponse = parseJson(response); }
+ catch (JsonParsingError&) {}
+ const std::optional<std::string> accessToken = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(jresponse, "access_token");
+ const std::optional<std::string> expiresIn = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(jresponse, "expires_in"); //e.g. 3600 seconds
+ if (!accessToken || !expiresIn)
+ throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Unable to connect to %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(getGoogleDisplayPath({ googleUserEmail, AfsPath() }))), formatGoogleErrorRaw(response));
+ return { *accessToken, std::time(nullptr) + stringTo<time_t>(*expiresIn) };
+void revokeAccessToGoogleDrive(const std::string& accessToken, const Zstring& googleUserEmail) //throw FileError
+ //
+ const std::shared_ptr<HttpSessionManager> mgr = httpSessionManager.get();
+ if (!mgr)
+ throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Unable to access %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(getGoogleDisplayPath({ googleUserEmail, AfsPath() }))),
+ L"Function call not allowed during process init/shutdown.");
+ HttpSession::HttpResult httpResult;
+ std::string response;
+ mgr->access(HttpSessionId(Zstr("")), [&](HttpSession& session) //throw FileError
+ {
+ httpResult = session.perform("/o/oauth2/revoke?token=" + accessToken, { "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, {} /*extraOptions*/,
+ [&](const void* buffer, size_t bytesToWrite) { response.append(static_cast<const char*>(buffer), bytesToWrite); }, nullptr /*readRequest*/); //throw FileError
+ });
+ if (httpResult.statusCode != 200)
+ throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Unable to disconnect from %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(getGoogleDisplayPath({ googleUserEmail, AfsPath() }))), formatGoogleErrorRaw(response));
+uint64_t gdriveGetFreeDiskSpace(const std::string& accessToken) //throw FileError, SysError; returns 0 if not available
+ //
+ std::string response;
+ googleHttpsRequest("/drive/v3/about?fields=storageQuota", { "Authorization: Bearer " + accessToken }, {} /*extraOptions*/, //throw FileError
+ [&](const void* buffer, size_t bytesToWrite) { response.append(static_cast<const char*>(buffer), bytesToWrite); }, nullptr /*readRequest*/);
+ JsonValue jresponse;
+ try { jresponse = parseJson(response); }
+ catch (JsonParsingError&) {}
+ if (const JsonValue* storageQuota = getChildFromJsonObject(jresponse, "storageQuota"))
+ {
+ const std::optional<std::string> limit = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(*storageQuota, "limit");
+ const std::optional<std::string> usage = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(*storageQuota, "usage");
+ if (!limit) //"will not be present if the user has unlimited storage."
+ return 0;
+ if (usage)
+ {
+ const auto usageInt = stringTo<int64_t>(*usage);
+ const auto limitInt = stringTo<int64_t>(*limit);
+ if (0 <= usageInt && usageInt <= limitInt)
+ return limitInt - usageInt;
+ }
+ }
+ throw SysError(formatGoogleErrorRaw(response));
+struct GoogleItemDetails
+ std::string itemName;
+ bool isFolder = false;
+ uint64_t fileSize = 0;
+ time_t modTime = 0;
+ std::vector<std::string> parentIds;
+bool operator==(const GoogleItemDetails& lhs, const GoogleItemDetails& rhs)
+ return lhs.itemName == rhs.itemName &&
+ lhs.isFolder == rhs.isFolder &&
+ lhs.fileSize == rhs.fileSize &&
+ lhs.modTime == rhs.modTime &&
+ lhs.parentIds == rhs.parentIds;
+struct GoogleFileItem
+ std::string itemId;
+ GoogleItemDetails details;
+std::vector<GoogleFileItem> readFolderContent(const std::string& folderId, //throw FileError
+ const std::string& accessToken, const GdrivePath& gdrivePath)
+ warn_static("perf: trashed=false and ('114231411234' in parents or '123123' in parents)")
+ //
+ std::vector<GoogleFileItem> childItems;
+ try
+ {
+ std::optional<std::string> nextPageToken;
+ do
+ {
+ std::string queryParams = xWwwFormUrlEncode(
+ {
+ { "spaces", "drive" }, //
+ { "corpora", "user" }, //"The 'user' corpus includes all files in "My Drive" and "Shared with me"
+ { "pageSize", "1000" }, //"[1, 1000] Default: 100"
+ { "fields", "nextPageToken,incompleteSearch,files(name,id,mimeType,size,modifiedTime,parents)" }, //
+ { "q", "trashed=false and '" + folderId + "' in parents" },
+ //{ "q", "sharedWithMe" },
+ });
+ if (nextPageToken)
+ queryParams += '&' + xWwwFormUrlEncode({ { "pageToken", *nextPageToken } });
+ std::string response;
+ googleHttpsRequest("/drive/v3/files?" + queryParams, { "Authorization: Bearer " + accessToken }, {} /*extraOptions*/, //throw FileError
+ [&](const void* buffer, size_t bytesToWrite) { response.append(static_cast<const char*>(buffer), bytesToWrite); }, nullptr /*readRequest*/);
+ JsonValue jresponse;
+ try { jresponse = parseJson(response); }
+ catch (JsonParsingError&) {}
+ /**/ nextPageToken = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(jresponse, "nextPageToken");
+ const std::optional<std::string> incompleteSearch = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(jresponse, "incompleteSearch");
+ const JsonValue* files = getChildFromJsonObject (jresponse, "files");
+ if (!incompleteSearch || *incompleteSearch != "false" || !files || files->type != JsonValue::Type::array)
+ throw SysError(formatGoogleErrorRaw(response));
+ for (const auto& childVal : files->arrayVal)
+ {
+ const std::optional<std::string> itemId = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(*childVal, "id");
+ const std::optional<std::string> itemName = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(*childVal, "name");
+ const std::optional<std::string> mimeType = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(*childVal, "mimeType");
+ const std::optional<std::string> size = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(*childVal, "size");
+ const std::optional<std::string> modifiedTime = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(*childVal, "modifiedTime");
+ const JsonValue* parents = getChildFromJsonObject (*childVal, "parents");
+ if (!itemId || !itemName || !mimeType || !modifiedTime || !parents)
+ throw SysError(formatGoogleErrorRaw(response));
+ const bool isFolder = *mimeType == googleFolderMimeType;
+ const uint64_t fileSize = size ? stringTo<uint64_t>(*size) : 0; //not available for folders
+ //RFC 3339 date-time: e.g. "2018-09-29T08:39:12.053Z"
+ const time_t modTime = utcToTimeT(parseTime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", beforeLast(*modifiedTime, '.', IF_MISSING_RETURN_ALL))); //returns -1 on error
+ if (modTime == -1 || !endsWith(*modifiedTime, 'Z')) //'Z' means "UTC" => it seems Google doesn't use the time-zone offset postfix
+ throw SysError(L"Modification time could not be parsed. (" + utfTo<std::wstring>(*modifiedTime) + L")");
+ std::vector<std::string> parentIds;
+ for (const auto& parentVal : parents->arrayVal)
+ {
+ if (parentVal->type != JsonValue::Type::string)
+ throw SysError(formatGoogleErrorRaw(response));
+ parentIds.push_back(parentVal->primVal);
+ }
+ assert(std::find(parentIds.begin(), parentIds.end(), folderId) != parentIds.end());
+ childItems.push_back({ *itemId, { *itemName, isFolder, fileSize, modTime, std::move(parentIds) } });
+ }
+ }
+ while (nextPageToken);
+ }
+ catch (const SysError& e) { throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot read directory %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(getGoogleDisplayPath(gdrivePath))), e.toString()); }
+ return childItems;
+struct ChangeItem
+ std::string itemId;
+ std::optional<GoogleItemDetails> details; //empty if item was deleted!
+struct ChangesDelta
+ std::string newStartPageToken;
+ std::vector<ChangeItem> changes;
+ChangesDelta getChangesDelta(const std::string& startPageToken, //throw FileError
+ const std::string& accessToken, const Zstring& googleUserEmail)
+ try //
+ {
+ ChangesDelta delta;
+ std::optional<std::string> nextPageToken = startPageToken;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ std::string queryParams = xWwwFormUrlEncode(
+ {
+ { "pageToken", *nextPageToken },
+ { "pageSize", "1000" }, //"[1, 1000] Default: 100"
+ { "restrictToMyDrive", "true" }, //important! otherwise we won't get "removed: true" (because file may still be accessible from other Corpora)
+ { "spaces", "drive" },
+ { "fields", "kind,nextPageToken,newStartPageToken,changes(kind,removed,fileId,file(name,mimeType,size,modifiedTime,parents,trashed))" },
+ });
+ std::string response;
+ googleHttpsRequest("/drive/v3/changes?" + queryParams, { "Authorization: Bearer " + accessToken }, {} /*extraOptions*/, //throw FileError
+ [&](const void* buffer, size_t bytesToWrite) { response.append(static_cast<const char*>(buffer), bytesToWrite); }, nullptr /*readRequest*/);
+ JsonValue jresponse;
+ try { jresponse = parseJson(response); }
+ catch (JsonParsingError&) {}
+ /**/ nextPageToken = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(jresponse, "nextPageToken");
+ const std::optional<std::string> newStartPageToken = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(jresponse, "newStartPageToken");
+ const std::optional<std::string> listKind = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(jresponse, "kind");
+ const JsonValue* changes = getChildFromJsonObject (jresponse, "changes");
+ if (!!nextPageToken == !!newStartPageToken || //there can be only one
+ !listKind || *listKind != "drive#changeList" ||
+ !changes || changes->type != JsonValue::Type::array)
+ throw SysError(formatGoogleErrorRaw(response));
+ for (const auto& childVal : changes->arrayVal)
+ {
+ const std::optional<std::string> kind = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(*childVal, "kind");
+ const std::optional<std::string> removed = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(*childVal, "removed");
+ const std::optional<std::string> itemId = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(*childVal, "fileId");
+ const JsonValue* file = getChildFromJsonObject (*childVal, "file");
+ if (!kind || *kind != "drive#change" || !removed || !itemId)
+ throw SysError(formatGoogleErrorRaw(response));
+ ChangeItem changeItem;
+ changeItem.itemId = *itemId;
+ if (*removed != "true")
+ {
+ if (!file)
+ throw SysError(formatGoogleErrorRaw(response));
+ const std::optional<std::string> itemName = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(*file, "name");
+ const std::optional<std::string> mimeType = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(*file, "mimeType");
+ const std::optional<std::string> size = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(*file, "size");
+ const std::optional<std::string> modifiedTime = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(*file, "modifiedTime");
+ const std::optional<std::string> trashed = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(*file, "trashed");
+ const JsonValue* parents = getChildFromJsonObject (*file, "parents");
+ if (!itemName || !mimeType || !modifiedTime || !trashed || !parents)
+ throw SysError(formatGoogleErrorRaw(response));
+ if (*trashed != "true")
+ {
+ GoogleItemDetails itemDetails = {};
+ itemDetails.itemName = *itemName;
+ itemDetails.isFolder = *mimeType == googleFolderMimeType;
+ itemDetails.fileSize = size ? stringTo<uint64_t>(*size) : 0; //not available for folders
+ //RFC 3339 date-time: e.g. "2018-09-29T08:39:12.053Z"
+ itemDetails.modTime = utcToTimeT(parseTime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", beforeLast(*modifiedTime, '.', IF_MISSING_RETURN_ALL))); //returns -1 on error
+ if (itemDetails.modTime == -1 || !endsWith(*modifiedTime, 'Z')) //'Z' means "UTC" => it seems Google doesn't use the time-zone offset postfix
+ throw SysError(L"Modification time could not be parsed. (" + utfTo<std::wstring>(*modifiedTime) + L")");
+ for (const auto& parentVal : parents->arrayVal)
+ {
+ if (parentVal->type != JsonValue::Type::string)
+ throw SysError(formatGoogleErrorRaw(response));
+ itemDetails.parentIds.push_back(parentVal->primVal);
+ }
+ changeItem.details = std::move(itemDetails);
+ }
+ }
+ delta.changes.push_back(std::move(changeItem));
+ }
+ if (!nextPageToken)
+ {
+ delta.newStartPageToken = *newStartPageToken;
+ return delta;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (const SysError& e) { throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot monitor directory %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(getGoogleDisplayPath({ googleUserEmail, AfsPath() }))), e.toString()); }
+std::string /*startPageToken*/ getChangesCurrentToken(const std::string& accessToken, const Zstring& googleUserEmail) //throw FileError
+ //
+ std::string response;
+ googleHttpsRequest("/drive/v3/changes/startPageToken", { "Authorization: Bearer " + accessToken }, {} /*extraOptions*/, //throw FileError
+ [&](const void* buffer, size_t bytesToWrite) { response.append(static_cast<const char*>(buffer), bytesToWrite); }, nullptr /*readRequest*/);
+ JsonValue jresponse;
+ try { jresponse = parseJson(response); }
+ catch (JsonParsingError&) {}
+ const std::optional<std::string> startPageToken = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(jresponse, "startPageToken");
+ if (!startPageToken)
+ throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot monitor directory %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(getGoogleDisplayPath({ googleUserEmail, AfsPath() }))), formatGoogleErrorRaw(response));
+ return *startPageToken;
+//- if item is a folder: deletes recursively!!!
+//- even deletes a hardlink with multiple parents => use gdriveUnlinkParent() first
+void gdriveDeleteItem(const std::string& itemId, const std::string& accessToken) //throw FileError, SysError
+ //
+ std::string response;
+ const HttpSession::HttpResult httpResult = googleHttpsRequest("/drive/v3/files/" + itemId, { "Authorization: Bearer " + accessToken }, //throw FileError
+ [&](const void* buffer, size_t bytesToWrite) { response.append(static_cast<const char*>(buffer), bytesToWrite); }, nullptr /*readRequest*/);
+ //"If successful, this method returns an empty response body"
+ if (!response.empty() || httpResult.statusCode != 204)
+ throw SysError(formatGoogleErrorRaw(response));
+//item is NOT deleted when last parent is removed: it is just not accessible via the "My Drive" hierarchy but still adds to quota! => use for hard links only!
+void gdriveUnlinkParent(const std::string& itemId, const std::string& parentFolderId, const std::string& accessToken) //throw FileError, SysError
+ //
+ const std::string queryParams = xWwwFormUrlEncode(
+ {
+ { "removeParents", parentFolderId },
+ { "fields", "id,parents"}, //for test if operation was successful
+ });
+ std::string response;
+ googleHttpsRequest("/drive/v3/files/" + itemId + '?' + queryParams, //throw FileError
+ { "Authorization: Bearer " + accessToken, "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" },
+ [&](const void* buffer, size_t bytesToWrite) { response.append(static_cast<const char*>(buffer), bytesToWrite); }, nullptr /*readRequest*/);
+ JsonValue jresponse;
+ try { jresponse = parseJson(response); /*throw JsonParsingError*/ }
+ catch (const JsonParsingError&) {}
+ const std::optional<std::string> id = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(jresponse, "id"); //id is returned on "success", unlike "parents", see below...
+ const JsonValue* parents = getChildFromJsonObject(jresponse, "parents");
+ if (!id || *id != itemId)
+ throw SysError(formatGoogleErrorRaw(response));
+ if (parents) //when last parent is removed (=> Google deletes item permanently), Google does NOT return the parents array (not even an empty one!)
+ if (parents->type != JsonValue::Type::array ||
+ std::any_of(parents->arrayVal.begin(), parents->arrayVal.end(),
+ [&](const std::unique_ptr<JsonValue>& jval) { return jval->type == JsonValue::Type::string && jval->primVal == parentFolderId; }))
+ throw SysError(L"Google Drive internal failure"); //user should never see this...
+//- if item is a folder: trashes recursively!!!
+//- a hardlink with multiple parents will be not be accessible anymore via any of its path aliases!
+void gdriveMoveToTrash(const std::string& itemId, const std::string& accessToken) //throw FileError, SysError
+ //
+ const std::string postBuf = R"({ "trashed": true })";
+ std::string response;
+ googleHttpsRequest("/drive/v3/files/" + itemId + "?fields=trashed", //throw FileError
+ { "Authorization: Bearer " + accessToken, "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" },
+ [&](const void* buffer, size_t bytesToWrite) { response.append(static_cast<const char*>(buffer), bytesToWrite); }, nullptr /*readRequest*/);
+ JsonValue jresponse;
+ try { jresponse = parseJson(response); /*throw JsonParsingError*/ }
+ catch (const JsonParsingError&) {}
+ const std::optional<std::string> trashed = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(jresponse, "trashed");
+ if (!trashed || *trashed != "true")
+ throw SysError(formatGoogleErrorRaw(response));
+//folder name already existing? will (happily) create duplicate folders => caller must check!
+std::string /*folderId*/ gdriveCreateFolderPlain(const Zstring& folderName, const std::string& parentFolderId, const std::string& accessToken) //throw FileError, SysError
+ //
+ std::string postBuf = "{\n";
+ postBuf += "\"mimeType\": \"" + std::string(googleFolderMimeType) + "\",\n";
+ postBuf += "\"name\": \"" + utfTo<std::string>(folderName) + "\",\n";
+ postBuf += "\"parents\": [\"" + parentFolderId + "\"]\n"; //[!] no trailing comma!
+ postBuf += "}";
+ std::string response;
+ googleHttpsRequest("/drive/v3/files?fields=id", { "Authorization: Bearer " + accessToken, "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" },
+ { { CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, postBuf.c_str() } }, //throw FileError
+ [&](const void* buffer, size_t bytesToWrite) { response.append(static_cast<const char*>(buffer), bytesToWrite); }, nullptr /*readRequest*/);
+ JsonValue jresponse;
+ try { jresponse = parseJson(response); }
+ catch (JsonParsingError&) {}
+ const std::optional<std::string> itemId = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(jresponse, "id");
+ if (!itemId)
+ throw SysError(formatGoogleErrorRaw(response));
+ return *itemId;
+//target name already existing? will (happily) create duplicate items => caller must check!
+void gdriveMoveAndRenameItem(const std::string& itemId, const std::string& parentIdOld, const std::string& parentIdNew,
+ const Zstring& newName, time_t newModTime, const std::string& accessToken) //throw FileError, SysError
+ //
+ std::string queryParams = "fields=name,parents"; //for test if operation was successful
+ if (parentIdOld != parentIdNew)
+ queryParams += '&' + xWwwFormUrlEncode(
+ {
+ { "removeParents", parentIdOld },
+ { "addParents", parentIdNew },
+ });
+ //more Google Drive peculiarities: changing the file name changes modifiedTime!!! => workaround:
+ //RFC 3339 date-time: e.g. "2018-09-29T08:39:12.053Z"
+ const std::string dateTime = formatTime<std::string>("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z", getUtcTime(newModTime)); //returns empty string on failure
+ if (dateTime.empty())
+ throw SysError(L"Invalid modification time (time_t: " + numberTo<std::wstring>(newModTime) + L")");
+ std::string postBuf = "{\n";
+ //postBuf += "\"name\": \"" + utfTo<std::string>(newName) + "\"\n";
+ postBuf += "\"name\": \"" + utfTo<std::string>(newName) + "\",\n";
+ postBuf += "\"modifiedTime\": \"" + dateTime + "\"\n"; //[!] no trailing comma!
+ postBuf += "}";
+ std::string response;
+ googleHttpsRequest("/drive/v3/files/" + itemId + '?' + queryParams, //throw FileError
+ { "Authorization: Bearer " + accessToken, "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" },
+ [&](const void* buffer, size_t bytesToWrite) { response.append(static_cast<const char*>(buffer), bytesToWrite); }, nullptr /*readRequest*/);
+ JsonValue jresponse;
+ try { jresponse = parseJson(response); /*throw JsonParsingError*/ }
+ catch (const JsonParsingError&) {}
+ const std::optional<std::string> name = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(jresponse, "name");
+ const JsonValue* parents = getChildFromJsonObject(jresponse, "parents");
+ if (!name || *name != utfTo<std::string>(newName) ||
+ !parents || parents->type != JsonValue::Type::array)
+ throw SysError(formatGoogleErrorRaw(response));
+ if (!std::any_of(parents->arrayVal.begin(), parents->arrayVal.end(),
+ [&](const std::unique_ptr<JsonValue>& jval) { return jval->type == JsonValue::Type::string && jval->primVal == parentIdNew; }))
+ throw SysError(L"Google Drive internal failure"); //user should never see this...
+#if 0
+void setModTime(const std::string& itemId, time_t modTime, //throw FileError
+ const std::string& accessToken, const GdrivePath& gdrivePath)
+ try //
+ {
+ //RFC 3339 date-time: e.g. "2018-09-29T08:39:12.053Z"
+ const std::string dateTime = formatTime<std::string>("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z", getUtcTime(modTime)); //returns empty string on failure
+ if (dateTime.empty())
+ throw SysError(L"Invalid modification time (time_t: " + numberTo<std::wstring>(modTime) + L")");
+ const std::string postBuf = R"({ "modifiedTime": ")" + dateTime + "\" }";
+ std::string response;
+ googleHttpsRequest("/drive/v3/files/" + itemId + "?fields=modifiedTime", //throw FileError
+ { "Authorization: Bearer " + accessToken, "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" },
+ [&](const void* buffer, size_t bytesToWrite) { response.append(static_cast<const char*>(buffer), bytesToWrite); }, nullptr /*readRequest*/);
+ JsonValue jresponse;
+ try { jresponse = parseJson(response); /*throw JsonParsingError*/ }
+ catch (const JsonParsingError&) {}
+ const std::optional<std::string> modifiedTime = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(jresponse, "modifiedTime");
+ if (!modifiedTime || *modifiedTime != dateTime)
+ throw SysError(formatGoogleErrorRaw(response));
+ }
+ catch (const SysError& e)
+ {
+ throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot write modification time of %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(getGoogleDisplayPath(gdrivePath))), e.toString());
+ }
+void gdriveDownloadFile(const std::string& itemId, const std::function<void(const void* buffer, size_t bytesToWrite)>& writeBlock /*throw X*/, //throw FileError, X
+ const std::string& accessToken, const GdrivePath& gdrivePath)
+ //
+ std::string response;
+ const HttpSession::HttpResult httpResult = googleHttpsRequest("/drive/v3/files/" + itemId + "?alt=media", //throw FileError, X
+ { "Authorization: Bearer " + accessToken }, {} /*extraOptions*/,
+ [&](const void* buffer, size_t bytesToWrite)
+ {
+ writeBlock(buffer, bytesToWrite); //throw X
+ if (response.size() < 10000) //always save front part of the response in case we get an error
+ response.append(static_cast<const char*>(buffer), bytesToWrite);
+ }, nullptr /*readRequest*/);
+ if (httpResult.statusCode / 100 != 2)
+ throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot read file %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(getGoogleDisplayPath(gdrivePath))), formatGoogleErrorRaw(response));
+#if 0
+//file name already existing? => duplicate file created!
+//note: Google Drive upload is already transactional!
+//upload "small files" (5 MB or less; enforced by Google?) in a single round-trip
+std::string /*itemId*/ gdriveUploadSmallFile(const Zstring& fileName, const std::string& parentFolderId, uint64_t streamSize, std::optional<time_t> modTime, //throw FileError, X
+ const std::function<size_t(void* buffer, size_t bytesToRead)>& readBlock /*throw X*/, //returning 0 signals EOF: Posix read() semantics
+ const std::string& accessToken, const GdrivePath& gdrivePath)
+ //
+ //
+ std::string metaDataBuf = "{\n";
+ if (modTime) //convert to RFC 3339 date-time: e.g. "2018-09-29T08:39:12.053Z"
+ {
+ const std::string dateTime = formatTime<std::string>("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z", getUtcTime(*modTime)); //returns empty string on failure
+ if (dateTime.empty())
+ throw SysError(L"Invalid modification time (time_t: " + numberTo<std::wstring>(*modTime) + L")");
+ metaDataBuf += "\"modifiedTime\": \"" + dateTime + "\",\n";
+ }
+ metaDataBuf += "\"name\": \"" + utfTo<std::string>(fileName) + "\",\n";
+ metaDataBuf += "\"parents\": [\"" + parentFolderId + "\"]\n"; //[!] no trailing comma!
+ metaDataBuf += "}";
+ //allowed chars for border: DIGIT ALPHA ' ( ) + _ , - . / : = ?
+ const std::string boundaryString = stringEncodeBase64(generateGUID() + generateGUID());
+ const std::string postBufHead = "--" + boundaryString + "\r\n"
+ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" "\r\n"
+ /**/ "\r\n" +
+ metaDataBuf + "\r\n"
+ "--" + boundaryString + "\r\n"
+ "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" "\r\n"
+ /**/ "\r\n";
+ const std::string postBufTail = "\r\n--" + boundaryString + "--";
+ auto readMultipartBlock = [&, headPos = size_t(0), eof = false, tailPos = size_t(0)](void* buffer, size_t bytesToRead) mutable -> size_t
+ {
+ auto it = static_cast<std::byte*>(buffer);
+ const auto itEnd = it + bytesToRead;
+ if (headPos < postBufHead.size())
+ {
+ const size_t junkSize = std::min<ptrdiff_t>(postBufHead.size() - headPos, itEnd - it);
+ std::memcpy(it, &postBufHead[headPos], junkSize);
+ headPos += junkSize;
+ it += junkSize;
+ }
+ if (it != itEnd)
+ {
+ if (!eof) //don't assume readBlock() will return streamSize bytes as promised => exhaust and let Google Drive fail if there is a mismatch in Content-Length!
+ {
+ const size_t junkSize = readBlock(it, itEnd - it); //throw X
+ it += junkSize;
+ if (junkSize != 0)
+ return it - static_cast<std::byte*>(buffer); //perf: if input stream is at the end, should we immediately append postBufTail (and avoid extra TCP package)? => negligible!
+ else
+ eof = true;
+ }
+ if (it != itEnd)
+ if (tailPos < postBufTail.size())
+ {
+ const size_t junkSize = std::min<ptrdiff_t>(postBufTail.size() - tailPos, itEnd - it);
+ std::memcpy(it, &postBufTail[tailPos], junkSize);
+ tailPos += junkSize;
+ it += junkSize;
+ }
+ }
+ return it - static_cast<std::byte*>(buffer);
+ };
+ gzip-compress HTTP request body!
+ try
+ {
+ std::string response;
+ const HttpSession::HttpResult httpResult = googleHttpsRequest("/upload/drive/v3/files?uploadType=multipart", //throw FileError, X
+ {
+ "Authorization: Bearer " + accessToken,
+ "Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=" + boundaryString,
+ "Content-Length: " + numberTo<std::string>(postBufHead.size() + streamSize + postBufTail.size())
+ },
+ { { CURLOPT_POST, 1 } }, //otherwise HttpSession::perform() will PUT
+ [&](const void* buffer, size_t bytesToWrite) { response.append(static_cast<const char*>(buffer), bytesToWrite); }, readMultipartBlock );
+ JsonValue jresponse;
+ try { jresponse = parseJson(response); }
+ catch (JsonParsingError&) {}
+ const std::optional<std::string> itemId = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(jresponse, "id");
+ if (!itemId)
+ throw SysError(formatGoogleErrorRaw(response));
+ return *itemId;
+ }
+ catch (const SysError& e)
+ {
+ throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot write file %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(getGoogleDisplayPath(gdrivePath))), e.toString());
+ }
+//file name already existing? => duplicate file created!
+//note: Google Drive upload is already transactional!
+std::string /*itemId*/ gdriveUploadFile(const Zstring& fileName, const std::string& parentFolderId, std::optional<time_t> modTime, //throw FileError, X
+ const std::function<size_t(void* buffer, size_t bytesToRead)>& readBlock /*throw X*/, //returning 0 signals EOF: Posix read() semantics
+ const std::string& accessToken, const GdrivePath& gdrivePath)
+ //
+ //
+ try
+ {
+ //step 1: initiate resumable upload session
+ std::string uploadUrlRelative;
+ {
+ std::string postBuf = "{\n";
+ if (modTime) //convert to RFC 3339 date-time: e.g. "2018-09-29T08:39:12.053Z"
+ {
+ const std::string dateTime = formatTime<std::string>("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z", getUtcTime(*modTime)); //returns empty string on failure
+ if (dateTime.empty())
+ throw SysError(L"Invalid modification time (time_t: " + numberTo<std::wstring>(*modTime) + L")");
+ postBuf += "\"modifiedTime\": \"" + dateTime + "\",\n";
+ }
+ postBuf += "\"name\": \"" + utfTo<std::string>(fileName) + "\",\n";
+ postBuf += "\"parents\": [\"" + parentFolderId + "\"]\n"; //[!] no trailing comma!
+ postBuf += "}";
+ std::string uploadUrl;
+ auto onBytesReceived = [&](const void* buffer, size_t len)
+ {
+ //inside libcurl's C callstack => better not throw exceptions here!!!
+ //"The callback will be called once for each header and only complete header lines are passed on to the callback" (including \r\n at the end)
+ const auto strBegin = static_cast<const char*>(buffer);
+ if (startsWithAsciiNoCase(StringRef<const char>(strBegin, strBegin + len), "Location:"))
+ {
+ uploadUrl.assign(strBegin, len); //not null-terminated!
+ uploadUrl = afterFirst(uploadUrl, ':', IF_MISSING_RETURN_NONE);
+ trim(uploadUrl);
+ }
+ return len;
+ };
+ using ReadCbType = decltype(onBytesReceived);
+ using ReadCbWrapperType = size_t (*)(const void* buffer, size_t size, size_t nitems, void* callbackData); //needed for cdecl function pointer cast
+ ReadCbWrapperType onBytesReceivedWrapper = [](const void* buffer, size_t size, size_t nitems, void* callbackData)
+ {
+ auto cb = static_cast<ReadCbType*>(callbackData); //free this poor little C-API from its shackles and redirect to a proper lambda
+ return (*cb)(buffer, size * nitems);
+ };
+ std::string response;
+ const HttpSession::HttpResult httpResult = googleHttpsRequest("/upload/drive/v3/files?uploadType=resumable", //throw FileError
+ { "Authorization: Bearer " + accessToken, "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" },
+ { { CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, postBuf.c_str() }, { CURLOPT_HEADERDATA, &onBytesReceived }, { CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, onBytesReceivedWrapper } },
+ [&](const void* buffer, size_t bytesToWrite) { response.append(static_cast<const char*>(buffer), bytesToWrite); }, nullptr /*readRequest*/);
+ if (httpResult.statusCode != 200)
+ throw SysError(formatGoogleErrorRaw(response));
+ if (!startsWith(uploadUrl, ""))
+ throw SysError(L"Invalid upload URL: " + utfTo<std::wstring>(uploadUrl)); //user should never see this
+ uploadUrlRelative = afterFirst(uploadUrl, "", IF_MISSING_RETURN_NONE);
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------
+ //step 2: upload file content
+ //not officially documented, but Google Drive supports compressed file upload when "Content-Encoding: gzip" is set! :)))
+ InputStreamAsGzip gzipStream(readBlock); //throw ZlibInternalError
+ auto readBlockAsGzip = [&](void* buffer, size_t bytesToRead) { return, bytesToRead); }; //throw ZlibInternalError, X;
+ //returns "bytesToRead" bytes unless end of stream! => fits into "0 signals EOF: Posix read() semantics"
+ std::string response;
+ googleHttpsRequest(uploadUrlRelative, { "Content-Encoding: gzip" }, {} /*extraOptions*/, //throw FileError, X
+ [&](const void* buffer, size_t bytesToWrite) { response.append(static_cast<const char*>(buffer), bytesToWrite); }, readBlockAsGzip);
+ JsonValue jresponse;
+ try { jresponse = parseJson(response); }
+ catch (JsonParsingError&) {}
+ const std::optional<std::string> itemId = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(jresponse, "id");
+ if (!itemId)
+ throw SysError(formatGoogleErrorRaw(response));
+ return *itemId;
+ }
+ catch (ZlibInternalError&)
+ {
+ throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot write file %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(getGoogleDisplayPath(gdrivePath))), L"zlib internal error");
+ }
+ catch (const SysError& e)
+ {
+ throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot write file %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(getGoogleDisplayPath(gdrivePath))), e.toString());
+ }
+//instead of the "root" alias Google uses an actual ID in file metadata
+std::string /*itemId*/ getRootItemId(const std::string& accessToken, const Zstring& googleUserEmail) //throw FileError
+ //
+ std::string response;
+ googleHttpsRequest("/drive/v3/files/root?fields=id", { "Authorization: Bearer " + accessToken }, {} /*extraOptions*/, //throw FileError
+ [&](const void* buffer, size_t bytesToWrite) { response.append(static_cast<const char*>(buffer), bytesToWrite); }, nullptr /*readRequest*/);
+ JsonValue jresponse;
+ try { jresponse = parseJson(response); }
+ catch (JsonParsingError&) {}
+ const std::optional<std::string> itemId = getPrimitiveFromJsonObject(jresponse, "id");
+ if (!itemId)
+ throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot read file attributes of %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(getGoogleDisplayPath({ googleUserEmail, AfsPath() }))), formatGoogleErrorRaw(response));
+ return *itemId;
+class GoogleAccessBuffer //per-user-session! => serialize access (perf: amortized fully buffered!)
+ GoogleAccessBuffer(const GoogleAccessInfo& accessInfo) : accessInfo_(accessInfo) {}
+ GoogleAccessBuffer(MemoryStreamIn<ByteArray>& stream) //throw UnexpectedEndOfStreamError
+ {
+ accessInfo_.accessToken.validUntil = readNumber<int64_t>(stream); //
+ accessInfo_.accessToken.value = readContainer<std::string>(stream); //
+ accessInfo_.refreshToken = readContainer<std::string>(stream); //UnexpectedEndOfStreamError
+ accessInfo_.userInfo.displayName = utfTo<std::wstring>(readContainer<std::string>(stream)); //
+ = utfTo< Zstring>(readContainer<std::string>(stream)); //
+ }
+ void serialize(MemoryStreamOut<ByteArray>& stream) const
+ {
+ writeNumber<int64_t>(stream, accessInfo_.accessToken.validUntil);
+ static_assert(sizeof(accessInfo_.accessToken.validUntil) <= sizeof(int64_t)); //ensure cross-platform compatibility!
+ writeContainer(stream, accessInfo_.accessToken.value);
+ writeContainer(stream, accessInfo_.refreshToken);
+ writeContainer(stream, utfTo<std::string>(accessInfo_.userInfo.displayName));
+ writeContainer(stream, utfTo<std::string>(;
+ }
+ std::string getAccessToken() //throw FileError
+ {
+ if (accessInfo_.accessToken.validUntil <= std::time(nullptr) + std::chrono::seconds(HTTP_SESSION_ACCESS_TIME_OUT).count() + 5 /*some leeway*/) //expired/will expire
+ accessInfo_.accessToken = refreshAccessToGoogleDrive(accessInfo_.refreshToken,; //throw FileError
+ assert(accessInfo_.accessToken.validUntil > std::time(nullptr) + std::chrono::seconds(HTTP_SESSION_ACCESS_TIME_OUT).count());
+ return accessInfo_.accessToken.value;
+ }
+ //const std::wstring& getUserDisplayName() const { return accessInfo_.userInfo.displayName; }
+ const Zstring& getUserEmail() const { return; }
+ void update(const GoogleAccessInfo& accessInfo)
+ {
+ if (!equalAsciiNoCase(,
+ throw std::logic_error("Contract violation! " + std::string(__FILE__) + ":" + numberTo<std::string>(__LINE__));
+ accessInfo_ = accessInfo;
+ }
+ GoogleAccessBuffer (const GoogleAccessBuffer&) = delete;
+ GoogleAccessBuffer& operator=(const GoogleAccessBuffer&) = delete;
+ GoogleAccessInfo accessInfo_;
+class GooglePersistentSessions;
+class GoogleFileState //per-user-session! => serialize access (perf: amortized fully buffered!)
+ GoogleFileState(GoogleAccessBuffer& accessBuf) : accessBuf_(accessBuf) //throw FileError
+ {
+ lastSyncToken_ = getChangesCurrentToken(accessBuf_.getAccessToken(), accessBuf_.getUserEmail()); //throw FileError
+ rootId_ = getRootItemId (accessBuf_.getAccessToken(), accessBuf_.getUserEmail()); //throw FileError
+ }
+ GoogleFileState(MemoryStreamIn<ByteArray>& stream, GoogleAccessBuffer& accessBuf) : accessBuf_(accessBuf) //throw UnexpectedEndOfStreamError
+ {
+ lastSyncToken_ = readContainer<std::string>(stream); //UnexpectedEndOfStreamError
+ rootId_ = readContainer<std::string>(stream); //UnexpectedEndOfStreamError
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ const std::string folderId = readContainer<std::string>(stream); //UnexpectedEndOfStreamError
+ if (folderId.empty())
+ break;
+ folderContents_[folderId].isKnownFolder = true;
+ }
+ size_t itemCount = readNumber<int32_t>(stream);
+ while (itemCount-- != 0)
+ {
+ const std::string itemId = readContainer<std::string>(stream); //UnexpectedEndOfStreamError
+ GoogleItemDetails details = {};
+ details.itemName = readContainer<std::string>(stream); //
+ details.isFolder = readNumber <int8_t>(stream) != 0; //UnexpectedEndOfStreamError
+ details.fileSize = readNumber <uint64_t>(stream); //
+ details.modTime = readNumber <int64_t>(stream); //
+ size_t parentsCount = readNumber<int32_t>(stream); //UnexpectedEndOfStreamError
+ while (parentsCount-- != 0)
+ details.parentIds.push_back(readContainer<std::string>(stream)); //UnexpectedEndOfStreamError
+ updateItemState(itemId, std::move(details));
+ }
+ }
+ void serialize(MemoryStreamOut<ByteArray>& stream) const
+ {
+ writeContainer(stream, lastSyncToken_);
+ writeContainer(stream, rootId_);
+ for (const auto& [folderId, content] : folderContents_)
+ if (folderId.empty())
+ throw std::logic_error("Contract violation! " + std::string(__FILE__) + ":" + numberTo<std::string>(__LINE__));
+ else if (content.isKnownFolder)
+ writeContainer(stream, folderId);
+ writeContainer(stream, std::string()); //sentinel
+ writeNumber(stream, static_cast<int32_t>(itemDetails_.size()));
+ for (const auto& [itemId, details] : itemDetails_)
+ {
+ writeContainer(stream, itemId);
+ writeContainer(stream, details.itemName);
+ writeNumber< int8_t>(stream, details.isFolder);
+ writeNumber<uint64_t>(stream, details.fileSize);
+ writeNumber< int64_t>(stream, details.modTime);
+ static_assert(sizeof(details.modTime) <= sizeof(int64_t)); //ensure cross-platform compatibility!
+ writeNumber(stream, static_cast<int32_t>(details.parentIds.size()));
+ for (const std::string& parentId : details.parentIds)
+ writeContainer(stream, parentId);
+ }
+ }
+ struct PathStatus
+ {
+ std::string existingItemId;
+ bool existingIsFolder = false;
+ AfsPath existingPath; //input path =: existingPath + relPath
+ std::vector<Zstring> relPath; //
+ };
+ PathStatus getPathStatus(const AfsPath& afsPath) //throw SysError
+ {
+ const std::vector<Zstring> relPath = split(afsPath.value, FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR, SplitType::SKIP_EMPTY);
+ if (relPath.empty())
+ return { rootId_, true /*existingIsFolder*/, AfsPath(), {} };
+ return getPathStatusSub(rootId_, AfsPath(), relPath); //throw SysError
+ }
+ std::string /*itemId*/ getItemId(const AfsPath& afsPath) //throw SysError
+ {
+ const GoogleFileState::PathStatus ps = getPathStatus(afsPath); //throw SysError
+ if (ps.relPath.empty())
+ return ps.existingItemId;
+ const AfsPath afsPathMissingChild(nativeAppendPaths(ps.existingPath.value, ps.relPath.front()));
+ throw SysError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot find %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(getGoogleDisplayPath({ accessBuf_.getUserEmail(), afsPathMissingChild }))));
+ }
+ std::pair<std::string /*itemId*/, GoogleItemDetails> getFileAttributes(const AfsPath& afsPath) //throw SysError
+ {
+ const std::string fileId = getItemId(afsPath); //throw SysError
+ auto it = itemDetails_.find(fileId);
+ if (it == itemDetails_.end())
+ throw std::logic_error("Contract violation! " + std::string(__FILE__) + ":" + numberTo<std::string>(__LINE__));
+ return *it;
+ }
+ std::optional<std::vector<GoogleFileItem>> tryGetBufferedFolderContent(const std::string& folderId) const
+ {
+ auto it = folderContents_.find(folderId);
+ if (it == folderContents_.end() || !it->second.isKnownFolder)
+ return std::nullopt;
+ std::vector<GoogleFileItem> childItems;
+ for (auto itChild : it->second.childItems)
+ {
+ const auto& [childId, childDetails] = *itChild;
+ childItems.push_back({ childId, childDetails });
+ }
+ return std::move(childItems); //[!] need std::move!
+ }
+ //-------------- notifications --------------
+ using ItemIdDelta = std::unordered_set<std::string>;
+ struct FileStateDelta //as long as instance exists, GoogleFileItem will log all changed items
+ {
+ FileStateDelta() {}
+ private:
+ FileStateDelta(const std::shared_ptr<const ItemIdDelta>& cids) : changedIds(cids) {}
+ friend class GoogleFileState;
+ std::shared_ptr<const ItemIdDelta> changedIds; //lifetime is managed by caller; access *only* by GoogleFileState!
+ };
+ void notifyFolderContent(const FileStateDelta& stateDelta, const std::string& folderId, const std::vector<GoogleFileItem>& childItems)
+ {
+ folderContents_[folderId].isKnownFolder = true;
+ for (const GoogleFileItem& item : childItems)
+ notifyItemUpdate(stateDelta, item.itemId, item.details);
+ //- should we remove parent links for items that are not children of folderId anymore (as of this update)?? => fringe case during first update! (still: maybe trigger sync?)
+ //- what if there are multiple folder state updates incoming in wrong order!? => notifyItemUpdate() will sort it out!
+ }
+ void notifyItemCreated(const FileStateDelta& stateDelta, const GoogleFileItem& item)
+ {
+ notifyItemUpdate(stateDelta, item.itemId, item.details);
+ }
+ void notifyFolderCreated(const FileStateDelta& stateDelta, const std::string& folderId, const Zstring& folderName, const std::string& parentId)
+ {
+ GoogleItemDetails details = {};
+ details.itemName = utfTo<std::string>(folderName);
+ details.isFolder = true;
+ details.modTime = std::time(nullptr);
+ details.parentIds.push_back(parentId);
+ //avoid needless conflicts due to different Google Drive folder modTime!
+ auto it = itemDetails_.find(folderId);
+ if (it != itemDetails_.end())
+ details.modTime = it->second.modTime;
+ notifyItemUpdate(stateDelta, folderId, details);
+ }
+ void notifyItemDeleted(const FileStateDelta& stateDelta, const std::string& itemId)
+ {
+ notifyItemUpdate(stateDelta, itemId, std::nullopt);
+ }
+ void notifyParentRemoved(const FileStateDelta& stateDelta, const std::string& itemId, const std::string& parentIdOld)
+ {
+ auto it = itemDetails_.find(itemId);
+ if (it != itemDetails_.end())
+ {
+ GoogleItemDetails detailsNew = it->second;
+ eraseIf(detailsNew.parentIds, [&](const std::string& id) { return id == parentIdOld; });
+ notifyItemUpdate(stateDelta, itemId, detailsNew);
+ }
+ else //conflict!!!
+ markSyncDue();
+ }
+ void notifyMoveAndRename(const FileStateDelta& stateDelta, const std::string& itemId, const std::string& parentIdOld, const std::string& parentIdNew, const Zstring& newName)
+ {
+ auto it = itemDetails_.find(itemId);
+ if (it != itemDetails_.end())
+ {
+ GoogleItemDetails detailsNew = it->second;
+ detailsNew.itemName = utfTo<std::string>(newName);
+ eraseIf(detailsNew.parentIds, [&](const std::string& id) { return id == parentIdOld || id == parentIdNew; }); //
+ detailsNew.parentIds.push_back(parentIdNew); //not a duplicate
+ notifyItemUpdate(stateDelta, itemId, detailsNew);
+ }
+ else //conflict!!!
+ markSyncDue();
+ }
+ GoogleFileState (const GoogleFileState&) = delete;
+ GoogleFileState& operator=(const GoogleFileState&) = delete;
+ friend class GooglePersistentSessions;
+ void notifyItemUpdate(const FileStateDelta& stateDelta, const std::string& itemId, const std::optional<GoogleItemDetails>& details)
+ {
+ if (stateDelta.changedIds->find(itemId) == stateDelta.changedIds->end()) //=> no conflicting changes in the meantime
+ updateItemState(itemId, details); //accept new state data
+ else //conflict?
+ {
+ auto it = itemDetails_.find(itemId);
+ if (!details == (it == itemDetails_.end()))
+ if (!details || *details == it->second)
+ return; //notified changes match our current file state
+ //else: conflict!!! unclear which has the more recent data!
+ markSyncDue();
+ }
+ }
+ FileStateDelta registerFileStateDelta()
+ {
+ auto deltaPtr = std::make_shared<ItemIdDelta>();
+ changeLog_.push_back(deltaPtr);
+ return FileStateDelta(deltaPtr);
+ }
+ bool syncIsDue() const { return std::chrono::steady_clock::now() >= lastSyncTime_ + GOOGLE_DRIVE_SYNC_INTERVAL; }
+ void markSyncDue() { lastSyncTime_ = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - GOOGLE_DRIVE_SYNC_INTERVAL; }
+ void syncWithGoogle() //throw FileError
+ {
+ const ChangesDelta delta = getChangesDelta(lastSyncToken_, accessBuf_.getAccessToken(), accessBuf_.getUserEmail()); //throw FileError
+ for (const ChangeItem& item : delta.changes)
+ updateItemState(item.itemId, item.details);
+ lastSyncToken_ = delta.newStartPageToken;
+ lastSyncTime_ = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+ //good to know: if item is created and deleted between polling for changes it is still reported as deleted by Google!
+ //Same goes for any other change that is undone in between change notification syncs.
+ }
+ PathStatus getPathStatusSub(const std::string& folderId, const AfsPath& folderPath, const std::vector<Zstring>& relPath) //throw SysError
+ {
+ assert(!relPath.empty());
+ std::vector<DetailsIterator>* childItems = nullptr;
+ auto itKnown = folderContents_.find(folderId);
+ if (itKnown != folderContents_.end() && itKnown->second.isKnownFolder)
+ childItems = &(itKnown->second.childItems);
+ else
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ notifyFolderContent(registerFileStateDelta(), folderId, readFolderContent(folderId, accessBuf_.getAccessToken(), { accessBuf_.getUserEmail(), folderPath })); //throw FileError
+ }
+ catch (const FileError& e) { throw SysError(e.toString()); } //path-resolution errors should be further enriched by context info => SysError
+ if (!folderContents_[folderId].isKnownFolder)
+ throw std::logic_error("Contract violation! " + std::string(__FILE__) + ":" + numberTo<std::string>(__LINE__));
+ childItems = &folderContents_[folderId].childItems;
+ }
+ auto itFound = itemDetails_.cend();
+ for (const DetailsIterator& itDetails : *childItems)
+ //Since Google Drive has no concept of a file path, we have to roll our own "path to id" mapping => let's use the platform-native style
+ if (equalNativePath(utfTo<Zstring>(itDetails->second.itemName), relPath.front()))
+ {
+ if (itFound != itemDetails_.end())
+ throw SysError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot find %x."), L"%x",
+ fmtPath(getGoogleDisplayPath({ accessBuf_.getUserEmail(), AfsPath(nativeAppendPaths(folderPath.value, relPath.front())) }))) + L" " +
+ replaceCpy(_("The name %x is used by more than one item in the folder."), L"%x", fmtPath(relPath.front())));
+ itFound = itDetails;
+ }
+ if (itFound == itemDetails_.end())
+ return { folderId, true /*existingIsFolder*/, folderPath, relPath }; //always a folder, see check before recursion above
+ else
+ {
+ const auto& [childId, childDetails] = *itFound;
+ const AfsPath childItemPath(nativeAppendPaths(folderPath.value, relPath.front()));
+ const std::vector<Zstring> childRelPath(relPath.begin() + 1, relPath.end());
+ if (childRelPath.empty() || !childDetails.isFolder /*obscure, but possible (and not an error)*/)
+ return { childId, childDetails.isFolder, childItemPath, childRelPath };
+ return getPathStatusSub(childId, childItemPath, childRelPath); //throw SysError
+ }
+ }
+ void updateItemState(const std::string& itemId, const std::optional<GoogleItemDetails>& details)
+ {
+ auto it = itemDetails_.find(itemId);
+ if (!details == (it == itemDetails_.end()))
+ if (!details || *details == it->second) //notified changes match our current file state
+ return; //=> avoid misleading changeLog_ entries after Google Drive sync!!!
+ //update change logs (and clean up obsolete entries)
+ eraseIf(changeLog_, [&](std::weak_ptr<ItemIdDelta>& weakPtr)
+ {
+ if (std::shared_ptr<ItemIdDelta> iid = weakPtr.lock())
+ {
+ (*iid).insert(itemId);
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ return true;
+ });
+ //update file state
+ if (details)
+ {
+ if (it != itemDetails_.end()) //update
+ {
+ if (it->second.isFolder != details->isFolder)
+ throw std::logic_error("Contract violation! " + std::string(__FILE__) + ":" + numberTo<std::string>(__LINE__)); //WTF!?
+ std::vector<std::string> parentIdsNew = details->parentIds;
+ std::vector<std::string> parentIdsRemoved = it->second.parentIds;
+ eraseIf(parentIdsNew, [&](const std::string& id) { return std::find(it->second.parentIds.begin(), it->second.parentIds.end(), id) != it->second.parentIds.end(); });
+ eraseIf(parentIdsRemoved, [&](const std::string& id) { return std::find(details->parentIds.begin(), details->parentIds.end(), id) != details->parentIds.end(); });
+ for (const std::string& parentId : parentIdsNew)
+ folderContents_[parentId].childItems.push_back(it); //new insert => no need for duplicate check
+ for (const std::string& parentId : parentIdsRemoved)
+ {
+ auto itP = folderContents_.find(parentId);
+ if (itP != folderContents_.end())
+ eraseIf(itP->second.childItems, [&](auto itChild) { return itChild == it; });
+ }
+ //if all parents are removed, Google Drive will (recursively) delete the item => don't prematurely do this now: wait for change notifications!
+ it->second = *details;
+ }
+ else //create
+ {
+ auto itNew = itemDetails_.emplace(itemId, *details).first;
+ for (const std::string& parentId : details->parentIds)
+ folderContents_[parentId].childItems.push_back(itNew); //new insert => no need for duplicate check
+ }
+ }
+ else //delete
+ {
+ if (it != itemDetails_.end())
+ {
+ for (const std::string& parentId : it->second.parentIds) //1. delete from parent folders
+ {
+ auto itP = folderContents_.find(parentId);
+ if (itP != folderContents_.end())
+ eraseIf(itP->second.childItems, [&](auto itChild) { return itChild == it; });
+ }
+ itemDetails_.erase(it);
+ }
+ auto itP = folderContents_.find(itemId);
+ if (itP != folderContents_.end())
+ {
+ for (auto itChild : itP->second.childItems) //2. delete as parent from child items (don't wait for change notifications of children)
+ eraseIf(itChild->second.parentIds, [&](const std::string& id) { return id == itemId; });
+ folderContents_.erase(itP);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ using DetailsIterator = std::unordered_map<std::string, GoogleItemDetails>::iterator;
+ struct FolderContent
+ {
+ bool isKnownFolder = false; //=we've seen its full content at least once; further changes are calculated via change notifications!
+ std::vector<DetailsIterator> childItems;
+ };
+ std::unordered_map<std::string /*folderId*/, FolderContent> folderContents_;
+ std::unordered_map<std::string /*itemId*/, GoogleItemDetails> itemDetails_; //contains ALL known, existing items!
+ std::string lastSyncToken_; //marker corresponding to last sync with Google's change notifications
+ std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point lastSyncTime_ = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - GOOGLE_DRIVE_SYNC_INTERVAL; //... with Google Drive (default: sync is due)
+ std::vector<std::weak_ptr<ItemIdDelta>> changeLog_; //track changed items since FileStateDelta was created (includes sync with Google + our own intermediate change notifications)
+ std::string rootId_;
+ GoogleAccessBuffer& accessBuf_;
+class GooglePersistentSessions
+ GooglePersistentSessions(const Zstring& configDirPath) : configDirPath_(configDirPath) {}
+ void saveActiveSessions() //throw FileError
+ {
+ std::vector<Protected<SessionHolder>*> protectedSessions; //pointers remain stable, thanks to std::map<>
+ globalSessions_.access([&](GlobalSessions& sessions)
+ {
+ for (auto& [googleUserEmail, protectedSession] : sessions)
+ protectedSessions.push_back(&protectedSession);
+ });
+ if (!protectedSessions.empty())
+ {
+ createDirectoryIfMissingRecursion(configDirPath_); //throw FileError
+ std::exception_ptr firstError;
+ //access each session outside the globalSessions_ lock!
+ for (Protected<SessionHolder>* protectedSession : protectedSessions)
+ protectedSession->access([&](SessionHolder& holder)
+ {
+ if (holder.session)
+ try
+ {
+ const Zstring dbFilePath = getDbFilePath(holder.session->accessBuf.ref().getUserEmail());
+ //generate (hopefully) unique file name to avoid clashing with unrelated tmp file (concurrent FFS shutdown!)
+ const Zstring shortGuid = printNumber<Zstring>(Zstr("%04x"), static_cast<unsigned int>(getCrc16(generateGUID())));
+ const Zstring dbFilePathTmp = dbFilePath + Zstr('.') + shortGuid + Zstr(".tmp");
+ ZEN_ON_SCOPE_FAIL(try { removeFilePlain(dbFilePathTmp); }
+ catch (FileError&) {});
+ saveSession(dbFilePathTmp, *holder.session); //throw FileError
+ moveAndRenameItem(dbFilePathTmp, dbFilePath, true /*replaceExisting*/); //throw FileError, ErrorDifferentVolume, (ErrorTargetExisting)
+ }
+ catch (FileError&) { if (!firstError) firstError = std::current_exception(); }
+ });
+ if (firstError)
+ std::rethrow_exception(firstError); //throw FileError
+ }
+ }
+ Zstring addUserSession(const Zstring& googleLoginHint, const std::function<void()>& updateGui /*throw X*/) //throw FileError, X
+ {
+ const GoogleAccessInfo accessInfo = authorizeAccessToGoogleDrive(googleLoginHint, updateGui); //throw FileError, X
+ accessUserSession(, [&](std::optional<UserSession>& userSession) //throw FileError
+ {
+ if (userSession)
+ userSession->accessBuf.ref().update(accessInfo); //redundant?
+ else
+ {
+ auto accessBuf = makeSharedRef<GoogleAccessBuffer>(accessInfo);
+ auto fileState = makeSharedRef<GoogleFileState >(accessBuf.ref()); //throw FileError
+ userSession = { accessBuf, fileState };
+ }
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ void removeUserSession(const Zstring& googleUserEmail) //throw FileError
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ accessUserSession(googleUserEmail, [&](std::optional<UserSession>& userSession) //throw FileError
+ {
+ if (userSession)
+ revokeAccessToGoogleDrive(userSession->accessBuf.ref().getAccessToken(), googleUserEmail); //throw FileError
+ });
+ }
+ catch (FileError&) { assert(false); } //best effort: try to invalidate the access token
+ //=> expected to fail if offline => not worse than removing FFS via "Uninstall Programs"
+ //start with deleting the DB file (1. maybe it's corrupted? 2. skip unnecessary lazy-load)
+ const Zstring dbFilePath = getDbFilePath(googleUserEmail);
+ try
+ {
+ removeFilePlain(dbFilePath); //throw FileError
+ }
+ catch (FileError&)
+ {
+ if (itemStillExists(dbFilePath)) //throw FileError
+ throw;
+ }
+ accessUserSession(googleUserEmail, [&](std::optional<UserSession>& userSession) //throw FileError
+ {
+ userSession.reset();
+ });
+ }
+ std::vector<Zstring> /*Google user email*/ listUserSessions() //throw FileError
+ {
+ std::vector<Zstring> emails;
+ std::vector<Protected<SessionHolder>*> protectedSessions; //pointers remain stable, thanks to std::map<>
+ globalSessions_.access([&](GlobalSessions& sessions)
+ {
+ for (auto& [googleUserEmail, protectedSession] : sessions)
+ protectedSessions.push_back(&protectedSession);
+ });
+ //access each session outside the globalSessions_ lock!
+ for (Protected<SessionHolder>* protectedSession : protectedSessions)
+ protectedSession->access([&](SessionHolder& holder)
+ {
+ if (holder.session)
+ emails.push_back(holder.session->accessBuf.ref().getUserEmail());
+ });
+ //also include available, but not-yet-loaded sessions
+ traverseFolder(configDirPath_,
+ [&](const FileInfo& fi) { if (endsWith(fi.itemName, Zstr(".db"))) emails.push_back(beforeLast(fi.itemName, Zstr('.'), IF_MISSING_RETURN_NONE)); },
+ [&](const FolderInfo& fi) {},
+ [&](const SymlinkInfo& si) {},
+ [&](const std::wstring& errorMsg)
+ {
+ if (itemStillExists(configDirPath_)) //throw FileError
+ throw FileError(errorMsg);
+ });
+ removeDuplicates(emails, LessAsciiNoCase());
+ return emails;
+ }
+ struct AsyncAccessInfo
+ {
+ std::string accessToken; //don't allow (long-running) web requests while holding the global session lock!
+ GoogleFileState::FileStateDelta stateDelta;
+ };
+ //perf: amortized fully buffered!
+ AsyncAccessInfo accessGlobalFileState(const Zstring& googleUserEmail, const std::function<void(GoogleFileState& fileState)>& useFileState /*throw X*/) //throw FileError, X
+ {
+ std::string accessToken;
+ GoogleFileState::FileStateDelta stateDelta;
+ accessUserSession(googleUserEmail, [&](std::optional<UserSession>& userSession) //throw FileError
+ {
+ if (!userSession)
+ throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Unable to access %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(getGoogleDisplayPath({ googleUserEmail, AfsPath() }))),
+ replaceCpy(_("Please authorize access to user account %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(googleUserEmail)));
+ //manage last sync time here rather than in GoogleFileState, so that "lastSyncToken" remains stable while accessing GoogleFileState in the callback
+ if (userSession->fileState.ref().syncIsDue())
+ userSession->fileState.ref().syncWithGoogle(); //throw FileError
+ accessToken = userSession->accessBuf.ref().getAccessToken(); //throw FileError
+ stateDelta = userSession->fileState.ref().registerFileStateDelta();
+ useFileState(userSession->fileState.ref()); //throw X
+ });
+ return { accessToken, stateDelta };
+ }
+ GooglePersistentSessions (const GooglePersistentSessions&) = delete;
+ GooglePersistentSessions& operator=(const GooglePersistentSessions&) = delete;
+ struct UserSession;
+ Zstring getDbFilePath(Zstring googleUserEmail) const
+ {
+ for (Zchar& c : googleUserEmail)
+ c = asciiToLower(c);
+ //return appendSeparator(configDirPath_) + utfTo<Zstring>(formatAsHexString(getMd5(utfTo<std::string>(googleUserEmail)))) + Zstr(".db");
+ return appendSeparator(configDirPath_) + googleUserEmail + Zstr(".db");
+ }
+ void accessUserSession(const Zstring& googleUserEmail, const std::function<void(std::optional<UserSession>& userSession)>& useSession) //throw FileError
+ {
+ Protected<SessionHolder>* protectedSession = nullptr; //pointers remain stable, thanks to std::map<>
+ globalSessions_.access([&](GlobalSessions& sessions) { protectedSession = &sessions[googleUserEmail]; });
+ protectedSession->access([&](SessionHolder& holder)
+ {
+ if (!holder.dbWasLoaded) //let's NOT load the DB files under the globalSessions_ lock, but the session-specific one!
+ try
+ {
+ holder.session = loadSession(getDbFilePath(googleUserEmail)); //throw FileError
+ }
+ catch (FileError&)
+ {
+ if (itemStillExists(getDbFilePath(googleUserEmail))) //throw FileError
+ throw;
+ }
+ holder.dbWasLoaded = true;
+ useSession(holder.session);
+ });
+ }
+ static void saveSession(const Zstring& dbFilePath, const UserSession& userSession) //throw FileError
+ {
+ MemoryStreamOut<ByteArray> streamOut;
+ writeArray(streamOut, DB_FORMAT_DESCR, sizeof(DB_FORMAT_DESCR));
+ writeNumber<int32_t>(streamOut, DB_FORMAT_VER);
+ userSession.accessBuf.ref().serialize(streamOut);
+ userSession.fileState.ref().serialize(streamOut);
+ ByteArray zstreamOut;
+ try
+ {
+ zstreamOut = compress(streamOut.ref(), 3 /*compression level: see db_file.cpp*/); //throw ZlibInternalError
+ }
+ catch (ZlibInternalError&) { throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot write file %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(dbFilePath)), L"zlib internal error"); }
+ saveBinContainer(dbFilePath, zstreamOut, nullptr /*notifyUnbufferedIO*/); //throw FileError
+ }
+ static UserSession loadSession(const Zstring& dbFilePath) //throw FileError
+ {
+ ByteArray zstream = loadBinContainer<ByteArray>(dbFilePath, nullptr /*notifyUnbufferedIO*/); //throw FileError
+ ByteArray rawStream;
+ try
+ {
+ rawStream = decompress(zstream); //throw ZlibInternalError
+ }
+ catch (ZlibInternalError&) { throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot read file %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(dbFilePath)), L"Zlib internal error"); }
+ MemoryStreamIn<ByteArray> streamIn(rawStream);
+ try
+ {
+ char tmp[sizeof(DB_FORMAT_DESCR)] = {};
+ readArray(streamIn, &tmp, sizeof(tmp)); //file format header
+ const int fileVersion = readNumber<int32_t>(streamIn); //
+ if (!std::equal(std::begin(tmp), std::end(tmp), std::begin(DB_FORMAT_DESCR)) ||
+ fileVersion != DB_FORMAT_VER)
+ throw UnexpectedEndOfStreamError(); //well, not really...!?
+ auto accessBuf = makeSharedRef<GoogleAccessBuffer>(streamIn); //throw UnexpectedEndOfStreamError
+ auto fileState = makeSharedRef<GoogleFileState >(streamIn, accessBuf.ref()); //throw UnexpectedEndOfStreamError
+ return { accessBuf, fileState };
+ }
+ catch (UnexpectedEndOfStreamError&)
+ {
+ throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot read file %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(dbFilePath)), L"Unexpected end of stream.");
+ }
+ }
+ struct UserSession
+ {
+ SharedRef<GoogleAccessBuffer> accessBuf;
+ SharedRef<GoogleFileState> fileState;
+ };
+ struct SessionHolder
+ {
+ bool dbWasLoaded = false;
+ std::optional<UserSession> session;
+ };
+ using GlobalSessions = std::map<Zstring /*Google user email*/, Protected<SessionHolder>, LessAsciiNoCase>;
+ Protected<GlobalSessions> globalSessions_;
+ const Zstring configDirPath_;
+Global<GooglePersistentSessions> globalGoogleSessions;
+GooglePersistentSessions::AsyncAccessInfo accessGlobalFileState(const Zstring& googleUserEmail, const std::function<void(GoogleFileState& fileState)>& useFileState /*throw X*/) //throw FileError, X
+ const std::shared_ptr<GooglePersistentSessions> gps = globalGoogleSessions.get();
+ if (!gps)
+ throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Unable to access %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(getGoogleDisplayPath({ googleUserEmail, AfsPath() }))),
+ L"Function call not allowed during process init/shutdown.");
+ return gps->accessGlobalFileState(googleUserEmail, useFileState); //throw FileError, X
+struct GetDirDetails
+ GetDirDetails(const GdrivePath& gdriveFolderPath) : gdriveFolderPath_(gdriveFolderPath) {}
+ struct Result
+ {
+ std::vector<GoogleFileItem> childItems;
+ GdrivePath gdriveFolderPath;
+ };
+ Result operator()() const
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ std::string folderId;
+ std::optional<std::vector<GoogleFileItem>> childItemsBuffered;
+ const GooglePersistentSessions::AsyncAccessInfo aai = accessGlobalFileState(gdriveFolderPath_.userEmail, [&](GoogleFileState& fileState) //throw FileError
+ {
+ folderId = fileState.getItemId(gdriveFolderPath_.itemPath); //throw SysError
+ childItemsBuffered = fileState.tryGetBufferedFolderContent(folderId);
+ });
+ std::vector<GoogleFileItem> childItems;
+ if (childItemsBuffered)
+ childItems = std::move(*childItemsBuffered);
+ else
+ {
+ childItems = readFolderContent(folderId, aai.accessToken, gdriveFolderPath_); //throw FileError
+ //buffer new file state ASAP => make sure accessGlobalFileState() has amortized constant access (despite the occasional internal readFolderContent() on non-leaf folders)
+ accessGlobalFileState(gdriveFolderPath_.userEmail, [&](GoogleFileState& fileState) //throw FileError
+ {
+ fileState.notifyFolderContent(aai.stateDelta, folderId, childItems);
+ });
+ }
+ for (const GoogleFileItem& item : childItems)
+ if (item.details.itemName.empty())
+ throw SysError(L"Folder contains child item without a name."); //mostly an issue for FFS's folder traversal, but NOT for globalGoogleSessions!
+ return { std::move(childItems), gdriveFolderPath_ };
+ }
+ catch (const SysError& e) { throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot read directory %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(getGoogleDisplayPath(gdriveFolderPath_))), e.toString()); }
+ }
+ GdrivePath gdriveFolderPath_;
+class SingleFolderTraverser
+ SingleFolderTraverser(const Zstring& googleUserEmail, const std::vector<std::pair<AfsPath, std::shared_ptr<AFS::TraverserCallback>>>& workload /*throw X*/) :
+ workload_(workload), googleUserEmail_(googleUserEmail)
+ {
+ while (!workload_.empty())
+ {
+ auto wi = std::move(workload_. back()); //yes, no strong exception guarantee (std::bad_alloc)
+ /**/ workload_.pop_back(); //
+ const auto& [folderPath, cb] = wi;
+ tryReportingDirError([&] //throw X
+ {
+ traverseWithException(folderPath, *cb); //throw FileError, X
+ }, *cb);
+ }
+ }
+ SingleFolderTraverser (const SingleFolderTraverser&) = delete;
+ SingleFolderTraverser& operator=(const SingleFolderTraverser&) = delete;
+ void traverseWithException(const AfsPath& folderPath, AFS::TraverserCallback& cb) //throw FileError, X
+ {
+ const GetDirDetails::Result r = GetDirDetails({ googleUserEmail_, folderPath })(); //throw FileError
+ for (const GoogleFileItem& item : r.childItems)
+ {
+ const Zstring itemName = utfTo<Zstring>(item.details.itemName);
+ if (item.details.isFolder)
+ {
+ const AfsPath afsItemPath(nativeAppendPaths(r.gdriveFolderPath.itemPath.value, itemName));
+ if (std::shared_ptr<AFS::TraverserCallback> cbSub = cb.onFolder({ itemName, nullptr /*symlinkInfo*/ })) //throw X
+ workload_.push_back({ afsItemPath, std::move(cbSub) });
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ AFS::FileId fileId = copyStringTo<AFS::FileId>(item.itemId);
+ cb.onFile({ itemName, item.details.fileSize, item.details.modTime, fileId, nullptr /*symlinkInfo*/ }); //throw X
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector<std::pair<AfsPath, std::shared_ptr<AFS::TraverserCallback>>> workload_;
+ const Zstring googleUserEmail_;
+void gdriveTraverseFolderRecursive(const Zstring& googleUserEmail, const std::vector<std::pair<AfsPath, std::shared_ptr<AFS::TraverserCallback>>>& workload /*throw X*/, size_t) //throw X
+ SingleFolderTraverser dummy(googleUserEmail, workload); //throw X
+struct InputStreamGdrive : public AbstractFileSystem::InputStream
+ InputStreamGdrive(const GdrivePath& gdrivePath, const IOCallback& notifyUnbufferedIO /*throw X*/) :
+ gdrivePath_(gdrivePath),
+ notifyUnbufferedIO_(notifyUnbufferedIO)
+ {
+ worker_ = InterruptibleThread([asyncStreamOut = this->asyncStreamIn_, gdrivePath]
+ {
+ setCurrentThreadName(("Istream[Gdrive] " + utfTo<std::string>(getGoogleDisplayPath(gdrivePath))). c_str());
+ try
+ {
+ std::string accessToken;
+ std::string fileId;
+ try
+ {
+ accessToken = accessGlobalFileState(gdrivePath.userEmail, [&](GoogleFileState& fileState) //throw FileError
+ {
+ fileId = fileState.getItemId(gdrivePath.itemPath); //throw SysError
+ }).accessToken;
+ }
+ catch (const SysError& e) { throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot open file %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(getGoogleDisplayPath(gdrivePath))), e.toString()); }
+ auto writeBlock = [&](const void* buffer, size_t bytesToWrite)
+ {
+ return asyncStreamOut->write(buffer, bytesToWrite); //throw ThreadInterruption
+ };
+ gdriveDownloadFile(fileId, writeBlock, accessToken, gdrivePath); //throw FileError, ThreadInterruption
+ asyncStreamOut->closeStream();
+ }
+ catch (FileError&) { asyncStreamOut->setWriteError(std::current_exception()); } //let ThreadInterruption pass through!
+ });
+ }
+ ~InputStreamGdrive()
+ {
+ asyncStreamIn_->setReadError(std::make_exception_ptr(ThreadInterruption()));
+ worker_.join();
+ }
+ size_t read(void* buffer, size_t bytesToRead) override //throw FileError, (ErrorFileLocked), X; return "bytesToRead" bytes unless end of stream!
+ {
+ const size_t bytesRead = asyncStreamIn_->read(buffer, bytesToRead); //throw FileError
+ reportBytesProcessed(); //throw X
+ return bytesRead;
+ //no need for asyncStreamIn_->checkWriteErrors(): once end of stream is reached, asyncStreamOut->closeStream() was called => no errors occured
+ }
+ size_t getBlockSize() const override { return 64 * 1024; } //non-zero block size is AFS contract!
+ std::optional<AFS::StreamAttributes> getAttributesBuffered() override //throw FileError
+ {
+ AFS::StreamAttributes attr = {};
+ try
+ {
+ accessGlobalFileState(gdrivePath_.userEmail, [&](GoogleFileState& fileState) //throw FileError
+ {
+ std::pair<std::string /*itemId*/, GoogleItemDetails> gdriveAttr = fileState.getFileAttributes(gdrivePath_.itemPath); //throw SysError
+ attr.modTime = gdriveAttr.second.modTime;
+ attr.fileSize = gdriveAttr.second.fileSize;
+ attr.fileId = copyStringTo<AFS::FileId>(gdriveAttr.first);
+ });
+ }
+ catch (const SysError& e) { throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot read file attributes of %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(getGoogleDisplayPath(gdrivePath_))), e.toString()); }
+ return std::move(attr); //[!]
+ }
+ void reportBytesProcessed() //throw X
+ {
+ const int64_t totalBytesDownloaded = asyncStreamIn_->getTotalBytesWritten();
+ if (notifyUnbufferedIO_) notifyUnbufferedIO_(totalBytesDownloaded - totalBytesReported_); //throw X
+ totalBytesReported_ = totalBytesDownloaded;
+ }
+ const GdrivePath gdrivePath_;
+ const IOCallback notifyUnbufferedIO_; //throw X
+ int64_t totalBytesReported_ = 0;
+ std::shared_ptr<AsyncStreamBuffer> asyncStreamIn_ = std::make_shared<AsyncStreamBuffer>(GDRIVE_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE);
+ InterruptibleThread worker_;
+//target existing: 1. fails with "already existing or 2. creates duplicate file!
+struct OutputStreamGdrive : public AbstractFileSystem::OutputStreamImpl
+ OutputStreamGdrive(const GdrivePath& gdrivePath,
+ std::optional<uint64_t> streamSize,
+ std::optional<time_t> modTime,
+ const IOCallback& notifyUnbufferedIO /*throw X*/) :
+ gdrivePath_(gdrivePath),
+ notifyUnbufferedIO_(notifyUnbufferedIO)
+ {
+ std::promise<AFS::FileId> pFileId;
+ futFileId_ = pFileId.get_future();
+ //PathAccessLock? Not needed, because the AFS abstraction allows for "undefined behavior"
+ worker_ = InterruptibleThread([asyncStreamIn = this->asyncStreamOut_, gdrivePath, streamSize, modTime, pFileId = std::move(pFileId)]() mutable
+ {
+ setCurrentThreadName(("Ostream[Gdrive] " + utfTo<std::string>(getGoogleDisplayPath(gdrivePath))). c_str());
+ try
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ GoogleFileState::PathStatus ps;
+ GooglePersistentSessions::AsyncAccessInfo aai = accessGlobalFileState(gdrivePath.userEmail, [&](GoogleFileState& fileState) //throw FileError
+ {
+ ps = fileState.getPathStatus(gdrivePath.itemPath); //throw SysError
+ });
+ if (ps.relPath.empty())
+ throw SysError(formatSystemErrorRaw(EEXIST));
+ if (ps.relPath.size() > 1) //parent folder missing
+ throw SysError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot find %x."), L"%x",
+ fmtPath(getGoogleDisplayPath({ gdrivePath.userEmail, AfsPath(nativeAppendPaths(ps.existingPath.value, ps.relPath.front()))}))));
+ const Zstring fileName = AFS::getItemName(gdrivePath.itemPath);
+ const std::string& parentFolderId = ps.existingItemId;
+ auto readBlock = [&](void* buffer, size_t bytesToRead)
+ {
+ //returns "bytesToRead" bytes unless end of stream! => maps nicely into Posix read() semantics expected by gdriveUploadFile()
+ return asyncStreamIn->read(buffer, bytesToRead); //throw ThreadInterruption
+ };
+ //for whatever reason, gdriveUploadFile() is equally-fast or faster than gdriveUploadSmallFile(), despite its two roundtrips, even when the file sizes are 0!!
+ //=> issue likely on Google's side
+ const std::string fileIdNew = //streamSize && *streamSize < 5 * 1024 * 1024 ?
+ //gdriveUploadSmallFile(fileName, parentFolderId, *streamSize, modTime, readBlock, aai.accessToken, gdrivePath) : //throw FileError, ThreadInterruption
+ gdriveUploadFile (fileName, parentFolderId, modTime, readBlock, aai.accessToken, gdrivePath); //throw FileError, ThreadInterruption
+ assert(asyncStreamIn->getTotalBytesRead() == asyncStreamIn->getTotalBytesWritten());
+ (void)streamSize;
+ //buffer new file state ASAP (don't wait GOOGLE_DRIVE_SYNC_INTERVAL)
+ GoogleFileItem newFileItem = {};
+ newFileItem.itemId = fileIdNew;
+ newFileItem.details.itemName = utfTo<std::string>(fileName);
+ newFileItem.details.isFolder = false;
+ newFileItem.details.fileSize = asyncStreamIn->getTotalBytesRead();
+ if (modTime) //else: whatever modTime Google Drive selects will be notified after GOOGLE_DRIVE_SYNC_INTERVAL
+ newFileItem.details.modTime = *modTime;
+ newFileItem.details.parentIds.push_back(parentFolderId);
+ accessGlobalFileState(gdrivePath.userEmail, [&](GoogleFileState& fileState) //throw FileError
+ {
+ fileState.notifyItemCreated(aai.stateDelta, newFileItem);
+ });
+ pFileId.set_value(copyStringTo<AFS::FileId>(fileIdNew));
+ }
+ catch (const SysError& e) { throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot write file %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(getGoogleDisplayPath(gdrivePath))), e.toString()); }
+ }
+ catch (FileError&) { asyncStreamIn->setReadError(std::current_exception()); } //let ThreadInterruption pass through!
+ });
+ }
+ ~OutputStreamGdrive()
+ {
+ if (worker_.joinable())
+ {
+ asyncStreamOut_->setWriteError(std::make_exception_ptr(ThreadInterruption()));
+ worker_.join();
+ }
+ }
+ void write(const void* buffer, size_t bytesToWrite) override //throw FileError, X
+ {
+ asyncStreamOut_->write(buffer, bytesToWrite); //throw FileError
+ reportBytesProcessed(); //throw X
+ }
+ AFS::FinalizeResult finalize() override //throw FileError, X
+ {
+ asyncStreamOut_->closeStream();
+ while (!worker_.tryJoinFor(std::chrono::milliseconds(50)))
+ reportBytesProcessed(); //throw X
+ reportBytesProcessed(); //[!] once more, now that *all* bytes were written
+ asyncStreamOut_->checkReadErrors(); //throw FileError
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ AFS::FinalizeResult result;
+ assert(isReady(futFileId_)); //*must* be available since file creation completed successfully at this point
+ result.fileId = futFileId_.get();
+ //result.errorModTime -> already (successfully) set during file creation
+ return result;
+ }
+ void reportBytesProcessed() //throw X
+ {
+ const int64_t totalBytesUploaded = asyncStreamOut_->getTotalBytesRead();
+ if (notifyUnbufferedIO_) notifyUnbufferedIO_(totalBytesUploaded - totalBytesReported_); //throw X
+ totalBytesReported_ = totalBytesUploaded;
+ }
+ const GdrivePath gdrivePath_;
+ const IOCallback notifyUnbufferedIO_; //throw X
+ int64_t totalBytesReported_ = 0;
+ std::shared_ptr<AsyncStreamBuffer> asyncStreamOut_ = std::make_shared<AsyncStreamBuffer>(GDRIVE_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE);
+ InterruptibleThread worker_;
+ std::future<AFS::FileId> futFileId_; //"play it safe", however with our current access pattern, also could have used an unprotected AFS::FileId
+class GdriveFileSystem : public AbstractFileSystem
+ GdriveFileSystem(const Zstring& googleUserEmail) : googleUserEmail_(googleUserEmail) {}
+ GdrivePath getGdrivePath(const AfsPath& afsPath) const { return { googleUserEmail_, afsPath }; }
+ Zstring getInitPathPhrase(const AfsPath& afsPath) const override { return concatenateGoogleFolderPathPhrase(getGdrivePath(afsPath)); }
+ std::wstring getDisplayPath(const AfsPath& afsPath) const override { return getGoogleDisplayPath(getGdrivePath(afsPath)); }
+ bool isNullFileSystem() const override { return googleUserEmail_.empty(); }
+ int compareDeviceSameAfsType(const AbstractFileSystem& afsRhs) const override
+ {
+ return compareAsciiNoCase(googleUserEmail_, static_cast<const GdriveFileSystem&>(afsRhs).googleUserEmail_);
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ItemType getItemType(const AfsPath& afsPath) const override //throw FileError
+ {
+ if (std::optional<ItemType> type = itemStillExists(afsPath)) //throw FileError
+ return *type;
+ throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot find %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(getDisplayPath(afsPath))));
+ }
+ std::optional<ItemType> itemStillExists(const AfsPath& afsPath) const override //throw FileError
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ GoogleFileState::PathStatus ps;
+ accessGlobalFileState(googleUserEmail_, [&](GoogleFileState& fileState) //throw FileError
+ {
+ ps = fileState.getPathStatus(afsPath); //throw SysError
+ });
+ if (ps.relPath.empty())
+ return ps.existingIsFolder ? ItemType::FOLDER : ItemType::FILE;
+ return {};
+ }
+ catch (const SysError& e) { throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot read file attributes of %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(getDisplayPath(afsPath))), e.toString()); }
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //already existing: fail/ignore
+ //=> we choose to let Google Drive fail and give a clear error message
+ void createFolderPlain(const AfsPath& afsPath) const override //throw FileError
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ //avoid duplicate Google Drive item creation by multiple threads
+ PathAccessLock pal(getGdrivePath(afsPath)); //throw SysError
+ GoogleFileState::PathStatus ps;
+ const GooglePersistentSessions::AsyncAccessInfo aai = accessGlobalFileState(googleUserEmail_, [&](GoogleFileState& fileState) //throw FileError
+ {
+ ps = fileState.getPathStatus(afsPath); //throw SysError
+ });
+ if (ps.relPath.empty())
+ throw SysError(formatSystemErrorRaw(EEXIST));
+ if (ps.relPath.size() > 1) //parent folder missing
+ throw SysError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot find %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(getDisplayPath(AfsPath(nativeAppendPaths(ps.existingPath.value, ps.relPath.front()))))));
+ const Zstring folderName = getItemName(afsPath);
+ const std::string& parentFolderId = ps.existingItemId;
+ const std::string folderIdNew = gdriveCreateFolderPlain(folderName, parentFolderId, aai.accessToken); //throw FileError, SysError
+ //buffer new file state ASAP (don't wait GOOGLE_DRIVE_SYNC_INTERVAL)
+ accessGlobalFileState(googleUserEmail_, [&](GoogleFileState& fileState) //throw FileError
+ {
+ fileState.notifyFolderCreated(aai.stateDelta, folderIdNew, folderName, parentFolderId);
+ });
+ }
+ catch (const SysError& e)
+ {
+ throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot create directory %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(getDisplayPath(afsPath))), e.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ void removeItemPlainImpl(const AfsPath& afsPath) const //throw FileError, SysError
+ {
+ std::string itemId;
+ std::optional<std::string> parentIdToUnlink;
+ const GooglePersistentSessions::AsyncAccessInfo aai = accessGlobalFileState(googleUserEmail_, [&](GoogleFileState& fileState) //throw FileError
+ {
+ const std::optional<AfsPath> parentPath = getParentPath(afsPath);
+ if (!parentPath) throw SysError(L"Item is device root");
+ std::pair<std::string /*itemId*/, GoogleItemDetails> gdriveAttr = fileState.getFileAttributes(afsPath); //throw SysError
+ itemId = gdriveAttr.first;
+ assert(gdriveAttr.second.parentIds.size() > 1 ||
+ (gdriveAttr.second.parentIds.size() == 1 && gdriveAttr.second.parentIds[0] == fileState.getItemId(*parentPath)));
+ if (gdriveAttr.second.parentIds.size() != 1) //hard-link handling
+ parentIdToUnlink = fileState.getItemId(*parentPath); //throw SysError
+ });
+ if (parentIdToUnlink)
+ {
+ gdriveUnlinkParent(itemId, *parentIdToUnlink, aai.accessToken); //throw FileError, SysError
+ //buffer new file state ASAP (don't wait GOOGLE_DRIVE_SYNC_INTERVAL)
+ accessGlobalFileState(googleUserEmail_, [&](GoogleFileState& fileState) //throw FileError
+ {
+ fileState.notifyParentRemoved(aai.stateDelta, itemId, *parentIdToUnlink);
+ });
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gdriveDeleteItem(itemId, aai.accessToken); //throw FileError, SysError
+ //buffer new file state ASAP (don't wait GOOGLE_DRIVE_SYNC_INTERVAL)
+ accessGlobalFileState(googleUserEmail_, [&](GoogleFileState& fileState) //throw FileError
+ {
+ fileState.notifyItemDeleted(aai.stateDelta, itemId);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ void removeFilePlain(const AfsPath& afsPath) const override //throw FileError
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ removeItemPlainImpl(afsPath); //throw FileError, SysError
+ }
+ catch (const SysError& e) { throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot delete file %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(getDisplayPath(afsPath))), e.toString()); }
+ }
+ void removeSymlinkPlain(const AfsPath& afsPath) const override //throw FileError
+ {
+ throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot delete symbolic link %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(getDisplayPath(afsPath))), L"Symlinks not supported for Google Drive.");
+ }
+ void removeFolderPlain(const AfsPath& afsPath) const override //throw FileError
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ removeItemPlainImpl(afsPath); //throw FileError, SysError
+ }
+ catch (const SysError& e) { throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot delete directory %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(getDisplayPath(afsPath))), e.toString()); }
+ }
+ void removeFolderIfExistsRecursion(const AfsPath& afsPath, //throw FileError
+ const std::function<void (const std::wstring& displayPath)>& onBeforeFileDeletion /*throw X*/, //optional
+ const std::function<void (const std::wstring& displayPath)>& onBeforeFolderDeletion) const override //one call for each object!
+ {
+ if (onBeforeFolderDeletion) onBeforeFolderDeletion(getDisplayPath(afsPath)); //throw X
+ try
+ {
+ //deletes recursively with a single call!
+ removeFolderPlain(afsPath); //throw FileError
+ }
+ catch (const FileError&)
+ {
+ if (!itemStillExists(afsPath)) //throw FileError
+ return;
+ throw;
+ }
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ AbstractPath getSymlinkResolvedPath(const AfsPath& afsPath) const override //throw FileError
+ {
+ throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot determine final path for %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(getDisplayPath(afsPath))), L"Symlinks not supported for Google Drive.");
+ }
+ std::string getSymlinkBinaryContent(const AfsPath& afsPath) const override //throw FileError
+ {
+ throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot resolve symbolic link %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(getDisplayPath(afsPath))), L"Symlinks not supported for Google Drive.");
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //return value always bound:
+ std::unique_ptr<InputStream> getInputStream(const AfsPath& afsPath, const IOCallback& notifyUnbufferedIO /*throw X*/) const override //throw FileError, (ErrorFileLocked)
+ {
+ return std::make_unique<InputStreamGdrive>(getGdrivePath(afsPath), notifyUnbufferedIO);
+ }
+ //target existing: undefined behavior! (fail/overwrite/auto-rename)
+ //=> actual behavior: 1. fails with "already existing or 2. creates duplicate file!
+ //=> we choose to let Google Drive create a duplicate file, because setting PathAccessLock for a potentially long-running write operation is excessive!
+ std::unique_ptr<OutputStreamImpl> getOutputStream(const AfsPath& afsPath, //throw FileError
+ std::optional<uint64_t> streamSize,
+ std::optional<time_t> modTime,
+ const IOCallback& notifyUnbufferedIO /*throw X*/) const override
+ {
+ //target existing: 1. fails with "already existing or 2. creates duplicate file!
+ return std::make_unique<OutputStreamGdrive>(getGdrivePath(afsPath), streamSize, modTime, notifyUnbufferedIO);
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void traverseFolderRecursive(const TraverserWorkload& workload /*throw X*/, size_t parallelOps) const override
+ {
+ gdriveTraverseFolderRecursive(googleUserEmail_, workload, parallelOps); //throw X
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //symlink handling: follow link!
+ //target existing: undefined behavior! (fail/overwrite/auto-rename)
+ FileCopyResult copyFileForSameAfsType(const AfsPath& afsPathSource, const StreamAttributes& attrSource, //throw FileError, (ErrorFileLocked), X
+ const AbstractPath& apTarget, bool copyFilePermissions, const IOCallback& notifyUnbufferedIO /*throw X*/) const override
+ {
+ //no native Google Drive file copy => use stream-based file copy:
+ if (copyFilePermissions)
+ throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot write permissions of %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(AFS::getDisplayPath(apTarget))),
+ L"Permissions not supported for Google Drive.");
+ //target existing: undefined behavior! (fail/overwrite/auto-rename)
+ return copyFileAsStream(afsPathSource, attrSource, apTarget, notifyUnbufferedIO); //throw FileError, (ErrorFileLocked), X
+ }
+ //already existing: fail/ignore
+ //symlink handling: follow link!
+ void copyNewFolderForSameAfsType(const AfsPath& afsPathSource, const AbstractPath& apTarget, bool copyFilePermissions) const override //throw FileError
+ {
+ if (copyFilePermissions)
+ throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot write permissions of %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(AFS::getDisplayPath(apTarget))),
+ L"Permissions not supported for Google Drive.");
+ //already existing: fail/ignore
+ AFS::createFolderPlain(apTarget); //throw FileError
+ }
+ void copySymlinkForSameAfsType(const AfsPath& afsPathSource, const AbstractPath& apTarget, bool copyFilePermissions) const override //throw FileError
+ {
+ throw FileError(replaceCpy(replaceCpy(_("Cannot copy symbolic link %x to %y."),
+ L"%x", L"\n" + fmtPath(getDisplayPath(afsPathSource))),
+ L"%y", L"\n" + fmtPath(AFS::getDisplayPath(apTarget))),
+ L"Symlinks not supported for Google Drive.");
+ }
+ //target existing: undefined behavior! (fail/overwrite/auto-rename)
+ //=> actual behavior: fails with "already existing
+ void moveAndRenameItemForSameAfsType(const AfsPath& afsPathSource, const AbstractPath& apTarget) const override //throw FileError, ErrorDifferentVolume
+ {
+ auto generateErrorMsg = [&] { return replaceCpy(replaceCpy(_("Cannot move file %x to %y."),
+ L"%x", L"\n" + fmtPath(getDisplayPath(afsPathSource))),
+ L"%y", L"\n" + fmtPath(AFS::getDisplayPath(apTarget)));
+ };
+ if (compareDeviceSameAfsType(apTarget.afsDevice.ref()) != 0)
+ throw ErrorDifferentVolume(generateErrorMsg(), L"Different Google Drive volume.");
+ try
+ {
+ //avoid duplicate Google Drive item creation by multiple threads
+ PathAccessLock pal(getGdrivePath(apTarget.afsPath)); //throw SysError
+ const Zstring itemNameOld = getItemName(afsPathSource);
+ const Zstring itemNameNew = AFS::getItemName(apTarget);
+ const std::optional<AfsPath> parentAfsPathSource = getParentPath(afsPathSource);
+ const std::optional<AfsPath> parentAfsPathTarget = getParentPath(apTarget.afsPath);
+ if (!parentAfsPathSource) throw SysError(L"Source is device root");
+ if (!parentAfsPathTarget) throw SysError(L"Target is device root");
+ std::string itemIdSource;
+ time_t modTimeSource = 0;
+ std::string parentIdSource;
+ std::string parentIdTarget;
+ const GooglePersistentSessions::AsyncAccessInfo aai = accessGlobalFileState(googleUserEmail_, [&](GoogleFileState& fileState) //throw FileError
+ {
+ std::pair<std::string /*itemId*/, GoogleItemDetails> gdriveAttr = fileState.getFileAttributes(afsPathSource); //throw SysError
+ itemIdSource = gdriveAttr.first;
+ modTimeSource = gdriveAttr.second.modTime;
+ parentIdSource = fileState.getItemId(*parentAfsPathSource); //throw SysError
+ GoogleFileState::PathStatus psTarget = fileState.getPathStatus(apTarget.afsPath); //throw SysError
+ //e.g. changing file name case only => this is not an "already exists" situation!
+ //also: hardlink referenced by two different paths, the source one will be unlinked
+ if (psTarget.relPath.empty() && psTarget.existingItemId == itemIdSource)
+ parentIdTarget = fileState.getItemId(*parentAfsPathTarget); //throw SysError
+ else
+ {
+ if (psTarget.relPath.empty())
+ throw SysError(formatSystemErrorRaw(EEXIST));
+ if (psTarget.relPath.size() > 1) //parent folder missing
+ throw SysError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot find %x."), L"%x",
+ fmtPath(getDisplayPath(AfsPath(nativeAppendPaths(psTarget.existingPath.value, psTarget.relPath.front()))))));
+ parentIdTarget = psTarget.existingItemId;
+ }
+ });
+ if (parentIdSource == parentIdTarget && itemNameOld == itemNameNew)
+ return; //nothing to do
+ //target name already existing? will (happily) create duplicate items
+ gdriveMoveAndRenameItem(itemIdSource, parentIdSource, parentIdTarget, itemNameNew, modTimeSource, aai.accessToken); //throw FileError, SysError
+ //buffer new file state ASAP (don't wait GOOGLE_DRIVE_SYNC_INTERVAL)
+ accessGlobalFileState(googleUserEmail_, [&](GoogleFileState& fileState) //throw FileError
+ {
+ fileState.notifyMoveAndRename(aai.stateDelta, itemIdSource, parentIdSource, parentIdTarget, itemNameNew);
+ });
+ }
+ catch (const SysError& e) { throw FileError(generateErrorMsg(), e.toString()); }
+ }
+ bool supportsPermissions(const AfsPath& afsPath) const override { return false; } //throw FileError
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ImageHolder getFileIcon (const AfsPath& afsPath, int pixelSize) const override { return ImageHolder(); } //noexcept; optional return value
+ ImageHolder getThumbnailImage(const AfsPath& afsPath, int pixelSize) const override { return ImageHolder(); } //noexcept; optional return value
+ void authenticateAccess(bool allowUserInteraction) const override //throw FileError
+ {
+ if (allowUserInteraction)
+ try
+ {
+ const std::shared_ptr<GooglePersistentSessions> gps = globalGoogleSessions.get();
+ if (!gps)
+ throw SysError(L"Function call not allowed during process init/shutdown.");
+ for (const Zstring& email : gps->listUserSessions()) //throw FileError
+ if (equalAsciiNoCase(email, googleUserEmail_))
+ return;
+ gps->addUserSession(googleUserEmail_ /*googleLoginHint*/, nullptr /*updateGui*/); //throw FileError
+ //error messages will be lost after time out in dir_exist_async.h! However:
+ //The most-likely-to-fail parts (web access) are reported by authorizeAccessToGoogleDrive() via the browser!
+ }
+ catch (const SysError& e) { throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Unable to connect to %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(getDisplayPath(AfsPath()))), e.toString()); }
+ }
+ int getAccessTimeout() const override { return static_cast<int>(std::chrono::seconds(HTTP_SESSION_ACCESS_TIME_OUT).count()); } //returns "0" if no timeout in force
+ bool hasNativeTransactionalCopy() const override { return true; }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ uint64_t getFreeDiskSpace(const AfsPath& afsPath) const override //throw FileError, returns 0 if not available
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ const std::string& accessToken = accessGlobalFileState(googleUserEmail_, [](GoogleFileState& fileState) {}).accessToken; //throw FileError
+ return gdriveGetFreeDiskSpace(accessToken); //throw FileError, SysError; returns 0 if not available
+ }
+ catch (const SysError& e) { throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot determine free disk space for %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(getDisplayPath(afsPath))), e.toString()); }
+ }
+ bool supportsRecycleBin(const AfsPath& afsPath, const std::function<void ()>& onUpdateGui) const override { return true; } //throw FileError
+ struct RecycleSessionGdrive : public RecycleSession
+ {
+ void recycleItemIfExists(const AbstractPath& itemPath, const Zstring& logicalRelPath) override { AFS::recycleItemIfExists(itemPath); } //throw FileError
+ void tryCleanup(const std::function<void (const std::wstring& displayPath)>& notifyDeletionStatus) override {}; //throw FileError
+ };
+ std::unique_ptr<RecycleSession> createRecyclerSession(const AfsPath& afsPath) const override //throw FileError, return value must be bound!
+ {
+ return std::make_unique<RecycleSessionGdrive>();
+ }
+ void recycleItemIfExists(const AfsPath& afsPath) const override //throw FileError
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ GoogleFileState::PathStatus ps;
+ const GooglePersistentSessions::AsyncAccessInfo aai = accessGlobalFileState(googleUserEmail_, [&](GoogleFileState& fileState) //throw FileError
+ {
+ ps = fileState.getPathStatus(afsPath); //throw SysError
+ });
+ if (ps.relPath.empty())
+ {
+ gdriveMoveToTrash(ps.existingItemId, aai.accessToken); //throw FileError, SysError
+ //buffer new file state ASAP (don't wait GOOGLE_DRIVE_SYNC_INTERVAL)
+ accessGlobalFileState(googleUserEmail_, [&](GoogleFileState& fileState) //throw FileError
+ {
+ //a hardlink with multiple parents will be not be accessible anymore via any of its path aliases!
+ fileState.notifyItemDeleted(aai.stateDelta, ps.existingItemId);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ catch (const SysError& e) { throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Unable to move %x to the recycle bin."), L"%x", fmtPath(getDisplayPath(afsPath))), e.toString()); }
+ }
+ const Zstring googleUserEmail_;
+void fff::googleDriveInit(const Zstring& configDirPath, const Zstring& caCertFilePath)
+ assert(!httpSessionManager.get());
+ httpSessionManager.set(std::make_unique<HttpSessionManager>(caCertFilePath));
+ assert(!globalGoogleSessions.get());
+ globalGoogleSessions.set(std::make_unique<GooglePersistentSessions>(configDirPath));
+void fff::googleDriveTeardown()
+ try //don't use ~GooglePersistentSessions() to save! Might never happen, e.g. detached thread waiting for Google Drive authentication; terminated on exit!
+ {
+ if (const std::shared_ptr<GooglePersistentSessions> gps = globalGoogleSessions.get())
+ gps->saveActiveSessions(); //throw FileError
+ }
+ catch (FileError&) { assert(false); }
+ assert(globalGoogleSessions.get());
+ globalGoogleSessions.set(nullptr);
+ assert(httpSessionManager.get());
+ httpSessionManager.set(nullptr);
+Zstring fff::googleAddUser(const std::function<void()>& updateGui /*throw X*/) //throw FileError, X
+ if (const std::shared_ptr<GooglePersistentSessions> gps = globalGoogleSessions.get())
+ return gps->addUserSession(Zstr("") /*googleLoginHint*/, updateGui); //throw FileError, X
+ throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Unable to access %x."), L"%x", L"Google Drive"), L"Function call not allowed during process init/shutdown.");
+void fff::googleRemoveUser(const Zstring& googleUserEmail) //throw FileError
+ if (const std::shared_ptr<GooglePersistentSessions> gps = globalGoogleSessions.get())
+ return gps->removeUserSession(googleUserEmail); //throw FileError
+ throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Unable to access %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(getGoogleDisplayPath({ googleUserEmail, AfsPath() }))),
+ L"Function call not allowed during process init/shutdown.");
+std::vector<Zstring> /*Google user email*/ fff::googleListConnectedUsers() //throw FileError
+ if (const std::shared_ptr<GooglePersistentSessions> gps = globalGoogleSessions.get())
+ return gps->listUserSessions(); //throw FileError
+ throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Unable to access %x."), L"%x", L"Google Drive"), L"Function call not allowed during process init/shutdown.");
+Zstring fff::condenseToGoogleFolderPathPhrase(const Zstring& userEmail, const Zstring& relPath) //noexcept
+ return concatenateGoogleFolderPathPhrase({ trimCpy(userEmail), sanitizeRootRelativePath(relPath) });
+//e.g.: gdrive:/
+GdrivePath fff::getResolvedGooglePath(const Zstring& folderPathPhrase) //noexcept
+ Zstring path = folderPathPhrase;
+ path = expandMacros(path); //expand before trimming!
+ trim(path);
+ if (startsWithAsciiNoCase(path, googleDrivePrefix))
+ path = path.c_str() + strLength(googleDrivePrefix);
+ const AfsPath sanPath = sanitizeRootRelativePath(path); //Win/macOS compatibility: let's ignore slash/backslash differences
+ const Zstring userEmail = beforeFirst(sanPath.value, FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR, IF_MISSING_RETURN_ALL);
+ const AfsPath afsPath (afterFirst(sanPath.value, FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR, IF_MISSING_RETURN_NONE));
+ return { userEmail, afsPath };
+bool fff::acceptsItemPathPhraseGdrive(const Zstring& itemPathPhrase) //noexcept
+ Zstring path = expandMacros(itemPathPhrase); //expand before trimming!
+ trim(path);
+ return startsWithAsciiNoCase(path, googleDrivePrefix);
+AbstractPath fff::createItemPathGdrive(const Zstring& itemPathPhrase) //noexcept
+ const GdrivePath gdrivePath = getResolvedGooglePath(itemPathPhrase); //noexcept
+ return AbstractPath(makeSharedRef<GdriveFileSystem>(gdrivePath.userEmail), gdrivePath.itemPath);