path: root/zen/time.h
diff options
authorDaniel Wilhelm <>2017-02-13 21:25:04 -0700
committerDaniel Wilhelm <>2017-02-13 21:25:04 -0700
commit9d071d2a2cec9a7662a02669488569a017f0ea35 (patch)
treec83a623fbdff098339b66d21ea2e81f3f67344ae /zen/time.h
parent8.8 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'zen/time.h')
1 files changed, 368 insertions, 357 deletions
diff --git a/zen/time.h b/zen/time.h
index a4613408..1b6a3c92 100644..100755
--- a/zen/time.h
+++ b/zen/time.h
@@ -1,357 +1,368 @@
-// *****************************************************************************
-// * This file is part of the FreeFileSync project. It is distributed under *
-// * GNU General Public License: *
-// * Copyright (C) Zenju (zenju AT freefilesync DOT org) - All Rights Reserved *
-// *****************************************************************************
-#ifndef TIME_H_8457092814324342453627
-#define TIME_H_8457092814324342453627
-#include <ctime>
-#include "string_tools.h"
-namespace zen
-struct TimeComp //replaces std::tm and SYSTEMTIME
- int year = 0; // -
- int month = 0; //1-12
- int day = 0; //1-31
- int hour = 0; //0-23
- int minute = 0; //0-59
- int second = 0; //0-60 (including leap second)
-TimeComp localTime (time_t utc = std::time(nullptr)); //convert time_t (UTC) to local time components
-time_t localToTimeT(const TimeComp& comp); //convert local time components to time_t (UTC), returns -1 on error
-format (current) date and time; example:
- formatTime<std::wstring>(L"%Y|%m|%d"); -> "2011|10|29"
- formatTime<std::wstring>(FORMAT_DATE); -> "2011-10-29"
- formatTime<std::wstring>(FORMAT_TIME); -> "17:55:34"
-template <class String, class String2>
-String formatTime(const String2& format, const TimeComp& comp = localTime()); //format as specified by "std::strftime", returns empty string on failure
-//the "format" parameter of formatTime() is partially specialized with the following type tags:
-const struct FormatDateTag {} FORMAT_DATE = {}; //%x - locale dependent date representation: e.g. 08/23/01
-const struct FormatTimeTag {} FORMAT_TIME = {}; //%X - locale dependent time representation: e.g. 14:55:02
-const struct FormatDateTimeTag {} FORMAT_DATE_TIME = {}; //%c - locale dependent date and time: e.g. Thu Aug 23 14:55:02 2001
-const struct FormatIsoDateTag {} FORMAT_ISO_DATE = {}; //%Y-%m-%d - e.g. 2001-08-23
-const struct FormatIsoTimeTag {} FORMAT_ISO_TIME = {}; //%H:%M:%S - e.g. 14:55:02
-const struct FormatIsoDateTimeTag {} FORMAT_ISO_DATE_TIME = {}; //%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S - e.g. 2001-08-23 14:55:02
-template <class String, class String2>
-bool parseTime(const String& format, const String2& str, TimeComp& comp); //similar to ::strptime(), return true on success
-//############################ implementation ##############################
-namespace implementation
-std::tm toClibTimeComponents(const TimeComp& comp)
- assert(1 <= comp.month && comp.month <= 12 &&
- 1 <= && <= 31 &&
- 0 <= comp.hour && comp.hour <= 23 &&
- 0 <= comp.minute && comp.minute <= 59 &&
- 0 <= comp.second && comp.second <= 61);
- std::tm ctc = {};
- ctc.tm_year = comp.year - 1900; //years since 1900
- ctc.tm_mon = comp.month - 1; //0-11
- ctc.tm_mday =; //1-31
- ctc.tm_hour = comp.hour; //0-23
- ctc.tm_min = comp.minute; //0-59
- ctc.tm_sec = comp.second; //0-60 (including leap second)
- ctc.tm_isdst = -1; //> 0 if DST is active, == 0 if DST is not active, < 0 if the information is not available
- //ctc.tm_wday
- //ctc.tm_yday
- return ctc;
-TimeComp toZenTimeComponents(const std::tm& ctc)
- TimeComp comp;
- comp.year = ctc.tm_year + 1900;
- comp.month = ctc.tm_mon + 1;
- = ctc.tm_mday;
- comp.hour = ctc.tm_hour;
- comp.minute = ctc.tm_min;
- comp.second = ctc.tm_sec;
- return comp;
-template <class T>
-struct GetFormat; //get default time formats as char* or wchar_t*
-template <>
-struct GetFormat<FormatDateTag> //%x - locale dependent date representation: e.g. 08/23/01
- const char* format(char) const { return "%x"; }
- const wchar_t* format(wchar_t) const { return L"%x"; }
-template <>
-struct GetFormat<FormatTimeTag> //%X - locale dependent time representation: e.g. 14:55:02
- const char* format(char) const { return "%X"; }
- const wchar_t* format(wchar_t) const { return L"%X"; }
-template <>
-struct GetFormat<FormatDateTimeTag> //%c - locale dependent date and time: e.g. Thu Aug 23 14:55:02 2001
- const char* format(char) const { return "%c"; }
- const wchar_t* format(wchar_t) const { return L"%c"; }
-template <>
-struct GetFormat<FormatIsoDateTag> //%Y-%m-%d - e.g. 2001-08-23
- const char* format(char) const { return "%Y-%m-%d"; }
- const wchar_t* format(wchar_t) const { return L"%Y-%m-%d"; }
-template <>
-struct GetFormat<FormatIsoTimeTag> //%H:%M:%S - e.g. 14:55:02
- const char* format(char) const { return "%H:%M:%S"; }
- const wchar_t* format(wchar_t) const { return L"%H:%M:%S"; }
-template <>
-struct GetFormat<FormatIsoDateTimeTag> //%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S - e.g. 2001-08-23 14:55:02
- const char* format(char) const { return "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"; }
- const wchar_t* format(wchar_t) const { return L"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"; }
-//strftime() craziness on invalid input:
-// VS 2010: CRASH unless "_invalid_parameter_handler" is set:
-// GCC: returns 0, apparently no crash. Still, considering some clib maintainer's comments, we should expect the worst!
-size_t strftimeWrap_impl(char* buffer, size_t bufferSize, const char* format, const std::tm* timeptr)
- return std::strftime(buffer, bufferSize, format, timeptr);
-size_t strftimeWrap_impl(wchar_t* buffer, size_t bufferSize, const wchar_t* format, const std::tm* timeptr)
- return std::wcsftime(buffer, bufferSize, format, timeptr);
-bool isValid(const std::tm& t)
- -> not enough! MSCRT has different limits than the C standard which even seem to change with different versions:
- _VALIDATE_RETURN((( timeptr->tm_sec >=0 ) && ( timeptr->tm_sec <= 59 ) ), EINVAL, FALSE)
- _VALIDATE_RETURN(( timeptr->tm_year >= -1900 ) && ( timeptr->tm_year <= 8099 ), EINVAL, FALSE)
- -> also std::mktime does *not* help here at all!
- auto inRange = [](int value, int minVal, int maxVal) { return minVal <= value && value <= maxVal; };
- //
- return inRange(t.tm_sec , 0, 61) &&
- inRange(t.tm_min , 0, 59) &&
- inRange(t.tm_hour, 0, 23) &&
- inRange(t.tm_mday, 1, 31) &&
- inRange(t.tm_mon , 0, 11) &&
- //tm_year
- inRange(t.tm_wday, 0, 6) &&
- inRange(t.tm_yday, 0, 365);
- //tm_isdst
-template <class CharType> inline
-size_t strftimeWrap(CharType* buffer, size_t bufferSize, const CharType* format, const std::tm* timeptr)
-#if defined _MSC_VER && !defined NDEBUG
- //there's no way around: application init must register an invalid parameter handler that does nothing !!!
- //=> strftime will abort with 0 and set errno to EINVAL instead of CRASHING THE APPLICATION!
- _invalid_parameter_handler oldHandler = _set_invalid_parameter_handler(nullptr);
- assert(oldHandler);
- _set_invalid_parameter_handler(oldHandler);
- return strftimeWrap_impl(buffer, bufferSize, format, timeptr);
-struct UserDefinedFormatTag {};
-struct PredefinedFormatTag {};
-template <class String, class String2> inline
-String formatTime(const String2& format, const TimeComp& comp, UserDefinedFormatTag) //format as specified by "std::strftime", returns empty string on failure
- using CharType = typename GetCharType<String>::Type;
- std::tm ctc = toClibTimeComponents(comp);
- std::mktime(&ctc); // unfortunately std::strftime() needs all elements of "struct tm" filled, e.g. tm_wday, tm_yday
- //note: although std::mktime() explicitly expects "local time", calculating weekday and day of year *should* be time-zone and DST independent
- CharType buffer[256] = {};
- const size_t charsWritten = strftimeWrap(buffer, 256, strBegin(format), &ctc);
- return String(buffer, charsWritten);
-template <class String, class FormatType> inline
-String formatTime(FormatType, const TimeComp& comp, PredefinedFormatTag)
- using CharType = typename GetCharType<String>::Type;
- return formatTime<String>(GetFormat<FormatType>().format(CharType()), comp, UserDefinedFormatTag());
-TimeComp localTime(time_t utc)
- std::tm lt = {};
-#ifdef ZEN_WIN //use thread-safe variants of std::localtime()!
- if (::localtime_s(&lt, &utc) != 0)
- if (::localtime_r(&utc, &lt) == nullptr)
- return TimeComp();
- return implementation::toZenTimeComponents(lt);
-time_t localToTimeT(const TimeComp& comp) //returns -1 on error
- std::tm ctc = implementation::toClibTimeComponents(comp);
- return std::mktime(&ctc);
-template <class String, class String2> inline
-String formatTime(const String2& format, const TimeComp& comp)
- using FormatTag = typename SelectIf<
- IsSameType<String2, FormatDateTag >::value ||
- IsSameType<String2, FormatTimeTag >::value ||
- IsSameType<String2, FormatDateTimeTag >::value ||
- IsSameType<String2, FormatIsoDateTag >::value ||
- IsSameType<String2, FormatIsoTimeTag >::value ||
- IsSameType<String2, FormatIsoDateTimeTag>::value, implementation::PredefinedFormatTag, implementation::UserDefinedFormatTag>::Type;
- return implementation::formatTime<String>(format, comp, FormatTag());
-template <class String, class String2>
-bool parseTime(const String& format, const String2& str, TimeComp& comp) //return true on success
- using CharType = typename GetCharType<String>::Type;
- static_assert(IsSameType<CharType, typename GetCharType<String2>::Type>::value, "");
- const CharType* itFmt = strBegin(format);
- const CharType* const fmtLast = itFmt + strLength(format);
- const CharType* itStr = strBegin(str);
- const CharType* const strLast = itStr + strLength(str);
- auto extractNumber = [&](int& result, size_t digitCount) -> bool
- {
- if (strLast - itStr < makeSigned(digitCount))
- return false;
- if (std::any_of(itStr, itStr + digitCount, [](CharType c) { return !isDigit(c); }))
- return false;
- result = zen::stringTo<int>(StringRef<const CharType>(itStr, itStr + digitCount));
- itStr += digitCount;
- return true;
- };
- for (; itFmt != fmtLast; ++itFmt)
- {
- const CharType fmt = *itFmt;
- if (fmt == '%')
- {
- ++itFmt;
- if (itFmt == fmtLast)
- return false;
- switch (*itFmt)
- {
- case 'Y':
- if (!extractNumber(comp.year, 4))
- return false;
- break;
- case 'm':
- if (!extractNumber(comp.month, 2))
- return false;
- break;
- case 'd':
- if (!extractNumber(, 2))
- return false;
- break;
- case 'H':
- if (!extractNumber(comp.hour, 2))
- return false;
- break;
- case 'M':
- if (!extractNumber(comp.minute, 2))
- return false;
- break;
- case 'S':
- if (!extractNumber(comp.second, 2))
- return false;
- break;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- }
- else if (isWhiteSpace(fmt)) //single whitespace in format => skip 0..n whitespace chars
- {
- while (itStr != strLast && isWhiteSpace(*itStr))
- ++itStr;
- }
- else
- {
- if (itStr == strLast || *itStr != fmt)
- return false;
- ++itStr;
- }
- }
- return itStr == strLast;
-#endif //TIME_H_8457092814324342453627
+// *****************************************************************************
+// * This file is part of the FreeFileSync project. It is distributed under *
+// * GNU General Public License: *
+// * Copyright (C) Zenju (zenju AT freefilesync DOT org) - All Rights Reserved *
+// *****************************************************************************
+#ifndef TIME_H_8457092814324342453627
+#define TIME_H_8457092814324342453627
+#include <ctime>
+#include "string_tools.h"
+namespace zen
+struct TimeComp //replaces std::tm and SYSTEMTIME
+ int year = 0; // -
+ int month = 0; //1-12
+ int day = 0; //1-31
+ int hour = 0; //0-23
+ int minute = 0; //0-59
+ int second = 0; //0-60 (including leap second)
+TimeComp getLocalTime(time_t utc = std::time(nullptr)); //convert time_t (UTC) to local time components
+time_t localToTimeT(const TimeComp& comp); //convert local time components to time_t (UTC), returns -1 on error
+TimeComp getUtcTime(time_t utc = std::time(nullptr)); //convert time_t (UTC) to UTC time components
+time_t utcToTimeT(const TimeComp& comp); //convert UTC time components to time_t (UTC), returns -1 on error
+format (current) date and time; example:
+ formatTime<std::wstring>(L"%Y|%m|%d"); -> "2011|10|29"
+ formatTime<std::wstring>(FORMAT_DATE); -> "2011-10-29"
+ formatTime<std::wstring>(FORMAT_TIME); -> "17:55:34"
+template <class String, class String2>
+String formatTime(const String2& format, const TimeComp& comp = getLocalTime()); //format as specified by "std::strftime", returns empty string on failure
+//the "format" parameter of formatTime() is partially specialized with the following type tags:
+const struct FormatDateTag {} FORMAT_DATE = {}; //%x - locale dependent date representation: e.g. 08/23/01
+const struct FormatTimeTag {} FORMAT_TIME = {}; //%X - locale dependent time representation: e.g. 14:55:02
+const struct FormatDateTimeTag {} FORMAT_DATE_TIME = {}; //%c - locale dependent date and time: e.g. Thu Aug 23 14:55:02 2001
+const struct FormatIsoDateTag {} FORMAT_ISO_DATE = {}; //%Y-%m-%d - e.g. 2001-08-23
+const struct FormatIsoTimeTag {} FORMAT_ISO_TIME = {}; //%H:%M:%S - e.g. 14:55:02
+const struct FormatIsoDateTimeTag {} FORMAT_ISO_DATE_TIME = {}; //%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S - e.g. 2001-08-23 14:55:02
+template <class String, class String2>
+bool parseTime(const String& format, const String2& str, TimeComp& comp); //similar to ::strptime(), return true on success
+//############################ implementation ##############################
+namespace implementation
+std::tm toClibTimeComponents(const TimeComp& comp)
+ assert(1 <= comp.month && comp.month <= 12 &&
+ 1 <= && <= 31 &&
+ 0 <= comp.hour && comp.hour <= 23 &&
+ 0 <= comp.minute && comp.minute <= 59 &&
+ 0 <= comp.second && comp.second <= 61);
+ std::tm ctc = {};
+ ctc.tm_year = comp.year - 1900; //years since 1900
+ ctc.tm_mon = comp.month - 1; //0-11
+ ctc.tm_mday =; //1-31
+ ctc.tm_hour = comp.hour; //0-23
+ ctc.tm_min = comp.minute; //0-59
+ ctc.tm_sec = comp.second; //0-60 (including leap second)
+ ctc.tm_isdst = -1; //> 0 if DST is active, == 0 if DST is not active, < 0 if the information is not available
+ //ctc.tm_wday
+ //ctc.tm_yday
+ return ctc;
+TimeComp toZenTimeComponents(const std::tm& ctc)
+ TimeComp comp;
+ comp.year = ctc.tm_year + 1900;
+ comp.month = ctc.tm_mon + 1;
+ = ctc.tm_mday;
+ comp.hour = ctc.tm_hour;
+ comp.minute = ctc.tm_min;
+ comp.second = ctc.tm_sec;
+ return comp;
+template <class T>
+struct GetFormat; //get default time formats as char* or wchar_t*
+template <>
+struct GetFormat<FormatDateTag> //%x - locale dependent date representation: e.g. 08/23/01
+ const char* format(char) const { return "%x"; }
+ const wchar_t* format(wchar_t) const { return L"%x"; }
+template <>
+struct GetFormat<FormatTimeTag> //%X - locale dependent time representation: e.g. 14:55:02
+ const char* format(char) const { return "%X"; }
+ const wchar_t* format(wchar_t) const { return L"%X"; }
+template <>
+struct GetFormat<FormatDateTimeTag> //%c - locale dependent date and time: e.g. Thu Aug 23 14:55:02 2001
+ const char* format(char) const { return "%c"; }
+ const wchar_t* format(wchar_t) const { return L"%c"; }
+template <>
+struct GetFormat<FormatIsoDateTag> //%Y-%m-%d - e.g. 2001-08-23
+ const char* format(char) const { return "%Y-%m-%d"; }
+ const wchar_t* format(wchar_t) const { return L"%Y-%m-%d"; }
+template <>
+struct GetFormat<FormatIsoTimeTag> //%H:%M:%S - e.g. 14:55:02
+ const char* format(char) const { return "%H:%M:%S"; }
+ const wchar_t* format(wchar_t) const { return L"%H:%M:%S"; }
+template <>
+struct GetFormat<FormatIsoDateTimeTag> //%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S - e.g. 2001-08-23 14:55:02
+ const char* format(char) const { return "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"; }
+ const wchar_t* format(wchar_t) const { return L"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"; }
+//strftime() craziness on invalid input:
+// VS 2010: CRASH unless "_invalid_parameter_handler" is set:
+// GCC: returns 0, apparently no crash. Still, considering some clib maintainer's comments, we should expect the worst!
+size_t strftimeWrap_impl(char* buffer, size_t bufferSize, const char* format, const std::tm* timeptr)
+ return std::strftime(buffer, bufferSize, format, timeptr);
+size_t strftimeWrap_impl(wchar_t* buffer, size_t bufferSize, const wchar_t* format, const std::tm* timeptr)
+ return std::wcsftime(buffer, bufferSize, format, timeptr);
+bool isValid(const std::tm& t)
+ -> not enough! MSCRT has different limits than the C standard which even seem to change with different versions:
+ _VALIDATE_RETURN((( timeptr->tm_sec >=0 ) && ( timeptr->tm_sec <= 59 ) ), EINVAL, FALSE)
+ _VALIDATE_RETURN(( timeptr->tm_year >= -1900 ) && ( timeptr->tm_year <= 8099 ), EINVAL, FALSE)
+ -> also std::mktime does *not* help here at all!
+ auto inRange = [](int value, int minVal, int maxVal) { return minVal <= value && value <= maxVal; };
+ //
+ return inRange(t.tm_sec , 0, 61) &&
+ inRange(t.tm_min , 0, 59) &&
+ inRange(t.tm_hour, 0, 23) &&
+ inRange(t.tm_mday, 1, 31) &&
+ inRange(t.tm_mon , 0, 11) &&
+ //tm_year
+ inRange(t.tm_wday, 0, 6) &&
+ inRange(t.tm_yday, 0, 365);
+ //tm_isdst
+template <class CharType> inline
+size_t strftimeWrap(CharType* buffer, size_t bufferSize, const CharType* format, const std::tm* timeptr)
+ return strftimeWrap_impl(buffer, bufferSize, format, timeptr);
+struct UserDefinedFormatTag {};
+struct PredefinedFormatTag {};
+template <class String, class String2> inline
+String formatTime(const String2& format, const TimeComp& comp, UserDefinedFormatTag) //format as specified by "std::strftime", returns empty string on failure
+ using CharType = typename GetCharType<String>::Type;
+ std::tm ctc = toClibTimeComponents(comp);
+ std::mktime(&ctc); // unfortunately std::strftime() needs all elements of "struct tm" filled, e.g. tm_wday, tm_yday
+ //note: although std::mktime() explicitly expects "local time", calculating weekday and day of year *should* be time-zone and DST independent
+ CharType buffer[256] = {};
+ const size_t charsWritten = strftimeWrap(buffer, 256, strBegin(format), &ctc);
+ return String(buffer, charsWritten);
+template <class String, class FormatType> inline
+String formatTime(FormatType, const TimeComp& comp, PredefinedFormatTag)
+ using CharType = typename GetCharType<String>::Type;
+ return formatTime<String>(GetFormat<FormatType>().format(CharType()), comp, UserDefinedFormatTag());
+TimeComp getLocalTime(time_t utc)
+ std::tm comp = {};
+ if (::localtime_r(&utc, &comp) == nullptr)
+ return TimeComp();
+ return implementation::toZenTimeComponents(comp);
+TimeComp getUtcTime(time_t utc)
+ std::tm comp = {};
+ if (::gmtime_r(&utc, &comp) == nullptr)
+ return TimeComp();
+ return implementation::toZenTimeComponents(comp);
+time_t localToTimeT(const TimeComp& comp) //returns -1 on error
+ std::tm ctc = implementation::toClibTimeComponents(comp);
+ return std::mktime(&ctc);
+time_t utcToTimeT(const TimeComp& comp) //returns -1 on error
+ std::tm ctc = implementation::toClibTimeComponents(comp);
+ ctc.tm_isdst = 0; //"Zero (0) to indicate that standard time is in effect" => unused by _mkgmtime, but take no chances
+ return ::timegm(&ctc);
+template <class String, class String2> inline
+String formatTime(const String2& format, const TimeComp& comp)
+ using FormatTag = typename SelectIf<
+ IsSameType<String2, FormatDateTag >::value ||
+ IsSameType<String2, FormatTimeTag >::value ||
+ IsSameType<String2, FormatDateTimeTag >::value ||
+ IsSameType<String2, FormatIsoDateTag >::value ||
+ IsSameType<String2, FormatIsoTimeTag >::value ||
+ IsSameType<String2, FormatIsoDateTimeTag>::value, implementation::PredefinedFormatTag, implementation::UserDefinedFormatTag>::Type;
+ return implementation::formatTime<String>(format, comp, FormatTag());
+template <class String, class String2>
+bool parseTime(const String& format, const String2& str, TimeComp& comp) //return true on success
+ using CharType = typename GetCharType<String>::Type;
+ static_assert(IsSameType<CharType, typename GetCharType<String2>::Type>::value, "");
+ const CharType* itFmt = strBegin(format);
+ const CharType* const fmtLast = itFmt + strLength(format);
+ const CharType* itStr = strBegin(str);
+ const CharType* const strLast = itStr + strLength(str);
+ auto extractNumber = [&](int& result, size_t digitCount) -> bool
+ {
+ if (strLast - itStr < makeSigned(digitCount))
+ return false;
+ if (std::any_of(itStr, itStr + digitCount, [](CharType c) { return !isDigit(c); }))
+ return false;
+ result = zen::stringTo<int>(StringRef<const CharType>(itStr, itStr + digitCount));
+ itStr += digitCount;
+ return true;
+ };
+ for (; itFmt != fmtLast; ++itFmt)
+ {
+ const CharType fmt = *itFmt;
+ if (fmt == '%')
+ {
+ ++itFmt;
+ if (itFmt == fmtLast)
+ return false;
+ switch (*itFmt)
+ {
+ case 'Y':
+ if (!extractNumber(comp.year, 4))
+ return false;
+ break;
+ case 'm':
+ if (!extractNumber(comp.month, 2))
+ return false;
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ if (!extractNumber(, 2))
+ return false;
+ break;
+ case 'H':
+ if (!extractNumber(comp.hour, 2))
+ return false;
+ break;
+ case 'M':
+ if (!extractNumber(comp.minute, 2))
+ return false;
+ break;
+ case 'S':
+ if (!extractNumber(comp.second, 2))
+ return false;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (isWhiteSpace(fmt)) //single whitespace in format => skip 0..n whitespace chars
+ {
+ while (itStr != strLast && isWhiteSpace(*itStr))
+ ++itStr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (itStr == strLast || *itStr != fmt)
+ return false;
+ ++itStr;
+ }
+ }
+ return itStr == strLast;
+#endif //TIME_H_8457092814324342453627