path: root/zen/ring_buffer.h
diff options
authorDaniel Wilhelm <>2018-06-30 12:43:08 +0200
committerDaniel Wilhelm <>2018-06-30 12:43:08 +0200
commita98326eb2954ac1e79f5eac28dbeab3ec15e047f (patch)
treebb16257a1894b488e365851273735ec13a9442ef /zen/ring_buffer.h
parent10.0 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'zen/ring_buffer.h')
1 files changed, 230 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/zen/ring_buffer.h b/zen/ring_buffer.h
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..1a67c452
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zen/ring_buffer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+// *****************************************************************************
+// * This file is part of the FreeFileSync project. It is distributed under *
+// * GNU General Public License: *
+// * Copyright (C) Zenju (zenju AT freefilesync DOT org) - All Rights Reserved *
+// *****************************************************************************
+#ifndef RING_BUFFER_H_01238467085684139453534
+#define RING_BUFFER_H_01238467085684139453534
+#include <cassert>
+#include <vector>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include "type_traits.h"
+#include "scope_guard.h"
+namespace zen
+//basically a std::deque<> but with a non-garbage implementation => circular buffer with std::vector<>-like exponential growth!
+template <class T>
+class RingBuffer
+ RingBuffer() {}
+ RingBuffer(RingBuffer&& tmp) noexcept : rawMem_(std::move(tmp.rawMem_)), capacity_(tmp.capacity_), bufStart_(tmp.bufStart_), size_(tmp.size_)
+ {
+ tmp.capacity_ = tmp.bufStart_ = tmp.size_ = 0;
+ }
+ RingBuffer& operator=(RingBuffer&& tmp) noexcept { swap(tmp); return *this; } //noexcept *required* to support move for reallocations in std::vector and std::swap!!!
+ using value_type = T;
+ using reference = T&;
+ using const_reference = const T&;
+ size_t size() const { return size_; }
+ bool empty() const { return size_ == 0; }
+ ~RingBuffer() { clear(); }
+ reference front() { return getBufPtr()[bufStart_]; }
+ const_reference front() const { return getBufPtr()[bufStart_]; }
+ template <class U>
+ void push_back(U&& value)
+ {
+ checkInvariants();
+ reserve(size_ + 1); //throw ?
+ ::new (getBufPtr() + getBufPos(size_)) T(std::forward<U>(value)); //throw ?
+ ++size_;
+ }
+ void pop_front()
+ {
+ checkInvariants();
+ if (empty())
+ throw std::logic_error("Contract violation! " + std::string(__FILE__) + ":" + numberTo<std::string>(__LINE__));
+ front().~T();
+ ++bufStart_;
+ --size_;
+ if (size_ == 0 || bufStart_ == capacity_)
+ bufStart_ = 0;
+ }
+ void clear()
+ {
+ checkInvariants();
+ const size_t frontSize = std::min(size_, capacity_ - bufStart_);
+ std::destroy(getBufPtr() + bufStart_, getBufPtr() + bufStart_ + frontSize);
+ std::destroy(getBufPtr(), getBufPtr() + size_ - frontSize);
+ bufStart_ = size_ = 0;
+ }
+ template <class Iterator>
+ void insert_back(Iterator first, Iterator last) //throw ? (strong exception-safety!)
+ {
+ checkInvariants();
+ const size_t len = last - first;
+ reserve(size_ + len); //throw ?
+ const size_t endPos = getBufPos(size_);
+ const size_t tailSize = std::min(len, capacity_ - endPos);
+ std::uninitialized_copy(first, first + tailSize, getBufPtr() + endPos); //throw ?
+ ZEN_ON_SCOPE_FAIL(std::destroy(first, first + tailSize));
+ std::uninitialized_copy(first + tailSize, last, getBufPtr()); //throw ?
+ size_ += len;
+ }
+ //contract: last - first <= size()
+ template <class Iterator>
+ void extract_front(Iterator first, Iterator last) //throw ? strongly exception-safe! (but only basic exception safety for [first, last) range)
+ {
+ checkInvariants();
+ const size_t len = last - first;
+ if (size_ < len)
+ throw std::logic_error("Contract violation! " + std::string(__FILE__) + ":" + numberTo<std::string>(__LINE__));
+ const size_t frontSize = std::min(len, capacity_ - bufStart_);
+ auto itTrg = std::copy(getBufPtr() + bufStart_, getBufPtr() + bufStart_ + frontSize, first); //throw ?
+ /**/ std::copy(getBufPtr(), getBufPtr() + len - frontSize, itTrg); //
+ std::destroy(getBufPtr() + bufStart_, getBufPtr() + bufStart_ + frontSize);
+ std::destroy(getBufPtr(), getBufPtr() + len - frontSize);
+ bufStart_ += len;
+ size_ -= len;
+ if (size_ == 0)
+ bufStart_ = 0;
+ else if (bufStart_ >= capacity_)
+ bufStart_ -= capacity_;
+ }
+ void swap(RingBuffer& other)
+ {
+ std::swap(rawMem_, other.rawMem_);
+ std::swap(capacity_, other.capacity_);
+ std::swap(bufStart_, other.bufStart_);
+ std::swap(size_, other.size_);
+ }
+ void reserve(size_t minSize) //throw ? (strong exception-safety!)
+ {
+ if (minSize > capacity_)
+ {
+ const size_t newCapacity = std::max(minSize + minSize / 2, minSize); //no minimum capacity: just like std::vector<> implementation
+ RingBuffer newBuf(newCapacity); //throw ?
+ T* itTrg = reinterpret_cast<T*>(newBuf.rawMem_.get());
+ const size_t frontSize = std::min(size_, capacity_ - bufStart_);
+ itTrg = uninitializedMoveIfNoexcept(getBufPtr() + bufStart_, getBufPtr() + bufStart_ + frontSize, itTrg); //throw ?
+ newBuf.size_ = frontSize; //pass ownership
+ /**/ uninitializedMoveIfNoexcept(getBufPtr(), getBufPtr() + size_ - frontSize, itTrg); //throw ?
+ newBuf.size_ = size_; //
+ newBuf.swap(*this);
+ }
+ }
+ const T& operator[](size_t offset) const
+ {
+ assert(offset < size()); //design by contract! no runtime check!
+ return getBufPtr()[getBufPos(offset)];
+ }
+ T& operator[](size_t offset) { return const_cast<T&>(static_cast<const RingBuffer*>(this)->operator[](offset)); }
+ template <class Container, class Value>
+ class Iterator
+ {
+ public:
+ Iterator(Container& container, size_t offset) : container_(&container), offset_(offset) {}
+ Iterator& operator++() { ++offset_; return *this; }
+ inline friend bool operator==(const Iterator& lhs, const Iterator& rhs) { assert(lhs.container_ == rhs.container_); return lhs.offset_ == rhs.offset_; }
+ inline friend bool operator!=(const Iterator& lhs, const Iterator& rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); }
+ Value& operator* () const { return (*container_)[offset_]; }
+ Value* operator->() const { return &(*container_)[offset_]; }
+ private:
+ Container* container_ = nullptr;
+ size_t offset_ = 0;
+ };
+ using iterator = Iterator< RingBuffer, T>;
+ using const_iterator = Iterator<const RingBuffer, const T>;
+ iterator begin() { return { *this, 0 }; }
+ iterator end () { return { *this, size_ }; }
+ const_iterator begin() const { return { *this, 0 }; }
+ const_iterator end () const { return { *this, size_ }; }
+ const_iterator cbegin() const { return begin(); }
+ const_iterator cend () const { return end (); }
+ RingBuffer (const RingBuffer&) = delete; //wait until there is a reason to copy a RingBuffer
+ RingBuffer& operator=(const RingBuffer&) = delete; //
+ RingBuffer(size_t capacity) :
+ rawMem_(static_cast<std::byte*>(::operator new (capacity * sizeof(T)))), //throw std::bad_alloc
+ capacity_(capacity) {}
+ struct FreeStoreDelete { void operator()(std::byte* p) const { ::operator delete (p); } };
+ T* getBufPtr() { return reinterpret_cast<T*>(rawMem_.get()); }
+ const T* getBufPtr() const { return reinterpret_cast<T*>(rawMem_.get()); }
+ //unlike pure std::uninitialized_move, this one allows for strong exception-safety!
+ static T* uninitializedMoveIfNoexcept(T* first, T* last, T* firstTrg)
+ {
+ return uninitializedMoveIfNoexcept(first, last, firstTrg, std::is_nothrow_move_constructible<T>());
+ }
+ static T* uninitializedMoveIfNoexcept(T* first, T* last, T* firstTrg, std::true_type ) { return std::uninitialized_move(first, last, firstTrg); }
+ static T* uninitializedMoveIfNoexcept(T* first, T* last, T* firstTrg, std::false_type) { return std::uninitialized_copy(first, last, firstTrg); } //throw ?
+ void checkInvariants()
+ {
+ assert(bufStart_ == 0 || bufStart_ < capacity_);
+ assert(size_ <= capacity_);
+ }
+ size_t getBufPos(size_t offset) const //< capacity_
+ {
+ size_t bufPos = bufStart_ + offset;
+ if (bufPos >= capacity_)
+ bufPos -= capacity_;
+ return bufPos;
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<std::byte, FreeStoreDelete> rawMem_;
+ size_t capacity_ = 0; //as number of T
+ size_t bufStart_ = 0; //< capacity_
+ size_t size_ = 0; //<= capacity_
+#endif //RING_BUFFER_H_01238467085684139453534