path: root/zen/http.cpp
diff options
authorDaniel Wilhelm <>2018-06-30 12:43:08 +0200
committerDaniel Wilhelm <>2018-06-30 12:43:08 +0200
commita98326eb2954ac1e79f5eac28dbeab3ec15e047f (patch)
treebb16257a1894b488e365851273735ec13a9442ef /zen/http.cpp
parent10.0 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'zen/http.cpp')
1 files changed, 376 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/zen/http.cpp b/zen/http.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..d06d3309
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zen/http.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+// *****************************************************************************
+// * This file is part of the FreeFileSync project. It is distributed under *
+// * GNU General Public License: *
+// * Copyright (C) Zenju (zenju AT freefilesync DOT org) - All Rights Reserved *
+// *****************************************************************************
+#include "http.h"
+ #include "socket.h"
+using namespace zen;
+class HttpInputStream::Impl
+ Impl(const Zstring& url, const Zstring& userAgent, const IOCallback& notifyUnbufferedIO, //throw SysError
+ const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>* postParams) : //issue POST if bound, GET otherwise
+ notifyUnbufferedIO_(notifyUnbufferedIO)
+ {
+ ZEN_ON_SCOPE_FAIL( cleanup(); /*destructor call would lead to member double clean-up!!!*/ );
+ const Zstring urlFmt = afterFirst(url, Zstr("://"), IF_MISSING_RETURN_NONE);
+ const Zstring server = beforeFirst(urlFmt, Zstr('/'), IF_MISSING_RETURN_ALL);
+ const Zstring page = Zstr('/') + afterFirst(urlFmt, Zstr('/'), IF_MISSING_RETURN_NONE);
+ const bool useTls = [&]
+ {
+ if (startsWith(url, Zstr("http://"), CmpAsciiNoCase()))
+ return false;
+ if (startsWith(url, Zstr("https://"), CmpAsciiNoCase()))
+ return true;
+ throw SysError(L"URL uses unexpected protocol.");
+ }();
+ assert(!useTls); //not supported by our plain socket!
+ (void)useTls;
+ socket_ = std::make_unique<Socket>(server, Zstr("http")); //throw SysError
+ //HTTP default port: 80, see %WINDIR%\system32\drivers\etc\services
+ std::map<std::string, std::string, LessAsciiNoCase> headers;
+ headers["Host" ] = utfTo<std::string>(server); //only required for HTTP/1.1
+ headers["User-Agent"] = utfTo<std::string>(userAgent);
+ headers["Accept" ] = "*/*"; //won't hurt?
+ const std::string postBuf = postParams ? xWwwFormUrlEncode(*postParams) : "";
+ if (!postParams) //HTTP GET
+ headers["Pragma"] = "no-cache"; //HTTP 1.0 only! superseeded by "Cache-Control"
+ //consider internetIsAlive() test; not relevant for POST (= never cached)
+ else //HTTP POST
+ {
+ headers["Content-type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
+ headers["Content-Length"] = numberTo<std::string>(postBuf.size());
+ }
+ //
+ std::string msg = (postParams ? "POST " : "GET ") + utfTo<std::string>(page) + " HTTP/1.0\r\n";
+ for (const auto& item : headers)
+ msg += item.first + ": " + item.second + "\r\n";
+ msg += "\r\n";
+ msg += postBuf;
+ //send request
+ for (size_t bytesToSend = msg.size(); bytesToSend > 0;)
+ {
+ int bytesSent = 0;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ bytesSent = ::send(socket_->get(), //_In_ SOCKET s,
+ &*(msg.end() - bytesToSend), //_In_ const char *buf,
+ static_cast<int>(bytesToSend), //_In_ int len,
+ 0); //_In_ int flags
+ if (bytesSent >= 0 || errno != EINTR)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (bytesSent < 0)
+ if (bytesSent > static_cast<int>(bytesToSend))
+ throw SysError(L"send: buffer overflow.");
+ if (bytesSent == 0)
+ throw SysError(L"send: zero bytes processed");
+ bytesToSend -= bytesSent;
+ }
+ if (::shutdown(socket_->get(), SHUT_WR) != 0)
+ //receive response:
+ std::string headBuf;
+ const std::string headerDelim = "\r\n\r\n";
+ for (std::string buf;;)
+ {
+ const size_t blockSize = std::min(static_cast<size_t>(1024), memBuf_.size()); //smaller block size: try to only read header part
+ buf.resize(buf.size() + blockSize);
+ const size_t bytesReceived = tryRead(&*(buf.end() - blockSize), blockSize); //throw SysError
+ buf.resize(buf.size() - blockSize + bytesReceived); //caveat: unsigned arithmetics
+ if (contains(buf, headerDelim))
+ {
+ headBuf = beforeFirst(buf, headerDelim, IF_MISSING_RETURN_NONE);
+ const std::string bodyBuf = afterFirst (buf, headerDelim, IF_MISSING_RETURN_NONE);
+ //put excess bytes into instance buffer for body retrieval
+ assert(bufPos_ == 0 && bufPosEnd_ == 0);
+ bufPosEnd_ = bodyBuf.size();
+ std::copy(bodyBuf.begin(), bodyBuf.end(), reinterpret_cast<char*>(&memBuf_[0]));
+ break;
+ }
+ if (bytesReceived == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ //parse header
+ const std::string statusBuf = beforeFirst(headBuf, "\r\n", IF_MISSING_RETURN_ALL);
+ const std::string headersBuf = afterFirst (headBuf, "\r\n", IF_MISSING_RETURN_NONE);
+ const std::vector<std::string> statusItems = split(statusBuf, ' ', SplitType::ALLOW_EMPTY); //HTTP-Version SP Status-Code SP Reason-Phrase CRLF
+ if (statusItems.size() < 2 || !startsWith(statusItems[0], "HTTP/"))
+ throw SysError(L"Invalid HTTP response: \"" + utfTo<std::wstring>(statusBuf) + L"\"");
+ statusCode_ = stringTo<int>(statusItems[1]);
+ for (const std::string& line : split(headersBuf, "\r\n", SplitType::SKIP_EMPTY))
+ responseHeaders_[trimCpy(beforeFirst(line, ":", IF_MISSING_RETURN_ALL))] =
+ /**/ trimCpy(afterFirst (line, ":", IF_MISSING_RETURN_NONE));
+ //try to get "Content-Length" header if available
+ if (const std::string* value = getHeader("Content-Length"))
+ contentRemaining_ = stringTo<int64_t>(*value) - (bufPosEnd_ - bufPos_);
+ }
+ ~Impl() { cleanup(); }
+ const int getStatusCode() const { return statusCode_; }
+ const std::string* getHeader(const std::string& name) const
+ {
+ auto it = responseHeaders_.find(name);
+ return it != responseHeaders_.end() ? &it->second : nullptr;
+ }
+ size_t read(void* buffer, size_t bytesToRead) //throw SysError, X; return "bytesToRead" bytes unless end of stream!
+ {
+ const size_t blockSize = getBlockSize();
+ assert(memBuf_.size() >= blockSize);
+ assert(bufPos_ <= bufPosEnd_ && bufPosEnd_ <= memBuf_.size());
+ auto it = static_cast<std::byte*>(buffer);
+ const auto itEnd = it + bytesToRead;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ const size_t junkSize = std::min(static_cast<size_t>(itEnd - it), bufPosEnd_ - bufPos_);
+ std::memcpy(it, &memBuf_[0] + bufPos_, junkSize);
+ bufPos_ += junkSize;
+ it += junkSize;
+ if (it == itEnd)
+ break;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const size_t bytesRead = tryRead(&memBuf_[0], blockSize); //throw SysError; may return short, only 0 means EOF! => CONTRACT: bytesToRead > 0
+ bufPos_ = 0;
+ bufPosEnd_ = bytesRead;
+ if (notifyUnbufferedIO_) notifyUnbufferedIO_(bytesRead); //throw X
+ if (bytesRead == 0) //end of file
+ break;
+ }
+ return it - static_cast<std::byte*>(buffer);
+ }
+ size_t getBlockSize() const { return 64 * 1024; }
+ size_t tryRead(void* buffer, size_t bytesToRead) //throw SysError; may return short, only 0 means EOF!
+ {
+ if (bytesToRead == 0) //"read() with a count of 0 returns zero" => indistinguishable from end of file! => check!
+ throw std::logic_error("Contract violation! " + std::string(__FILE__) + ":" + numberTo<std::string>(__LINE__));
+ assert(bytesToRead <= getBlockSize()); //block size might be 1000 while reading HTTP header
+ if (contentRemaining_ >= 0)
+ {
+ if (contentRemaining_ == 0)
+ return 0;
+ bytesToRead = static_cast<size_t>(std::min(static_cast<int64_t>(bytesToRead), contentRemaining_)); //[!] contentRemaining_ > 4 GB possible!
+ }
+ int bytesReceived = 0;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ bytesReceived = ::recv(socket_->get(), //_In_ SOCKET s,
+ static_cast<char*>(buffer), //_Out_ char *buf,
+ static_cast<int>(bytesToRead), //_In_ int len,
+ 0); //_In_ int flags
+ if (bytesReceived >= 0 || errno != EINTR)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (bytesReceived < 0)
+ if (static_cast<size_t>(bytesReceived) > bytesToRead) //better safe than sorry
+ throw SysError(L"HttpInputStream::tryRead: buffer overflow.");
+ if (contentRemaining_ >= 0)
+ contentRemaining_ -= bytesReceived;
+ if (bytesReceived == 0 && contentRemaining_ > 0)
+ throw SysError(replaceCpy<std::wstring>(L"HttpInputStream::tryRead: incomplete server response; %x more bytes expected.", L"%x", numberTo<std::wstring>(contentRemaining_)));
+ return bytesReceived; //"zero indicates end of file"
+ }
+ Impl (const Impl&) = delete;
+ Impl& operator=(const Impl&) = delete;
+ void cleanup()
+ {
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<Socket> socket_; //*bound* after constructor has run
+ int statusCode_ = 0;
+ std::map<std::string, std::string, LessAsciiNoCase> responseHeaders_;
+ int64_t contentRemaining_ = -1; //consider "Content-Length" if available
+ const IOCallback notifyUnbufferedIO_; //throw X
+ std::vector<std::byte> memBuf_ = std::vector<std::byte>(getBlockSize());
+ size_t bufPos_ = 0; //buffered I/O; see file_io.cpp
+ size_t bufPosEnd_ = 0; //
+HttpInputStream::HttpInputStream(std::unique_ptr<Impl>&& pimpl) : pimpl_(std::move(pimpl)) {}
+HttpInputStream::~HttpInputStream() {}
+size_t HttpInputStream::read(void* buffer, size_t bytesToRead) { return pimpl_->read(buffer, bytesToRead); } //throw SysError, X; return "bytesToRead" bytes unless end of stream!
+size_t HttpInputStream::getBlockSize() const { return pimpl_->getBlockSize(); }
+std::string HttpInputStream::readAll() { return bufferedLoad<std::string>(*pimpl_); } //throw SysError, X;
+std::unique_ptr<HttpInputStream::Impl> sendHttpRequestImpl(const Zstring& url, const Zstring& userAgent, const IOCallback& notifyUnbufferedIO, //throw SysError
+ const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>* postParams) //issue POST if bound, GET otherwise
+ Zstring urlRed = url;
+ //"A user agent should not automatically redirect a request more than five times, since such redirections usually indicate an infinite loop."
+ for (int redirects = 0; redirects < 6; ++redirects)
+ {
+ auto response = std::make_unique<HttpInputStream::Impl>(urlRed, userAgent, notifyUnbufferedIO, postParams); //throw SysError
+ //
+ const int statusCode = response->getStatusCode();
+ if (statusCode / 100 == 3) //e.g. 301, 302, 303, 307... we're not too greedy since we check location, too!
+ {
+ const std::string* value = response->getHeader("Location");
+ if (!value || value->empty())
+ throw SysError(L"Unresolvable redirect. No target Location.");
+ urlRed = utfTo<Zstring>(*value);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (statusCode != 200) //HTTP_STATUS_OK
+ throw SysError(replaceCpy<std::wstring>(L"HTTP status code %x.", L"%x", numberTo<std::wstring>(statusCode)));
+ //e.g. 404 - HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND
+ return response;
+ }
+ }
+ throw SysError(L"Too many redirects.");
+//encode into "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
+std::string urlencode(const std::string& str)
+ std::string out;
+ for (const char c : str) //follow PHP spec:
+ if (c == ' ')
+ out += '+';
+ else if (('0' <= c && c <= '9') ||
+ ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') ||
+ ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') ||
+ c == '-' || c == '.' || c == '_') //note: "~" is encoded by PHP!
+ out += c;
+ else
+ {
+ const std::pair<char, char> hex = hexify(c);
+ out += '%';
+ out += hex.first;
+ out += hex.second;
+ }
+ return out;
+std::string urldecode(const std::string& str)
+ std::string out;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ const char c = str[i];
+ if (c == '+')
+ out += ' ';
+ else if (c == '%' && str.size() - i >= 3 &&
+ isHexDigit(str[i + 1]) &&
+ isHexDigit(str[i + 2]))
+ {
+ out += unhexify(str[i + 1], str[i + 2]);
+ i += 2;
+ }
+ else
+ out += c;
+ }
+ return out;
+std::string zen::xWwwFormUrlEncode(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>& paramPairs)
+ std::string output;
+ for (const auto& pair : paramPairs)
+ output += urlencode(pair.first) + '=' + urlencode(pair.second) + '&';
+ //encode both key and value:
+ if (!output.empty())
+ output.pop_back();
+ return output;
+std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> zen::xWwwFormUrlDecode(const std::string& str)
+ std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> output;
+ for (const std::string& nvPair : split(str, '&', SplitType::SKIP_EMPTY))
+ output.emplace_back(urldecode(beforeFirst(nvPair, '=', IF_MISSING_RETURN_ALL)),
+ urldecode(afterFirst (nvPair, '=', IF_MISSING_RETURN_NONE)));
+ return output;
+HttpInputStream zen::sendHttpPost(const Zstring& url, const Zstring& userAgent, const IOCallback& notifyUnbufferedIO,
+ const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>& postParams) //throw SysError
+ return sendHttpRequestImpl(url, userAgent, notifyUnbufferedIO, &postParams); //throw SysError
+HttpInputStream zen::sendHttpGet(const Zstring& url, const Zstring& userAgent, const IOCallback& notifyUnbufferedIO) //throw SysError
+ return sendHttpRequestImpl(url, userAgent, notifyUnbufferedIO, nullptr); //throw SysError
+bool zen::internetIsAlive() //noexcept
+ try
+ {
+ auto response = std::make_unique<HttpInputStream::Impl>(Zstr(""),
+ Zstr("FreeFileSync"),
+ nullptr /*notifyUnbufferedIO*/,
+ nullptr /*postParams*/); //throw SysError
+ const int statusCode = response->getStatusCode();
+ //attention: might redirect to "https" => don't follow, just return "true"!!!
+ return statusCode / 100 == 2 || //e.g. 200
+ statusCode / 100 == 3; //e.g. 301, 302, 303, 307... when in doubt, consider internet alive!
+ }
+ catch (SysError&) { return false; }