path: root/wx+/grid.cpp
diff options
authorDaniel Wilhelm <>2014-04-18 17:18:53 +0200
committerDaniel Wilhelm <>2014-04-18 17:18:53 +0200
commit32cb97237e7691d31977ab503c6ea4511e8eb3a8 (patch)
tree4e97b53e9f7b74e8cc5d7548507d9e82ae38e36f /wx+/grid.cpp
parent4.6 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'wx+/grid.cpp')
1 files changed, 2052 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/wx+/grid.cpp b/wx+/grid.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bfb08eb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wx+/grid.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2052 @@
+// **************************************************************************
+// * This file is part of the FreeFileSync project. It is distributed under *
+// * GNU General Public License: *
+// * Copyright (C) ZenJu (zhnmju123 AT gmx DOT de) - All Rights Reserved *
+// **************************************************************************
+#include "grid.h"
+#include <cassert>
+#include <ctime>
+#include <set>
+#include <wx/dcbuffer.h> //for macro: wxALWAYS_NATIVE_DOUBLE_BUFFER
+#include <wx/settings.h>
+#include <wx/listbox.h>
+#include <wx/tooltip.h>
+#include <wx/timer.h>
+#include <wx/utils.h>
+#include <zen/string_tools.h>
+#include <zen/scope_guard.h>
+#include "format_unit.h"
+#ifdef FFS_LINUX
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+using namespace zen;
+wxColor zen::getColorSelectionGradientFrom() { return wxColor(137, 172, 255); } //blue: H:158 S:255 V:196
+wxColor zen::getColorSelectionGradientTo () { return wxColor(225, 234, 255); } // H:158 S:255 V:240
+void zen::clearArea(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, const wxColor& col)
+ wxDCPenChanger dummy (dc, col);
+ wxDCBrushChanger dummy2(dc, col);
+ dc.DrawRectangle(rect);
+//------------ Grid Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const double MOUSE_DRAG_ACCELERATION = 1.5; //unit: [rows / (pixel * sec)] -> same value as Explorer!
+const int DEFAULT_ROW_HEIGHT = 20;
+const int COLUMN_BORDER_LEFT = 4; //for left-aligned text
+const int COLUMN_MOVE_DELAY = 5; //unit: [pixel] (from Explorer)
+const int COLUMN_MIN_WIDTH = 40; //only honored when resizing manually!
+const int ROW_LABEL_BORDER = 3;
+const int COLUMN_RESIZE_TOLERANCE = 6; //unit [pixel]
+const wxColor COLOR_SELECTION_GRADIENT_NO_FOCUS_FROM = wxColour(192, 192, 192); //light grey wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNSHADOW);
+const wxColor COLOR_SELECTION_GRADIENT_NO_FOCUS_TO = wxColour(228, 228, 228);
+const wxColor COLOR_LABEL_GRADIENT_FROM = wxColour(200, 200, 200); //light grey
+const wxColor COLOR_LABEL_GRADIENT_FROM_FOCUS = getColorSelectionGradientFrom();
+//wxColor getColorRowLabel () { return wxPanel::GetClassDefaultAttributes ().colBg; } //
+wxColor getColorMainWinBackground() { return wxListBox::GetClassDefaultAttributes().colBg; } //cannot be initialized statically on wxGTK!
+const wxColor colorGridLine = wxColour(192, 192, 192); //light grey
+//a fix for a poor wxWidgets implementation (wxAutoBufferedPaintDC skips one pixel on left side when RTL layout is active)
+#error we need this one!
+struct BufferedPaintDC : public wxPaintDC { BufferedPaintDC(wxWindow& wnd, std::unique_ptr<wxBitmap>& buffer) : wxPaintDC(&wnd) {} };
+class BufferedPaintDC : public wxMemoryDC
+ BufferedPaintDC(wxWindow& wnd, std::unique_ptr<wxBitmap>& buffer) : buffer_(buffer), paintDc(&wnd)
+ {
+ const wxSize clientSize = wnd.GetClientSize();
+ if (!buffer_ || clientSize != wxSize(buffer->GetWidth(), buffer->GetHeight()))
+ buffer.reset(new wxBitmap(clientSize.GetWidth(), clientSize.GetHeight()));
+ SelectObject(*buffer);
+ if (paintDc.IsOk())
+ SetLayoutDirection(paintDc.GetLayoutDirection());
+ }
+ ~BufferedPaintDC()
+ {
+ paintDc.SetLayoutDirection(wxLayout_LeftToRight); //workaround bug in wxDC::Blit()
+ SetLayoutDirection(wxLayout_LeftToRight); //
+ const wxPoint origin = GetDeviceOrigin();
+ paintDc.Blit(0, 0, buffer_->GetWidth(), buffer_->GetHeight(), this, -origin.x, -origin.y);
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<wxBitmap>& buffer_;
+ wxPaintDC paintDc;
+//another fix for yet another poor wxWidgets implementation (wxDCClipper does *not* stack)
+hash_map<wxDC*, wxRect> clippingAreas;
+class DcClipper
+ DcClipper(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& r) : dc_(dc)
+ {
+ auto iter = clippingAreas.find(&dc);
+ if (iter != clippingAreas.end())
+ {
+ oldRect.reset(new wxRect(iter->second));
+ wxRect tmp = r;
+ tmp.Intersect(*oldRect); //better safe than sorry
+ dc_.SetClippingRegion(tmp); //
+ iter->second = tmp;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dc_.SetClippingRegion(r);
+ clippingAreas.insert(std::make_pair(&dc_, r));
+ }
+ }
+ ~DcClipper()
+ {
+ dc_.DestroyClippingRegion();
+ if (oldRect.get() != NULL)
+ {
+ dc_.SetClippingRegion(*oldRect);
+ clippingAreas[&dc_] = *oldRect;
+ }
+ else
+ clippingAreas.erase(&dc_);
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<wxRect> oldRect;
+ wxDC& dc_;
+const wxEventType zen::EVENT_GRID_MOUSE_LEFT_DOUBLE = wxNewEventType();
+const wxEventType zen::EVENT_GRID_COL_LABEL_MOUSE_LEFT = wxNewEventType();
+const wxEventType zen::EVENT_GRID_COL_LABEL_MOUSE_RIGHT = wxNewEventType();
+const wxEventType zen::EVENT_GRID_COL_RESIZE = wxNewEventType();
+const wxEventType zen::EVENT_GRID_MOUSE_LEFT_DOWN = wxNewEventType();
+const wxEventType zen::EVENT_GRID_MOUSE_LEFT_UP = wxNewEventType();
+const wxEventType zen::EVENT_GRID_MOUSE_RIGHT_DOWN = wxNewEventType();
+const wxEventType zen::EVENT_GRID_MOUSE_RIGHT_UP = wxNewEventType();
+const wxEventType zen::EVENT_GRID_SELECT_RANGE = wxNewEventType();
+void GridData::renderRowBackgound(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, int row, bool enabled, bool selected, bool hasFocus)
+ drawCellBackground(dc, rect, enabled, selected, hasFocus, getColorMainWinBackground());
+void GridData::renderCell(Grid& grid, wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, int row, ColumnType colType)
+ wxRect rectTmp = drawCellBorder(dc, rect);
+ rectTmp.x += COLUMN_BORDER_LEFT;
+ rectTmp.width -= COLUMN_BORDER_LEFT;
+ drawCellText(dc, rectTmp, getValue(row, colType), grid.IsEnabled());
+size_t GridData::getBestSize(wxDC& dc, int row, ColumnType colType)
+ return dc.GetTextExtent(getValue(row, colType)).GetWidth() + 2 * COLUMN_BORDER_LEFT; //some border on left and right side
+wxRect GridData::drawCellBorder(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect) //returns remaining rectangle
+ wxDCPenChanger dummy2(dc, wxPen(colorGridLine, 1, wxSOLID));
+ dc.DrawLine(rect.GetBottomLeft(), rect.GetBottomRight());
+ dc.DrawLine(rect.GetBottomRight(), rect.GetTopRight() + wxPoint(0, -1));
+ return wxRect(rect.GetTopLeft(), wxSize(rect.width - 1, rect.height - 1));
+void GridData::drawCellBackground(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, bool enabled, bool selected, bool hasFocus, const wxColor& backgroundColor)
+ if (enabled)
+ {
+ if (selected)
+ {
+ if (hasFocus)
+ dc.GradientFillLinear(rect, getColorSelectionGradientFrom(), getColorSelectionGradientTo(), wxEAST);
+ else
+ }
+ else
+ clearArea(dc, rect, backgroundColor);
+ }
+ else
+ clearArea(dc, rect, wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE));
+void GridData::drawCellText(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, const wxString& text, bool enabled, int alignment)
+ wxDCTextColourChanger dummy(dc, enabled ? dc.GetTextForeground() : wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_GRAYTEXT));
+ DcClipper clip(dc, rect); //wxDC::DrawLabel doesn't care about width, WTF?
+ dc.DrawLabel(text, rect, alignment);
+void GridData::renderColumnLabel(Grid& grid, wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, ColumnType colType, bool highlighted)
+ wxRect rectTmp = drawColumnLabelBorder(dc, rect);
+ drawColumnLabelBackground(dc, rectTmp, highlighted);
+ rectTmp.x += COLUMN_BORDER_LEFT;
+ rectTmp.width -= COLUMN_BORDER_LEFT;
+ drawColumnLabelText(dc, rectTmp, getColumnLabel(colType));
+wxRect GridData::drawColumnLabelBorder(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect) //returns remaining rectangle
+ //draw white line
+ {
+ wxDCPenChanger dummy(dc, *wxWHITE_PEN);
+ dc.DrawLine(rect.GetTopLeft(), rect.GetBottomLeft());
+ }
+ //draw border (with gradient)
+ {
+ wxDCPenChanger dummy(dc, wxPen(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DSHADOW), 1, wxSOLID));
+ dc.GradientFillLinear(wxRect(rect.GetTopRight(), rect.GetBottomRight()), dc.GetPen().GetColour(), COLOR_LABEL_GRADIENT_TO, wxNORTH);
+ dc.DrawLine(rect.GetBottomLeft(), rect.GetBottomRight() + wxPoint(1, 0));
+ }
+ return wxRect(rect.x + 1, rect.y, rect.width - 2, rect.height - 1); //we really don't like wxRect::Deflate, do we?
+void GridData::drawColumnLabelBackground(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, bool highlighted)
+ if (highlighted)
+ else //regular background gradient
+ dc.GradientFillLinear(rect, COLOR_LABEL_GRADIENT_FROM, COLOR_LABEL_GRADIENT_TO, wxNORTH); //clear overlapping cells
+void GridData::drawColumnLabelText(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, const wxString& text)
+ DcClipper clip(dc, rect); //wxDC::DrawLabel doesn't care about witdh, WTF?
+ dc.DrawLabel(text, rect, wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
+ SubWindow
+ /|\
+ |
+ -----------------------------------
+ | | | |
+CornerWin RowLabelWin ColLabelWin MainWin
+class Grid::SubWindow : public wxWindow
+ SubWindow(Grid& parent) :
+ wxWindow(&parent, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxWANTS_CHARS | wxBORDER_NONE, wxPanelNameStr),
+ parent_(parent)
+ {
+ Connect(wxEVT_PAINT, wxPaintEventHandler(SubWindow::onPaintEvent), NULL, this);
+ Connect(wxEVT_SIZE, wxEventHandler(SubWindow::onSizeEvent), NULL, this);
+ //
+ Connect(wxEVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, wxEraseEventHandler(SubWindow::onEraseBackGround), NULL, this);
+ //SetDoubleBuffered(true); slow as hell!
+#if wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 9, 1)
+ SetBackgroundStyle(wxBG_STYLE_PAINT);
+ SetBackgroundStyle(wxBG_STYLE_CUSTOM);
+ Connect(wxEVT_SET_FOCUS, wxFocusEventHandler(SubWindow::onFocus), NULL, this);
+ Connect(wxEVT_KILL_FOCUS, wxFocusEventHandler(SubWindow::onFocus), NULL, this);
+ Connect(wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, wxMouseEventHandler(SubWindow::onMouseLeftDown ), NULL, this);
+ Connect(wxEVT_LEFT_UP, wxMouseEventHandler(SubWindow::onMouseLeftUp ), NULL, this);
+ Connect(wxEVT_LEFT_DCLICK, wxMouseEventHandler(SubWindow::onMouseLeftDouble), NULL, this);
+ Connect(wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN, wxMouseEventHandler(SubWindow::onMouseRightDown ), NULL, this);
+ Connect(wxEVT_RIGHT_UP, wxMouseEventHandler(SubWindow::onMouseRightUp ), NULL, this);
+ Connect(wxEVT_MOTION, wxMouseEventHandler(SubWindow::onMouseMovement ), NULL, this);
+ Connect(wxEVT_LEAVE_WINDOW, wxMouseEventHandler(SubWindow::onLeaveWindow ), NULL, this);
+ Connect(wxEVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_LOST, wxMouseCaptureLostEventHandler(SubWindow::onMouseCaptureLost), NULL, this);
+ Connect(wxEVT_CHAR, wxKeyEventHandler(SubWindow::onChar ), NULL, this);
+ Connect(wxEVT_KEY_UP, wxKeyEventHandler(SubWindow::onKeyUp ), NULL, this);
+ Connect(wxEVT_KEY_DOWN, wxKeyEventHandler(SubWindow::onKeyDown), NULL, this);
+ }
+ Grid& refParent() { return parent_; }
+ const Grid& refParent() const { return parent_; }
+ template <class T>
+ bool sendEventNow(T& event) //return "true" if a suitable event handler function was found and executed, and the function did not call wxEvent::Skip.
+ {
+ if (wxEvtHandler* evtHandler = parent_.GetEventHandler())
+ return evtHandler->ProcessEvent(event);
+ return false;
+ }
+ void setToolTip(const wxString& text) //proper fix for wxWindow
+ {
+ wxToolTip* tt = GetToolTip();
+ const wxString oldText = tt ? tt->GetTip() : wxString();
+ if (text != oldText)
+ {
+ if (text.IsEmpty())
+ SetToolTip(NULL); //wxGTK doesn't allow wxToolTip with empty text!
+ else
+ {
+ //wxWidgets bug: tooltip multiline property is defined by first tooltip text containing newlines or not (same is true for maximum width)
+ if (!tt)
+ SetToolTip(new wxToolTip(wxT("a b\n\
+ a b"))); //ugly, but is working (on Windows)
+ tt = GetToolTip(); //should be bound by now
+ if (tt)
+ tt->SetTip(text);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void render(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect) = 0;
+ virtual void onFocus(wxFocusEvent& event) { event.Skip(); }
+ virtual void onMouseLeftDown (wxMouseEvent& event) { event.Skip(); }
+ virtual void onMouseLeftUp (wxMouseEvent& event) { event.Skip(); }
+ virtual void onMouseLeftDouble(wxMouseEvent& event) { event.Skip(); }
+ virtual void onMouseRightDown (wxMouseEvent& event) { event.Skip(); }
+ virtual void onMouseRightUp (wxMouseEvent& event) { event.Skip(); }
+ virtual void onMouseMovement (wxMouseEvent& event) { event.Skip(); }
+ virtual void onLeaveWindow (wxMouseEvent& event) { event.Skip(); }
+ virtual void onMouseCaptureLost(wxMouseCaptureLostEvent& event) { event.Skip(); }
+ virtual void onChar (wxKeyEvent& event) { event.Skip(); }
+ virtual void onKeyUp (wxKeyEvent& event) { event.Skip(); }
+ virtual void onKeyDown(wxKeyEvent& event) { event.Skip(); }
+ void onPaintEvent(wxPaintEvent& evt)
+ {
+ //wxAutoBufferedPaintDC dc(this); -> this one happily fucks up for RTL layout by not drawing the first column (x = 0)!
+ BufferedPaintDC dc(*this, buffer);
+ assert(GetSize() == GetClientSize());
+ const wxRegion& updateReg = GetUpdateRegion();
+ for (wxRegionIterator iter = updateReg; iter; ++iter)
+ render(dc, iter.GetRect());
+ }
+ void onSizeEvent(wxEvent& evt)
+ {
+ Refresh();
+ evt.Skip();
+ }
+ void onEraseBackGround(wxEraseEvent& evt) {}
+ Grid& parent_;
+ std::unique_ptr<wxBitmap> buffer;
+class Grid::CornerWin : public SubWindow
+ CornerWin(Grid& parent) : SubWindow(parent) {}
+ virtual bool AcceptsFocus() const { return false; }
+ virtual void render(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect)
+ {
+ const wxRect& clientRect = GetClientRect();
+ dc.SetPen(wxPen(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DSHADOW), 1, wxSOLID));
+ {
+ wxDCPenChanger dummy(dc, COLOR_LABEL_GRADIENT_TO);
+ dc.DrawLine(clientRect.GetTopLeft(), clientRect.GetTopRight());
+ }
+ dc.GradientFillLinear(wxRect(clientRect.GetBottomLeft (), clientRect.GetTopLeft ()), dc.GetPen().GetColour(), COLOR_LABEL_GRADIENT_TO, wxNORTH);
+ dc.GradientFillLinear(wxRect(clientRect.GetBottomRight(), clientRect.GetTopRight()), dc.GetPen().GetColour(), COLOR_LABEL_GRADIENT_TO, wxNORTH);
+ dc.DrawLine(clientRect.GetBottomLeft(), clientRect.GetBottomRight());
+ wxRect rectShrinked = clientRect;
+ rectShrinked.Deflate(1);
+ dc.SetPen(*wxWHITE_PEN);
+ //dc.DrawLine(clientRect.GetTopLeft(), clientRect.GetTopRight() + wxPoint(1, 0));
+ dc.DrawLine(rectShrinked.GetTopLeft(), rectShrinked.GetBottomLeft() + wxPoint(0, 1));
+ }
+class Grid::RowLabelWin : public SubWindow
+ RowLabelWin(Grid& parent) :
+ SubWindow(parent),
+ rowHeight(DEFAULT_ROW_HEIGHT) {}
+ int getBestWidth(int rowFrom, int rowTo)
+ {
+ wxClientDC dc(this);
+ int bestWidth = 0;
+ for (int i = rowFrom; i <= rowTo; ++i)
+ bestWidth = std::max(bestWidth, dc.GetTextExtent(formatRow(i)).GetWidth() + 2 * ROW_LABEL_BORDER);
+ return bestWidth;
+ }
+ int getLogicalHeight() const { return refParent().getRowCount() * rowHeight; }
+ int getRowAtPos(int posY) const //returns < 0 if row not found
+ {
+ if (posY >= 0 && rowHeight > 0)
+ {
+ const int row = posY / rowHeight;
+ if (row < static_cast<int>(refParent().getRowCount()))
+ return row;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ int getRowHeight() const { return rowHeight; }
+ void setRowHeight(int height) { rowHeight = height; }
+ wxRect getRowLabelArea(int row) const //returns empty rect if row not found
+ {
+ return wxRect(wxPoint(0, rowHeight * row),
+ wxSize(GetClientSize().GetWidth(), rowHeight));
+ }
+ std::pair<int, int> getRowsOnClient(const wxRect& clientRect) const //returns range [begin, end)
+ {
+ const int yFrom = refParent().CalcUnscrolledPosition(clientRect.GetTopLeft ()).y;
+ const int yTo = refParent().CalcUnscrolledPosition(clientRect.GetBottomRight()).y;
+ const int rowBegin = std::max(yFrom / rowHeight, 0);
+ const int rowEnd = std::min((yTo / rowHeight) + 1, static_cast<int>(refParent().getRowCount()));
+ return std::make_pair(rowBegin, rowEnd);
+ }
+ static wxString formatRow(int row) { return toStringSep(row + 1); } //convert number to std::wstring including thousands separator
+ virtual bool AcceptsFocus() const { return false; }
+ virtual void render(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect)
+ {
+ if (IsEnabled())
+ clearArea(dc, rect, getColorMainWinBackground());
+ else
+ clearArea(dc, rect, wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE));
+ wxFont labelFont = GetFont();
+ labelFont.SetWeight(wxFONTWEIGHT_BOLD);
+ dc.SetFont(labelFont);
+ dc.SetTextForeground(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOWTEXT));
+ const std::pair<int, int> rowRange = getRowsOnClient(rect); //returns range [begin, end)
+ for (int row = rowRange.first; row < rowRange.second; ++row)
+ {
+ wxRect singleLabelArea = getRowLabelArea(row);
+ if (singleLabelArea.GetHeight() > 0)
+ {
+ singleLabelArea.y = refParent().CalcScrolledPosition(singleLabelArea.GetTopLeft()).y;
+ drawRowLabel(dc, singleLabelArea, row);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void drawRowLabel(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, int row)
+ {
+ //clearArea(dc, rect, getColorRowLabel());
+ dc.GradientFillLinear(rect, COLOR_LABEL_GRADIENT_FROM, COLOR_LABEL_GRADIENT_TO, wxWEST); //clear overlapping cells
+ //label text
+ wxRect textRect = rect;
+ textRect.Deflate(1);
+ {
+ DcClipper clip(dc, textRect); //wxDC::DrawLabel doesn't care about with, WTF?
+ dc.DrawLabel(formatRow(row), textRect, wxALIGN_CENTRE);
+ }
+ //border lines
+ {
+ wxDCPenChanger dummy(dc, *wxWHITE_PEN);
+ dc.DrawLine(rect.GetTopLeft(), rect.GetTopRight());
+ }
+ {
+ wxDCPenChanger dummy(dc, wxPen(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DSHADOW), 1, wxSOLID));
+ dc.DrawLine(rect.GetTopLeft(), rect.GetBottomLeft());
+ dc.DrawLine(rect.GetBottomLeft(), rect.GetBottomRight());
+ dc.DrawLine(rect.GetBottomRight(), rect.GetTopRight() + wxPoint(0, -1));
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void onMouseLeftDown(wxMouseEvent& event) { refParent().redirectRowLabelEvent(event); }
+ virtual void onMouseMovement(wxMouseEvent& event) { refParent().redirectRowLabelEvent(event); }
+ virtual void onMouseLeftUp (wxMouseEvent& event) { refParent().redirectRowLabelEvent(event); }
+ int rowHeight;
+class ColumnResizing
+ ColumnResizing(wxWindow& wnd, int col, size_t compPos, int startWidth, int clientPosX) :
+ wnd_(wnd),
+ col_(col),
+ compPos_(compPos),
+ startWidth_(startWidth),
+ clientPosX_(clientPosX) { wnd_.CaptureMouse(); }
+ ~ColumnResizing() { if (wnd_.HasCapture()) wnd_.ReleaseMouse(); }
+ int getColumn () const { return col_; }
+ size_t getComponentPos() const { return compPos_; }
+ int getStartWidth () const { return startWidth_; }
+ int getStartPosX () const { return clientPosX_; }
+ wxWindow& wnd_;
+ const int col_;
+ const size_t compPos_;
+ const int startWidth_;
+ const int clientPosX_;
+class ColumnMove
+ ColumnMove(wxWindow& wnd, int colFrom, size_t compPos, int clientPosX) :
+ wnd_(wnd),
+ colFrom_(colFrom),
+ compPos_(compPos),
+ colTo_(colFrom),
+ clientPosX_(clientPosX),
+ singleClick_(true) { wnd_.CaptureMouse(); }
+ ~ColumnMove() { if (wnd_.HasCapture()) wnd_.ReleaseMouse(); }
+ int getColumnFrom() const { return colFrom_; }
+ int& refColumnTo() { return colTo_; }
+ size_t getComponentPos() const { return compPos_; }
+ int getStartPosX () const { return clientPosX_; }
+ bool isRealMove() const { return !singleClick_; }
+ bool setRealMove() { return singleClick_ = false; }
+ wxWindow& wnd_;
+ const int colFrom_;
+ const size_t compPos_;
+ int colTo_;
+ const int clientPosX_;
+ bool singleClick_;
+class Grid::ColLabelWin : public SubWindow
+ ColLabelWin(Grid& parent) : SubWindow(parent), highlight(-1, 0) {}
+ virtual bool AcceptsFocus() const { return false; }
+ virtual void render(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect)
+ {
+ if (IsEnabled())
+ clearArea(dc, rect, getColorMainWinBackground());
+ else
+ clearArea(dc, rect, wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE));
+ wxFont labelFont = GetFont();
+ labelFont.SetWeight(wxFONTWEIGHT_BOLD);
+ dc.SetFont(labelFont);
+ dc.SetTextForeground(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOWTEXT));
+ const int colLabelHeight = refParent().colLabelHeight;
+ wxPoint labelAreaTL(refParent().CalcScrolledPosition(wxPoint(0, 0)).x, 0); //client coordinates
+ std::vector<std::vector<VisibleColumn>> compAbsWidths = refParent().getAbsoluteWidths(); //resolve negative/stretched widths
+ for (auto iterComp = compAbsWidths.begin(); iterComp != compAbsWidths.end(); ++iterComp)
+ for (auto iterCol = iterComp->begin(); iterCol != iterComp->end(); ++iterCol)
+ {
+ const size_t col = iterCol - iterComp->begin();
+ const int width = iterCol->width_; //don't use unsigned for calculations!
+ if (labelAreaTL.x > rect.GetRight())
+ return; //done
+ if (labelAreaTL.x + width > rect.x)
+ drawColumnLabel(dc, wxRect(labelAreaTL, wxSize(width, colLabelHeight)), col, iterCol->type_, iterComp - compAbsWidths.begin());
+ labelAreaTL.x += width;
+ }
+ }
+ void drawColumnLabel(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, int col, ColumnType colType, size_t compPos)
+ {
+ if (auto dataView = refParent().getDataProvider(compPos))
+ {
+ const bool isHighlighted = activeResizing ? col == activeResizing->getColumn () && compPos == activeResizing->getComponentPos() : //highlight column on mouse-over
+ activeMove ? col == activeMove ->getColumnFrom() && compPos == activeMove ->getComponentPos() :
+ /**/ col == highlight.first && compPos == highlight.second;
+ DcClipper clip(dc, rect);
+ dataView->renderColumnLabel(refParent(), dc, rect, colType, isHighlighted);
+ //draw move target location
+ if (refParent().columnMoveAllowed(compPos))
+ if (activeMove && activeMove->isRealMove() && activeMove->getComponentPos() == compPos)
+ {
+ if (col + 1 == activeMove->refColumnTo()) //handle pos 1, 2, .. up to "at end" position
+ dc.GradientFillLinear(wxRect(rect.GetTopRight(), rect.GetBottomRight() + wxPoint(-2, 0)), *wxBLUE, COLOR_LABEL_GRADIENT_TO, wxNORTH);
+ else if (col == activeMove->refColumnTo() && col == 0) //pos 0
+ dc.GradientFillLinear(wxRect(rect.GetTopLeft(), rect.GetBottomLeft() + wxPoint(2, 0)), *wxBLUE, COLOR_LABEL_GRADIENT_TO, wxNORTH);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void onMouseLeftDown(wxMouseEvent& event)
+ {
+ if (FindFocus() != &refParent().getMainWin())
+ refParent().getMainWin().SetFocus();
+ activeResizing.reset();
+ activeMove.reset();
+ if (Opt<ColAction> action = refParent().clientPosToColumnAction(event.GetPosition()))
+ {
+ if (action->wantResize)
+ {
+ if (event.LeftDClick()) //auto-size visible range on double-click
+ {
+ const int bestWidth = refParent().getBestColumnSize(action->col, action->compPos); //return -1 on error
+ if (bestWidth >= 0)
+ refParent().setColWidth(action->col, action->compPos, std::max(COLUMN_MIN_WIDTH, bestWidth));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (Opt<size_t> colWidth = refParent().getAbsoluteWidth(action->col, action->compPos))
+ activeResizing.reset(new ColumnResizing(*this, action->col, action->compPos, *colWidth, event.GetPosition().x));
+ }
+ }
+ else //a move or single click
+ activeMove.reset(new ColumnMove(*this, action->col, action->compPos, event.GetPosition().x));
+ }
+ event.Skip();
+ }
+ virtual void onMouseLeftUp(wxMouseEvent& event)
+ {
+ activeResizing.reset(); //nothing else to do, actual work done by onMouseMovement()
+ if (activeMove)
+ {
+ const size_t compPos = activeMove->getComponentPos();
+ if (activeMove->isRealMove())
+ {
+ if (refParent().columnMoveAllowed(compPos))
+ {
+ const int colFrom = activeMove->getColumnFrom();
+ int colTo = activeMove->refColumnTo();
+ if (colTo > colFrom) //simulate "colFrom" deletion
+ --colTo;
+ refParent().moveColumn(colFrom, colTo, compPos);
+ }
+ }
+ else //notify single label click
+ {
+ const Opt<ColumnType> colType = refParent().colToType(activeMove->getColumnFrom(), compPos);
+ if (colType)
+ {
+ GridClickEvent clickEvent(EVENT_GRID_COL_LABEL_MOUSE_LEFT, event, -1, *colType, compPos);
+ sendEventNow(clickEvent);
+ }
+ }
+ activeMove.reset();
+ }
+ refParent().updateWindowSizes(); //looks strange if done during onMouseMovement()
+ refParent().Refresh();
+ event.Skip();
+ }
+ virtual void onMouseCaptureLost(wxMouseCaptureLostEvent& event)
+ {
+ activeResizing.reset();
+ activeMove.reset();
+ Refresh();
+ //event.Skip(); -> we DID handle it!
+ }
+ virtual void onMouseLeftDouble(wxMouseEvent& event)
+ {
+ const Opt<ColAction> action = refParent().clientPosToColumnAction(event.GetPosition());
+ if (action && action->wantResize)
+ {
+ //auto-size visible range on double-click
+ const int bestWidth = refParent().getBestColumnSize(action->col, action->compPos); //return -1 on error
+ if (bestWidth >= 0)
+ {
+ const size_t newWidth = std::max(COLUMN_MIN_WIDTH, bestWidth);
+ refParent().setColWidth(action->col, action->compPos, newWidth);
+ const Opt<ColumnType> colType = refParent().colToType(action->col, action->compPos);
+ if (colType)
+ {
+ //notify column resize
+ GridColumnResizeEvent sizeEvent(newWidth, *colType, action->compPos);
+ sendEventNow(sizeEvent);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ event.Skip();
+ }
+ virtual void onMouseMovement(wxMouseEvent& event)
+ {
+ if (activeResizing)
+ {
+ const int col = activeResizing->getColumn();
+ const size_t compPos = activeResizing->getComponentPos();
+ if (Opt<size_t> colWidth = refParent().getAbsoluteWidth(col, compPos))
+ {
+ const int newWidth = std::max(COLUMN_MIN_WIDTH, activeResizing->getStartWidth() + event.GetPosition().x - activeResizing->getStartPosX());
+ if (newWidth != static_cast<int>(*colWidth))
+ {
+ refParent().setColWidth(col, compPos, newWidth);
+ const Opt<ColumnType> colType = refParent().colToType(col, compPos);
+ if (colType)
+ {
+ //notify column resize
+ GridColumnResizeEvent sizeEvent(newWidth, *colType, compPos);
+ sendEventNow(sizeEvent);
+ }
+ refParent().Refresh();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (activeMove)
+ {
+ const int clientPosX = event.GetPosition().x;
+ if (std::abs(clientPosX - activeMove->getStartPosX()) > COLUMN_MOVE_DELAY) //real move (not a single click)
+ {
+ activeMove->setRealMove();
+ const int col = refParent().clientPosToMoveTargetColumn(event.GetPosition(), activeMove->getComponentPos());
+ if (col >= 0)
+ activeMove->refColumnTo() = col;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const Opt<ColAction> action = refParent().clientPosToColumnAction(event.GetPosition());
+ if (action)
+ {
+ highlight.first = action->col;
+ highlight.second = action->compPos;
+ if (action->wantResize)
+ SetCursor(wxCURSOR_SIZEWE); //set window-local only! :)
+ else
+ SetCursor(*wxSTANDARD_CURSOR);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ highlight.first = -1;
+ SetCursor(*wxSTANDARD_CURSOR);
+ }
+ }
+ //change tooltip
+ const wxString toolTip = [&]() -> wxString
+ {
+ const wxPoint absPos = refParent().CalcUnscrolledPosition(event.GetPosition());
+ const auto colInfo = refParent().getColumnAtPos(absPos.x); //returns (column type, compPos), column < 0 if not found
+ if (colInfo)
+ {
+ auto prov = refParent().getDataProvider(colInfo->second);
+ if (prov)
+ return prov->getToolTip(colInfo->first);
+ }
+ return wxString();
+ }();
+ setToolTip(toolTip);
+ Refresh();
+ event.Skip();
+ }
+ virtual void onLeaveWindow(wxMouseEvent& event)
+ {
+ highlight.first = -1; //onLeaveWindow() does not respect mouse capture! -> however highlight is drawn unconditionally during move/resize!
+ Refresh();
+ event.Skip();
+ }
+ virtual void onMouseRightDown(wxMouseEvent& event)
+ {
+ const Opt<ColAction> action = refParent().clientPosToColumnAction(event.GetPosition());
+ if (action)
+ {
+ const Opt<ColumnType> colType = refParent().colToType(action->col, action->compPos);
+ if (colType)
+ {
+ //notify right click
+ GridClickEvent clickEvent(EVENT_GRID_COL_LABEL_MOUSE_RIGHT, event, -1, *colType, action->compPos);
+ sendEventNow(clickEvent);
+ }
+ }
+ event.Skip();
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<ColumnResizing> activeResizing;
+ std::unique_ptr<ColumnMove> activeMove;
+ std::pair<int, size_t> highlight; //(column, component) mouse-over, row < 0 if none
+class Grid::MainWin : public SubWindow
+ MainWin(Grid& parent,
+ RowLabelWin& rowLabelWin,
+ ColLabelWin& colLabelWin) : SubWindow(parent),
+ rowLabelWin_(rowLabelWin),
+ colLabelWin_(colLabelWin),
+ cursor(-1, -1),
+ selectionAnchor(-1) {}
+ void makeRowVisible(int row)
+ {
+ const wxRect labelRect = rowLabelWin_.getRowLabelArea(row); //returns empty rect if column not found
+ if (labelRect.height > 0)
+ {
+ int scrollPosX = 0;
+ refParent().GetViewStart(&scrollPosX, NULL);
+ int pixelsPerUnitY = 0;
+ refParent().GetScrollPixelsPerUnit(NULL, &pixelsPerUnitY);
+ if (pixelsPerUnitY <= 0) return;
+ const int clientPosY = refParent().CalcScrolledPosition(labelRect.GetTopLeft()).y;
+ if (clientPosY < 0)
+ {
+ const int scrollPosY = labelRect.GetTopLeft().y / pixelsPerUnitY;
+ refParent().Scroll(scrollPosX, scrollPosY);
+ refParent().updateWindowSizes(); //may show horizontal scroll bar
+ }
+ else if (clientPosY + labelRect.GetHeight() > rowLabelWin_.GetClientSize().GetHeight())
+ {
+ auto execScroll = [&](int clientHeight)
+ {
+ const int scrollPosY = std::ceil((labelRect.GetTopLeft().y - clientHeight +
+ labelRect.GetHeight()) / static_cast<double>(pixelsPerUnitY));
+ refParent().Scroll(scrollPosX, scrollPosY);
+ refParent().updateWindowSizes(); //may show horizontal scroll bar
+ };
+ const int clientHeightBefore = rowLabelWin_.GetClientSize().GetHeight();
+ execScroll(clientHeightBefore);
+ //client height may decrease after scroll due to a new horizontal scrollbar, resulting in a partially visible last row
+ const int clientHeightAfter = rowLabelWin_.GetClientSize().GetHeight();
+ if (clientHeightAfter < clientHeightBefore)
+ execScroll(clientHeightAfter);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void setCursor(int row, size_t compPos)
+ {
+ cursor = std::make_pair(row, compPos);
+ selectionAnchor = row;
+ }
+ std::pair<int, size_t> getCursor() const { return cursor; } // (row, component position)
+ virtual void render(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect)
+ {
+ if (IsEnabled())
+ clearArea(dc, rect, getColorMainWinBackground());
+ else
+ clearArea(dc, rect, wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE));
+ dc.SetFont(GetFont());
+ dc.SetTextForeground(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOWTEXT));
+ const int rowHeight = rowLabelWin_.getRowHeight();
+ const wxPoint topLeft = refParent().CalcUnscrolledPosition(rect.GetTopLeft());
+ const wxPoint bottomRight = refParent().CalcUnscrolledPosition(rect.GetBottomRight());
+ const int rowFirst = std::max(topLeft .y / rowHeight, 0); // [rowFirst, rowLast)
+ const int rowLast = std::min(bottomRight.y / rowHeight + 1, static_cast<int>(refParent().getRowCount()));
+ wxPoint cellAreaTL(refParent().CalcScrolledPosition(wxPoint(0, 0))); //client coordinates
+ std::vector<std::vector<VisibleColumn>> compAbsWidths = refParent().getAbsoluteWidths(); //resolve negative/stretched widths
+ for (auto iterComp = compAbsWidths.begin(); iterComp != compAbsWidths.end(); ++iterComp)
+ {
+ const int compWidth = std::accumulate(iterComp->begin(), iterComp->end(), 0,
+ [](int val, const VisibleColumn& vc) { return val + vc.width_; });
+ const size_t compPos = iterComp - compAbsWidths.begin();
+ if (auto prov = refParent().getDataProvider(compPos))
+ {
+ //draw background lines
+ {
+ DcClipper dummy(dc, rect); //solve issues with drawBackground() painting in area outside of rect (which is not also refreshed by renderCell()) -> keep small scope!
+ for (int row = rowFirst; row < rowLast; ++row)
+ drawBackground(*prov, dc, wxRect(cellAreaTL + wxPoint(0, row * rowHeight), wxSize(compWidth, rowHeight)), row, compPos);
+ }
+ //draw single cells
+ for (auto iterCol = iterComp->begin(); iterCol != iterComp->end(); ++iterCol)
+ {
+ const int width = iterCol->width_; //don't use unsigned for calculations!
+ if (cellAreaTL.x > rect.GetRight())
+ return; //done
+ if (cellAreaTL.x + width > rect.x)
+ for (int row = rowFirst; row < rowLast; ++row)
+ {
+ const wxRect& cellRect = wxRect(cellAreaTL.x, cellAreaTL.y + row * rowHeight, width, rowHeight);
+ DcClipper clip(dc, cellRect);
+ prov->renderCell(refParent(), dc, cellRect, row, iterCol->type_);
+ }
+ cellAreaTL.x += width;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ cellAreaTL.x += compWidth;
+ }
+ }
+ void drawBackground(GridData& prov, wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, int row, size_t compPos)
+ {
+ Grid& grid = refParent();
+ //check if user is currently selecting with mouse
+ bool drawSelection = grid.isSelected(row, compPos);
+ if (activeSelection)
+ {
+ const int rowFrom = std::min(activeSelection->getStartRow(), activeSelection->getCurrentRow());
+ const int rowTo = std::max(activeSelection->getStartRow(), activeSelection->getCurrentRow());
+ if (compPos == activeSelection->getComponentPos() && rowFrom <= row && row <= rowTo)
+ drawSelection = activeSelection->isPositiveSelect(); //overwrite default
+ }
+ prov.renderRowBackgound(dc, rect, row, grid.IsEnabled(), drawSelection, wxWindow::FindFocus() == &grid.getMainWin());
+ }
+ virtual void onMouseLeftDown (wxMouseEvent& event) { onMouseDown(event); }
+ virtual void onMouseLeftUp (wxMouseEvent& event) { onMouseUp (event); }
+ virtual void onMouseRightDown(wxMouseEvent& event) { onMouseDown(event); }
+ virtual void onMouseRightUp (wxMouseEvent& event) { onMouseUp (event); }
+ virtual void onMouseLeftDouble(wxMouseEvent& event)
+ {
+ const wxPoint absPos = refParent().CalcUnscrolledPosition(event.GetPosition());
+ const int row = rowLabelWin_.getRowAtPos(absPos.y); //return -1 if no row at this position
+ const auto colInfo = refParent().getColumnAtPos(absPos.x); //returns (column type, compPos), column < 0 if not found
+ if (colInfo)
+ {
+ //notify event
+ GridClickEvent mouseEvent(EVENT_GRID_MOUSE_LEFT_DOUBLE, event, row, colInfo->first, colInfo->second);
+ sendEventNow(mouseEvent);
+ }
+ event.Skip();
+ }
+ void onMouseDown(wxMouseEvent& event) //handle left and right mouse button clicks (almost) the same
+ {
+ if (FindFocus() != this) //doesn't seem to happen automatically for right mouse button
+ SetFocus();
+ const wxPoint absPos = refParent().CalcUnscrolledPosition(event.GetPosition());
+ const int row = rowLabelWin_.getRowAtPos(absPos.y); //return -1 if no row at this position
+ const auto colInfo = refParent().getColumnAtPos(absPos.x); //returns (column type, compPos), column < 0 if not found
+ const ColumnType colType = colInfo ? colInfo->first : DUMMY_COLUMN_TYPE;
+ const int compPos = colInfo ? colInfo->second : -1;
+ //notify event
+ GridClickEvent mouseEvent(event.RightDown() ? EVENT_GRID_MOUSE_RIGHT_DOWN : EVENT_GRID_MOUSE_LEFT_DOWN, event, row, colType, compPos);
+ if (!sendEventNow(mouseEvent)) //if event was not processed externally...
+ {
+ if (!event.RightDown() || !refParent().isSelected(row, compPos)) //do NOT start a new selection if user right-clicks on a selected area!
+ {
+ if (row >= 0 && compPos >= 0)
+ cursor = std::make_pair(row, compPos);
+ if (event.ControlDown())
+ {
+ if (row >= 0 && compPos >= 0)
+ activeSelection.reset(new MouseSelection(*this, row, compPos, !refParent().isSelected(row, compPos)));
+ selectionAnchor = row;
+ }
+ else if (event.ShiftDown())
+ {
+ if (row >= 0 && compPos >= 0)
+ activeSelection.reset(new MouseSelection(*this, selectionAnchor, compPos, true));
+ refParent().clearSelectionAll();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (row >= 0 && compPos >= 0)
+ activeSelection.reset(new MouseSelection(*this, row, compPos, true));
+ selectionAnchor = row;
+ refParent().clearSelectionAll();
+ }
+ }
+ Refresh();
+ }
+ event.Skip(); //allow changin focus
+ }
+ void onMouseUp(wxMouseEvent& event)
+ {
+ //const int currentRow = clientPosToRow(event.GetPosition()); -> this one may point to row which is not in visible area!
+ if (activeSelection)
+ {
+ const int rowFrom = activeSelection->getStartRow();
+ const int rowTo = activeSelection->getCurrentRow();
+ const size_t compPos = activeSelection->getComponentPos();
+ const bool positive = activeSelection->isPositiveSelect();
+ refParent().selectRange(rowFrom, rowTo, compPos, positive);
+ cursor.first = activeSelection->getCurrentRow(); //slight deviation from Explorer: change cursor while dragging mouse! -> unify behavior with shift + direction keys
+ activeSelection.reset();
+ }
+ //this one may point to row which is not in visible area!
+ const wxPoint absPos = refParent().CalcUnscrolledPosition(event.GetPosition());
+ const int row = rowLabelWin_.getRowAtPos(absPos.y); //return -1 if no row at this position
+ const auto colInfo = refParent().getColumnAtPos(absPos.x); //returns (column type, compPos), column < 0 if not found
+ const ColumnType colType = colInfo ? colInfo->first : DUMMY_COLUMN_TYPE; //we probably should notify even if colInfo is invalid!
+ const int compPos = colInfo ? colInfo->second : 0;
+ //notify event
+ GridClickEvent mouseEvent(event.RightUp() ? EVENT_GRID_MOUSE_RIGHT_UP : EVENT_GRID_MOUSE_LEFT_UP, event, row, colType, compPos);
+ sendEventNow(mouseEvent);
+ Refresh();
+ event.Skip(); //allow changing focus
+ }
+ virtual void onMouseCaptureLost(wxMouseCaptureLostEvent& event)
+ {
+ activeSelection.reset();
+ Refresh();
+ //event.Skip(); -> we DID handle it!
+ }
+ virtual void onMouseMovement(wxMouseEvent& event)
+ {
+ if (activeSelection)
+ activeSelection->evalMousePos(); //eval on both mouse movement + timer event!
+ //change tooltip
+ const wxString toolTip = [&]() -> wxString
+ {
+ const wxPoint absPos = refParent().CalcUnscrolledPosition(event.GetPosition());
+ const int row = rowLabelWin_.getRowAtPos(absPos.y); //return -1 if no row at this position
+ const auto colInfo = refParent().getColumnAtPos(absPos.x); //returns (column type, compPos), column < 0 if not found
+ if (colInfo && row >= 0)
+ {
+ auto prov = refParent().getDataProvider(colInfo->second);
+ if (prov)
+ return prov->getToolTip(row, colInfo->first);
+ }
+ return wxString();
+ }();
+ setToolTip(toolTip);
+ event.Skip();
+ }
+ virtual void onKeyDown(wxKeyEvent& event)
+ {
+ int keyCode = event.GetKeyCode();
+ if (GetLayoutDirection() == wxLayout_RightToLeft)
+ {
+ if (keyCode == WXK_LEFT)
+ keyCode = WXK_RIGHT;
+ else if (keyCode == WXK_RIGHT)
+ keyCode = WXK_LEFT;
+ else if (keyCode == WXK_NUMPAD_LEFT)
+ else if (keyCode == WXK_NUMPAD_RIGHT)
+ keyCode = WXK_NUMPAD_LEFT;
+ }
+ const int rowCount = refParent().getRowCount();
+ auto setSingleSelection = [&](int row, int compPos)
+ {
+ numeric::restrict(row, 0, rowCount - 1);
+ numeric::restrict(compPos, 0, static_cast<int>(refParent().comp.size()) - 1);
+ refParent().setGridCursor(row, compPos);
+ };
+ auto setSelectionRange = [&](int row)
+ {
+ numeric::restrict(row, 0, rowCount - 1);
+ cursor.first = row;
+ if (selectionAnchor < 0)
+ selectionAnchor = row;
+ this->makeRowVisible(row);
+ auto& comp = refParent().comp;
+ std::for_each(comp.begin(), comp.end(), [](Grid::Component& c) { c.selection.clear(); }); //clear selection, do NOT fire event
+ refParent().selectRange(selectionAnchor, row, cursor.second); //set new selection + fire event
+ };
+ switch (keyCode)
+ {
+ case WXK_UP:
+ if (event.ShiftDown())
+ setSelectionRange(cursor.first - 1);
+ else if (event.ControlDown())
+ refParent().scrollDelta(0, -1);
+ else
+ setSingleSelection(cursor.first - 1, cursor.second);
+ break;
+ case WXK_DOWN:
+ if (event.ShiftDown())
+ setSelectionRange(cursor.first + 1);
+ else if (event.ControlDown())
+ refParent().scrollDelta(0, 1);
+ else
+ setSingleSelection(cursor.first + 1, cursor.second);
+ break;
+ case WXK_LEFT:
+ if (event.ControlDown())
+ refParent().scrollDelta(-1, 0);
+ else if (event.ShiftDown())
+ ;
+ else
+ setSingleSelection(cursor.first, cursor.second - 1);
+ break;
+ case WXK_RIGHT:
+ if (event.ControlDown())
+ refParent().scrollDelta(1, 0);
+ else if (event.ShiftDown())
+ ;
+ else
+ setSingleSelection(cursor.first, cursor.second + 1);
+ break;
+ case WXK_HOME:
+ if (event.ShiftDown())
+ setSelectionRange(0);
+ else if (event.ControlDown())
+ setSingleSelection(0, 0);
+ else
+ setSingleSelection(0, cursor.second);
+ break;
+ case WXK_END:
+ if (event.ShiftDown())
+ setSelectionRange(rowCount - 1);
+ else if (event.ControlDown())
+ setSingleSelection(rowCount - 1, refParent().comp.size() - 1);
+ else
+ setSingleSelection(rowCount - 1, cursor.second);
+ break;
+ case WXK_PAGEUP:
+ if (event.ShiftDown())
+ setSelectionRange(cursor.first - GetClientSize().GetHeight() / rowLabelWin_.getRowHeight());
+ else if (event.ControlDown())
+ ;
+ else
+ setSingleSelection(cursor.first - GetClientSize().GetHeight() / rowLabelWin_.getRowHeight(), cursor.second);
+ break;
+ if (event.ShiftDown())
+ setSelectionRange(cursor.first + GetClientSize().GetHeight() / rowLabelWin_.getRowHeight());
+ else if (event.ControlDown())
+ ;
+ else
+ setSingleSelection(cursor.first + GetClientSize().GetHeight() / rowLabelWin_.getRowHeight(), cursor.second);
+ break;
+ case 'A': //Ctrl + A - select all
+ if (event.ControlDown())
+ refParent().selectRange(0, rowCount, cursor.second);
+ break;
+ case WXK_NUMPAD_ADD: //CTRL + '+' - auto-size all
+ if (event.ControlDown())
+ refParent().autoSizeColumns(cursor.second);
+ break;
+ }
+ Refresh();
+ event.Skip();
+ }
+ virtual void onFocus(wxFocusEvent& event) { Refresh(); event.Skip(); }
+ class MouseSelection : private wxEvtHandler
+ {
+ public:
+ MouseSelection(MainWin& wnd,
+ int rowStart,
+ size_t compPos,
+ bool positiveSelect) : wnd_(wnd), rowStart_(rowStart), compPos_(compPos), rowCurrent_(rowStart), positiveSelect_(positiveSelect), toScrollX(0), toScrollY(0), tickCountLast(clock())
+ {
+ wnd_.CaptureMouse();
+ timer.Connect(wxEVT_TIMER, wxEventHandler(MouseSelection::onTimer), NULL, this);
+ timer.Start(100); //timer interval in ms
+ evalMousePos();
+ }
+ ~MouseSelection() { if (wnd_.HasCapture()) wnd_.ReleaseMouse(); }
+ int getStartRow () const { return rowStart_; }
+ size_t getComponentPos () const { return compPos_; }
+ int getCurrentRow () const { return rowCurrent_; }
+ bool isPositiveSelect() const { return positiveSelect_; } //are we selecting or unselecting?
+ void evalMousePos()
+ {
+ const clock_t now = clock();
+ const double deltaTime = static_cast<double>(now - tickCountLast) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; //unit: [sec]
+ tickCountLast = now;
+ wxMouseState mouseState = wxGetMouseState();
+ const wxPoint clientPos = wnd_.ScreenToClient(wxPoint(mouseState.GetX(), mouseState.GetY()));
+ const wxSize clientSize = wnd_.GetClientSize();
+ //scroll while dragging mouse
+ const int overlapPixY = clientPos.y < 0 ? clientPos.y :
+ clientPos.y >= clientSize.GetHeight() ? clientPos.y - (clientSize.GetHeight() - 1) : 0;
+ const int overlapPixX = clientPos.x < 0 ? clientPos.x :
+ clientPos.x >= clientSize.GetWidth() ? clientPos.x - (clientSize.GetWidth() - 1) : 0;
+ int pixelsPerUnitY = 0;
+ wnd_.refParent().GetScrollPixelsPerUnit(NULL, &pixelsPerUnitY);
+ if (pixelsPerUnitY <= 0) return;
+ const double mouseDragSpeedIncScrollU = pixelsPerUnitY > 0 ? MOUSE_DRAG_ACCELERATION * wnd_.rowLabelWin_.getRowHeight() / pixelsPerUnitY : 0; //unit: [scroll units / (pixel * sec)]
+ auto autoScroll = [&](int overlapPix, double& toScroll)
+ {
+ if (overlapPix != 0)
+ {
+ const double scrollSpeed = overlapPix * mouseDragSpeedIncScrollU; //unit: [scroll units / sec]
+ toScroll += scrollSpeed * deltaTime;
+ }
+ else
+ toScroll = 0;
+ };
+ autoScroll(overlapPixX, toScrollX);
+ autoScroll(overlapPixY, toScrollY);
+ if (toScrollX != 0 || toScrollY != 0)
+ {
+ wnd_.refParent().scrollDelta(static_cast<int>(toScrollX), static_cast<int>(toScrollY)); //
+ toScrollX -= static_cast<int>(toScrollX); //rounds down for positive numbers, up for negative,
+ toScrollY -= static_cast<int>(toScrollY); //exactly what we want
+ }
+ {
+ //select current row *after* scrolling
+ wxPoint clientPosTrimmed = clientPos;
+ numeric::restrict(clientPosTrimmed.y, 0, clientSize.GetHeight() - 1); //do not select row outside client window!
+ wxPoint absPos = wnd_.refParent().CalcUnscrolledPosition(clientPosTrimmed);
+ int currentRow = wnd_.rowLabelWin_.getRowAtPos(absPos.y); //return -1 if no row at this position
+ //make sure "current row" is always at a valid position while moving!
+ if (currentRow < 0)
+ currentRow = static_cast<int>(wnd_.refParent().getRowCount()) - 1; //seems, we hit the empty space at the end
+ if (currentRow >= 0 && rowCurrent_ != currentRow)
+ {
+ rowCurrent_ = currentRow;
+ wnd_.Refresh();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ void onTimer(wxEvent& event) { evalMousePos(); }
+ MainWin& wnd_;
+ const int rowStart_;
+ const size_t compPos_;
+ int rowCurrent_;
+ const bool positiveSelect_;
+ wxTimer timer;
+ double toScrollX; //count outstanding scroll units to scroll while dragging mouse
+ double toScrollY; //
+ clock_t tickCountLast;
+ };
+ virtual void ScrollWindow(int dx, int dy, const wxRect* rect)
+ {
+ wxWindow::ScrollWindow(dx, dy, rect);
+ rowLabelWin_.ScrollWindow(0, dy, rect);
+ colLabelWin_.ScrollWindow(dx, 0, rect);
+ refParent().updateWindowSizes(false); //row label width has changed -> do *not* update scrollbars: recursion on wxGTK!
+ rowLabelWin_.Update(); //update while dragging scroll thumb
+ }
+ RowLabelWin& rowLabelWin_;
+ ColLabelWin& colLabelWin_;
+ std::unique_ptr<MouseSelection> activeSelection; //bound while user is selecting with mouse
+ std::pair<int, int> cursor; //(row, component position) -1 if none
+ int selectionAnchor; //-1 if none
+Grid::Grid(wxWindow* parent,
+ wxWindowID id,
+ const wxPoint& pos,
+ const wxSize& size,
+ long style,
+ const wxString& name) : wxScrolledWindow(parent, id, pos, size, style | wxWANTS_CHARS, name),
+ showScrollbarX(true),
+ showScrollbarY(true),
+ drawRowLabel(true),
+ comp(1),
+ colSizeOld(0)
+ Connect(wxEVT_PAINT, wxPaintEventHandler(Grid::onPaintEvent ), NULL, this);
+ Connect(wxEVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, wxEraseEventHandler(Grid::onEraseBackGround), NULL, this);
+ Connect(wxEVT_SIZE, wxEventHandler (Grid::onSizeEvent ), NULL, this);
+ cornerWin_ = new CornerWin (*this); //
+ rowLabelWin_ = new RowLabelWin(*this); //owership handled by "this"
+ colLabelWin_ = new ColLabelWin(*this); //
+ mainWin_ = new MainWin (*this, *rowLabelWin_, *colLabelWin_); //
+ SetTargetWindow(mainWin_);
+ SetInitialSize(size); //"Most controls will use this to set their initial size" -> why not
+ assert(GetClientSize() == GetSize()); //borders are NOT allowed for Grid
+ //reason: updateWindowSizes() wants to use "GetSize()" as a "GetClientSize()" including scrollbars
+void Grid::updateWindowSizes(bool updateScrollbar)
+ /* We have to deal with a nasty circular dependency:
+ mainWin_->GetClientSize()
+ /|\
+ SetScrollbars -> show/hide scrollbars depending on whether client size is big enough
+ /|\
+ GetClientRect(); -> possibly trimmed by scrollbars
+ /|\
+ mainWin_->GetClientSize() -> also trimmed, since it's a sub-window !
+ */
+ //update scrollbars: showing/hiding scrollbars changes client size!
+ if (updateScrollbar)
+ {
+ //help SetScrollbars() do a better job
+ //mainWin_->SetSize(std::max(0, GetSize().GetWidth () - rowLabelWidth), -> not working!
+ // std::max(0, GetSize().GetHeight() - colLabelHeight));
+ int scrollPosX = 0;
+ int scrollPosY = 0;
+ GetViewStart(&scrollPosX, &scrollPosY); //preserve current scroll position
+ const int pixPerScrollUnitY = std::max(1, rowLabelWin_->getRowHeight());
+ const int pixPerScrollUnitX = pixPerScrollUnitY;
+ const int scrollUnitsX = std::ceil(static_cast<double>( getMinAbsoluteWidthTotal()) / pixPerScrollUnitX);
+ const int scrollUnitsY = std::ceil(static_cast<double>(rowLabelWin_->getLogicalHeight()) / pixPerScrollUnitY);
+ SetScrollbars(pixPerScrollUnitX, pixPerScrollUnitY, //another abysmal wxWidgets design decision: why is precision needlessly reduced to "pixelsPerUnit"????
+ scrollUnitsX, scrollUnitsY,
+ scrollPosX, scrollPosY);
+ }
+ const wxRect clientRect = GetClientRect();
+ const int mainWinHeight = std::max(0, clientRect.height - colLabelHeight);
+ int rowLabelWidth = 0; //calculate optimal row label width
+ if (drawRowLabel)
+ {
+ const int heightTotal = rowLabelWin_->getLogicalHeight();
+ if (heightTotal > 0)
+ {
+ int yFrom = CalcUnscrolledPosition(wxPoint(0, 0)).y;
+ int yTo = CalcUnscrolledPosition(wxPoint(0, mainWinHeight - 1)).y ;
+ numeric::restrict(yFrom, 0, heightTotal - 1);
+ numeric::restrict(yTo, 0, heightTotal - 1);
+ const int rowFrom = rowLabelWin_->getRowAtPos(yFrom);
+ const int rowTo = rowLabelWin_->getRowAtPos(yTo);
+ if (rowFrom >= 0 && rowTo >= 0)
+ rowLabelWidth = rowLabelWin_->getBestWidth(rowFrom, rowTo);
+ }
+ }
+ const int mainWinWidth = std::max(0, clientRect.width - rowLabelWidth);
+ cornerWin_ ->SetSize(0, 0, rowLabelWidth, colLabelHeight);
+ rowLabelWin_->SetSize(0, colLabelHeight, rowLabelWidth, mainWinHeight);
+ colLabelWin_->SetSize(rowLabelWidth, 0, mainWinWidth, colLabelHeight);
+ mainWin_ ->SetSize(rowLabelWidth, colLabelHeight, mainWinWidth, mainWinHeight);
+void Grid::onPaintEvent(wxPaintEvent& event) { wxPaintDC dc(this); }
+void Grid::setColumnLabelHeight(int height)
+ colLabelHeight = std::max(0, height);
+ updateWindowSizes();
+void Grid::showRowLabel(bool show)
+ drawRowLabel = show;
+ updateWindowSizes();
+std::vector<int> Grid::getSelectedRows(size_t compPos) const
+ return compPos < comp.size() ? comp[compPos].selection.get() : std::vector<int>();
+void Grid::scrollDelta(int deltaX, int deltaY)
+ int scrollPosX = 0;
+ int scrollPosY = 0;
+ GetViewStart(&scrollPosX, &scrollPosY);
+ scrollPosX += deltaX;
+ scrollPosY += deltaY;
+ //const int unitsTotalX = GetScrollLines(wxHORIZONTAL);
+ //const int unitsTotalY = GetScrollLines(wxVERTICAL);
+ //if (unitsTotalX <= 0 || unitsTotalY <= 0) return; -> premature
+ //numeric::restrict(scrollPosX, 0, unitsTotalX - 1); //make sure scroll target is in valid range
+ //numeric::restrict(scrollPosY, 0, unitsTotalY - 1); //
+ Scroll(scrollPosX, scrollPosY);
+ updateWindowSizes(); //may show horizontal scroll bar
+void Grid::redirectRowLabelEvent(wxMouseEvent& event)
+ event.m_x = 0;
+ mainWin_->ProcessEvent(event);
+ if (event.ButtonDown() && wxWindow::FindFocus() != mainWin_)
+ mainWin_->SetFocus();
+size_t Grid::getRowCount() const
+ return comp.empty() ? 0 : comp.front().dataView_ ? comp.front().dataView_->getRowCount() : 0;
+void Grid::Refresh(bool eraseBackground, const wxRect* rect)
+ const size_t rowCountNew = getRowCount();
+ if (colSizeOld != rowCountNew)
+ {
+ colSizeOld = rowCountNew;
+ std::for_each(comp.begin(), comp.end(), [&](Component& c) { c.selection.init(rowCountNew); });
+ updateWindowSizes();
+ }
+ wxScrolledWindow::Refresh(eraseBackground, rect);
+void Grid::setRowHeight(int height)
+ rowLabelWin_->setRowHeight(height);
+ updateWindowSizes();
+void Grid::setColumnConfig(const std::vector<Grid::ColumnAttribute>& attr, size_t compPos)
+ if (compPos < comp.size())
+ {
+ //hold ownership of non-visible columns
+ comp[compPos].oldColAttributes = attr;
+ std::vector<VisibleColumn> visibleCols;
+ std::for_each(attr.begin(), attr.end(),
+ [&](const ColumnAttribute& ca)
+ {
+ if (ca.visible_)
+ visibleCols.push_back(Grid::VisibleColumn(ca.type_, ca.width_));
+ });
+ //set ownership of visible columns
+ comp[compPos].visibleCols = visibleCols;
+ updateWindowSizes();
+ Refresh();
+ }
+std::vector<Grid::ColumnAttribute> Grid::getColumnConfig(size_t compPos) const
+ if (compPos < comp.size())
+ {
+ auto iterVcols = comp[compPos].visibleCols.begin();
+ auto iterVcolsend = comp[compPos].visibleCols.end();
+ std::set<ColumnType> visibleTypes;
+ std::transform(iterVcols, iterVcolsend, std::inserter(visibleTypes, visibleTypes.begin()),
+ [](const VisibleColumn& vc) { return vc.type_; });
+ //get non-visible columns (+ outdated visible ones)
+ std::vector<ColumnAttribute> output = comp[compPos].oldColAttributes;
+ //update visible columns but keep order of non-visible ones!
+ std::for_each(output.begin(), output.end(),
+ [&](ColumnAttribute& ca)
+ {
+ if (visibleTypes.find(ca.type_) != visibleTypes.end())
+ {
+ if (iterVcols != iterVcolsend)
+ {
+ ca.visible_ = true; //paranoia
+ ca.type_ = iterVcols->type_;
+ ca.width_ = iterVcols->width_;
+ ++iterVcols;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ ca.visible_ = false; //paranoia
+ });
+ return output;
+ }
+ return std::vector<ColumnAttribute>();
+void Grid::showScrollBars(bool horizontal, bool vertical)
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+ showScrollbarX = horizontal;
+ showScrollbarY = vertical;
+ updateWindowSizes();
+#elif defined FFS_LINUX //get rid of scrollbars, but preserve scrolling behavior!
+ GtkWidget* gridWidget = wxWindow::m_widget;
+ GtkScrolledWindow* scrolledWindow = GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(gridWidget);
+ gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy(scrolledWindow,
+#ifdef FFS_WIN //get rid of scrollbars, but preserve scrolling behavior!
+void Grid::SetScrollbar(int orientation, int position, int thumbSize, int range, bool refresh)
+ if ((orientation == wxHORIZONTAL && !showScrollbarX) || (orientation == wxVERTICAL && !showScrollbarY))
+ wxWindow::SetScrollbar(orientation, 0, 0, 0, refresh);
+ else
+ wxWindow::SetScrollbar(orientation, position, thumbSize, range, refresh);
+#ifndef WM_MOUSEHWHEEL //MinGW is clueless...
+#define WM_MOUSEHWHEEL 0x020E
+ if (nMsg == WM_MOUSEHWHEEL)
+ {
+ const int distance = GET_WHEEL_DELTA_WPARAM(wParam);
+ const int delta = WHEEL_DELTA;
+ const int rotations = distance / delta;
+ static int linesPerRotation = -1;
+ if (linesPerRotation < 0)
+ if (!::SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWHEELSCROLLLINES, 0, &linesPerRotation, 0))
+ linesPerRotation = 3;
+ SetFocus();
+ scrollDelta(rotations * linesPerRotation, 0); //in scroll units
+ }
+ return wxScrolledWindow::MSWDefWindowProc(nMsg, wParam, lParam);;
+wxWindow& Grid::getCornerWin () { return *cornerWin_; }
+wxWindow& Grid::getRowLabelWin() { return *rowLabelWin_; }
+wxWindow& Grid::getColLabelWin() { return *colLabelWin_; }
+wxWindow& Grid::getMainWin () { return *mainWin_; }
+wxRect Grid::getColumnLabelArea(ColumnType colType, size_t compPos) const
+ std::vector<std::vector<VisibleColumn>> compAbsWidths = getAbsoluteWidths(); //resolve negative/stretched widths
+ if (compPos < compAbsWidths.size())
+ {
+ auto iterComp = compAbsWidths.begin() + compPos;
+ auto iterCol = std::find_if(iterComp->begin(), iterComp->end(), [&](const VisibleColumn& vc) { return vc.type_ == colType; });
+ if (iterCol != iterComp->end())
+ {
+ int posX = std::accumulate(compAbsWidths.begin(), iterComp, 0,
+ [](int val, const std::vector<VisibleColumn>& cols)
+ {
+ return val + std::accumulate(cols.begin(), cols.end(), 0, [](int val2, const VisibleColumn& vc) { return val2 + vc.width_; });
+ });
+ posX += std::accumulate(iterComp->begin(), iterCol, 0, [](int val, const VisibleColumn& vc) { return val + vc.width_; });
+ return wxRect(wxPoint(posX, 0), wxSize(iterCol->width_, colLabelHeight));
+ }
+ }
+ return wxRect();
+Opt<Grid::ColAction> Grid::clientPosToColumnAction(const wxPoint& pos) const
+ const int absPosX = CalcUnscrolledPosition(pos).x;
+ if (absPosX >= 0)
+ {
+ int accuWidth = 0;
+ std::vector<std::vector<VisibleColumn>> compAbsWidths = getAbsoluteWidths(); //resolve negative/stretched widths
+ for (auto iterComp = compAbsWidths.begin(); iterComp != compAbsWidths.end(); ++iterComp)
+ {
+ const size_t compPos = iterComp - compAbsWidths.begin();
+ const int resizeTolerance = columnResizeAllowed(compPos) ? COLUMN_RESIZE_TOLERANCE : 0;
+ for (auto iterCol = iterComp->begin(); iterCol != iterComp->end(); ++iterCol)
+ {
+ const size_t col = iterCol - iterComp->begin();
+ accuWidth += iterCol->width_;
+ if (std::abs(absPosX - accuWidth) < resizeTolerance)
+ {
+ ColAction out = {};
+ out.wantResize = true;
+ out.col = col;
+ out.compPos = compPos;
+ return out;
+ }
+ else if (absPosX < accuWidth)
+ {
+ ColAction out = {};
+ out.wantResize = false;
+ out.col = col;
+ out.compPos = compPos;
+ return out;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return NoValue();
+void Grid::moveColumn(size_t colFrom, size_t colTo, size_t compPos)
+ if (compPos < comp.size())
+ {
+ auto& visibleCols = comp[compPos].visibleCols;
+ if (colFrom < visibleCols.size() &&
+ colTo < visibleCols.size() &&
+ colTo != colFrom)
+ {
+ const auto colAtt = visibleCols[colFrom];
+ visibleCols.erase (visibleCols.begin() + colFrom);
+ visibleCols.insert(visibleCols.begin() + colTo, colAtt);
+ }
+ }
+int Grid::clientPosToMoveTargetColumn(const wxPoint& pos, size_t compPos) const
+ std::vector<std::vector<VisibleColumn>> compAbsWidths = getAbsoluteWidths(); //resolve negative/stretched widths
+ if (compPos < compAbsWidths.size())
+ {
+ auto iterComp = compAbsWidths.begin() + compPos;
+ const int absPosX = CalcUnscrolledPosition(pos).x;
+ int accuWidth = std::accumulate(compAbsWidths.begin(), iterComp, 0,
+ [](int val, const std::vector<VisibleColumn>& cols)
+ {
+ return val + std::accumulate(cols.begin(), cols.end(), 0,
+ [](int val2, const VisibleColumn& vc) { return val2 + vc.width_; });
+ });
+ for (auto iterCol = iterComp->begin(); iterCol != iterComp->end(); ++iterCol)
+ {
+ const int width = iterCol->width_; //beware dreaded unsigned conversions!
+ accuWidth += width;
+ if (absPosX < accuWidth - width / 2)
+ return iterCol - iterComp->begin();
+ }
+ return iterComp->size();
+ }
+ return -1;
+Opt<ColumnType> Grid::colToType(size_t col, size_t compPos) const
+ if (compPos < comp.size())
+ {
+ auto& visibleCols = comp[compPos].visibleCols;
+ if (col < visibleCols.size())
+ return visibleCols[col].type_;
+ }
+ return NoValue();
+int Grid::getRowAtPos(int posY) const { return rowLabelWin_->getRowAtPos(posY); }
+Opt<std::pair<ColumnType, size_t>> Grid::getColumnAtPos(int posX) const
+ if (posX >= 0)
+ {
+ std::vector<std::vector<VisibleColumn>> compAbsWidths = getAbsoluteWidths(); //resolve negative/stretched widths
+ int accWidth = 0;
+ for (auto iterComp = compAbsWidths.begin(); iterComp != compAbsWidths.end(); ++iterComp)
+ for (auto iterCol = iterComp->begin(); iterCol != iterComp->end(); ++iterCol)
+ {
+ accWidth += iterCol->width_;
+ if (posX < accWidth)
+ {
+ const size_t compPos = iterComp - compAbsWidths.begin();
+ return std::make_pair(iterCol->type_, compPos);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return NoValue();
+wxRect Grid::getCellArea(int row, ColumnType colType, size_t compPos) const
+ const wxRect& colArea = getColumnLabelArea(colType, compPos);
+ const wxRect& rowArea = rowLabelWin_->getRowLabelArea(row);
+ return wxRect(wxPoint(colArea.x, rowArea.y), wxSize(colArea.width, rowArea.height));
+void Grid::setGridCursor(int row, size_t compPos)
+ if (compPos < comp.size())
+ {
+ std::for_each(comp.begin(), comp.end(), [](Grid::Component& c) { c.selection.clear(); }); //clear selection, do NOT fire event
+ selectRange(row, row, compPos); //set new selection + fire event
+ mainWin_->setCursor(row, compPos);
+ mainWin_->makeRowVisible(row);
+ mainWin_->Refresh();
+ }
+void Grid::selectRange(int rowFrom, int rowTo, size_t compPos, bool positive)
+ if (compPos < comp.size())
+ {
+ comp[compPos].selection.selectRange(rowFrom, rowTo, positive);
+ //notify event
+ GridRangeSelectEvent selectionEvent(rowFrom, rowTo, compPos, positive);
+ if (wxEvtHandler* evtHandler = GetEventHandler())
+ evtHandler->ProcessEvent(selectionEvent);
+ }
+void Grid::clearSelectionAll()
+ std::for_each(comp.begin(), comp.end(), [](Grid::Component& c) { c.selection.clear(); });
+ //notify event
+ GridRangeSelectEvent unselectionEvent(-1, -1, static_cast<size_t>(-1), false);
+ if (wxEvtHandler* evtHandler = GetEventHandler())
+ evtHandler->ProcessEvent(unselectionEvent);
+void Grid::scrollTo(int row)
+ const wxRect labelRect = rowLabelWin_->getRowLabelArea(row); //returns empty rect if column not found
+ if (labelRect.height > 0)
+ {
+ int pixelsPerUnitY = 0;
+ GetScrollPixelsPerUnit(NULL, &pixelsPerUnitY);
+ if (pixelsPerUnitY >= 0)
+ {
+ int scrollPosX = 0;
+ GetViewStart(&scrollPosX, NULL);
+ int scrollPosY = labelRect.GetTopLeft().y / pixelsPerUnitY;
+ Scroll(scrollPosX, scrollPosY);
+ updateWindowSizes(); //may show horizontal scroll bar
+ Refresh();
+ }
+ }
+std::pair<int, size_t> Grid::getGridCursor() const
+ return mainWin_->getCursor();
+int Grid::getBestColumnSize(size_t col, size_t compPos) const
+ if (compPos < comp.size())
+ {
+ auto& visibleCols = comp[compPos].visibleCols;
+ auto dataView = comp[compPos].dataView_;
+ if (dataView && col < visibleCols.size())
+ {
+ const ColumnType type = visibleCols[col].type_;
+ wxClientDC dc(mainWin_);
+ dc.SetFont(mainWin_->GetFont());
+ size_t maxSize = 0;
+ const std::pair<int, int> rowRange = rowLabelWin_->getRowsOnClient(mainWin_->GetClientRect()); //returns range [begin, end)
+ for (int row = rowRange.first; row < rowRange.second; ++row)
+ maxSize = std::max(maxSize, dataView->getBestSize(dc, row, type));
+ return maxSize;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+void Grid::autoSizeColumns(size_t compPos)
+ if (compPos < comp.size() && comp[compPos].allowColumnResize)
+ {
+ auto& visibleCols = comp[compPos].visibleCols;
+ for (auto iter = visibleCols.begin(); iter != visibleCols.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ const int col = iter - visibleCols.begin();
+ const int bestWidth = getBestColumnSize(col, compPos); //return -1 on error
+ if (bestWidth >= 0)
+ {
+ const size_t newWidth = std::max(COLUMN_MIN_WIDTH, bestWidth);
+ iter->width_ = newWidth;
+ //notify column resize (asynchronously!)
+ GridColumnResizeEvent sizeEvent(newWidth, iter->type_, compPos);
+ wxEvtHandler* evtHandler = GetEventHandler();
+ if (evtHandler)
+ evtHandler->AddPendingEvent(sizeEvent);
+ }
+ }
+ updateWindowSizes();
+ Refresh();
+ }
+int Grid::getMinAbsoluteWidthTotal() const
+ int minWidthTotal = 0;
+ //bool haveStretchedCols = false;
+ std::for_each(comp.begin(), comp.end(),
+ [&](const Component& c)
+ {
+ std::for_each(c.visibleCols.begin(), c.visibleCols.end(),
+ [&](const VisibleColumn& vc)
+ {
+ if (vc.width_ >= 0)
+ minWidthTotal += vc.width_;
+ else
+ {
+ //haveStretchedCols = true;
+ minWidthTotal += COLUMN_MIN_WIDTH; //use "min width" if column is stretched
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ return minWidthTotal;
+std::vector<std::vector<Grid::VisibleColumn>> Grid::getAbsoluteWidths() const //evaluate negative widths as stretched absolute values! structure matches "comp"
+ std::vector<std::vector<VisibleColumn>> output;
+ std::vector<std::pair<int, VisibleColumn*>> stretchedCols; //(factor, column to stretch)
+ int factorTotal = 0;
+ int minWidthTotal = 0;
+ output.reserve(comp.size());
+ std::for_each(comp.begin(), comp.end(),
+ [&](const Component& c)
+ {
+ output.push_back(std::vector<VisibleColumn>());
+ auto& compWidths = output.back();
+ compWidths.reserve(c.visibleCols.size());
+ std::for_each(c.visibleCols.begin(), c.visibleCols.end(),
+ [&](const VisibleColumn& vc)
+ {
+ if (vc.width_ >= 0)
+ {
+ compWidths.push_back(Grid::VisibleColumn(vc.type_, vc.width_));
+ minWidthTotal += vc.width_;
+ }
+ else //stretched column
+ {
+ compWidths.push_back(Grid::VisibleColumn(vc.type_, COLUMN_MIN_WIDTH)); //use "min width" if column is stretched
+ minWidthTotal += COLUMN_MIN_WIDTH;
+ stretchedCols.push_back(std::make_pair(vc.width_, &compWidths.back()));
+ factorTotal += vc.width_;
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ if (!stretchedCols.empty())
+ {
+ const int widthToFill = mainWin_->GetClientSize().GetWidth() - minWidthTotal;
+ if (widthToFill > 0)
+ {
+ int widthRemaining = widthToFill;
+ for (auto iter = stretchedCols.begin(); iter != stretchedCols.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ const int addWidth = (widthToFill * iter->first) / factorTotal; //round down
+ iter->second->width_ += addWidth;
+ widthRemaining -= addWidth;
+ }
+ if (widthRemaining > 0) //should be empty, except for rounding errors
+ stretchedCols.back().second->width_ += widthRemaining;
+ }
+ }
+ return output;