path: root/shared/string_tools.h
diff options
authorDaniel Wilhelm <>2014-04-18 17:15:16 +0200
committerDaniel Wilhelm <>2014-04-18 17:15:16 +0200
commitbd6336c629841c6db3a6ca53a936d629d34db53b (patch)
tree3721ef997864108df175ce677a8a7d4342a6f1d2 /shared/string_tools.h
parent4.0 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'shared/string_tools.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 687 deletions
diff --git a/shared/string_tools.h b/shared/string_tools.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8951d942..00000000
--- a/shared/string_tools.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,687 +0,0 @@
-// **************************************************************************
-// * This file is part of the zenXML project. It is distributed under the *
-// * Boost Software License, Version 1.0. See accompanying file *
-// * LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at *
-// * Copyright (C) 2011 ZenJu (zhnmju123 AT *
-// **************************************************************************
-#ifndef STRING_TOOLS_HEADER_213458973046
-#define STRING_TOOLS_HEADER_213458973046
-#include <cstddef> //size_t
-#include <cctype> //isspace
-#include <cwctype> //iswspace
-#include <cwchar> //swprintf
-#include <cstdio> //sprintf
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <functional>
-#include <vector>
-#include "loki/TypeManip.h"
-#include "loki/EmptyType.h"
-#include "loki/TypeTraits.h"
-#include "assert_static.h"
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-template <> struct Loki::IsCustomUnsignedInt<unsigned __int64> { enum { value = 1 }; };
-template <> struct Loki::IsCustomSignedInt <signed __int64> { enum { value = 1 }; };
-//enhance arbitray string class with useful non-member functions:
-namespace zen
-template <class C> size_t cStringLength(const C* str); //strlen()
-template <class C> bool cStringIsWhiteSpace(C ch);
-template <class C> bool cStringIsDigit(C ch);
-//uniform access to string-like types: classes and character arrays
- std::wstring str(L"dummy");
- char array[] = "dummy";
- const wchar_t* iter = strBegin(str); //returns str.c_str()
- const char* iter2 = strBegin(array); //returns array
- strLength(str); //equals str.size()
- strLength(array); //equals cStringLength(array)
- StringTraits<std::wstring>::CharType //equals wchar_t
- StringTraits<wchar_t[5]> ::CharType //equals wchar_t
- StringTraits<const wchar_t*>::isStringLike; //equals "true"
- StringTraits<const int*> ::isStringLike; //equals "false"
- StringTraits<std::wstring>::isStringClass //equals "true"
- StringTraits<wchar_t[5]> ::isStringClass //equals "false"
-template <class S, class T> bool startsWith(const S& str, const T& prefix); //both S and T can be strings or char/wchar_t arrays or simple char/wchar_t
-template <class S, class T> bool endsWith (const S& str, const T& postfix); //
-template <class S, class T> S afterLast (const S& str, const T& ch); //returns the whole string if ch not found
-template <class S, class T> S beforeLast (const S& str, const T& ch); //returns empty string if ch not found
-template <class S, class T> S afterFirst (const S& str, const T& ch); //returns empty string if ch not found
-template <class S, class T> S beforeFirst(const S& str, const T& ch); //returns the whole string if ch not found
-template <class S, class T> std::vector<S> split(const S& str, const T& delimiter);
-template <class S> void truncate(S& str, size_t newLen);
-template <class S, class T, class U> void replace(S& str, const T& old, const U& replacement, bool replaceAll = true);
-template <class S> void trim(S& str, bool fromLeft = true, bool fromRight = true);
-//high-performance conversion from numbers to strings
-template <class S, class Num> S toString(const Num& number);
-template <class Num, class S> Num toNumber(const S& str);
-//string to string conversion: converst string-like type into compatible target string class
-template <class T, class S> T cvrtString(const S& str);
-//---------------------- implementation ----------------------
-template <class C> inline
-size_t cStringLength(const C* str) //strlen()
- assert_static((Loki::IsSameType<C, char>::value || Loki::IsSameType<C, wchar_t>::value));
- size_t len = 0;
- while (*str++ != 0)
- ++len;
- return len;
-template <> inline
-bool cStringIsWhiteSpace(char ch)
- //caveat 1: std::isspace() takes an int, but expects an unsigned char
- //caveat 2: some parts of UTF-8 chars are erroneously seen as whitespace, e.g. the a0 from "\xec\x8b\xa0" (MSVC)
- return static_cast<unsigned char>(ch) < 128 &&
- std::isspace(static_cast<unsigned char>(ch)) != 0;
-template <> inline bool cStringIsWhiteSpace(unsigned char ch) { return cStringIsWhiteSpace<char>(ch); }
-template <> inline bool cStringIsWhiteSpace(signed char ch) { return cStringIsWhiteSpace<char>(ch); }
-template <> inline bool cStringIsWhiteSpace(wchar_t ch) { return std::iswspace(ch) != 0; }
-template <> inline
-bool cStringIsDigit(char ch)
- return std::isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(ch)) != 0; //caveat: takes an int, but expects an unsigned char
-template <>
-bool cStringIsDigit(wchar_t ch)
- return std::iswdigit(ch) != 0;
-namespace implementation
-template <class T>
-struct UnArray { typedef T NonArrayType; };
-template <class T, int N>
-struct UnArray<T[N]> { typedef T NonArrayType; };
-template <class T>
-struct UnPointer { typedef T NonPtrType; };
-template <class T>
-struct UnPointer<T*> { typedef T NonPtrType; };
-template <class T>
-struct UnReference { typedef T NonRefType; };
-template <class T>
-struct UnReference<T&> { typedef T NonRefType; };
-template<typename T>
-class HasValueType
- typedef char Yes[1];
- typedef char No [2];
- template <typename U> class HelperTp {};
- //detect presence of a member type called value_type
- template <class U> static Yes& hasMemberValueType(HelperTp<typename U::value_type>*);
- template <class U> static No& hasMemberValueType(...);
- enum { Result = sizeof(hasMemberValueType<T>(NULL)) == sizeof(Yes)
- };
-template<typename T, bool isClassType>
-class HasStringMembers
- enum { Result = false };
-template<typename T>
-class HasStringMembers<T, true>
- typedef char Yes[1];
- typedef char No [2];
- //detect presence of member functions (without specific restriction on return type, within T or one of it's base classes)
- template <typename U, U t> class HelperFn {};
- struct Fallback
- {
- int c_str;
- int length;
- };
- template <class U>
- struct Helper2 : public U, public Fallback {}; //U must be a class-type!
- //we don't know the exact declaration of the member attribute (may be in base class), but we know what NOT to expect:
- template <class U> static No& hasMemberCstr(HelperFn<int Fallback::*, &Helper2<U>::c_str>*);
- template <class U> static Yes& hasMemberCstr(...);
- template <class U> static No& hasMemberLength(HelperFn<int Fallback::*, &Helper2<U>::length>*);
- template <class U> static Yes& hasMemberLength(...);
- enum { Result = sizeof(hasMemberCstr <T>(NULL)) == sizeof(Yes) &&
- sizeof(hasMemberLength<T>(NULL)) == sizeof(Yes)
- };
-template <class S, bool isStringClass> struct StringTraits2 { typedef Loki::EmptyType Result; }; //"StringTraits2": fix some VS bug with namespace and partial template specialization
-template <class S> struct StringTraits2<S, true> { typedef typename S::value_type Result; };
-template <> struct StringTraits2<char, false> { typedef char Result; };
-template <> struct StringTraits2<wchar_t, false> { typedef wchar_t Result; };
-template <class S>
-struct StringTraits
- typedef typename implementation::UnReference<S>::NonRefType NonRefType;
- typedef typename Loki::TypeTraits<NonRefType>::NonConstType UndecoratedType;
- typedef typename implementation::UnArray<UndecoratedType>::NonArrayType NonArrayType;
- typedef typename implementation::UnPointer<NonArrayType>::NonPtrType NonPtrType;
- typedef typename Loki::TypeTraits<NonPtrType>::NonConstType NonConstValType; //handle "const char* const"
- enum
- {
- isStringClass = implementation::HasStringMembers<UndecoratedType, implementation::HasValueType<UndecoratedType>::Result>::Result
- };
- typedef typename implementation::StringTraits2<NonConstValType, isStringClass>::Result CharType;
- enum
- {
- isStringLike = Loki::IsSameType<CharType, char>::value || Loki::IsSameType<CharType, wchar_t>::value
- };
-template <class S> inline
-const typename StringTraits<S>::CharType* strBegin(const S& str, typename S::value_type dummy = 0) { return str.c_str(); } //SFINAE: T must be a "string"
-template <class Char>
-inline const typename StringTraits<Char>::CharType* strBegin(const Char* str) { return str; }
-inline const char* strBegin(const char& ch) { return &ch; }
-inline const wchar_t* strBegin(const wchar_t& ch) { return &ch; }
-template <class S> inline
-size_t strLength(const S& str, typename S::value_type dummy = 0) { return str.length(); } //SFINAE: T must be a "string"
-template <class Char>
-inline size_t strLength(const Char* str) { return cStringLength(str); }
-inline size_t strLength(char) { return 1; }
-inline size_t strLength(wchar_t) { return 1; }
-template <class S, class T> inline
-bool startsWith(const S& str, const T& prefix)
- assert_static(StringTraits<S>::isStringLike);
- assert_static(StringTraits<T>::isStringLike);
- const size_t pfLength = strLength(prefix);
- if (strLength(str) < pfLength)
- return false;
- return std::equal(strBegin(str), strBegin(str) + pfLength,
- strBegin(prefix));
-template <class S, class T> inline
-bool endsWith(const S& str, const T& postfix)
- assert_static(StringTraits<S>::isStringLike);
- assert_static(StringTraits<T>::isStringLike);
- size_t strLen = strLength(str);
- size_t pfLen = strLength(postfix);
- if (strLen < pfLen)
- return false;
- typedef typename StringTraits<S>::CharType CharType;
- const CharType* cmpBegin = strBegin(str) + strLen - pfLen;
- return std::equal(cmpBegin, cmpBegin + pfLen,
- strBegin(postfix));
-//returns the whole string if ch not found
-template <class S, class T> inline
-S afterLast(const S& str, const T& ch)
- assert_static(StringTraits<T>::isStringLike);
- const size_t pos = str.rfind(ch);
- if (pos != S::npos)
- {
- size_t chLen = strLength(ch);
- return S(str.c_str() + pos + chLen, str.length() - pos - chLen);
- }
- else
- return str;
-//returns empty string if ch not found
-template <class S, class T> inline
-S beforeLast(const S& str, const T& ch)
- assert_static(StringTraits<T>::isStringLike);
- const size_t pos = str.rfind(ch);
- if (pos != S::npos)
- return S(str.c_str(), pos); //data is non-empty string in this context: else ch would not have been found!
- else
- return S();
-//returns empty string if ch not found
-template <class S, class T> inline
-S afterFirst(const S& str, const T& ch)
- assert_static(StringTraits<T>::isStringLike);
- const size_t pos = str.find(ch);
- if (pos != S::npos)
- {
- size_t chLen = strLength(ch);
- return S(str.c_str() + pos + chLen, str.length() - pos - chLen);
- }
- else
- return S();
-//returns the whole string if ch not found
-template <class S, class T> inline
-S beforeFirst(const S& str, const T& ch)
- assert_static(StringTraits<T>::isStringLike);
- const size_t pos = str.find(ch);
- if (pos != S::npos)
- return S(str.c_str(), pos); //data is non-empty string in this context: else ch would not have been found!
- else
- return str;
-template <class S, class T> inline
-std::vector<S> split(const S& str, const T& delimiter)
- assert_static(StringTraits<T>::isStringLike);
- std::vector<S> output;
- size_t bockStart = 0;
- size_t delimLen = strLength(delimiter);
- if (delimLen != 0)
- {
- for (size_t blockEnd = str.find(delimiter, bockStart);
- blockEnd != S::npos;
- bockStart = blockEnd + delimLen, blockEnd = str.find(delimiter, bockStart))
- {
- output.push_back(S(str.c_str() + bockStart, blockEnd - bockStart));
- }
- }
- output.push_back(S(str.c_str() + bockStart, str.length() - bockStart));
- return output;
-template <class S> inline
-void truncate(S& str, size_t newLen)
- if (newLen < str.length())
- str.resize(newLen);
-template <class S, class T, class U> inline
-void replace(S& str, const T& old, const U& replacement, bool replaceAll)
- assert_static(StringTraits<T>::isStringLike);
- assert_static(StringTraits<U>::isStringLike);
- size_t pos = 0;
- size_t oldLen = strLength(old);
- size_t repLen = strLength(replacement);
- while ((pos = str.find(old, pos)) != S::npos)
- {
- str.replace(pos, oldLen, replacement);
- pos += repLen; //move past the string that was replaced
- if (!replaceAll)
- break;
- }
-template <class S> inline
-void trim(S& str, bool fromLeft, bool fromRight)
- assert(fromLeft || fromRight);
- typedef typename S::value_type CharType;
- const CharType* newBegin = str.c_str();
- const CharType* newEnd = str.c_str() + str.length();
- if (fromRight)
- while (newBegin != newEnd && cStringIsWhiteSpace(newEnd[-1]))
- --newEnd;
- if (fromLeft)
- while (newBegin != newEnd && cStringIsWhiteSpace(*newBegin))
- ++newBegin;
- const size_t newLength = newEnd - newBegin;
- if (newLength != str.length())
- {
- if (newBegin != str.c_str())
- str = S(newBegin, newLength); //minor inefficiency: in case "str" is not shared, we could save an allocation and do a memory move only
- else
- str.resize(newLength);
- }
-namespace implementation
-template <class S, class T>
-struct CnvtStringToString
- T convert(const S& src) const { return T(strBegin(src), strLength(src)); }
-template <class S>
-struct CnvtStringToString<S, S> //perf: we don't need a deep copy if string types match
- const S& convert(const S& src) const { return src; }
-template <class T, class S> inline
-T cvrtString(const S& str) { return implementation::CnvtStringToString<S, T>().convert(str); }
-namespace implementation
-enum NumberType
-template <class S, class Num, NumberType>
-struct CvrtNumberToString
- S convert(const Num& number) const //default number to string conversion using streams: convenient, but SLOW, SLOW, SLOW!!!! (~ factor of 20)
- {
- typedef typename StringTraits<S>::CharType CharType;
- std::basic_ostringstream<CharType> ss;
- ss << number;
- return cvrtString<S>(ss.str());
- }
-template <class S, class Num>
-struct CvrtNumberToString<S, Num, NUM_TYPE_FLOATING_POINT>
- S convert(const Num& number) const { return convertFloat(number, typename StringTraits<S>::CharType()); }
- S convertFloat(const Num& number, char) const
- {
- char buffer[50];
- int charsWritten = std::sprintf(buffer, "%f", static_cast<double>(number));
- return charsWritten > 0 ? S(buffer, charsWritten) : S();
- }
- S convertFloat(const Num& number, wchar_t) const
- {
- wchar_t buffer[50];
-#ifdef __MINGW32__
- int charsWritten = ::swprintf(buffer, L"%f", static_cast<double>(number)); //MinGW does not comply to the C standard here
- int charsWritten = std::swprintf(buffer, 50, L"%f", static_cast<double>(number));
- return charsWritten > 0 ? S(buffer, charsWritten) : S();
- }
-perf: integer to string: (executed 10 mio. times)
- std::stringstream - 14796 ms
- std::sprintf - 3086 ms
- hand coded - 778 ms
-template <class S, class Num> inline
-S formatInteger(Num n, bool hasMinus)
- assert(n >= 0);
- S output;
- do
- {
- output += '0' + n % 10;
- n /= 10;
- }
- while (n != 0);
- if (hasMinus)
- output += '-';
- std::reverse(output.begin(), output.end());
- return output;
-template <class S, class Num>
-struct CvrtNumberToString<S, Num, NUM_TYPE_SIGNED_INT>
- S convert(const Num& number) const { return formatInteger<S>(number < 0 ? -number : number, number < 0); }
-template <class S, class Num>
-struct CvrtNumberToString<S, Num, NUM_TYPE_UNSIGNED_INT>
- S convert(const Num& number) const { return formatInteger<S>(number, false); }
-template <class S, class Num, NumberType>
-struct CvrtStringToNumber
- Num convert(const S& str) const //default string to number conversion using streams: convenient, but SLOW
- {
- typedef typename StringTraits<S>::CharType CharType;
- Num number = 0;
- std::basic_istringstream<CharType>(cvrtString<std::basic_string<CharType> >(str)) >> number;
- return number;
- }
-template <class S, class Num>
-struct CvrtStringToNumber<S, Num, NUM_TYPE_FLOATING_POINT>
- Num convert(const S& str) const { return convertFloat(strBegin(str)); }
- Num convertFloat(const char* str) const { return std::strtod(str, NULL); }
- Num convertFloat(const wchar_t* str) const { return std::wcstod(str, NULL); }
-template <class Num, class S>
-Num extractInteger(const S& str, bool& hasMinusSign) //very fast conversion to integers: slightly faster than std::atoi, but more importantly: generic
- typedef typename StringTraits<S>::CharType CharType;
- const CharType* first = strBegin(str);
- const CharType* last = first + strLength(str);
- while (first != last && cStringIsWhiteSpace(*first)) //skip leading whitespace
- ++first;
- hasMinusSign = false; //handle minus sign
- if (first != last)
- {
- if (*first == '-')
- {
- hasMinusSign = true;
- ++first;
- }
- else if (*first == '+')
- ++first;
- }
- Num number = 0;
- for (const CharType* iter = first; iter != last; ++iter)
- {
- const CharType c = *iter;
- if ('0' <= c && c <= '9')
- {
- number *= 10;
- number += c - '0';
- }
- else
- {
- assert(std::find_if(iter, last, std::not1(std::ptr_fun(&cStringIsWhiteSpace<CharType>))) == last); //rest of string should contain whitespace only
- break;
- }
- }
- return number;
-template <class S, class Num>
-struct CvrtStringToNumber<S, Num, NUM_TYPE_SIGNED_INT>
- Num convert(const S& str) const
- {
- bool hasMinusSign = false; //handle minus sign
- const Num number = extractInteger<Num>(str, hasMinusSign);
- return hasMinusSign ? -number : number;
- }
-template <class S, class Num>
-struct CvrtStringToNumber<S, Num, NUM_TYPE_UNSIGNED_INT>
- Num convert(const S& str) const //very fast conversion to integers: slightly faster than std::atoi, but more importantly: generic
- {
- bool hasMinusSign = false; //handle minus sign
- const Num number = extractInteger<Num>(str, hasMinusSign);
- if (hasMinusSign)
- {
- assert(false);
- return 0U;
- }
- return number;
- }
-template <class S, class Num>
-S toString(const Num& number) //convert number to string the C++ way
- using namespace implementation;
- return CvrtNumberToString < S, Num,
- Loki::TypeTraits<Num>::isSignedInt ? NUM_TYPE_SIGNED_INT :
- Loki::TypeTraits<Num>::isUnsignedInt ? NUM_TYPE_UNSIGNED_INT :
- Loki::TypeTraits<Num>::isFloat ? NUM_TYPE_FLOATING_POINT :
- > ().convert(number);
-template <class Num, class S>
-Num toNumber(const S& str) //convert string to number the C++ way
- using namespace implementation;
- return CvrtStringToNumber < S, Num,
- Loki::TypeTraits<Num>::isSignedInt ? NUM_TYPE_SIGNED_INT :
- Loki::TypeTraits<Num>::isUnsignedInt ? NUM_TYPE_UNSIGNED_INT :
- Loki::TypeTraits<Num>::isFloat ? NUM_TYPE_FLOATING_POINT :
- > ().convert(str);
-#endif //STRING_TOOLS_HEADER_213458973046