path: root/shared/file_io.cpp
diff options
authorDaniel Wilhelm <>2014-04-18 17:15:16 +0200
committerDaniel Wilhelm <>2014-04-18 17:15:16 +0200
commitbd6336c629841c6db3a6ca53a936d629d34db53b (patch)
tree3721ef997864108df175ce677a8a7d4342a6f1d2 /shared/file_io.cpp
parent4.0 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'shared/file_io.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 217 deletions
diff --git a/shared/file_io.cpp b/shared/file_io.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 59b78044..00000000
--- a/shared/file_io.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-// **************************************************************************
-// * This file is part of the FreeFileSync project. It is distributed under *
-// * GNU General Public License: *
-// * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 ZenJu (zhnmju123 AT *
-// **************************************************************************
-#include "file_io.h"
-#include "last_error.h"
-#include "i18n.h"
-#ifdef FFS_WIN
-#include "long_path_prefix.h"
-#elif defined FFS_LINUX
-#include <cerrno>
-using namespace zen;
-FileInput::FileInput(FileHandle handle, const Zstring& filename) :
- eofReached(false),
- fileHandle(handle),
- filename_(filename) {}
-FileInput::FileInput(const Zstring& filename) : //throw FileError, ErrorNotExisting
- eofReached(false),
- filename_(filename)
-#ifdef FFS_WIN
- fileHandle = ::CreateFile(zen::applyLongPathPrefix(filename).c_str(),
- FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, //all shared modes are required to read open files that are shared by other applications
- 0,
- /* possible values: (Reference
- tests on Win7 x64 show that FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN provides best performance for binary comparison in all cases:
- - comparing different physical disks (DVD <-> HDD and HDD <-> HDD)
- - even on same physical disk! (HDD <-> HDD)
- - independent from client buffer size!
- tests on XP show that FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN provides best performance for binary comparison when
- - comparing different physical disks (DVD <-> HDD)
- while FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS offers best performance for
- - same physical disk (HDD <-> HDD)
- Problem: bad XP implementation of prefetch makes flag FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN effectively load two files at once from one drive
- swapping every 64 kB (or similar). File access times explode!
- => For XP it is critical to use FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS (to disable prefetch) if reading two files on same disk and
- FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN when reading from different disk (e.g. massive performance improvement compared to random access for DVD <-> HDD!)
- => there is no compromise that satisfies all cases! (on XP)
- for FFS most comparisons are probably between different disks => let's use FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN
- */
- NULL);
- if (fileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
- {
- const DWORD lastError = ::GetLastError();
- std::wstring errorMessage = _("Error opening file:") + "\n\"" + filename_ + "\"" + "\n\n" + zen::getLastErrorFormatted(lastError);
- if (lastError == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ||
- lastError == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)
- throw ErrorNotExisting(errorMessage);
- throw FileError(errorMessage);
- }
-#elif defined FFS_LINUX
- fileHandle = ::fopen(filename.c_str(), "r,type=record,noseek"); //utilize UTF-8 filename
- if (fileHandle == NULL)
- {
- const int lastError = errno;
- std::wstring errorMessage = _("Error opening file:") + "\n\"" + filename_ + "\"" + "\n\n" + zen::getLastErrorFormatted(lastError);
- if (lastError == ENOENT)
- throw ErrorNotExisting(errorMessage);
- throw FileError(errorMessage);
- }
-#ifdef FFS_WIN
- ::CloseHandle(fileHandle);
-#elif defined FFS_LINUX
- ::fclose(fileHandle); //NEVER allow passing NULL to fclose! -> crash!; fileHandle != NULL in this context!
-size_t FileInput::read(void* buffer, size_t bytesToRead) //returns actual number of bytes read; throw (FileError)
-#ifdef FFS_WIN
- DWORD bytesRead = 0;
- if (!::ReadFile(fileHandle, //__in HANDLE hFile,
- buffer, //__out LPVOID lpBuffer,
- static_cast<DWORD>(bytesToRead), //__in DWORD nNumberOfBytesToRead,
- &bytesRead, //__out_opt LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead,
- NULL)) //__inout_opt LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped
-#elif defined FFS_LINUX
- const size_t bytesRead = ::fread(buffer, 1, bytesToRead, fileHandle);
- if (::ferror(fileHandle) != 0)
- throw FileError(_("Error reading file:") + "\n\"" + filename_ + "\"" + "\n\n" + zen::getLastErrorFormatted() + " (r)");
-#ifdef FFS_WIN
- if (bytesRead < bytesToRead) //falsify only!
-#elif defined FFS_LINUX
- if (::feof(fileHandle) != 0)
- eofReached = true;
- if (bytesRead > bytesToRead)
- throw FileError(_("Error reading file:") + "\n\"" + filename_ + "\"" + "\n\n" + "buffer overflow");
- return bytesRead;
-bool FileInput::eof() //end of file reached
- return eofReached;
-FileOutput::FileOutput(FileHandle handle, const Zstring& filename) : fileHandle(handle), filename_(filename) {}
-FileOutput::FileOutput(const Zstring& filename, AccessFlag access) : //throw FileError, ErrorTargetPathMissing, ErrorTargetExisting
- filename_(filename)
-#ifdef FFS_WIN
- fileHandle = ::CreateFile(zen::applyLongPathPrefix(filename).c_str(),
- /*
- quote: When an application creates a file across a network, it is better
- to use GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE for dwDesiredAccess than to use GENERIC_WRITE alone.
- The resulting code is faster, because the redirector can use the cache manager and send fewer SMBs with more data.
- This combination also avoids an issue where writing to a file across a network can occasionally return ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. */
- FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, //note: FILE_SHARE_DELETE is required to rename file while handle is open!
- 0,
- NULL);
- if (fileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
- {
- const DWORD lastError = ::GetLastError();
- std::wstring errorMessage = _("Error writing file:") + "\n\"" + filename_ + "\"" + "\n\n" + zen::getLastErrorFormatted(lastError);
- if (lastError == ERROR_FILE_EXISTS)
- throw ErrorTargetExisting(errorMessage);
- if (lastError == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)
- throw ErrorTargetPathMissing(errorMessage);
- throw FileError(errorMessage);
- }
-#elif defined FFS_LINUX
- fileHandle = ::fopen(filename.c_str(),
- //GNU extension:
- access == ACC_OVERWRITE ? "w,type=record,noseek" : "wx,type=record,noseek");
- if (fileHandle == NULL)
- {
- const int lastError = errno;
- std::wstring errorMessage = _("Error writing file:") + "\n\"" + filename_ + "\"" + "\n\n" + zen::getLastErrorFormatted(lastError);
- if (lastError == EEXIST)
- throw ErrorTargetExisting(errorMessage);
- if (lastError == ENOENT)
- throw ErrorTargetPathMissing(errorMessage);
- throw FileError(errorMessage);
- }
-#ifdef FFS_WIN
- ::CloseHandle(fileHandle);
-#elif defined FFS_LINUX
- ::fclose(fileHandle); //NEVER allow passing NULL to fclose! -> crash!
-void FileOutput::write(const void* buffer, size_t bytesToWrite) //throw FileError
-#ifdef FFS_WIN
- DWORD bytesWritten = 0;
- if (!::WriteFile(fileHandle, //__in HANDLE hFile,
- buffer, //__out LPVOID lpBuffer,
- static_cast<DWORD>(bytesToWrite), //__in DWORD nNumberOfBytesToWrite,
- &bytesWritten, //__out_opt LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesWritten,
- NULL)) //__inout_opt LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped
-#elif defined FFS_LINUX
- const size_t bytesWritten = ::fwrite(buffer, 1, bytesToWrite, fileHandle);
- if (::ferror(fileHandle) != 0)
- throw FileError(_("Error writing file:") + "\n\"" + filename_ + "\"" + "\n\n" + zen::getLastErrorFormatted() + " (w)"); //w -> distinguish from fopen error message!
- if (bytesWritten != bytesToWrite) //must be fulfilled for synchronous writes!
- throw FileError(_("Error writing file:") + "\n\"" + filename_ + "\"" + "\n\n" + "incomplete write");