path: root/FreeFileSync/Source/afs/native.cpp
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authorDaniel Wilhelm <>2019-05-12 22:44:22 +0000
committerDaniel Wilhelm <>2019-05-12 22:44:22 +0000
commit2cb4599782d970f386a67dfd4f4dab0d531d4348 (patch)
treeb873b15f50a981aacf8bb49fd646bfded2e7a73b /FreeFileSync/Source/afs/native.cpp
parentMerge branch '10.11' into 'master' (diff)
parent10.12 (diff)
Merge branch '10.12' into 'master'10.12
10.12 See merge request opensource-tracking/FreeFileSync!9
Diffstat (limited to 'FreeFileSync/Source/afs/native.cpp')
1 files changed, 685 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/FreeFileSync/Source/afs/native.cpp b/FreeFileSync/Source/afs/native.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4e883279
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FreeFileSync/Source/afs/native.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,685 @@
+// *****************************************************************************
+// * This file is part of the FreeFileSync project. It is distributed under *
+// * GNU General Public License: *
+// * Copyright (C) Zenju (zenju AT freefilesync DOT org) - All Rights Reserved *
+// *****************************************************************************
+#include "native.h"
+#include <zen/file_access.h>
+#include <zen/symlink_target.h>
+#include <zen/file_io.h>
+#include <zen/file_id_def.h>
+#include <zen/stl_tools.h>
+#include <zen/recycler.h>
+#include <zen/thread.h>
+#include <zen/guid.h>
+#include <zen/crc.h>
+#include "abstract_impl.h"
+#include "../base/resolve_path.h"
+#include "../base/icon_loader.h"
+ #include <cstddef> //offsetof
+ #include <sys/stat.h>
+ #include <dirent.h>
+ #include <fcntl.h> //fallocate, fcntl
+using namespace zen;
+using namespace fff;
+using AFS = AbstractFileSystem;
+void initComForThread() //throw FileError
+AFS::FileId convertToAbstractFileId(const zen::FileId& fid)
+ if (fid == zen::FileId())
+ return AFS::FileId();
+ AFS::FileId out(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&fid.volumeId), sizeof(fid.volumeId));
+ out. append(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&fid.fileIndex), sizeof(fid.fileIndex));
+ return out;
+struct NativeFileInfo
+ time_t modTime;
+ uint64_t fileSize;
+ FileId fileId; //optional
+NativeFileInfo getFileAttributes(FileBase::FileHandle fh) //throw SysError
+ struct ::stat fileAttr = {};
+ if (::fstat(fh, &fileAttr) != 0)
+ return
+ {
+ fileAttr.st_mtime,
+ makeUnsigned(fileAttr.st_size),
+ generateFileId(fileAttr)
+ };
+struct FsItemRaw
+ Zstring itemName;
+ Zstring itemPath;
+std::vector<FsItemRaw> getDirContentFlat(const Zstring& dirPath) //throw FileError
+ //no need to check for endless recursion:
+ //1. Linux has a fixed limit on the number of symbolic links in a path
+ //2. fails with "too many open files" or "path too long" before reaching stack overflow
+ DIR* folder = ::opendir(dirPath.c_str()); //directory must NOT end with path separator, except "/"
+ if (!folder)
+ THROW_LAST_FILE_ERROR(replaceCpy(_("Cannot open directory %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(dirPath)), L"opendir");
+ ZEN_ON_SCOPE_EXIT(::closedir(folder)); //never close nullptr handles! -> crash
+ std::vector<FsItemRaw> output;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ /*
+ Linux:
+ "It is recommended that applications use readdir(3) instead of readdir_r"
+ "... in modern implementations (including the glibc implementation), concurrent calls to readdir(3) that specify different directory streams are thread-safe"
+ macOS:
+ - libc: readdir thread-safe already in code from 2000:
+ - and in the latest version from 2017:
+ */
+ errno = 0;
+ const struct ::dirent* dirEntry = ::readdir(folder);
+ if (!dirEntry)
+ {
+ if (errno == 0) //errno left unchanged => no more items
+ return output;
+ THROW_LAST_FILE_ERROR(replaceCpy(_("Cannot read directory %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(dirPath)), L"readdir");
+ //don't retry but restart dir traversal on error!
+ }
+ const char* itemNameRaw = dirEntry->d_name; //evaluate dirEntry *before* going into recursion
+ //skip "." and ".."
+ if (itemNameRaw[0] == '.' &&
+ (itemNameRaw[1] == 0 || (itemNameRaw[1] == '.' && itemNameRaw[2] == 0)))
+ continue;
+ /*
+ Unicode normalization is file-system-dependent:
+ OS Accepts Gives back
+ ---------- ------- ----------
+ macOS (HFS+) all NFD
+ Linux all <input>
+ Windows (NTFS, FAT) all <input>
+ some file systems return precomposed others decomposed UTF8:
+ - OS X edit controls and text fields may return precomposed UTF as directly received by keyboard or decomposed UTF that was copy & pasted in!
+ - Posix APIs require decomposed form:
+ => General recommendation: always preserve input UNCHANGED (both unicode normalization and case sensitivity)
+ => normalize only when needed during string comparison
+ Create sample files on Linux: touch decomposed-$'\x6f\xcc\x81'.txt
+ touch precomposed-$'\xc3\xb3'.txt
+ - SMB sharing case-sensitive or NFD file names is fundamentally broken on macOS:
+ => the macOS SMB manager internally buffers file names as case-insensitive and NFC (= just like NTFS on Windows)
+ => test: create SMB share from Linux => *boom* on macOS: "Error Code 2: No such file or directory [lstat]"
+ or WORSE: folders "test" and "Test" *both* incorrectly return the content of one of the two
+ */
+ const Zstring& itemName = itemNameRaw;
+ if (itemName.empty())
+ throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot read directory %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(dirPath)), L"readdir: Data corruption; item with empty name.");
+ const Zstring& itemPath = appendSeparator(dirPath) + itemName;
+ output.push_back({ itemName, itemPath});
+ }
+struct ItemDetailsRaw
+ ItemType type;
+ time_t modTime; //number of seconds since Jan. 1st 1970 UTC
+ uint64_t fileSize; //unit: bytes!
+ FileId fileId;
+ItemDetailsRaw getItemDetails(const Zstring& itemPath) //throw FileError
+ struct ::stat statData = {};
+ if (::lstat(itemPath.c_str(), &statData) != 0) //lstat() does not resolve symlinks
+ THROW_LAST_FILE_ERROR(replaceCpy(_("Cannot read file attributes of %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(itemPath)), L"lstat");
+ return { S_ISLNK(statData.st_mode) ? ItemType::SYMLINK : //on Linux there is no distinction between file and directory symlinks!
+ (S_ISDIR(statData.st_mode) ? ItemType::FOLDER :
+ ItemType::FILE), //a file or named pipe, etc. => dont't check using S_ISREG(): see comment in file_traverser.cpp
+ statData.st_mtime, makeUnsigned(statData.st_size), generateFileId(statData) };
+ItemDetailsRaw getSymlinkTargetDetails(const Zstring& linkPath) //throw FileError
+ struct ::stat statData = {};
+ if (::stat(linkPath.c_str(), &statData) != 0)
+ THROW_LAST_FILE_ERROR(replaceCpy(_("Cannot resolve symbolic link %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(linkPath)), L"stat");
+ return { S_ISDIR(statData.st_mode) ? ItemType::FOLDER : ItemType::FILE, statData.st_mtime, makeUnsigned(statData.st_size), generateFileId(statData) };
+class SingleFolderTraverser
+ SingleFolderTraverser(const std::vector<std::pair<Zstring, std::shared_ptr<AFS::TraverserCallback>>>& workload /*throw X*/)
+ {
+ for (const auto& [folderPath, cb] : workload)
+ workload_.push_back({ folderPath, cb });
+ while (!workload_.empty())
+ {
+ WorkItem wi = std::move(workload_. back()); //yes, no strong exception guarantee (std::bad_alloc)
+ /**/ workload_.pop_back(); //
+ tryReportingDirError([&] //throw X
+ {
+ traverseWithException(wi.dirPath, *wi.cb); //throw FileError, X
+ }, *wi.cb);
+ }
+ }
+ SingleFolderTraverser (const SingleFolderTraverser&) = delete;
+ SingleFolderTraverser& operator=(const SingleFolderTraverser&) = delete;
+ void traverseWithException(const Zstring& dirPath, AFS::TraverserCallback& cb) //throw FileError, X
+ {
+ for (const auto& [itemName, itemPath] : getDirContentFlat(dirPath)) //throw FileError
+ {
+ ItemDetailsRaw detailsRaw = {};
+ if (!tryReportingItemError([&] //throw X
+ {
+ detailsRaw = getItemDetails(itemPath); //throw FileError
+ }, cb, itemName))
+ continue; //ignore error: skip file
+ switch (detailsRaw.type)
+ {
+ case ItemType::FILE:
+ cb.onFile({ itemName, detailsRaw.fileSize, detailsRaw.modTime, convertToAbstractFileId(detailsRaw.fileId), nullptr /*symlinkInfo*/ }); //throw X
+ break;
+ case ItemType::FOLDER:
+ if (std::shared_ptr<AFS::TraverserCallback> cbSub = cb.onFolder({ itemName, nullptr /*symlinkInfo*/ })) //throw X
+ workload_.push_back({ itemPath, std::move(cbSub) });
+ break;
+ case ItemType::SYMLINK:
+ switch (cb.onSymlink({ itemName, detailsRaw.modTime })) //throw X
+ {
+ case AFS::TraverserCallback::LINK_FOLLOW:
+ {
+ ItemDetailsRaw linkDetails = {};
+ if (!tryReportingItemError([&] //throw X
+ {
+ linkDetails = getSymlinkTargetDetails(itemPath); //throw FileError
+ }, cb, itemName))
+ continue;
+ const AFS::SymlinkInfo linkInfo = { itemName, linkDetails.modTime };
+ if (linkDetails.type == ItemType::FOLDER)
+ {
+ if (std::shared_ptr<AFS::TraverserCallback> cbSub = cb.onFolder({ itemName, &linkInfo })) //throw X
+ workload_.push_back({ itemPath, std::move(cbSub) });
+ }
+ else //a file or named pipe, etc.
+ cb.onFile({ itemName, linkDetails.fileSize, linkDetails.modTime, convertToAbstractFileId(linkDetails.fileId), &linkInfo }); //throw X
+ }
+ break;
+ case AFS::TraverserCallback::LINK_SKIP:
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ struct WorkItem
+ {
+ Zstring dirPath;
+ std::shared_ptr<AFS::TraverserCallback> cb;
+ };
+ std::vector<WorkItem> workload_;
+void traverseFolderRecursiveNative(const std::vector<std::pair<Zstring, std::shared_ptr<AFS::TraverserCallback>>>& workload /*throw X*/, size_t) //throw X
+ SingleFolderTraverser dummy(workload); //throw X
+class RecycleSessionNative : public AbstractFileSystem::RecycleSession
+ RecycleSessionNative(const Zstring& baseFolderPath) : baseFolderPath_(baseFolderPath) {}
+ void recycleItemIfExists(const AbstractPath& itemPath, const Zstring& logicalRelPath) override; //throw FileError
+ void tryCleanup(const std::function<void (const std::wstring& displayPath)>& notifyDeletionStatus /*throw X*/) override; //throw FileError, X
+ const Zstring baseFolderPath_; //ends with path separator
+struct InputStreamNative : public AbstractFileSystem::InputStream
+ InputStreamNative(const Zstring& filePath, const IOCallback& notifyUnbufferedIO /*throw X*/) : fi_(filePath, notifyUnbufferedIO) {} //throw FileError, ErrorFileLocked
+ size_t read(void* buffer, size_t bytesToRead) override { return, bytesToRead); } //throw FileError, ErrorFileLocked, X; return "bytesToRead" bytes unless end of stream!
+ size_t getBlockSize() const override { return fi_.getBlockSize(); } //non-zero block size is AFS contract!
+ std::optional<AFS::StreamAttributes> getAttributesBuffered() override //throw FileError
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ const NativeFileInfo fileInfo = getFileAttributes(fi_.getHandle()); //throw SysError
+ return
+ AFS::StreamAttributes(
+ {
+ fileInfo.modTime,
+ fileInfo.fileSize,
+ convertToAbstractFileId(fileInfo.fileId)
+ });
+ }
+ catch (const SysError& e) { throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot read file attributes of %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(fi_.getFilePath())), e.toString()); }
+ }
+ FileInput fi_;
+struct OutputStreamNative : public AbstractFileSystem::OutputStreamImpl
+ OutputStreamNative(const Zstring& filePath,
+ std::optional<uint64_t> streamSize,
+ std::optional<time_t> modTime,
+ const IOCallback& notifyUnbufferedIO /*throw X*/) :
+ fo_(FileOutput::ACC_CREATE_NEW, filePath, notifyUnbufferedIO), //throw FileError, ErrorTargetExisting
+ modTime_(modTime)
+ {
+ if (streamSize) //pre-allocate file space, because we can
+ fo_.preAllocateSpaceBestEffort(*streamSize); //throw FileError
+ }
+ void write(const void* buffer, size_t bytesToWrite) override { fo_.write(buffer, bytesToWrite); } //throw FileError, X
+ AFS::FinalizeResult finalize() override //throw FileError, X
+ {
+ AFS::FinalizeResult result;
+ try
+ {
+ result.fileId = convertToAbstractFileId(getFileAttributes(fo_.getHandle()).fileId); //throw SysError
+ }
+ catch (const SysError& e) { throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot read file attributes of %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(fo_.getFilePath())), e.toString()); }
+ fo_.finalize(); //throw FileError, X
+ try
+ {
+ if (modTime_)
+ zen::setFileTime(fo_.getFilePath(), *modTime_, ProcSymlink::FOLLOW); //throw FileError
+ /* is setting modtime after closing the file handle a pessimization?
+ Native: no, needed for functional correctness, see file_access.cpp */
+ }
+ catch (const FileError& e) { result.errorModTime = FileError(e.toString()); /*avoid slicing*/ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ FileOutput fo_;
+ const std::optional<time_t> modTime_;
+class NativeFileSystem : public AbstractFileSystem
+ NativeFileSystem(const Zstring& rootPath) : rootPath_(rootPath) {}
+ Zstring getNativePath(const AfsPath& afsPath) const { return nativeAppendPaths(rootPath_, afsPath.value); }
+ std::optional<Zstring> getNativeItemPath(const AfsPath& afsPath) const override { return getNativePath(afsPath); }
+ Zstring getInitPathPhrase(const AfsPath& afsPath) const override { return getNativePath(afsPath); }
+ std::wstring getDisplayPath(const AfsPath& afsPath) const override { return utfTo<std::wstring>(getNativePath(afsPath)); }
+ bool isNullFileSystem() const override { return rootPath_.empty(); }
+ int compareDeviceSameAfsType(const AbstractFileSystem& afsRhs) const override
+ {
+ const Zstring& rootPathRhs = static_cast<const NativeFileSystem&>(afsRhs).rootPath_;
+ return compareNativePath(rootPath_, rootPathRhs);
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ItemType getItemType(const AfsPath& afsPath) const override //throw FileError
+ {
+ initComForThread(); //throw FileError
+ switch (zen::getItemType(getNativePath(afsPath))) //throw FileError
+ {
+ case zen::ItemType::FILE:
+ return AFS::ItemType::FILE;
+ case zen::ItemType::FOLDER:
+ return AFS::ItemType::FOLDER;
+ case zen::ItemType::SYMLINK:
+ return AFS::ItemType::SYMLINK;
+ }
+ assert(false);
+ return AFS::ItemType::FILE;
+ }
+ std::optional<ItemType> itemStillExists(const AfsPath& afsPath) const override //throw FileError
+ {
+ //default implementation: folder traversal
+ return AbstractFileSystem::itemStillExists(afsPath); //throw FileError
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //already existing: fail/ignore
+ //=> Native will fail and give a clear error message
+ void createFolderPlain(const AfsPath& afsPath) const override //throw FileError
+ {
+ initComForThread(); //throw FileError
+ createDirectory(getNativePath(afsPath)); //throw FileError, ErrorTargetExisting
+ }
+ void removeFilePlain(const AfsPath& afsPath) const override //throw FileError
+ {
+ initComForThread(); //throw FileError
+ zen::removeFilePlain(getNativePath(afsPath)); //throw FileError
+ }
+ void removeSymlinkPlain(const AfsPath& afsPath) const override //throw FileError
+ {
+ initComForThread(); //throw FileError
+ zen::removeSymlinkPlain(getNativePath(afsPath)); //throw FileError
+ }
+ void removeFolderPlain(const AfsPath& afsPath) const override //throw FileError
+ {
+ initComForThread(); //throw FileError
+ zen::removeDirectoryPlain(getNativePath(afsPath)); //throw FileError
+ }
+ void removeFolderIfExistsRecursion(const AfsPath& afsPath, //throw FileError
+ const std::function<void (const std::wstring& displayPath)>& onBeforeFileDeletion /*throw X*/, //optional
+ const std::function<void (const std::wstring& displayPath)>& onBeforeFolderDeletion) const override //one call for each object!
+ {
+ //default implementation: folder traversal
+ AbstractFileSystem::removeFolderIfExistsRecursion(afsPath, onBeforeFileDeletion, onBeforeFolderDeletion); //throw FileError, X
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ AbstractPath getSymlinkResolvedPath(const AfsPath& afsPath) const override //throw FileError
+ {
+ initComForThread(); //throw FileError
+ const Zstring nativePath = getNativePath(afsPath);
+ const Zstring resolvedPath = zen::getSymlinkResolvedPath(nativePath); //throw FileError
+ const std::optional<zen::PathComponents> comp = parsePathComponents(resolvedPath);
+ if (!comp)
+ throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot determine final path for %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(nativePath)),
+ replaceCpy<std::wstring>(L"Invalid path %x.", L"%x", fmtPath(resolvedPath)));
+ return AbstractPath(makeSharedRef<NativeFileSystem>(comp->rootPath), AfsPath(comp->relPath));
+ }
+ std::string getSymlinkBinaryContent(const AfsPath& afsPath) const override //throw FileError
+ {
+ initComForThread(); //throw FileError
+ const Zstring nativePath = getNativePath(afsPath);
+ std::string content = utfTo<std::string>(getSymlinkTargetRaw(nativePath)); //throw FileError
+ return content;
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //return value always bound:
+ std::unique_ptr<InputStream> getInputStream(const AfsPath& afsPath, const IOCallback& notifyUnbufferedIO /*throw X*/) const override //throw FileError, ErrorFileLocked
+ {
+ initComForThread(); //throw FileError
+ return std::make_unique<InputStreamNative>(getNativePath(afsPath), notifyUnbufferedIO); //throw FileError, ErrorFileLocked
+ }
+ //target existing: undefined behavior! (fail/overwrite/auto-rename) => Native will fail and give a clear error message
+ std::unique_ptr<OutputStreamImpl> getOutputStream(const AfsPath& afsPath, //throw FileError
+ std::optional<uint64_t> streamSize,
+ std::optional<time_t> modTime,
+ const IOCallback& notifyUnbufferedIO /*throw X*/) const override
+ {
+ initComForThread(); //throw FileError
+ return std::make_unique<OutputStreamNative>(getNativePath(afsPath), streamSize, modTime, notifyUnbufferedIO); //throw FileError
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void traverseFolderRecursive(const TraverserWorkload& workload /*throw X*/, size_t parallelOps) const override
+ {
+ //initComForThread() -> done on traverser worker threads
+ std::vector<std::pair<Zstring, std::shared_ptr<TraverserCallback>>> initialWorkItems;
+ for (const auto& [folderPath, cb] : workload)
+ initialWorkItems.emplace_back(getNativePath(folderPath), cb);
+ traverseFolderRecursiveNative(initialWorkItems, parallelOps); //throw X
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //symlink handling: follow link!
+ //target existing: undefined behavior! (fail/overwrite/auto-rename) => Native will fail and give a clear error message
+ FileCopyResult copyFileForSameAfsType(const AfsPath& afsPathSource, const StreamAttributes& attrSource, //throw FileError, ErrorFileLocked, X
+ const AbstractPath& apTarget, bool copyFilePermissions, const IOCallback& notifyUnbufferedIO /*throw X*/) const override
+ {
+ const Zstring nativePathTarget = static_cast<const NativeFileSystem&>(apTarget.afsDevice.ref()).getNativePath(apTarget.afsPath);
+ initComForThread(); //throw FileError
+ const zen::FileCopyResult nativeResult = copyNewFile(getNativePath(afsPathSource), nativePathTarget, //throw FileError, ErrorTargetExisting, ErrorFileLocked, X
+ copyFilePermissions, notifyUnbufferedIO);
+ FileCopyResult result;
+ result.fileSize = nativeResult.fileSize;
+ result.modTime = nativeResult.modTime;
+ result.sourceFileId = convertToAbstractFileId(nativeResult.sourceFileId);
+ result.targetFileId = convertToAbstractFileId(nativeResult.targetFileId);
+ result.errorModTime = nativeResult.errorModTime;
+ return result;
+ }
+ //target existing: fail/ignore => Native will fail and give a clear error message
+ //symlink handling: follow link!
+ void copyNewFolderForSameAfsType(const AfsPath& afsPathSource, const AbstractPath& apTarget, bool copyFilePermissions) const override //throw FileError
+ {
+ initComForThread(); //throw FileError
+ const Zstring& sourcePath = getNativePath(afsPathSource);
+ const Zstring& targetPath = static_cast<const NativeFileSystem&>(apTarget.afsDevice.ref()).getNativePath(apTarget.afsPath);
+ zen::createDirectory(targetPath); //throw FileError, ErrorTargetExisting
+ ZEN_ON_SCOPE_FAIL(try { removeDirectoryPlain(targetPath); }
+ catch (FileError&) {});
+ //do NOT copy attributes for volume root paths which return as: FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY
+ //
+ if (getParentPath(afsPathSource)) //=> not a root path
+ tryCopyDirectoryAttributes(sourcePath, targetPath); //throw FileError
+ if (copyFilePermissions)
+ copyItemPermissions(sourcePath, targetPath, ProcSymlink::FOLLOW); //throw FileError
+ }
+ void copySymlinkForSameAfsType(const AfsPath& afsPathSource, const AbstractPath& apTarget, bool copyFilePermissions) const override //throw FileError
+ {
+ const Zstring nativePathTarget = static_cast<const NativeFileSystem&>(apTarget.afsDevice.ref()).getNativePath(apTarget.afsPath);
+ initComForThread(); //throw FileError
+ zen::copySymlink(getNativePath(afsPathSource), nativePathTarget, copyFilePermissions); //throw FileError
+ }
+ //target existing: undefined behavior! (fail/overwrite/auto-rename) => Native will fail and give a clear error message
+ void moveAndRenameItemForSameAfsType(const AfsPath& pathFrom, const AbstractPath& pathTo) const override //throw FileError, ErrorMoveUnsupported
+ {
+ //perf test: detecting different volumes by path is ~30 times faster than having ::MoveFileEx() fail with ERROR_NOT_SAME_DEVICE (6µs vs 190µs)
+ //=> maybe we can even save some actual I/O in some cases?
+ if (compareDeviceSameAfsType(pathTo.afsDevice.ref()) != 0)
+ throw ErrorMoveUnsupported(replaceCpy(replaceCpy(_("Cannot move file %x to %y."),
+ L"%x", L"\n" + fmtPath(getDisplayPath(pathFrom))),
+ L"%y", L"\n" + fmtPath(AFS::getDisplayPath(pathTo))),
+ _("Operation not supported between different devices."));
+ initComForThread(); //throw FileError
+ const Zstring nativePathTarget = static_cast<const NativeFileSystem&>(pathTo.afsDevice.ref()).getNativePath(pathTo.afsPath);
+ zen::moveAndRenameItem(getNativePath(pathFrom), nativePathTarget, false /*replaceExisting*/); //throw FileError, ErrorTargetExisting, ErrorMoveUnsupported
+ }
+ bool supportsPermissions(const AfsPath& afsPath) const override //throw FileError
+ {
+ initComForThread(); //throw FileError
+ return zen::supportsPermissions(getNativePath(afsPath));
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ImageHolder getFileIcon(const AfsPath& afsPath, int pixelSize) const override //noexcept; optional return value
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ initComForThread(); //throw FileError
+ return fff::getFileIcon(getNativePath(afsPath), pixelSize);
+ }
+ catch (FileError&) { assert(false); return ImageHolder(); }
+ }
+ ImageHolder getThumbnailImage(const AfsPath& afsPath, int pixelSize) const override //noexcept; optional return value
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ initComForThread(); //throw FileError
+ return fff::getThumbnailImage(getNativePath(afsPath), pixelSize);
+ }
+ catch (FileError&) { assert(false); return ImageHolder(); }
+ }
+ void authenticateAccess(bool allowUserInteraction) const override //throw FileError
+ {
+ }
+ int getAccessTimeout() const override { return 0; } //returns "0" if no timeout in force
+ bool hasNativeTransactionalCopy() const override { return false; }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ uint64_t getFreeDiskSpace(const AfsPath& afsPath) const override //throw FileError, returns 0 if not available
+ {
+ initComForThread(); //throw FileError
+ return zen::getFreeDiskSpace(getNativePath(afsPath)); //throw FileError
+ }
+ bool supportsRecycleBin(const AfsPath& afsPath) const override //throw FileError
+ {
+ return true; //truth be told: no idea!!!
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<RecycleSession> createRecyclerSession(const AfsPath& afsPath) const override //throw FileError, return value must be bound!
+ {
+ initComForThread(); //throw FileError
+ assert(supportsRecycleBin(afsPath));
+ return std::make_unique<RecycleSessionNative>(getNativePath(afsPath));
+ }
+ void recycleItemIfExists(const AfsPath& afsPath) const override //throw FileError
+ {
+ initComForThread(); //throw FileError
+ zen::recycleOrDeleteIfExists(getNativePath(afsPath)); //throw FileError
+ }
+ const Zstring rootPath_;
+//- return true if item existed
+//- multi-threaded access: internally synchronized!
+void RecycleSessionNative::recycleItemIfExists(const AbstractPath& itemPath, const Zstring& logicalRelPath) //throw FileError
+ assert(!startsWith(logicalRelPath, FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR));
+ std::optional<Zstring> itemPathNative = AFS::getNativeItemPath(itemPath);
+ if (!itemPathNative)
+ throw std::logic_error("Contract violation! " + std::string(__FILE__) + ":" + numberTo<std::string>(__LINE__));
+ recycleOrDeleteIfExists(*itemPathNative); //throw FileError
+void RecycleSessionNative::tryCleanup(const std::function<void (const std::wstring& displayPath)>& notifyDeletionStatus /*throw X*/) //throw FileError, X
+//coordinate changes with getResolvedFilePath()!
+bool fff::acceptsItemPathPhraseNative(const Zstring& itemPathPhrase) //noexcept
+ Zstring path = expandMacros(itemPathPhrase); //expand before trimming!
+ trim(path);
+ if (startsWith(path, Zstr("["))) //drive letter by volume name syntax
+ return true;
+ //don't accept relative paths!!! indistinguishable from MTP paths as shown in Explorer's address bar!
+ //don't accept empty paths (see drag & drop validation!)
+ return static_cast<bool>(parsePathComponents(path));
+AbstractPath fff::createItemPathNative(const Zstring& itemPathPhrase) //noexcept
+ //TODO: get volume by name hangs for idle HDD! => run createItemPathNative during getFolderStatusNonBlocking() but getResolvedFilePath currently not thread-safe!
+ const Zstring itemPath = getResolvedFilePath(itemPathPhrase);
+ return createItemPathNativeNoFormatting(itemPath);
+AbstractPath fff::createItemPathNativeNoFormatting(const Zstring& nativePath) //noexcept
+ if (const std::optional<PathComponents> comp = parsePathComponents(nativePath))
+ return AbstractPath(makeSharedRef<NativeFileSystem>(comp->rootPath), AfsPath(comp->relPath));
+ else //broken path syntax
+ return AbstractPath(makeSharedRef<NativeFileSystem>(nativePath), AfsPath());